
222 lines
5.8 KiB
Raw Permalink Normal View History

2016-12-29 07:49:51 +09:00
2017-11-06 19:16:14 +09:00
"name": "misskey",
"author": "syuilo <i@syuilo.com>",
2018-06-16 15:23:44 +09:00
"version": "3.0.1",
2018-06-16 07:40:39 +09:00
"clientVersion": "1.0.6517",
2018-03-28 09:27:57 +09:00
"codename": "nighthike",
2017-11-06 19:16:14 +09:00
"main": "./built/index.js",
"private": true,
"scripts": {
2018-04-15 12:13:10 +09:00
"config": "node ./cli/init.js",
2017-11-06 19:16:14 +09:00
"start": "node ./built",
"debug": "DEBUG=misskey:* node ./built",
"swagger": "node ./swagger.js",
2018-04-16 07:07:44 +09:00
"build": "webpack && gulp build",
"webpack": "webpack",
"watch": "webpack --watch",
2018-03-02 19:20:52 +09:00
"gulp": "gulp build",
2017-11-06 19:16:14 +09:00
"rebuild": "gulp rebuild",
"clean": "gulp clean",
"cleanall": "gulp cleanall",
"lint": "gulp lint",
"test": "gulp test",
"format": "gulp format"
2017-11-06 19:16:14 +09:00
"dependencies": {
"@fortawesome/fontawesome": "1.0.1",
2018-01-01 01:58:12 +09:00
"@fortawesome/fontawesome-free-brands": "5.0.2",
"@fortawesome/fontawesome-free-regular": "5.0.2",
"@fortawesome/fontawesome-free-solid": "5.0.2",
2018-04-13 11:50:36 +09:00
"@koa/cors": "2.2.1",
2017-11-23 13:25:33 +09:00
"@prezzemolo/rap": "0.1.2",
:up: move some packages to devDependencies that non required by server presumed by: - move-to-devdependencies.fish ```fish set targets (ls src | grep -v client | xargs -I'%' echo "src/%") alias from_import="git grep 'import ' $targets | grep -v 'from \'\.' | grep -v 'from \"\.' | cut -d: -f2 | cut -d\; -f1 | rev | cut -d' ' -f1 | rev | cut -d\' -f2 | sort | uniq | grep -v '^readline\$' | grep -v '^zlib\$' | grep -v '^os\$' | grep -v '^http\$' | grep -v '^fs\$' | grep -v '^events\$' | grep -v '^crypto\$' | grep -v '^child_process\$' | grep -v '^cluster\$'`" alias from_require="git grep 'require(' $targets | grep -v '(\'\.' | cut -d= -f2 | grep -v '__dirname' | grep require | cut -d' ' -f2 | cut -d')' -f1 | cut -d'(' -f2 | cut -d'\'' -f2 | sort | uniq | grep -v '^readline\$' | grep -v '^zlib\$' | grep -v '^os\$' | grep -v '^http\$' | grep -v '^fs\$' | grep -v '^events\$' | grep -v '^crypto\$' | grep -v '^child_process\$' | grep -v '^cluster\$'" from_import | xargs npm uninstall --save-dev from_require | xargs npm uninstall --save-dev from_import | xargs npm install --save from_require | xargs npm install --save git show HEAD:require | node revert-pinning-dependencies.js ``` - revert-pinning-dependencies.js ```js const readFromStdin = () => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const chunks = [] process.stdin.setEncoding('utf8') process.stdin.on('readable', () => { const chunk = process.stdin.read() if (chunk == null) return chunks.push(chunk) }) process.stdin.on('end', () => { return resolve(chunks.join('\n')) }) }) async function main () { const fs = require('fs') const raw = await readFromStdin() const head = JSON.parse(raw) const now = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('package.json')) Object.keys(now.dependencies).forEach(key => { now.dependencies[key] = head.dependencies[key] }) fs.writeFileSync('package.json', JSON.stringify(now,null,'\t')) } main().catch(console.error) ```
2018-06-11 06:40:27 +09:00
"autwh": "0.1.0",
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"cafy": "8.0.0",
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"crc-32": "1.2.0",
"debug": "3.1.0",
"deepcopy": "0.6.3",
"diskusage": "0.2.4",
"elasticsearch": "15.0.0",
"emojilib": "2.2.12",
"escape-regexp": "0.0.1",
"file-type": "8.0.0",
"gm": "1.23.1",
"http-signature": "1.2.0",
"is-root": "2.0.0",
"is-url": "1.2.4",
"js-yaml": "3.11.0",
"jsdom": "11.11.0",
"koa": "2.5.1",
"koa-bodyparser": "4.2.1",
"koa-compress": "3.0.0",
"koa-favicon": "2.0.1",
"koa-json-body": "5.3.0",
"koa-logger": "3.2.0",
"koa-mount": "3.0.0",
"koa-multer": "1.0.2",
"koa-router": "7.4.0",
"koa-send": "4.1.3",
"koa-slow": "2.1.0",
"koa-views": "6.1.4",
"kue": "0.11.6",
"mongodb": "3.0.10",
"monk": "6.0.6",
"ms": "2.1.1",
"nopt": "4.0.1",
"os-utils": "0.0.14",
"parse5": "5.0.0",
"prominence": "0.2.0",
"promise-sequential": "1.1.1",
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"ratelimiter": "3.0.3",
"recaptcha-promise": "0.1.3",
"reconnecting-websocket": "3.2.2",
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"request": "2.87.0",
"request-promise-native": "1.0.5",
"rndstr": "1.0.0",
"speakeasy": "2.0.0",
"summaly": "2.0.6",
"tcp-port-used": "0.1.2",
"tmp": "0.0.33",
"uuid": "3.2.1",
"web-push": "3.3.1",
"webfinger.js": "2.6.6",
"websocket": "1.0.26",
"ws": "5.2.0",
"xev": "2.0.1",
2017-11-23 13:25:33 +09:00
"@prezzemolo/zip": "0.0.3",
2017-11-06 19:16:14 +09:00
"@types/bcryptjs": "2.4.1",
"@types/debug": "0.0.30",
"@types/deep-equal": "1.0.1",
2018-05-17 17:01:07 +09:00
"@types/elasticsearch": "5.0.23",
"@types/gm": "1.18.0",
2018-01-01 01:58:12 +09:00
"@types/gulp": "3.8.36",
2018-03-28 09:15:58 +09:00
"@types/gulp-htmlmin": "1.3.32",
"@types/gulp-mocha": "0.0.32",
2017-11-25 10:47:04 +09:00
"@types/gulp-rename": "0.0.33",
"@types/gulp-replace": "0.0.31",
2018-03-28 09:15:58 +09:00
"@types/gulp-uglify": "3.0.5",
2017-11-25 10:47:04 +09:00
"@types/gulp-util": "3.0.34",
"@types/inquirer": "0.0.41",
2017-11-06 19:16:14 +09:00
"@types/is-root": "1.0.0",
"@types/is-url": "1.2.28",
"@types/js-yaml": "3.11.1",
2018-04-13 11:50:36 +09:00
"@types/koa": "2.0.45",
"@types/koa-bodyparser": "4.2.0",
2018-04-27 19:12:15 +09:00
"@types/koa-compress": "2.0.8",
2018-04-13 11:50:36 +09:00
"@types/koa-favicon": "2.0.19",
2018-04-27 19:12:15 +09:00
"@types/koa-logger": "3.1.0",
2018-04-13 11:50:36 +09:00
"@types/koa-mount": "3.0.1",
"@types/koa-multer": "1.0.0",
2018-04-27 19:12:15 +09:00
"@types/koa-router": "7.0.28",
2018-04-13 11:50:36 +09:00
"@types/koa-send": "4.1.1",
2018-05-18 07:19:13 +09:00
"@types/koa-views": "2.0.3",
2018-04-13 11:50:36 +09:00
"@types/koa__cors": "2.2.2",
"@types/kue": "0.11.8",
2018-02-23 02:16:17 +09:00
"@types/license-checker": "15.0.0",
2018-01-01 01:58:12 +09:00
"@types/mkdirp": "0.5.2",
2018-04-27 19:12:15 +09:00
"@types/mocha": "5.2.0",
2018-05-17 17:01:07 +09:00
"@types/mongodb": "3.0.18",
2017-11-06 19:16:14 +09:00
"@types/ms": "0.7.30",
2018-05-20 14:10:30 +09:00
"@types/node": "10.1.2",
2018-03-29 14:59:06 +09:00
"@types/nopt": "3.0.29",
2018-05-18 07:19:13 +09:00
"@types/parse5": "3.0.0",
2018-01-01 01:58:12 +09:00
"@types/pug": "2.0.4",
2018-02-23 02:24:01 +09:00
"@types/qrcode": "0.8.1",
2017-11-06 19:16:14 +09:00
"@types/ratelimiter": "2.1.28",
2018-03-15 04:58:54 +09:00
"@types/redis": "2.8.6",
2018-02-02 07:34:51 +09:00
"@types/request": "2.47.0",
2018-03-15 04:58:54 +09:00
"@types/request-promise-native": "1.0.14",
2017-11-06 19:16:14 +09:00
"@types/rimraf": "2.0.2",
"@types/seedrandom": "2.4.27",
2018-05-18 07:19:13 +09:00
"@types/single-line-log": "1.1.0",
2018-02-02 07:34:51 +09:00
"@types/speakeasy": "2.0.2",
"@types/tmp": "0.0.33",
2017-11-06 19:16:14 +09:00
"@types/uuid": "3.4.3",
2018-05-20 14:10:30 +09:00
"@types/webpack": "4.4.0",
2018-03-15 04:58:54 +09:00
"@types/webpack-stream": "3.2.10",
2018-05-17 17:01:07 +09:00
"@types/websocket": "0.0.39",
"@types/ws": "5.1.1",
2017-11-06 19:16:14 +09:00
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2018-05-17 17:01:07 +09:00
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2017-11-06 19:16:14 +09:00
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2018-05-17 17:01:07 +09:00
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2018-05-20 14:10:30 +09:00
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2018-04-27 19:12:15 +09:00
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2017-12-09 01:22:20 +09:00
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2018-03-15 04:58:54 +09:00
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2017-11-06 19:16:14 +09:00
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2017-11-23 13:25:33 +09:00
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2018-03-28 09:15:58 +09:00
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"gulp-imagemin": "4.1.0",
2018-05-26 13:23:58 +09:00
"gulp-mocha": "6.0.0",
2018-04-18 14:26:46 +09:00
"gulp-pug": "4.0.1",
2018-05-17 17:01:07 +09:00
"gulp-rename": "1.2.3",
"gulp-replace": "1.0.0",
2018-03-15 04:58:54 +09:00
"gulp-sourcemaps": "2.6.4",
2018-02-02 07:34:51 +09:00
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2018-02-23 02:24:01 +09:00
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"gulp-typescript": "4.0.2",
2017-11-23 13:25:33 +09:00
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"gulp-util": "3.0.8",
2018-05-26 13:23:58 +09:00
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2017-12-09 01:22:20 +09:00
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2018-05-26 13:23:58 +09:00
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2018-03-28 09:15:58 +09:00
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2018-05-20 14:10:30 +09:00
"license-checker": "20.0.0",
2018-02-23 02:16:17 +09:00
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2017-11-27 06:39:01 +09:00
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2018-01-01 01:58:12 +09:00
"mkdirp": "0.5.1",
2018-05-20 14:10:30 +09:00
"mocha": "5.2.0",
2017-11-25 10:47:04 +09:00
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2018-03-28 09:15:58 +09:00
"nan": "2.10.0",
2018-04-27 19:12:15 +09:00
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2018-04-18 14:26:46 +09:00
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2017-11-06 19:16:14 +09:00
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2018-03-15 04:58:54 +09:00
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"pug": "2.0.3",
2017-11-06 19:16:14 +09:00
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2018-02-02 07:34:51 +09:00
"s-age": "1.1.2",
2018-04-18 14:26:46 +09:00
"sass-loader": "7.0.1",
2017-12-09 01:22:20 +09:00
"seedrandom": "2.4.3",
2018-05-18 07:19:13 +09:00
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2017-11-23 13:25:33 +09:00
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2018-03-15 04:58:54 +09:00
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2017-11-23 13:25:33 +09:00
"swagger-jsdoc": "1.9.7",
2017-11-06 19:16:14 +09:00
"syuilo-password-strength": "0.0.1",
2018-02-23 02:24:01 +09:00
"textarea-caret": "3.1.0",
2018-05-17 17:01:07 +09:00
"ts-loader": "4.3.0",
2018-05-26 13:23:58 +09:00
"ts-node": "6.0.4",
2018-05-17 17:01:07 +09:00
"tslint": "5.10.0",
2018-04-27 19:12:15 +09:00
"typescript": "2.8.3",
2018-04-18 14:26:46 +09:00
"typescript-eslint-parser": "15.0.0",
2018-02-02 07:34:51 +09:00
"uglify-es": "3.3.9",
2018-03-15 04:58:54 +09:00
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2018-03-10 13:22:20 +09:00
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2018-03-15 04:58:54 +09:00
"vue": "2.5.16",
2018-02-23 02:16:17 +09:00
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2018-04-18 14:26:46 +09:00
"vue-js-modal": "1.3.13",
2018-04-27 19:12:15 +09:00
"vue-json-tree-view": "2.1.4",
2018-05-26 13:23:58 +09:00
"vue-loader": "15.2.1",
2018-02-23 02:16:17 +09:00
"vue-router": "3.0.1",
2018-03-15 04:58:54 +09:00
"vue-template-compiler": "2.5.16",
2018-02-23 02:16:17 +09:00
"vuedraggable": "2.16.0",
2018-04-27 19:12:15 +09:00
"vuex": "3.0.1",
2018-05-21 02:13:39 +09:00
"vuex-persistedstate": "^2.5.4",
2018-05-26 13:23:58 +09:00
"webpack": "4.9.1",
:up: move some packages to devDependencies that non required by server presumed by: - move-to-devdependencies.fish ```fish set targets (ls src | grep -v client | xargs -I'%' echo "src/%") alias from_import="git grep 'import ' $targets | grep -v 'from \'\.' | grep -v 'from \"\.' | cut -d: -f2 | cut -d\; -f1 | rev | cut -d' ' -f1 | rev | cut -d\' -f2 | sort | uniq | grep -v '^readline\$' | grep -v '^zlib\$' | grep -v '^os\$' | grep -v '^http\$' | grep -v '^fs\$' | grep -v '^events\$' | grep -v '^crypto\$' | grep -v '^child_process\$' | grep -v '^cluster\$'`" alias from_require="git grep 'require(' $targets | grep -v '(\'\.' | cut -d= -f2 | grep -v '__dirname' | grep require | cut -d' ' -f2 | cut -d')' -f1 | cut -d'(' -f2 | cut -d'\'' -f2 | sort | uniq | grep -v '^readline\$' | grep -v '^zlib\$' | grep -v '^os\$' | grep -v '^http\$' | grep -v '^fs\$' | grep -v '^events\$' | grep -v '^crypto\$' | grep -v '^child_process\$' | grep -v '^cluster\$'" from_import | xargs npm uninstall --save-dev from_require | xargs npm uninstall --save-dev from_import | xargs npm install --save from_require | xargs npm install --save git show HEAD:require | node revert-pinning-dependencies.js ``` - revert-pinning-dependencies.js ```js const readFromStdin = () => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const chunks = [] process.stdin.setEncoding('utf8') process.stdin.on('readable', () => { const chunk = process.stdin.read() if (chunk == null) return chunks.push(chunk) }) process.stdin.on('end', () => { return resolve(chunks.join('\n')) }) }) async function main () { const fs = require('fs') const raw = await readFromStdin() const head = JSON.parse(raw) const now = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('package.json')) Object.keys(now.dependencies).forEach(key => { now.dependencies[key] = head.dependencies[key] }) fs.writeFileSync('package.json', JSON.stringify(now,null,'\t')) } main().catch(console.error) ```
2018-06-11 06:40:27 +09:00
"webpack-cli": "2.1.4"
2017-11-06 19:16:14 +09:00
2018-06-11 11:44:26 +09:00