Merge branch 'develop' into okteto
This commit is contained in:
@ -15,10 +15,7 @@ url: https://example.tld/
#───┘ Port and TLS settings └───────────────────────────────────
# Misskey supports two deployment options for public.
# Option 1: With Reverse Proxy
# Misskey requires a reverse proxy to support HTTPS connections.
# +----- https://example.tld/ ------------+
# +------+ |+-------------+ +----------------+|
@ -26,30 +23,12 @@ url: https://example.tld/
# +------+ |+-------------+ +----------------+|
# +---------------------------------------+
# You need to setup reverse proxy. (eg. nginx)
# You do not define 'https' section.
# You need to set up a reverse proxy. (e.g. nginx)
# An encrypted connection with HTTPS is highly recommended
# because tokens may be transferred in GET requests.
# Option 2: Standalone
# +- https://example.tld/ -+
# +------+ | +---------------+ |
# | User | ---> | | Misskey (443) | |
# +------+ | +---------------+ |
# +------------------------+
# You need to run Misskey as root.
# You need to set Certificate in 'https' section.
# To use option 1, uncomment below line.
#port: 3000 # A port that your Misskey server should listen.
# To use option 2, uncomment below lines.
#port: 443
# # path for certification
# key: /etc/letsencrypt/live/example.tld/privkey.pem
# cert: /etc/letsencrypt/live/example.tld/fullchain.pem
# The port that your Misskey server should listen on.
port: 3000
# ┌──────────────────────────┐
#───┘ PostgreSQL configuration └────────────────────────────────
@ -155,6 +134,9 @@ id: 'aid'
# Media Proxy
# Proxy remote files (default: false)
#proxyRemoteFiles: true
# Sign to ActivityPub GET request (default: false)
#signToActivityPubGet: true
@ -1,10 +1,7 @@
<!-- ℹ お読みください
<!-- ℹ お読みください / README
PRありがとうございます! PRを作成する前に、コントリビューションガイドをご確認ください:
<!-- ℹ README
Thank you for your PR! Before creating a PR, please check the contribution guide:
# What
@ -1,25 +1,39 @@
name: Lint
- master
- develop
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
submodules: true
- uses: actions/setup-node@v1
node-version: 12.x
- uses: actions/cache@v2
path: '**/node_modules'
key: ${{ runner.os }}-modules-${{ hashFiles('**/yarn.lock') }}
- run: yarn install
- run: yarn lint
name: Lint
- master
- develop
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
submodules: true
- uses: actions/setup-node@v3
node-version: 18.x
cache: 'yarn'
cache-dependency-path: |
- run: yarn install
- run: yarn --cwd ./packages/backend lint
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
submodules: true
- uses: actions/setup-node@v3
node-version: 18.x
cache: 'yarn'
cache-dependency-path: |
- run: yarn install
- run: yarn --cwd ./packages/client lint
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ jobs:
node-version: [16.x]
node-version: [18.x]
@ -33,9 +33,13 @@ jobs:
submodules: true
- name: Use Node.js ${{ matrix.node-version }}
uses: actions/setup-node@v1
uses: actions/setup-node@v3
node-version: ${{ matrix.node-version }}
cache: 'yarn'
cache-dependency-path: |
- name: Install dependencies
run: yarn install
- name: Check yarn.lock
@ -53,7 +57,7 @@ jobs:
fail-fast: false
node-version: [16.x]
node-version: [18.x]
browser: [chrome]
@ -80,13 +84,13 @@ jobs:
#- uses: browser-actions/setup-firefox@latest
# if: ${{ matrix.browser == 'firefox' }}
- name: Use Node.js ${{ matrix.node-version }}
uses: actions/setup-node@v1
uses: actions/setup-node@v3
node-version: ${{ matrix.node-version }}
- uses: actions/cache@v2
path: '**/node_modules'
key: ${{ runner.os }}-modules-${{ hashFiles('**/yarn.lock') }}
cache: 'yarn'
cache-dependency-path: |
- name: Install dependencies
run: yarn install
- name: Check yarn.lock
@ -1 +1 @@
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
## 12.x.x (unreleased)
### Improvements
### Bugfixes
@ -11,12 +10,108 @@ You should also include the user name that made the change.
## 12.x.x (unreleased)
### NOTE
- From this version, Node 18.0.0 or later is required.
### Improvements
- enhance: ドライブに画像ファイルをアップロードするときオリジナル画像を破棄してwebpublicのみ保持するオプション @tamaina
- enhance: API: notifications/readは配列でも受け付けるように #7667 @tamaina
- enhance: プッシュ通知を複数アカウント対応に #7667 @tamaina
- enhance: プッシュ通知にクリックやactionを設定 #7667 @tamaina
### Bugfixes
- Client: fix settings page @tamaina
- Client: fix profile tabs @futchitwo
- Server: await promises when following or unfollowing users @Johann150
- Client: fix abuse reports page to be able to show all reports @Johann150
- Federation: Add rel attribute to host-meta @mei23
## 12.110.1 (2022/04/23)
### Bugfixes
- Fix GOP rendering @syuilo
- Improve performance of antenna, clip, and list @xianonn
## 12.110.0 (2022/04/11)
### Improvements
- Improve webhook @syuilo
- Client: Show loading icon on splash screen @syuilo
### Bugfixes
- API: parameter validation of users/show was wrong
- Federation: リモートインスタンスへのダイレクト投稿が届かない問題を修正 @syuilo
## 12.109.2 (2022/04/03)
### Bugfixes
- API: admin/update-meta was not working @syuilo
- Client: テーマを切り替えたり読み込んだりするとmeta[name="theme-color"]のcontentがundefinedになる問題を修正 @tamaina
## 12.109.1 (2022/04/02)
### Bugfixes
- API: Renoteが行えない問題を修正
## 12.109.0 (2022/04/02)
### Improvements
- Webhooks @syuilo
- Bull Dashboardを組み込み、ジョブキューの確認や操作を行えるように @syuilo
- Bull Dashboardを開くには、最初だけ一旦ログアウトしてから再度管理者権限を持つアカウントでログインする必要があります
- Check that installed Node.js version fulfills version requirement @ThatOneCalculator
- Server: overall performance improvements @syuilo
- Federation: avoid duplicate activity delivery @Johann150
- Federation: limit federation of reactions on direct notes @Johann150
- Client: タッチパッド・タッチスクリーンでのデッキの操作性を向上 @tamaina
### Bugfixes
- email address validation was not working @ybw2016v
- API: fix endpoint endpoint @Johann150
- API: fix admin/meta endpoint @syuilo
- API: improved validation and documentation for endpoints that accept different variants of input @Johann150
- API: `notes/create`: The `mediaIds` property is now deprecated. @Johann150
- Use `fileIds` instead, it has the same behaviour.
- Client: URIエンコーディングが異常でdecodeURIComponentが失敗するとURLが表示できなくなる問題を修正 @tamaina
## 12.108.1 (2022/03/12)
### Bugfixes
- リレーが動作しない問題を修正 @xianonn
- ulidを使用していると動作しない問題を修正 @syuilo
- 外部からOGPが正しく取得できない問題を修正 @syuilo
- instance can not get the files from other instance when there are items in allowedPrivateNetworks in .config/default.yml @ybw2016v
## 12.108.0 (2022/03/09)
### NOTE
このバージョンからNode v16.14.0以降が必要です
### Changes
- ノートの最大文字数を設定できる機能が廃止され、デフォルトで一律3000文字になりました @syuilo
- Misskey can no longer terminate HTTPS connections. @Johann150
- If you did not use a reverse proxy (e.g. nginx) before, you will probably need to adjust
your configuration file and set up a reverse proxy. The `https` configuration key is no
longer recognized!
### Improvements
- インスタンスデフォルトテーマを設定できるように @syuilo
- ミュートに期限を設定できるように @syuilo
- アンケートが終了したときに通知が作成されるように @syuilo
- プロフィールの追加情報を最大16まで保存できるように @syuilo
- 連合チャートにPub&Subを追加 @syuilo
- 連合チャートにActiveを追加 @syuilo
- デフォルトで10秒以上時間がかかるデータベースへのクエリは中断されるように @syuilo
- 設定ファイルの`db.extra`に`statement_timeout`を設定することでタイムアウト時間を変更できます
- Client: スプラッシュスクリーンにインスタンスのアイコンを表示するように @syuilo
### Bugfixes
- Client: リアクションピッカーの高さが低くなったまま戻らないことがあるのを修正 @syuilo
- Client: ユーザー名オートコンプリートが正しく動作しない問題を修正 @syuilo
- Client: タッチ操作だとウィジェットの編集がしにくいのを修正 @xianonn
- Client: register_note_view_interruptor()が動かないのを修正 @syuilo
- Client: iPhone X以降(?)でページの内容が全て表示しきれないのを修正 @tamaina
- Client: fix image caption on mobile @nullobsi
## 12.107.0 (2022/02/12)
@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ Also, you might receive comments on your Issue/PR in Japanese, but you do not ne
The accuracy of machine translation into Japanese is not high, so it will be easier for us to understand if you write it in the original language.
It will also allow the reader to use the translation tool of their preference if necessary.
## Roadmap
See [](./
## Issues
Before creating an issue, please check the following:
- To avoid duplication, please search for similar issues before creating a new issue.
@ -59,6 +62,21 @@ Be willing to comment on the good points and not just the things you want fixed
- Are there any omissions or gaps?
- Does it check for anomalies?
## Merge
For now, basically only @syuilo has the authority to merge PRs into develop because he is most familiar with the codebase.
However, minor fixes, refactoring, and urgent changes may be merged at the discretion of a contributor.
## Release
For now, basically only @syuilo has the authority to release Misskey.
However, in case of emergency, a release can be made at the discretion of a contributor.
### Release Instructions
1. commit version changes in the `develop` branch ([package.json](
2. follow the `master` branch to the `develop` branch.
3. Create a [release of GitHub](
- The target branch must be `master`
- The tag name must be the version
## Localization (l10n)
Misskey uses [Crowdin]( for localization management.
You can improve our translations with your Crowdin account.
@ -198,11 +216,13 @@ MongoDBの時とは違い、findOneでレコードを取得する時に対象レ
MongoDBは`null`で返してきてたので、その感覚で`if (x === null)`とか書くとバグる。代わりに`if (x == null)`と書いてください
### Migration作成方法
npx ts-node ./node_modules/typeorm/cli.js migration:generate -n 変更の名前 -o
npx typeorm migration:generate -d ormconfig.js -o <migration name>
- 生成後、ファイルをmigration下に移してください
- 作成されたスクリプトは不必要な変更を含むため除去してください
### コネクションには`markRaw`せよ
**Vueのコンポーネントのdataオプションとして**misskey.jsのコネクションを設定するとき、必ず`markRaw`でラップしてください。インスタンスが不必要にリアクティブ化されることで、misskey.js内の処理で不具合が発生するとともに、パフォーマンス上の問題にも繋がる。なお、Composition APIを使う場合はこの限りではない(リアクティブ化はマニュアルなため)。
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
FROM node:16.13.2-alpine3.15 AS base
FROM node:18.0.0-alpine3.15 AS base
ENV NODE_ENV=production
@ -11,16 +11,16 @@ FROM base AS builder
COPY . ./
RUN apk add --no-cache $BUILD_DEPS && \
git submodule update --init && \
yarn install && \
yarn build && \
rm -rf .git
git submodule update --init && \
yarn install && \
yarn build && \
rm -rf .git
FROM base AS runner
RUN apk add --no-cache \
ffmpeg \
ffmpeg \
ENTRYPOINT ["/sbin/tini", "--"]
@ -48,121 +48,5 @@
## Sponsors
<div align="center">
<a class="rss3" title="RSS3" href="" target="_blank" style="display: inline-block;"><img src="" alt="RSS3" style="display: inline-block; height: 60px;"></a>
<a class="rss3" title="RSS3" href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="RSS3" height="60"></a>
## Backers
<td><img src="" alt="Roujo " width="100"></td>
<td><img src="" alt="Oliver Maximilian Seidel" width="100"></td>
<td><img src="" alt="weepjp " width="100"></td>
<td><img src="" alt="kiritan " width="100"></td>
<td><img src="" alt="みなしま " width="100"></td>
<td><img src="" alt="Eduardo Quiros" width="100"></td>
<td><a href="">Roujo </a></td>
<td><a href="">Oliver Maximilian Seidel</a></td>
<td><a href="">weepjp </a></td>
<td><a href="">kiritan </a></td>
<td><a href="">みなしま </a></td>
<td><a href="">Eduardo Quiros</a></td>
<td><img src="" alt="Nesakko" width="100"></td>
<td><img src="" alt="Demogrognard" width="100"></td>
<td><img src="" alt="Liaizon Wakest" width="100"></td>
<td><img src="" alt="mkatze " width="100"></td>
<td><img src="" alt="kabo2468y " width="100"></td>
<td><img src="" alt="AureoleArk " width="100"></td>
<td><img src="" alt="osapon " width="100"></td>
<td><img src="" alt="見当かなみ " width="100"></td>
<td><img src="" alt="Wataru Manji (manji0)" width="100"></td>
<td><a href="">Nesakko</a></td>
<td><a href="">Demogrognard</a></td>
<td><a href="">Liaizon Wakest</a></td>
<td><a href="">mkatze </a></td>
<td><a href="">kabo2468y </a></td>
<td><a href="">AureoleArk </a></td>
<td><a href="">osapon </a></td>
<td><a href="">見当かなみ </a></td>
<td><a href="">Wataru Manji (manji0)</a></td>
<td><img src="" alt="YuzuRyo61 " width="100"></td>
<td><img src="" alt="mewl hayabusa" width="100"></td>
<td><img src="" alt="S Y" width="100"></td>
<td><img src="" alt="Takumi Sugita" width="100"></td>
<td><img src="" alt="sikyosyounin " width="100"></td>
<td><img src="" alt="YUKIMOCHI" width="100"></td>
<td><img src="" alt="xianon" width="100"></td>
<td><img src="" alt="totokoro " width="100"></td>
<td><a href="">YuzuRyo61 </a></td>
<td><a href="">mewl hayabusa</a></td>
<td><a href="">S Y</a></td>
<td><a href="">Takumi Sugita</a></td>
<td><a href="">sikyosyounin </a></td>
<td><a href="">YUKIMOCHI</a></td>
<td><a href="">xianon</a></td>
<td><a href="">totokoro </a></td>
<td><img src="" alt="sheeta.s " width="100"></td>
<td><img src="" alt="motcha " width="100"></td>
<td><img src="" alt="axtuki1 " width="100"></td>
<td><img src="" alt="Satsuki Yanagi" width="100"></td>
<td><img src="" alt="takimura " width="100"></td>
<td><img src="" alt="aqz tamaina" width="100"></td>
<td><img src="" alt="nafuchoco " width="100"></td>
<td><img src="" alt="Atsuko Tominaga" width="100"></td>
<td><img src="" alt="natalie" width="100"></td>
<td><img src="" alt="EBISUME" width="100"></td>
<td><img src="" alt="noellabo " width="100"></td>
<td><a href="">sheeta.s </a></td>
<td><a href="">motcha </a></td>
<td><a href="">axtuki1 </a></td>
<td><a href="">Satsuki Yanagi</a></td>
<td><a href="">takimura </a></td>
<td><a href="">aqz tamaina</a></td>
<td><a href="">nafuchoco </a></td>
<td><a href="">Atsuko Tominaga</a></td>
<td><a href="">natalie</a></td>
<td><a href="">EBISUME</a></td>
<td><a href="">noellabo </a></td>
<td><img src="" alt="CG " width="100"></td>
<td><img src="" alt="Hekovic " width="100"></td>
<td><img src="" alt="uroco @99" width="100"></td>
<td><img src="" alt="Chandler " width="100"></td>
<td><img src="" alt="Nokotaro Takeda" width="100"></td>
<td><img src="" alt="nenohi " width="100"></td>
<td><img src="" alt="Efertone " width="100"></td>
<td><img src="" alt="Takashi Shibuya" width="100"></td>
<td><a href="">CG </a></td>
<td><a href="">Hekovic </a></td>
<td><a href="">uroco @99</a></td>
<td><a href="">Chandler </a></td>
<td><a href="">Nokotaro Takeda</a></td>
<td><a href="">nenohi </a></td>
<td><a href="">Efertone </a></td>
<td><a href="">Takashi Shibuya</a></td>
**Last updated:** Sun, 26 Jul 2020 07:00:10 UTC
<!-- PATREON_END -->
[backer-url]: #backers
[sponsor-url]: #sponsors
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
# Roadmap
The order of individual tasks is a guide only and is subject to change depending on the situation.
Also, the later tasks are more indefinite and are subject to change as development progresses.
## (1) Improve maintainability \<current phase\>
This is the phase we are at now. We need to make a high-maintenance environment that can withstand future development.
- Make the number of type errors zero (backend)
- Probably need to switch some libraries to others that make it difficult to reduce type errors
- e.g. koa to fastify
- Improve CI
- Fix tests
- mocha, jest, etc. do not support the combination of `TypeScript + ESM + Path alias`, and the tests currently do not work.
- Fix random test failures - and
- Add more tests
- May need to implement a mechanism that allows for DI
- Improve documentation
## (2) Improve functionality
Once Phase 1 is complete and an environment conducive to the development of a stable system is in place, the implementation of new functions can begin gradually.
- OAuth2 support
- GraphQL support?
## (3) Improve scalability
Once the development of the feature has settled down, this may be an opportunity to make larger modifications.
- Rewriting in Rust?
## (4) Change the world
It is time to promote Misskey and change the world.
- Become more major than services such as Twitter and become critical infrastructure for the world
- MiOS will be developed and integrated into various systems - What is MiOS?
- Letting Ai-chan interfere with the real world
- Make Misskey a member of GAFA; Misskey's office must be a reinforced concrete brutalist building with a courtyard.
@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
describe('Before setup instance', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
cy.window(win => {
cy.request('POST', '/api/reset-db').as('reset');
cy.get('@reset').its('status').should('equal', 204);
@ -32,6 +35,9 @@ describe('Before setup instance', () => {
describe('After setup instance', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
cy.window(win => {
cy.request('POST', '/api/reset-db').as('reset');
cy.get('@reset').its('status').should('equal', 204);
@ -70,6 +76,9 @@ describe('After setup instance', () => {
describe('After user signup', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
cy.window(win => {
cy.request('POST', '/api/reset-db').as('reset');
cy.get('@reset').its('status').should('equal', 204);
@ -129,6 +138,9 @@ describe('After user signup', () => {
describe('After user singed in', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
cy.window(win => {
cy.request('POST', '/api/reset-db').as('reset');
cy.get('@reset').its('status').should('equal', 204);
@ -163,12 +175,10 @@ describe('After user singed in', () => {
it('successfully loads', () => {
it('note', () => {
cy.get('[data-cy-post-form-text]').type('Hello, Misskey!');
@ -37,7 +37,6 @@ gulp.task('copy:client:locales', cb => {
gulp.task('build:backend:script', () => {
return gulp.src(['./packages/backend/src/server/web/boot.js', './packages/backend/src/server/web/bios.js', './packages/backend/src/server/web/cli.js'])
.pipe(replace('VERSION', JSON.stringify(meta.version)))
.pipe(replace('LANGS', JSON.stringify(Object.keys(locales))))
toplevel: true
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ uploading: "يرفع..."
save: "حفظ"
users: "المستخدمون"
addUser: "اضافة مستخدم"
favorite: "إضافة إلى المفضلة"
favorite: "أضفها للمفضلة"
favorites: "المفضلات"
unfavorite: "إزالة من المفضلة"
favorited: "أُضيف إلى المفضلة."
@ -106,6 +106,7 @@ clickToShow: "اضغط للعرض"
sensitive: "محتوى حساس"
add: "إضافة"
reaction: "التفاعلات"
reactionSetting: "التفاعلات المراد عرضها في منتقي التفاعلات."
reactionSettingDescription2: "اسحب لترتيب ، انقر للحذف ، استخدم \"+\" للإضافة."
rememberNoteVisibility: "تذكر إعدادت مدى رؤية الملاحظات"
attachCancel: "أزل المرفق"
@ -139,6 +140,8 @@ flagAsBot: "علّمه كحساب آلي"
flagAsBotDescription: "فعّل هذا الخيار إذا كان هذا الحساب يُدار عبر برمجية. إذا فُعل فسيكون بمثابة علامة للمطورين الآخرين لتجنب سلاسل لا متناهية من التفاعل بين حسابات الآلية وضبط أنظمة ميسكي للتعامل مع هذا الحساب كآلي."
flagAsCat: "علّم هذا الحساب كحساب قط"
flagAsCatDescription: "فعّل هذا الخيار لوضع علامة على الحساب لتوضيح أنه حساب قط."
flagShowTimelineReplies: "أظهر التعليقات في الخيط الزمني"
flagShowTimelineRepliesDescription: "يظهر الردود في الخيط الزمني"
autoAcceptFollowed: "اقبل طلبات المتابعة تلقائيا من الحسابات المتابَعة"
addAccount: "أضف حساباً"
loginFailed: "فشل الولوج"
@ -186,7 +189,7 @@ clearCachedFiles: "امسح التخزين المؤقت"
clearCachedFilesConfirm: "أتريد حذف التخزين المؤقت للملفات البعيدة؟"
blockedInstances: "المثلاء المحجوبون"
blockedInstancesDescription: "قائمة بالمثلاء التي تريد حظرها بحيث كل نطاق في سطر لوحده. بعد إدراجهم لن يتمكنوا من التفاعل مع هذا المثيل."
muteAndBlock: "تم كتمها / تم حجبها"
muteAndBlock: "المكتومون والمحجوبون"
mutedUsers: "الحسابات المكتومة"
blockedUsers: "الحسابات المحجوبة"
noUsers: "ليس هناك مستخدمون"
@ -230,6 +233,8 @@ resetAreYouSure: "هل تريد إعادة التعيين؟"
saved: "حُفظ"
messaging: "المحادثة"
upload: "ارفع"
keepOriginalUploading: "ابق الصورة الأصلية"
keepOriginalUploadingDescription: "يحفظ الصور المرفوعة على حالتها الأصلية، وان عطّل ستولد نسخة مخصصة من الصورة."
fromDrive: "من المخزن"
fromUrl: "عبر رابط"
uploadFromUrl: "ارفع عبر رابط"
@ -276,6 +281,7 @@ emptyDrive: "قرص التخزين فارغ"
emptyFolder: "هذا المجلد فارغ"
unableToDelete: "لا يمكن حذفه"
inputNewFileName: "ادخل الإسم الجديد للملف"
inputNewDescription: "أدخل تعليقًا توضيحيًا"
inputNewFolderName: "ادخل الإسم الجديد للمجلد"
circularReferenceFolder: "المجلد المستهدف ينتمي للمجلد الذي تريد حذفه"
hasChildFilesOrFolders: "الان الملف غير فارغ. لا يمكن حذفه"
@ -306,17 +312,15 @@ dayX: "{day}"
monthX: "{month}"
yearX: "{year}"
pages: "الصفحات"
integration: "دمج"
integration: "التكامل"
connectService: "اتصل"
disconnectService: "اقطع الاتصال"
enableLocalTimeline: "تفعيل الخيط المحلي"
enableGlobalTimeline: "تفعيل الخيط الزمني الشامل"
disablingTimelinesInfo: "سيتمكن المديرون والمشرفون من الوصول إلى كل الخطوط الزمنية حتى وإن لم تفعّل."
disablingTimelinesInfo: "سيتمكن المديرون والمشرفون من الوصول إلى كل الخيوط الزمنية حتى وإن لم تفعّل."
registration: "إنشاء حساب"
enableRegistration: "تفعيل إنشاء الحسابات الجديدة"
invite: "دعوة"
proxyRemoteFiles: "جلب الملفات البعيدة عبر وكيل"
proxyRemoteFilesDescription: "إذا فُعّل هذا الإعداد ، ستُجلب الملفات البعيدة غير الموجودة في التخزين المحلي للخادم عبر وكيل وتُنشأ لها صور مصغرة. لن يأثر على تخزين الخادم."
driveCapacityPerLocalAccount: "حصة التخزين لكل مستخدم محلي"
driveCapacityPerRemoteAccount: "حصة التخزين لكل مستخدم بعيد"
inMb: "بالميغابايت"
@ -345,6 +349,7 @@ name: "الإسم"
antennaSource: "مصدر الهوائي"
antennaKeywords: "الكلمات المفتاحية للإستقبال"
antennaExcludeKeywords: "الكلمات المفتاحية المستثناة"
antennaKeywordsDescription: "افصل بينهم بمسافة لاستخدام معامل \"و\" أو بسطر لاستخدام معامل \"أو\""
notifyAntenna: "نبهني بصول ملاحظات جديدة"
withFileAntenna: "ملاحظات تحوي ملفات فقط"
antennaUsersDescription: "اكتب اسم مستخدم لكل سطر"
@ -410,7 +415,6 @@ next: "التالية"
retype: "أعد الكتابة"
noteOf: "ملاحظات {user}"
inviteToGroup: "دعوة إلى فريق"
maxNoteTextLength: "حد عدد المحارف لكل ملاحظة"
quoteAttached: "اِقتُبسَ"
quoteQuestion: "أتريد تضمينها كاقتباس"
noMessagesYet: "ليس هناك رسائل بعد"
@ -469,6 +473,7 @@ hideThisNote: "إخفاء هذه الملاحظة"
showFeaturedNotesInTimeline: "أظهر الملاحظات الشائعة في الخيط الزمني"
objectStorageBaseUrl: "الرابط الأساسي"
objectStoragePrefix: "البادئة"
objectStoragePrefixDesc: "ستُحفظ الملفات في مجلدات تحوي اسماءها هذه البادئة."
objectStorageEndpoint: "نقطة النهاية"
objectStorageRegion: "المنطقة"
objectStorageUseSSL: "استخدم SSL"
@ -485,7 +490,7 @@ none: "لا شيء"
showInPage: "اعرض في الصفحة"
popout: "منبثقة"
volume: "مستوى الصوت"
masterVolume: "القرص الرئيسي"
masterVolume: "حجم الصوت الرئيس"
details: "التفاصيل"
chooseEmoji: "اختر إيموجي"
unableToProcess: "يتعذر إكمال العملية"
@ -516,6 +521,7 @@ divider: "فاصل"
addItem: "إضافة عنصر"
relays: "المُرَحلات"
addRelay: "إضافة مُرحّل"
inboxUrl: "رابط صندوق الوارد"
addedRelays: "المرحلات المضافة"
serviceworkerInfo: "يجب أن يفعل لإرسال الإشعارات."
deletedNote: "ملاحظة محذوفة"
@ -526,8 +532,11 @@ poll: "استطلاع رأي"
useCw: "إخفاء المحتوى"
enablePlayer: "افتح مشغل الفيديو"
disablePlayer: "أغلق مشغل الفيديو"
expandTweet: "وسّع التغريدة"
themeEditor: "مصمم القوالب"
description: "الوصف"
describeFile: "أضف تعليقًا توضيحيًا"
enterFileDescription: "أدخل تعليقًا توضيحيًا"
author: "الكاتب"
leaveConfirm: "لديك تغييرات غير محفوظة. أتريد المتابعة دون حفظها؟"
manage: "إدارة "
@ -559,6 +568,9 @@ smtpPass: "الكلمة السرية"
emptyToDisableSmtpAuth: "اترك اسم المستخدم وكلمة المرور فارغين لتعطيل التحقق من SMTP"
smtpSecureInfo: "عطل هذا الخيار عند استخدام STARTTLS"
wordMute: "حظر الكلمات"
regexpError: "خطأ في التعبير النمطي"
instanceMute: "المثلاء المكتومون"
userSaysSomething: "كتب {name} شيءً"
makeActive: "تفعيل"
display: "المظهر"
copy: "نسخ"
@ -585,10 +597,16 @@ reportAbuse: "أبلغ"
reportAbuseOf: "أبلغ عن {name}"
fillAbuseReportDescription: "أكتب بالتفصيل سبب البلاغ، إذا كنت تبلغ عن ملاحظة أرفق رابط لها."
abuseReported: "أُرسل البلاغ، شكرًا لك"
reporter: "المُبلّغ"
reporteeOrigin: "أصل البلاغ"
reporterOrigin: "أصل المُبلّغ"
forwardReport: "وجّه البلاغ إلى المثيل البعيد"
forwardReportIsAnonymous: "في المثيل البعيد سيظهر المبلّغ كحساب مجهول."
send: "أرسل"
abuseMarkAsResolved: "علّم البلاغ كمحلول"
openInNewTab: "افتح في لسان جديد"
defaultNavigationBehaviour: "سلوك الملاحة الافتراضي"
editTheseSettingsMayBreakAccount: "تعديل هذه الإعدادات قد يسبب عطبًا لحسابك"
instanceTicker: "معلومات المثيل الأصلي للملاحظات"
waitingFor: "في انتظار {x}"
random: "عشوائي"
@ -618,11 +636,17 @@ yes: "نعم"
no: "لا"
driveFilesCount: "عدد الملفات في قرص التخزين"
driveUsage: "المستغل من قرص التخزين"
noCrawle: "ارفض فهرسة زاحف الويب"
noCrawleDescription: "يطلب من محركات البحث ألّا يُفهرسوا ملفك الشخصي وملاحظات وصفحاتك وما شابه."
alwaysMarkSensitive: "علّم افتراضيًا جميع ملاحظاتي كذات محتوى حساس"
loadRawImages: "حمّل الصور الأصلية بدلًا من المصغرات"
disableShowingAnimatedImages: "لا تشغّل الصور المتحركة"
verificationEmailSent: "أُرسل بريد التحقق. أنقر على الرابط المضمن لإكمال التحقق."
notSet: "لم يعيّن"
emailVerified: "تُحقّق من بريدك الإلكتروني"
noteFavoritesCount: "عدد الملاحظات المفضلة"
pageLikesCount: "عدد الصفحات التي أعجبت بها"
pageLikedCount: "عدد صفحاتك المُعجب بها"
contact: "التواصل"
useSystemFont: "استخدم الخط الافتراضية للنظام"
clips: "مشابك"
@ -630,7 +654,11 @@ experimentalFeatures: "ميّزات اختبارية"
developer: "المطور"
makeExplorable: "أظهر الحساب في صفحة \"استكشاف\""
makeExplorableDescription: "بتعطيل هذا الخيار لن يظهر حسابك في صفحة \"استكشاف\""
showGapBetweenNotesInTimeline: "أظهر فجوات بين المشاركات في الخيط الزمني"
wide: "عريض"
narrow: "رفيع"
reloadToApplySetting: "سيُطبق هذا الإعداد بعد إعادة تحميل الصفحة، أتريد إعادة تحميلها الآن؟"
needReloadToApply: "سيطبق هذا بعد إعادة التحميل."
showTitlebar: "اعرض شريط العنوان"
clearCache: "امسح التخزين المؤقت"
onlineUsersCount: "{n} مستخدم متصل"
@ -661,6 +689,7 @@ capacity: "السعة"
inUse: "مستخدم"
editCode: "حرر الشفرة"
apply: "تطبيق"
receiveAnnouncementFromInstance: "استلم إشعارات من هذا المثيل"
emailNotification: "إشعارات البريد الكتروني"
inChannelSearch: "ابحث عن قناة"
useReactionPickerForContextMenu: "افتح منتقي التفاعلات عند النقر بالزر الأيمن"
@ -674,6 +703,7 @@ unlikeConfirm: "أتريد إلغاء إعجابك؟"
fullView: "ملء الشاشة"
quitFullView: "اخرج من وضع ملء للشاشة"
addDescription: "أضف وصفًا"
userPagePinTip: "لعرض ملاحظة هنا اختر \"دبسها على الصفحة الشخصية\" من قائمة تلك الملاحظة."
notSpecifiedMentionWarning: "في الملاحظة ذكر لمستخدمين لن يستلموها."
info: "عن"
userInfo: "معلومات المستخدم"
@ -748,11 +778,31 @@ makeReactionsPublicDescription: "هذا سيجعل قائمة تفاعلاتك
classic: "تقليدي"
muteThread: "اكتم النقاش"
unmuteThread: "ارفع الكتم عن النقاش"
ffVisibility: "مرئية المتابِعين/المتابَعين"
ffVisibilityDescription: "يسمح لك بتحديد من يمكنهم رؤية متابِعيك ومتابَعيك."
deleteAccountConfirm: "سيحذف حسابك نهائيًا، أتريد المتابعة؟"
incorrectPassword: "كلمة السر خاطئة."
voteConfirm: "متيقِّن من تصويتك لـ {choice}؟"
hide: "إخفاء"
leaveGroup: "مغادرة الفريق"
leaveGroupConfirm: "متيقن من مغادرة \"{name}\"؟"
welcomeBackWithName: "مرحبًا بك مجددًا {name}"
clickToFinishEmailVerification: "انقر [{ok}] لاستيثاق بريدك الإلكتروني."
overridedDeviceKind: "نوع الجهاز"
smartphone: "هاتف ذكي"
tablet: "جهاز لوحي"
auto: "تلقائي"
themeColor: "لون السمة"
size: "الحجم"
numberOfColumn: "عدد الأعمدة"
searchByGoogle: "غوغل"
mutePeriod: "مدة الكتم"
indefinitely: "أبدًا"
tenMinutes: "10 دقائق"
oneHour: "ساعة"
oneDay: "يوم"
oneWeek: "أسبوع"
failedToFetchAccountInformation: "تعذر جلب معلومات الحساب"
used: "هذا البريد الإلكتروني مستخدم"
format: "صيغة البريد الإلكتروني غير صالحة"
@ -775,6 +825,7 @@ _accountDelete:
inProgress: "عملية الحذف جارية"
back: "رجوع"
reduceFrequencyOfThisAd: "قلل عرض هذا الإعلان"
enterEmail: "أدخل البريد الإلكتروني المرتبط بحسابك لكي يرسل إليك رابط لإعادة تعيين كلمة المرور."
ifNoEmail: "إذا لم تربط حسابك ببريد إلكتروني سيتوجب عليك التواصل مع مدير الموقع."
@ -801,7 +852,7 @@ _registry:
createKey: "أنشئ مفتاحًا"
about: "ميسكي هو برمجية مفتوحة المصدر يطورها syuilo منذ 2014."
contributors: "المساهم الرئيسي"
contributors: "المساهمون الرئيسيون"
allContributors: "كل المساهمين"
source: "الشفرة المصدرية"
translation: "ترجم ميسكي"
@ -823,11 +874,17 @@ _mfm:
urlDescription: "يمكن عرض الروابط"
link: "رابط"
bold: "عريض"
boldDescription: "جعل الحروف أثخن لإبرازها."
small: "صغير"
smallDescription: "يعرض المحتوى صغيرًا ورفيعًا."
center: "وسط"
centerDescription: "يمركز المحتوى في الوَسَط."
quote: "اقتبس"
quoteDescription: "يعرض المحتوى كاقتباس"
emoji: "إيموجي مخصص"
emojiDescription: "إحاطة اسم الإيموجي بنقطتي تفسير سيستبدله بصورة الإيموجي."
search: "البحث"
searchDescription: "يعرض نصًا في صندوق البحث"
flip: "اقلب"
flipDescription: "يقلب المحتوى عموديًا أو أفقيًا"
jelly: "تأثير (هلام)"
@ -838,15 +895,28 @@ _mfm:
jumpDescription: "يمنح للمحتوى حركة قفز."
bounce: "تأثير (ارتداد)"
bounceDescription: "يمنح للمحتوى حركة ارتدادية"
shake: "تأثير (اهتزاز)"
shakeDescription: "يمنح المحتوى حركة اهتزازية."
spin: "تأثير (دوران)"
spinDescription: "يمنح المحتوى حركة دورانية."
x2: "كبير"
x2Description: "يُكبر المحتوى"
x3: "كبير جداً"
x3Description: "يُضخم المحتوى"
x4: "هائل"
x4Description: "يُضخم المحتوى أكثر مما سبق."
blur: "طمس"
blurDescription: "يطمس المحتوى، لكن بالتمرير فوقه سيظهر بوضوح."
font: "الخط"
fontDescription: "الخط المستخدم لعرض المحتوى."
rainbow: "قوس قزح"
rainbowDescription: "اجعل المحتوى يظهر بألوان الطيف"
rotate: "تدوير"
rotateDescription: "يُدير المحتوى بزاوية معيّنة."
none: "لا تظهره بتاتًا"
remote: "أظهر للمستخدمين البِعاد"
always: "أظهره دائمًا"
reload: "إعادة تحميل تلقائية"
dialog: "أظهر مربع حوار التحذيرات"
@ -866,12 +936,18 @@ _menuDisplay:
hide: "إخفاء"
muteWords: "الكلمات المحظورة"
muteWordsDescription: "افصل بينهم بمسافة لاستخدام معامل \"و\" أو بسطر لاستخدام معامل \"أو\"."
muteWordsDescription2: "احصر الكلمات المفتاحية بين بين شرطتين مائلتين لاستخدامها كتعابير نمطية"
softDescription: "اخف الملاحظات التي تستوف الشروط من الخيط الزمني."
hardDescription: "اخف الملاحظات التي تستوف الشروط من الخيط الزمني.بالإضافة إلى أن هذه الملاحظات ستبقى مخفية حتى وإن تغيرت الشروط."
soft: "لينة"
hard: "قاسية"
mutedNotes: "الملاحظات المكتومة"
instanceMuteDescription: "هذه سيحجب كل ملاحظات الخوادم المحجوبة ومشاركاتها والردود على تلك الملاحظات حتى وإن كانت من خادم غير محجوب."
instanceMuteDescription2: "مدخلة لكل سطر"
title: "يخفي ملاحظات الخوادم المسرودة."
heading: "قائمة الخوادم المحجوبة"
explore: "استكشف قوالب المظهر"
install: "تنصيب قالب"
@ -958,12 +1034,12 @@ _tutorial:
step3_3: "املأ النموذج وانقر الزرّ الموجود في أعلى اليمين للإرسال."
step3_4: "ليس لديك ما تقوله؟ إذا اكتب \"بدأتُ استخدم ميسكي\"."
step4_1: "هل نشرت ملاحظتك الأولى؟"
step4_2: "مرحى! يمكنك الآن رؤية ملاحظتك في الخط الزمني."
step5_1: "والآن، لنجعل الخط الزمني أكثر حيوية وذلك بمتابعة بعض المستخدمين."
step4_2: "مرحى! يمكنك الآن رؤية ملاحظتك في الخيط الزمني."
step5_1: "والآن، لنجعل الخيط الزمني أكثر حيوية وذلك بمتابعة بعض المستخدمين."
step5_2: "تعرض صفحة {features} الملاحظات المتداولة في هذا المثيل ويتيح لك {Explore} العثور على المستخدمين الرائدين. اعثر على الأشخاص الذين يثيرون إهتمامك وتابعهم!"
step5_3: "لمتابعة مستخدمين ادخل ملفهم الشخصي بالنقر على صورتهم الشخصية ثم اضغط زر 'تابع'."
step5_4: "إذا كان لدى المستخدم رمز قفل بجوار اسمه ، وجب عليك انتظاره ليقبل طلب المتابعة يدويًا."
step6_1: "الآن ستتمكن من رؤية ملاحظات المستخدمين المتابَعين في الخط الزمني."
step6_1: "الآن ستتمكن من رؤية ملاحظات المستخدمين المتابَعين في الخيط الزمني."
step6_2: "يمكنك التفاعل بسرعة مع الملاحظات عن طريق إضافة \"تفاعل\"."
step6_3: "لإضافة تفاعل لملاحظة ، انقر فوق علامة \"+\" أسفل للملاحظة واختر الإيموجي المطلوب."
step7_1: "مبارك ! أنهيت الدورة التعليمية الأساسية لاستخدام ميسكي."
@ -1088,9 +1164,12 @@ _postForm:
quotePlaceholder: "اقتبس هذه الملاحظة…"
channelPlaceholder: "انشر في قناة..."
a: "ما الذي تنوي فعله؟"
b: "ماذا يحدث حولك ؟"
c: "ما الذي تفكر فيه؟"
d: "ما الذي تريد قوله؟"
e: "أكتب..."
f: "بانتظارك لتكتب..."
name: "الإسم"
username: "اسم المستخدم"
@ -1109,23 +1188,30 @@ _exportOrImport:
muteList: "المستخدمون المكتومون"
blockingList: "المستخدمون المحجوبون"
userLists: "القوائم"
excludeMutingUsers: "استثن الحسابات المكتومة"
excludeInactiveUsers: "استثن المستخدمين الخاملين"
federation: "الفديرالية"
apRequest: "الطلبات"
usersIncDec: "اختلاف عدد المستخدمين"
usersIncDec: "تباين عدد المستخدمين"
usersTotal: "مجموع عدد المستخدمين والمستخدمات"
activeUsers: "المستخدمون النشطون"
notesIncDec: "اختلاف عدد الملاحظات"
localNotesIncDec: "اختلاف عدد الملاحظات المحلية"
remoteNotesIncDec: "اختلاف عدد الملاحظات البعيدة"
notesIncDec: "تباين عدد الملاحظات"
localNotesIncDec: "تباين عدد الملاحظات المحلية"
remoteNotesIncDec: "تباين عدد الملاحظات البعيدة"
notesTotal: "إجمالي الملاحظات"
filesIncDec: "اختلاف عدد الملفات"
filesIncDec: "تباين عدد الملفات"
filesTotal: "العدد الإجمالي للملفات"
requests: "الطلبات"
users: "اختلاف عدد المستخدمين"
notes: "اختلاف عدد الملاحظات"
files: "اختلاف عدد الملفات"
users: "تباين عدد المستخدمين"
usersTotal: "تباين عدد المستخدمين"
notes: "تباين عدد الملاحظات"
notesTotal: "تباين عدد الملاحظات"
ff: "تباين عدد حسابات المتابَعة/المتابِعة"
ffTotal: "تباين عدد حسابات المتابَعة/المتابِعة"
files: "تباين عدد الملفات"
filesTotal: "تباين عدد الملفات"
home: "الرئيسي"
local: "المحلي"
@ -1139,20 +1225,29 @@ _pages:
updated: "نجح تعديل الصفحة"
deleted: "نجح حذف الصفحة"
pageSetting: "إعدادات الصفحة"
nameAlreadyExists: "رابط الصفحة موجود مسبقًا"
invalidNameTitle: "رابط الصفحة ليس صالحًا"
invalidNameText: "تأكد أن عنوان الصفحة ليس فارغًا"
editThisPage: "عدّل هذه الصفحة"
viewSource: "اظهر المصدر"
viewPage: "اعرض صفحاتك"
like: "أعجبني"
unlike: "أزل الإعجاب"
my: "صفحاتي"
liked: "الصفحات المُعجب بها"
featured: "الأكثر شعبية"
contents: "المحتوى"
variables: "متغيّرات"
title: "العنوان"
url: "رابط الصفحة"
summary: "ملخص الصفحة"
alignCenter: "توسيط العناصر"
hideTitleWhenPinned: "اخف عنوان الصفحة عند تدبيسها في ملف الشخصي"
font: "الخط"
fontSerif: "Serif"
fontSansSerif: "Sans Serif"
eyeCatchingImageSet: "عيّن صورة مصغّرة"
eyeCatchingImageRemove: "احذف صورة مصغّرة"
chooseBlock: "إضافة كتلة"
selectType: "اختر النوع"
enterVariableName: "أدخل اسم المتغيّر"
@ -1235,6 +1330,7 @@ _pages:
random: "عشوائي"
value: "القيم"
fn: "دوال"
text: "إجراءات على النصوص"
convert: "تحويل"
list: "القوائم"
@ -1401,6 +1497,7 @@ _notification:
youReceivedFollowRequest: "تلقيتَ طلب متابعة"
yourFollowRequestAccepted: "قُبل طلب المتابعة"
youWereInvitedToGroup: "دُعيت إلى فريقٍ"
pollEnded: "ظهرت نتائج الاستطلاع"
all: "الكل"
follow: "متابِعون جدد"
@ -1409,9 +1506,15 @@ _notification:
renote: "أعد النشر"
quote: "الاقتباسات"
reaction: "التفاعلات"
pollVote: "مصوِت شارك في الاستطلاع"
receiveFollowRequest: "طلبات المتابعة المتلقاة"
followRequestAccepted: "طلبات المتابعة المقبولة"
groupInvited: "دعوات الفريق"
app: "إشعارات التطبيقات المرتبطة"
followBack: "تابعك بالمثل"
reply: "رد"
renote: "أعد النشر"
alwaysShowMainColumn: "أظهر العمود الرئيسي دائمًا"
columnAlign: "حاذِ الأعمدة"
@ -325,8 +325,6 @@ disablingTimelinesInfo: "আপনি এই টাইমলাইনগুল
registration: "নিবন্ধন"
enableRegistration: "নতুন ব্যাবহারকারী নিবন্ধন চালু করুন"
invite: "আমন্ত্রণ"
proxyRemoteFiles: "রিমোট ফাইলসমুহ প্রক্সি করুন"
proxyRemoteFilesDescription: "যখন এই সেটিংটি চালু থাকে, তখন অসংরক্ষিত বা অতিরিক্ত ক্ষমতার কারণে দূরবর্তী ফাইলগুলিকে স্থানীয়ভাবে প্রক্সি করা হবে এবং থাম্বনেলগুলিও তৈরি করা হবে৷ সার্ভার স্টোরেজ ব্যাবহার করে না,"
driveCapacityPerLocalAccount: "প্রত্যেক স্থানীয় ব্যাবহারকারীর জন্য ড্রাইভের জায়গা"
driveCapacityPerRemoteAccount: "প্রত্যেক রিমোট ব্যাবহারকারীর জন্য ড্রাইভের জায়গা"
inMb: "মেগাবাইটে লিখুন"
@ -422,7 +420,6 @@ next: "পরবর্তী"
retype: "পুনঃ প্রবেশ"
noteOf: "{user} এর নোট"
inviteToGroup: "গ্রুপে আমন্ত্রণ জানান"
maxNoteTextLength: "নোট এর সর্বোচ্চ দৈর্ঘ্য"
quoteAttached: "উদ্ধৃত"
quoteQuestion: "উদ্ধৃতি হিসাবে সংযুক্ত করবেন?"
noMessagesYet: "কোন মেসেজ নেই"
@ -831,6 +828,14 @@ smartphone: "স্মার্টফোন"
tablet: "ট্যাবলেট"
auto: "স্বয়ংক্রিয়"
themeColor: "থিমের রং"
size: "আকার"
numberOfColumn: "কলামের সংখ্যা"
searchByGoogle: "গুগল"
indefinitely: "অনির্দিষ্ট"
tenMinutes: "১০ মিনিট"
oneHour: "১ ঘণ্টা"
oneDay: "একদিন"
oneWeek: "এক সপ্তাহ"
used: "এই ইমেইল ঠিকানাটি ইতোমধ্যে ব্যবহৃত হয়েছে"
format: "এই ইমেল ঠিকানাটি সঠিকভাবে লিখা হয়নি"
@ -1616,6 +1621,9 @@ _notification:
followRequestAccepted: "গৃহীত অনুসরণের অনুরোধসমূহ"
groupInvited: "গ্রুপের আমন্ত্রনসমূহ"
app: "লিঙ্ক করা অ্যাপ থেকে বিজ্ঞপ্তি"
reply: "জবাব"
renote: "রিনোট"
alwaysShowMainColumn: "সর্বদা মেইন কলাম দেখান"
columnAlign: "কলাম সাজান"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
_lang_: "Català"
headlineMisskey: "Una xarxa connectada per notes"
introMisskey: "Benvingut! Misskey és un servei de microblogging descentralitzat de codi obert.\nCrea \"notes\" per compartir els teus pensaments amb tots els que t'envolten. 📡\nAmb \"reaccions\", també pots expressar ràpidament els teus sentiments sobre les notes de tothom. 👍\nExplorem un món nou! 🚀"
monthAndDay: "{day}/{month}"
search: "Cercar"
notifications: "Notificacions"
username: "Nom d'usuari"
password: "Contrasenya"
forgotPassword: "Contrasenya oblidada"
fetchingAsApObject: "Cercant en el Fediverse..."
ok: "OK"
gotIt: "Ho he entès!"
cancel: "Cancel·lar"
enterUsername: "Introdueix el teu nom d'usuari"
renotedBy: "Resignat per {usuari}"
noNotes: "Cap nota"
noNotifications: "Cap notificació"
instance: "Instàncies"
settings: "Preferències"
basicSettings: "Configuració bàsica"
otherSettings: "Configuració avançada"
openInWindow: "Obrir en una nova finestra"
profile: "Perfil"
timeline: "Línia de temps"
noAccountDescription: "Aquest usuari encara no ha escrit la seva biografia."
login: "Iniciar sessió"
loggingIn: "Identificant-se"
logout: "Tancar la sessió"
signup: "Registrar-se"
uploading: "Pujant..."
save: "Desar"
users: "Usuaris"
addUser: "Afegir un usuari"
favorite: "Afegir a preferits"
favorites: "Favorits"
unfavorite: "Eliminar dels preferits"
favorited: "Afegit als preferits."
alreadyFavorited: "Ja s'ha afegit als preferits."
cantFavorite: "No s'ha pogut afegir als preferits."
pin: "Fixar al perfil"
unpin: "Para de fixar del perfil"
copyContent: "Copiar el contingut"
copyLink: "Copiar l'enllaç"
delete: "Eliminar"
deleteAndEdit: "Esborrar i editar"
deleteAndEditConfirm: "Estàs segur que vols suprimir aquesta nota i editar-la? Perdràs totes les reaccions, notes i respostes."
addToList: "Afegir a una llista"
sendMessage: "Enviar un missatge"
copyUsername: "Copiar nom d'usuari"
searchUser: "Cercar usuaris"
reply: "Respondre"
loadMore: "Carregar més"
showMore: "Veure més"
youGotNewFollower: "t'ha seguit"
receiveFollowRequest: "Sol·licitud de seguiment rebuda"
followRequestAccepted: "Sol·licitud de seguiment acceptada"
mention: "Menció"
mentions: "Mencions"
directNotes: "Notes directes"
importAndExport: "Importar / Exportar"
import: "Importar"
export: "Exportar"
files: "Fitxers"
download: "Baixar"
driveFileDeleteConfirm: "Estàs segur que vols suprimir el fitxer \"{name}\"? Les notes associades a aquest fitxer adjunt també se suprimiran."
unfollowConfirm: "Estàs segur que vols deixar de seguir {name}?"
exportRequested: "Has sol·licitat una exportació. Això pot trigar una estona. S'afegirà a la teva unitat un cop completat."
importRequested: "Has sol·licitat una importació. Això pot trigar una estona."
lists: "Llistes"
noLists: "No tens cap llista"
note: "Nota"
notes: "Notes"
following: "Seguint"
followers: "Seguidors"
followsYou: "Et segueix"
createList: "Crear llista"
manageLists: "Gestionar les llistes"
error: "Error"
somethingHappened: "S'ha produït un error"
retry: "Torna-ho a intentar"
pageLoadError: "S'ha produït un error en carregar la pàgina"
pageLoadErrorDescription: "Això normalment es deu a errors de xarxa o a la memòria cau del navegador. Prova d'esborrar la memòria cau i torna-ho a provar després d'esperar una estona."
serverIsDead: "Aquest servidor no respon. Espera una estona i torna-ho a provar."
youShouldUpgradeClient: "Per veure aquesta pàgina, actualitzeu-la per actualitzar el vostre client."
enterListName: "Introdueix un nom per a la llista"
privacy: "Privadesa"
makeFollowManuallyApprove: "Les sol·licituds de seguiment requereixen aprovació"
defaultNoteVisibility: "Visibilitat per defecte"
follow: "Seguint"
followRequest: "Enviar la sol·licitud de seguiment"
followRequests: "Sol·licituds de seguiment"
unfollow: "Deixar de seguir"
followRequestPending: "Sol·licituds de seguiment pendents"
enterEmoji: "Introduir un emoji"
renote: "Renotar"
unrenote: "Anul·lar renota"
renoted: "Renotat."
cantRenote: "Aquesta publicació no pot ser renotada."
cantReRenote: "Impossible renotar una renota."
quote: "Citar"
pinnedNote: "Nota fixada"
pinned: "Fixar al perfil"
you: "Tu"
clickToShow: "Fes clic per mostrar"
sensitive: "NSFW"
add: "Afegir"
reaction: "Reaccions"
reactionSetting: "Reaccions a mostrar al selector de reaccions"
reactionSettingDescription2: "Arrossega per reordenar, fes clic per suprimir, prem \"+\" per afegir."
rememberNoteVisibility: "Recorda la configuració de visibilitat de les notes"
attachCancel: "Eliminar el fitxer adjunt"
markAsSensitive: "Marcar com a NSFW"
instances: "Instàncies"
remove: "Eliminar"
nsfw: "NSFW"
pinnedNotes: "Nota fixada"
userList: "Llistes"
smtpUser: "Nom d'usuari"
smtpPass: "Contrasenya"
user: "Usuaris"
searchByGoogle: "Cercar"
title: "t'ha seguit"
mention: "Menció"
quote: "Citar"
search: "Cercar"
mention: "Menció"
renote: "Renotar"
note: "Notes"
notification: "Notificacions"
notifications: "Notificacions"
timeline: "Línia de temps"
show: "Carregar més"
followers: "Seguidors"
username: "Nom d'usuari"
followingList: "Seguint"
userLists: "Llistes"
list: "Llistes"
arg1: "Llistes"
arg1: "Llistes"
arg1: "Llistes"
arg2: "Llistes"
arg1: "Llistes"
arg1: "Llistes"
array: "Llistes"
youWereFollowed: "t'ha seguit"
follow: "Seguint"
mention: "Menció"
renote: "Renotar"
quote: "Citar"
reaction: "Reaccions"
reply: "Respondre"
renote: "Renotar"
notifications: "Notificacions"
tl: "Línia de temps"
list: "Llistes"
mentions: "Mencions"
@ -53,6 +53,8 @@ reply: "Odpovědět"
loadMore: "Zobrazit více"
showMore: "Zobrazit více"
youGotNewFollower: "Máte nového následovníka"
receiveFollowRequest: "Žádost o sledování přijata"
followRequestAccepted: "Žádost o sledování přijata"
mention: "Zmínění"
mentions: "Zmínění"
importAndExport: "Import a export"
@ -60,7 +62,9 @@ import: "Importovat"
export: "Exportovat"
files: "Soubor(ů)"
download: "Stáhnout"
driveFileDeleteConfirm: "Opravdu chcete smazat soubor \"{name}\"? Poznámky, ke kterým je tento soubor připojen, budou také smazány."
unfollowConfirm: "Jste si jisti že už nechcete sledovat {name}?"
exportRequested: "Požádali jste o export. To může chvíli trvat. Přidáme ho na váš Disk až bude dokončen."
importRequested: "Požádali jste o export. To může chvilku trvat."
lists: "Seznamy"
noLists: "Nemáte žádné seznamy"
@ -75,13 +79,25 @@ error: "Chyba"
somethingHappened: "Jejda. Něco se nepovedlo."
retry: "Opakovat"
pageLoadError: "Nepodařilo se načíst stránku"
serverIsDead: "Server neodpovídá. Počkejte chvíli a zkuste to znovu."
youShouldUpgradeClient: "Pro zobrazení této stránky obnovte stránku pro aktualizaci klienta."
enterListName: "Jméno seznamu"
privacy: "Soukromí"
makeFollowManuallyApprove: "Žádosti o sledování vyžadují potvrzení"
defaultNoteVisibility: "Výchozí viditelnost"
follow: "Sledovaní"
followRequest: "Odeslat žádost o sledování"
followRequests: "Žádosti o sledování"
unfollow: "Přestat sledovat"
followRequestPending: "Čekající žádosti o sledování"
enterEmoji: "Vložte emoji"
renote: "Přeposlat"
unrenote: "Zrušit přeposlání"
renoted: "Přeposláno"
cantRenote: "Tento příspěvek nelze přeposlat."
cantReRenote: "Odpověď nemůže být odstraněna."
quote: "Citovat"
pinnedNote: "Připnutá poznámka"
pinned: "Připnout"
you: "Vy"
clickToShow: "Klikněte pro zobrazení"
@ -122,6 +138,8 @@ flagAsBot: "Tento účet je bot"
flagAsBotDescription: "Pokud je tento účet kontrolován programem zaškrtněte tuto možnost. To označí tento účet jako bot pro ostatní vývojáře a zabrání tak nekonečným interakcím s ostatními boty a upraví Misskey systém aby se choval k tomuhle účtu jako bot."
flagAsCat: "Tenhle účet je kočka"
flagAsCatDescription: "Vyberte tuto možnost aby tento účet byl označen jako kočka."
flagShowTimelineReplies: "Zobrazovat odpovědi na časové ose"
flagShowTimelineRepliesDescription: "Je-li zapnuto, zobrazí odpovědi uživatelů na poznámky jiných uživatelů na vaší časové ose."
autoAcceptFollowed: "Automaticky akceptovat následování od účtů které sledujete"
addAccount: "Přidat účet"
loginFailed: "Přihlášení se nezdařilo."
@ -130,13 +148,16 @@ general: "Obecně"
wallpaper: "Obrázek na pozadí"
setWallpaper: "Nastavení obrázku na pozadí"
removeWallpaper: "Odstranit pozadí"
searchWith: "Hledat: {q}"
youHaveNoLists: "Nemáte žádné seznamy"
followConfirm: "Jste si jisti, že chcete sledovat {name}?"
proxyAccount: "Proxy účet"
proxyAccountDescription: "Proxy účet je účet, který za určitých podmínek sleduje uživatele na dálku vaším jménem. Například když uživatel zařadí vzdáleného uživatele do seznamu, pokud nikdo nesleduje uživatele na seznamu, aktivita nebude doručena instanci, takže místo toho bude uživatele sledovat účet proxy."
host: "Hostitel"
selectUser: "Vyberte uživatele"
recipient: "Pro"
annotation: "Komentáře"
federation: "Federace"
instances: "Instance"
registeredAt: "Registrován"
latestRequestSentAt: "Poslední požadavek poslán"
@ -146,6 +167,7 @@ storageUsage: "Využití úložiště"
charts: "Grafy"
perHour: "za hodinu"
perDay: "za den"
stopActivityDelivery: "Přestat zasílat aktivitu"
blockThisInstance: "Blokovat tuto instanci"
operations: "Operace"
software: "Software"
@ -283,6 +305,8 @@ iconUrl: "Favicon URL"
bannerUrl: "Baner URL"
backgroundImageUrl: "Adresa URL obrázku pozadí"
basicInfo: "Základní informace"
pinnedUsers: "Připnutí uživatelé"
pinnedNotes: "Připnutá poznámka"
hcaptcha: "hCaptcha"
enableHcaptcha: "Aktivovat hCaptchu"
hcaptchaSecretKey: "Tajný Klíč (Secret Key)"
@ -449,6 +473,7 @@ clearCache: "Vyprázdnit mezipaměť"
info: "Informace"
user: "Uživatelé"
administration: "Administrace"
searchByGoogle: "Vyhledávání"
title: "Máte nového následovníka"
@ -470,6 +495,7 @@ _widgets:
notifications: "Oznámení"
timeline: "Časová osa"
activity: "Aktivita"
federation: "Federace"
jobQueue: "Fronta úloh"
show: "Zobrazit více"
@ -484,6 +510,8 @@ _exportOrImport:
muteList: "Ztlumit"
blockingList: "Zablokovat"
userLists: "Seznamy"
federation: "Federace"
home: "Domů"
@ -516,6 +544,9 @@ _notification:
renote: "Přeposlat"
quote: "Citovat"
reaction: "Reakce"
reply: "Odpovědět"
renote: "Přeposlat"
notifications: "Oznámení"
@ -14,16 +14,16 @@ gotIt: "Verstanden!"
cancel: "Abbrechen"
enterUsername: "Benutzername eingeben"
renotedBy: "Renote von {user}"
noNotes: "Keine Notizen"
noNotifications: "Keine Benachrichtigungen"
noNotes: "Keine Notizen gefunden"
noNotifications: "Keine Benachrichtigungen gefunden"
instance: "Instanz"
settings: "Einstellungen"
basicSettings: "Allgemeine Einstellungen"
otherSettings: "Weitere Einstellungen"
openInWindow: "In Fenster öffnen"
openInWindow: "In einem Fenster öffnen"
profile: "Profil"
timeline: "Chronik"
noAccountDescription: "Dieser Nutzer hat seine Profilbeschreibung noch nicht ausgefüllt."
noAccountDescription: "Dieser Nutzer hat seine Profilbeschreibung noch nicht ausgefüllt"
login: "Anmelden"
loggingIn: "Du wirst angemeldet …"
logout: "Abmelden"
@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ unfavorite: "Aus Favoriten entfernen"
favorited: "Zu Favoriten hinzugefügt."
alreadyFavorited: "Bereits zu den Favoriten hinzugefügt."
cantFavorite: "Hinzufügen zu Favoriten fehlgeschlagen."
pin: "Anheften"
unpin: "Lösen"
pin: "An dein Profil anheften"
unpin: "Von deinem Profil lösen"
copyContent: "Inhalt kopieren"
copyLink: "Link kopieren"
delete: "Löschen"
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ deleteAndEdit: "Löschen und Bearbeiten"
deleteAndEditConfirm: "Möchtest du diese Notiz wirklich löschen und bearbeiten? Alle Reaktionen, Renotes und Antworten dieser Notiz werden verloren gehen."
addToList: "Zu Liste hinzufügen"
sendMessage: "Nachricht senden"
copyUsername: "Benutzername kopieren"
copyUsername: "Benutzernamen kopieren"
searchUser: "Nach einem Benutzer suchen"
reply: "Antworten"
loadMore: "Mehr laden"
@ -63,12 +63,12 @@ import: "Import"
export: "Export"
files: "Dateien"
download: "Herunterladen"
driveFileDeleteConfirm: "Möchtest du die Datei „{name}“ wirklich löschen? Die zugehörige Notiz wird ebenso verschwinden."
driveFileDeleteConfirm: "Möchtest du die Datei „{name}“ wirklich löschen? Notizen mit dieser Datei werden ebenso verschwinden."
unfollowConfirm: "Möchtest du {name} nicht mehr folgen?"
exportRequested: "Du hast einen Export angefragt. Dies kann etwas Zeit in Anspruch nehmen. Sobald der Export abgeschlossen ist, wird er deiner Drive hinzugefügt."
importRequested: "Du hast einen Import angefragt. Dies kann etwas Zeit in Anspruch nehmen."
lists: "Listen"
noLists: "Keine Listen"
noLists: "Keine Listen gefunden"
note: "Notiz"
notes: "Notizen"
following: "Folgt"
@ -79,16 +79,16 @@ manageLists: "Listen verwalten"
error: "Fehler"
somethingHappened: "Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten"
retry: "Wiederholen"
pageLoadError: "Laden der Seite fehlgeschlagen."
pageLoadError: "Die Seite konnte nicht geladen werden."
pageLoadErrorDescription: "Dieser Fehler wird meist durch Netzwerkfehler oder den Browser-Cache verursacht. Bitte leere den Cache oder versuche es nach einiger Zeit erneut."
serverIsDead: "Dieser Server antwortet nicht. Bitte warte einen Moment und versuche es dann erneut."
youShouldUpgradeClient: "Bitte aktualisiere diese Seite, um eine neuere Version deines Clients zu verwenden."
enterListName: "Name der Liste eingeben"
enterListName: "Listennamen eingeben"
privacy: "Privatsphäre"
makeFollowManuallyApprove: "Follow-Anfragen benötigen Bestätigung"
defaultNoteVisibility: "Standardsichtbarkeit"
follow: "Folgen"
followRequest: "Follow-Anfrage"
followRequest: "Follow-Anfrage senden"
followRequests: "Follow-Anfragen"
unfollow: "Nicht mehr folgen"
followRequestPending: "Follow-Anfrage ausstehend"
@ -107,11 +107,11 @@ sensitive: "NSFW"
add: "Hinzufügen"
reaction: "Reaktionen"
reactionSetting: "In der Reaktionsauswahl anzuzeigende Reaktionen"
reactionSettingDescription2: "Ziehe zum Anordnen, klicke zum Löschen, drücke + zum Hinzufügen"
reactionSettingDescription2: "Ziehe um Anzuordnen, klicke um zu löschen, drücke „+“ um hinzuzufügen"
rememberNoteVisibility: "Notizsichtbarkeit merken"
attachCancel: "Anhang entfernen"
markAsSensitive: "Als NSFW markieren"
unmarkAsSensitive: "NSFW-Markierung entfernen"
unmarkAsSensitive: "Als nicht NSFW markieren"
enterFileName: "Dateinamen eingeben"
mute: "Stummschalten"
unmute: "Stummschaltung aufheben"
@ -129,20 +129,20 @@ selectWidget: "Widget auswählen"
editWidgets: "Widgets bearbeiten"
editWidgetsExit: "Fertig"
customEmojis: "Benutzerdefinierte Emojis"
emoji: "Emojis"
emoji: "Emoji"
emojis: "Emojis"
emojiName: "Emoji-Name"
emojiUrl: "Emoji-URL"
addEmoji: "Emoji hinzufügen"
settingGuide: "Empfohlene Einstellung"
cacheRemoteFiles: "Dateien von fremden Instanzen im Cache speichern"
cacheRemoteFilesDescription: "Ist diese Einstellung deaktiviert, so werden Dateien fremder Instanzen direkt von dort geladen. Hierdurch wird Speicherplatz auf dem Server gespart, aber durch fehlende Generierung von Vorschaubildern mehr Bandbreite verwendet."
cacheRemoteFilesDescription: "Ist diese Einstellung deaktiviert, so werden Dateien fremder Instanzen direkt von dort geladen. Hierdurch wird Speicherplatz auf diesem Server gespart, aber durch fehlende Generierung von Vorschaubildern mehr Bandbreite verwendet."
flagAsBot: "Als Bot markieren"
flagAsBotDescription: "Aktiviere diese Option, falls dieses Benutzerkonto durch ein Programm gesteuert wird. Falls aktiviert, agiert es als Flag für andere Entwickler zur Verhinderung von endlosen Kettenreaktionen mit anderen Bots und lässt Misskeys interne Systeme dieses Benutzerkonto als Bot behandeln."
flagAsCat: "Als Katze markieren"
flagAsCatDescription: "Aktiviere diese Option, um dieses Benutzerkonto als Katze zu markieren."
flagShowTimelineReplies: "Antworten in der Chronik anzeigen"
flagShowTimelineRepliesDescription: "Ist diese Option aktiviert, so werden Antworten von Benutzern auf die Notizen anderer Benuzter in der Chronik an angezeigt."
flagShowTimelineRepliesDescription: "Ist diese Option aktiviert, so werden Antworten von Benutzern auf die Notizen anderer Benutzer in der Chronik angezeigt."
autoAcceptFollowed: "Follow-Anfragen von Benutzern, denen du folgst, automatisch akzeptieren"
addAccount: "Benutzerkonto hinzufügen"
loginFailed: "Anmeldung fehlgeschlagen"
@ -151,12 +151,12 @@ general: "Allgemein"
wallpaper: "Hintergrund"
setWallpaper: "Hintergrund festlegen"
removeWallpaper: "Hintergrund entfernen"
searchWith: "Suche: {q}"
searchWith: "Suchen: {q}"
youHaveNoLists: "Du hast keine Listen"
followConfirm: "Möchtest du {name} wirklich folgen?"
proxyAccount: "Proxy-Benutzerkonto"
proxyAccountDescription: "Ein Proxy-Benutzerkonto ist ein Benutzerkonto, das sich für Nutzer unter bestimmten Konditionen wie ein Follower aus einer fremden Instanz verhält. Zum Beispiel wird die Aktivität eines Nutzers aus einer fremden Instanz nicht an diese Instanz übermittelt, falls es keinen Benutzer dieser Instanz gibt, der diesem Nutzer aus fremder Instanz folgt. In diesem Fall folgt stattdessen das Proxy-Benutzerkonto."
host: "Host"
host: "Hostname"
selectUser: "Benutzer auswählen"
recipient: "Empfänger"
annotation: "Anmerkung"
@ -194,17 +194,17 @@ blockedInstancesDescription: "Gib die Hostnamen der Instanzen, welche blockiert
muteAndBlock: "Stummschaltungen und Blockierungen"
mutedUsers: "Stummgeschaltete Benutzer"
blockedUsers: "Blockierte Benutzer"
noUsers: "Keine Benutzer"
noUsers: "Keine Benutzer gefunden"
editProfile: "Profil bearbeiten"
noteDeleteConfirm: "Möchtest du diese Notiz wirklich löschen?"
pinLimitExceeded: "Es können nicht noch mehr Notizen angeheftet werden"
intro: "Misskey Installation abgeschlossen! Lass uns nun ein Administratorkonto erstellen."
pinLimitExceeded: "Du kannst nicht noch mehr Notizen anheften."
intro: "Misskey ist installiert! Lass uns nun ein Administratorkonto einrichten."
done: "Fertig"
processing: "In Bearbeitung …"
preview: "Vorschau"
default: "Standard"
noCustomEmojis: "Keine benutzerdefinierten Emojis vorhanden"
noJobs: "Es gibt keine Jobs"
noCustomEmojis: "Keine benutzerdefinierten Emojis gefunden"
noJobs: "Keine Jobs vorhanden"
federating: "Wird föderiert"
blocked: "Blockiert"
suspended: "Gesperrt"
@ -217,10 +217,10 @@ instanceFollowers: "Follower der Instanz"
instanceUsers: "Benutzer der Instanz"
changePassword: "Passwort ändern"
security: "Sicherheit"
retypedNotMatch: "Beide Eingaben stimmen nicht überein."
retypedNotMatch: "Die Eingaben stimmen nicht überein."
currentPassword: "Aktuelles Passwort"
newPassword: "Neues Passwort"
newPasswordRetype: "Neues Passwort (wiederholen)"
newPasswordRetype: "Neues Passwort bestätigen"
attachFile: "Datei anhängen"
more: "Mehr!"
featured: "Beliebt"
@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ removed: "Erfolgreich gelöscht"
removeAreYouSure: "Möchtest du „{x}“ wirklich entfernen?"
deleteAreYouSure: "Möchtest du „{x}“ wirklich löschen?"
resetAreYouSure: "Wirklich zurücksetzen?"
saved: "Gespeichert"
saved: "Erfolgreich gespeichert"
messaging: "Chat"
upload: "Hochladen"
keepOriginalUploading: "Originalbild speichern"
@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ avatar: "Profilbild"
banner: "Banner"
nsfw: "NSFW"
whenServerDisconnected: "Bei Verbindungsverlust zum Server"
disconnectedFromServer: "Verbindung zum Server wurde getrennt"
disconnectedFromServer: "Die Verbindung zum Server wurde getrennt"
reload: "Aktualisieren"
doNothing: "Ignorieren"
reloadConfirm: "Seite neu laden?"
@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ normal: "Normal"
instanceName: "Name der Instanz"
instanceDescription: "Beschreibung der Instanz"
maintainerName: "Betreiber"
maintainerEmail: "Betreiber-E-Mail"
maintainerEmail: "Betreiber-Email"
tosUrl: "URL der Nutzungsbedingungen"
thisYear: "Jahr"
thisMonth: "Monat"
@ -325,20 +325,18 @@ disablingTimelinesInfo: "Administratoren und Moderatoren haben immer Zugriff auf
registration: "Registrieren"
enableRegistration: "Registration neuer Benutzer erlauben"
invite: "Einladen"
proxyRemoteFiles: "Dateien fremder Instanzen durch Proxy leiten"
proxyRemoteFilesDescription: "Wenn diese Einstellung aktiviert ist, dann werden Dateien von fremdem Instanzen, welche entweder nicht lokal gespeichert sind oder durch Überschreiten des Speicherlimits gelöscht wurden, durch einen Proxy geleitet. Hierbei wird auch ein Vorschaubild generiert. \n Dies hat keinen Effekt auf den Speicherplatz des Servers."
driveCapacityPerLocalAccount: "Drive-Kapazität pro lokales Benutzerkonto"
driveCapacityPerLocalAccount: "Drive-Kapazität pro lokalem Benutzerkonto"
driveCapacityPerRemoteAccount: "Drive-Kapazität pro Benutzer fremder Instanzen"
inMb: "In Megabytes"
iconUrl: "Icon-URL (favicon etc)"
bannerUrl: "Banner-URL"
backgroundImageUrl: "Hintergrundbild-URL"
basicInfo: "Basisdaten"
basicInfo: "Grundlegende Informationen"
pinnedUsers: "Angeheftete Benutzer"
pinnedUsersDescription: "Gib durch Leerzeichen getrennte Benutzer an, die an die \"Erkunden\"-Seite angeheftet werden sollen."
pinnedPages: "Angeheftete Seiten"
pinnedPagesDescription: "Gib durch Leerzeilen getrennte Pfäde zu Seiten an, die du an die Startseite dieser Instanz anheften möchtest.\n"
pinnedClipId: "ID des angehefteten Clips"
pinnedPagesDescription: "Gib durch Leerzeilen getrennte Pfäde zu Seiten an, die an die Startseite dieser Instanz angeheftet werden sollen.\n"
pinnedClipId: "ID des anzuheftenden Clips"
pinnedNotes: "Angeheftete Notizen"
hcaptcha: "hCaptcha"
enableHcaptcha: "hCaptcha aktivieren"
@ -348,14 +346,14 @@ recaptcha: "reCAPTCHA"
enableRecaptcha: "reCAPTCHA aktivieren"
recaptchaSiteKey: "Site key"
recaptchaSecretKey: "Secret key"
avoidMultiCaptchaConfirm: "Das Verwenden von mehreren Captcha-Systemen kann zu Störungen führen. Möchtest du die anderen Systeme deaktivieren? Du kannst mehrere Systeme aktiviert lassen, in dem du auf Abbrechen drückst."
avoidMultiCaptchaConfirm: "Das Verwenden von mehreren Captcha-Systemen kann zu Störungen führen. Sollen die anderen Systeme deaktiviert werden? Durch Abbrechen können mehrere Systeme aktiviert bleiben."
antennas: "Antennen"
manageAntennas: "Antennen verwalten"
name: "Name"
antennaSource: "Antennenquelle"
antennaKeywords: "Zu beobachtende Schlüsselwörter"
antennaExcludeKeywords: "Zu ignorierende Schlüsselwörter"
antennaKeywordsDescription: "Mit Leerzeichen für eine \"UND\"-Verknüpfung trennen, durch Zeilenumbrüche für eine \"ODER\"-Verknüpfung trennen"
antennaKeywordsDescription: "Zum Nutzen einer \"UND\"-Verknüpfung Einträge mit Leerzeichen trennen, zum Nutzen einer \"ODER\"-Verknüpfung Einträge mit einem Zeilenumbruch trennen"
notifyAntenna: "Über neue Notizen benachrichtigen"
withFileAntenna: "Nur Notizen mit Dateien"
enableServiceworker: "ServiceWorker aktivieren"
@ -376,14 +374,14 @@ recentlyDiscoveredUsers: "Vor kurzem gefundene Benutzer"
exploreUsersCount: "Es gibt {count} Benutzer"
exploreFediverse: "Das Fediverse erkunden"
popularTags: "Beliebte Schlagwörter"
userList: "Listen"
userList: "Liste"
about: "Über"
aboutMisskey: "Über Misskey"
administrator: "Administrator"
token: "Token"
twoStepAuthentication: "Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung"
moderator: "Moderator"
nUsersMentioned: "{n} Benutzer reden darüber"
nUsersMentioned: "Von {n} Benutzern erwähnt"
securityKey: "Sicherheitsschlüssel"
securityKeyName: "Schlüsselname"
registerSecurityKey: "Sicherheitsschlüssel registrieren"
@ -391,7 +389,7 @@ lastUsed: "Zuletzt benutzt"
unregister: "Deaktivieren"
passwordLessLogin: "Passwortloses Anmelden einrichten"
resetPassword: "Passwort zurücksetzen"
newPasswordIs: "Das neue Passwort ist \"{password}\""
newPasswordIs: "Das neue Passwort ist „{password}“"
reduceUiAnimation: "Animationen der Benutzeroberfläche reduzieren"
share: "Teilen"
notFound: "Nicht gefunden"
@ -407,7 +405,7 @@ close: "Schließen"
group: "Gruppe"
groups: "Gruppen"
createGroup: "Gruppe erstellen"
ownedGroups: "Eigene Gruppen"
ownedGroups: "Meine Gruppen"
joinedGroups: "Beigetretene Gruppen"
invites: "Einladungen"
groupName: "Gruppenname"
@ -415,30 +413,29 @@ members: "Mitglieder"
transfer: "Übertragen"
messagingWithUser: "Privatchat"
messagingWithGroup: "Gruppenchat"
title: "Betreff"
title: "Titel"
text: "Text"
enable: "Aktivieren"
next: "Weiter"
retype: "Erneut eingeben"
noteOf: "Notiz von {user}"
inviteToGroup: "Zu Gruppe einladen"
maxNoteTextLength: "Maximale Länge von Notizen"
quoteAttached: "Zitiert"
quoteQuestion: "Als Zitat anfügen?"
noMessagesYet: "Noch keine Nachrichten"
quoteAttached: "Zitat"
quoteQuestion: "Als Zitat anhängen?"
noMessagesYet: "Noch keine Nachrichten vorhanden"
newMessageExists: "Du hast eine neue Nachricht"
onlyOneFileCanBeAttached: "Es kann pro Nachricht nur eine Datei angehängt werden"
signinRequired: "Anmeldung erforderlich"
signinRequired: "Bitte melde dich an"
invitations: "Einladungen"
invitationCode: "Einladungscode"
checking: "Wird überprüft..."
checking: "Wird überprüft …"
available: "Verfügbar"
unavailable: "Unverfügbar"
usernameInvalidFormat: "Klein- und Großbuchstaben, Zahlen sowie Unterstriche sind verwendbar."
usernameInvalidFormat: "Du kannst Klein- und Großbuchstaben, Zahlen sowie Unterstriche verwenden"
tooShort: "Zu kurz"
tooLong: "Zu lang"
weakPassword: "Schwaches Passwort"
normalPassword: "Normales Passwort"
normalPassword: "Durchschnittliches Passwort"
strongPassword: "Starkes Passwort"
passwordMatched: "Stimmt überein"
passwordNotMatched: "Stimmt nicht überein"
@ -454,18 +451,18 @@ useOsNativeEmojis: "Eingebaute Emojis des Betriebssystems benutzen"
disableDrawer: "Keine ausfahrbaren Menüs verwenden"
youHaveNoGroups: "Keine Gruppen vorhanden"
joinOrCreateGroup: "Lass dich zu einer Gruppe einladen oder erstelle deine eigene."
noHistory: "Kein Verlauf"
noHistory: "Kein Verlauf gefunden"
signinHistory: "Anmeldungsverlauf"
disableAnimatedMfm: "MFM, die Animationen enthalten, deaktivieren"
doing: "In Bearbeitung..."
doing: "In Bearbeitung …"
category: "Kategorie"
tags: "Schlagwörter"
docSource: "Quelle dieses Dokuments"
docSource: "Quellcode dieses Dokuments"
createAccount: "Benutzerkonto erstellen"
existingAccount: "Bestehendes Benutzerkonto"
regenerate: "Regenerieren"
fontSize: "Schriftgröße"
noFollowRequests: "Du hast keine ausstehende Follow-Anfragen"
noFollowRequests: "Keine ausstehenden Follow-Anfragen vorhanden"
openImageInNewTab: "Bilder in neuem Tab öffnen"
dashboard: "Dashboard"
local: "Lokal"
@ -476,25 +473,25 @@ dayOverDayChanges: "Veränderung zu Gestern"
appearance: "Aussehen"
clientSettings: "Client-Einstellungen"
accountSettings: "Benutzerkonto-Einstellungen"
promotion: "Hervorgehoben"
promote: "Hervorheben"
promotion: "Werbung"
promote: "Werbung schalten"
numberOfDays: "Anzahl der Tage"
hideThisNote: "Diese Notiz verstecken"
showFeaturedNotesInTimeline: "Beliebte Notizen in Chronik anzeigen"
objectStorage: "Objektspeicher"
useObjectStorage: "Objektspeicher verwenden"
showFeaturedNotesInTimeline: "Beliebte Notizen in der Chronik anzeigen"
objectStorage: "Object Storage"
useObjectStorage: "Object Storage verwenden"
objectStorageBaseUrl: "Basis-URL"
objectStorageBaseUrlDesc: "Als Referenz verwendete URL. Verwendest du einen CDN oder Proxy, gib dessen URL an. S3: 'https://<bucket>', GCS: '<bucket>' etc."
objectStorageBaseUrlDesc: "Die als Referenz verwendete URL. Verwendest du einen CDN oder Proxy, gib dessen URL an. Für S3 verwende 'https://<bucket>'. Für GCS o.ä. verwende '<bucket>'."
objectStorageBucket: "Bucket"
objectStorageBucketDesc: "Bitte gib den Bucket-Namen an, der bei deinem Anbieter verwendet wird."
objectStorageBucketDesc: "Bitte gib den Namen des Buckets an, der bei deinem Anbieter verwendet wird."
objectStoragePrefix: "Prefix"
objectStoragePrefixDesc: "Dateien werden in Ordnern unter diesem Prefix gespeichert."
objectStorageEndpoint: "Endpoint"
objectStorageEndpointDesc: "Im Falle von S3 leerlassen, für andere Anbieter den relevanten Endpoint im Format \"<host>\" oder \"<host>:<port>\" angeben."
objectStorageEndpointDesc: "Im Falle von S3 leerlassen, für andere Anbieter den relevanten Endpoint im Format „<host>“ oder „<host>:<port>“ angeben."
objectStorageRegion: "Region"
objectStorageRegionDesc: "Gib eine Region wie z.B. \"xx-east-1\" an. Falls dein Anbieter nicht zwischen Regionen unterscheidet, lass dieses Feld leer oder gib \"us-east-1\" an."
objectStorageRegionDesc: "Gib eine Region wie z.B. „xx-east-1“ an. Falls dein Anbieter nicht zwischen Regionen unterscheidet, lass dieses Feld leer oder gib „us-east-1“ an."
objectStorageUseSSL: "SSL verwenden"
objectStorageUseSSLDesc: "Deaktiviere dies, falls du für die API-Verbindungen kein HTTPS verwenden wirst"
objectStorageUseSSLDesc: "Deaktiviere dies, falls du für API-Verbindungen kein HTTPS verwenden wirst"
objectStorageUseProxy: "Über Proxy verbinden"
objectStorageUseProxyDesc: "Deaktiviere dies, falls du keinen Proxy für den Objektspeicher verwenden wirst"
objectStorageSetPublicRead: "Bei Upload auf \"public-read\" stellen"
@ -505,7 +502,7 @@ newNoteRecived: "Es gibt neue Notizen"
sounds: "Töne"
listen: "Anhören"
none: "Nichts"
showInPage: "In Seite anzeigen"
showInPage: "In einer Seite anzeigen"
popout: "Pop-Up"
volume: "Lautstärke"
masterVolume: "Gesamtlautstärke"
@ -524,7 +521,7 @@ sort: "Sortieren"
ascendingOrder: "Aufsteigende Reihenfolge"
descendingOrder: "Absteigende Reihenfolge"
scratchpad: "Testumgebung"
scratchpadDescription: "Die Testumgebung bietet eine Umgebung für AiScript-Experimente. Dort kannst du AiScript schreiben, ausführen sowie dessen Auswirkungen auf Misskey überprüfen."
scratchpadDescription: "Die Testumgebung bietet einen Bereich für AiScript-Experimente. Dort kannst du AiScript schreiben, ausführen sowie dessen Auswirkungen auf Misskey überprüfen."
output: "Ausgabe"
script: "Skript"
disablePagesScript: "AiScript auf Seiten deaktivieren"
@ -547,14 +544,14 @@ addedRelays: "Hinzugefügte Relays"
serviceworkerInfo: "Muss für Push-Benachrichtigungen aktiviert sein."
deletedNote: "Gelöschte Notiz"
invisibleNote: "Private Notiz"
enableInfiniteScroll: "Automatisch mehr Notizen laden"
enableInfiniteScroll: "Automatisch mehr laden"
visibility: "Sichtbarkeit"
poll: "Umfrage"
useCw: "Inhaltswarnung verwenden"
enablePlayer: "Video-Player öffnen"
disablePlayer: "Video-Player schließen"
expandTweet: "Tweet ausklappen"
themeEditor: "Farbthemen-Editor"
themeEditor: "Farbschema-Editor"
description: "Beschreibung"
describeFile: "Beschreibung hinzufügen"
enterFileDescription: "Beschreibung eingeben"
@ -590,13 +587,13 @@ smtpHost: "Host"
smtpPort: "Port"
smtpUser: "Benutzername"
smtpPass: "Passwort"
emptyToDisableSmtpAuth: "Benutzername und Passwort leer lassen um SMTP-Verifizierung zu deaktivieren"
emptyToDisableSmtpAuth: "Benutzername und Passwort leer lassen, um SMTP-Verifizierung zu deaktivieren"
smtpSecure: "Für SMTP-Verbindungen implizit SSL/TLS verwenden"
smtpSecureInfo: "Schalte dies aus, falls du STARTTLS verwendest"
testEmail: "Email-Versand testen"
wordMute: "Wort-Stummschaltung"
regexpError: "Regular Expression error"
regexpErrorDescription: "Error in the regular expression on line {line} in your {tab} word mutes:"
smtpSecureInfo: "Schalte dies aus, falls du STARTTLS verwendest."
testEmail: "Emailversand testen"
wordMute: "Wortstummschaltung"
regexpError: "Fehler in einem regulären Ausdruck"
regexpErrorDescription: "Im regulären Ausdruck deiner {tab}en Wortstummschaltungen ist ein Fehler aufgetreten:"
instanceMute: "Instanzstummschaltungen"
userSaysSomething: "{name} hat etwas gesagt"
makeActive: "Aktivieren"
@ -610,11 +607,11 @@ database: "Datenbank"
channel: "Kanäle"
create: "Erstellen"
notificationSetting: "Benachrichtigungseinstellungen"
notificationSettingDesc: "Wähle die Art der anzuzeigenden Benachrichtigung"
notificationSettingDesc: "Wähle die Art der anzuzeigenden Benachrichtigungen."
useGlobalSetting: "Globale Einstellung verwenden"
useGlobalSettingDesc: "Ist dies eingeschaltet, so werden die Benachrichtigungseinstellungen deines Benutzerkontos verwendet. Wenn dies ausgeschaltet ist, können individuelle Einstellungen vorgenommen werden."
other: "Andere"
regenerateLoginToken: "Anmeldungstoken regenerieren"
useGlobalSettingDesc: "Ist diese Option aktiviert, werden die Benachrichtigungseinstellungen deines Benutzerkontos verwendet. Durch ausschalten dieser Option können individuelle Einstellungen vorgenommen werden."
other: "Anderes"
regenerateLoginToken: "Anmeldetoken regenerieren"
regenerateLoginTokenDescription: "Den zur Anmeldung intern verwendeten Token regenerieren. Normalerweise wird dies nicht benötigt. Bei Regeneration werden alle Geräte ausgeloggt."
setMultipleBySeparatingWithSpace: "Trenne Elemente durch ein Leerzeichen um mehrere Einstellungen zu kofigurieren."
fileIdOrUrl: "Datei-ID oder URL"
@ -624,7 +621,7 @@ abuseReports: "Meldungen"
reportAbuse: "Melden"
reportAbuseOf: "{name} melden"
fillAbuseReportDescription: "Bitte gib zusätzliche Informationen zu dieser Meldung an. Falls es sich um eine spezielle Notiz handelt, bitte gib dessen URL an."
abuseReported: "Die Meldung wurde versendet. Vielen Dank."
abuseReported: "Deine Meldung wurde versendet. Vielen Dank."
reporter: "Melder"
reporteeOrigin: "Herkunft des Gemeldeten"
reporterOrigin: "Herkunft des Meldenden"
@ -637,18 +634,18 @@ openInSideView: "In Seitenansicht öffnen"
defaultNavigationBehaviour: "Standardnavigationsverhalten"
editTheseSettingsMayBreakAccount: "Bei Bearbeitung dieser Einstellungen besteht die Gefahr, dein Benutzerkonto zu beschädigen."
instanceTicker: "Instanz-Informationen von Notizen"
waitingFor: "Warte auf {x}"
waitingFor: "Warte auf {x} …"
random: "Zufällig"
system: "System"
switchUi: "UI wechseln"
desktop: "Desktop"
clip: "Clip"
clip: "Clip erstellen"
createNew: "Neu erstellen"
optional: "Optional"
createNewClip: "Neuen Clip erstellen"
public: "Öffentlich"
i18nInfo: "Misskey wird durch freiwillige Helfer in viele verschiedene Sprachen übersetzt. Auf {link} kannst du mithelfen."
manageAccessTokens: "Zugriffstoken verwalten"
manageAccessTokens: "Zugriffstokens verwalten"
accountInfo: "Benutzerkonto-Informationen"
notesCount: "Anzahl der Notizen"
repliesCount: "Anzahl gesendeter Antworten"
@ -663,15 +660,15 @@ pollVotesCount: "Anzahl gesendeter Antworten auf Umfragen"
pollVotedCount: "Anzahl erhaltener Antworten auf Umfragen"
yes: "Ja"
no: "Nein"
driveFilesCount: "Anzahl an Drive-Dateien"
driveFilesCount: "Anzahl der Dateien in Drive"
driveUsage: "Drive-Auslastung"
noCrawle: "Crawler-Indexierung ablehnen"
noCrawleDescription: "Suchmaschinen bitten, die eigene Profilseite, Notizen, Seiten usw. nicht zu indexieren"
lockedAccountInfo: "Auch wenn du Follow-Anfragen auf manuelle Bestätigung setzt, wird jeder deine Notizen öffentlich sehen können, sofern du die Notizsichtbarkeit nicht auf \"Nur Follower\" setzt."
noCrawleDescription: "Suchmaschinen bitten, die eigene Profilseite, Notizen, Seiten usw. nicht zu indexieren."
lockedAccountInfo: "Auch wenn du Follow-Anfragen auf manuelle Bestätigung setzt, wird jede deiner Notizen öffentlich sichtbar sein, sofern du ihre Notizsichtbarkeit nicht auf \"Nur Follower\" setzt."
alwaysMarkSensitive: "Medien standardmäßig als NSFW markieren"
loadRawImages: "Anstatt Vorschaubilder immer Originalbilder anzeigen"
disableShowingAnimatedImages: "Animierte Bilder nicht abspielen"
verificationEmailSent: "Eine Verifizierungsnachricht wurde versendet. Besuche den dort enthaltenen Link, um die Verifizierung abzuschließen."
verificationEmailSent: "Eine Bestätigungsmail wurde an deine Email-Adresse versendet. Besuche den dort enthaltenen Link, um die Verifizierung abzuschließen."
notSet: "Nicht konfiguriert"
emailVerified: "Email-Adresse bestätigt"
noteFavoritesCount: "Anzahl an als Favorit markierter Notizen"
@ -682,12 +679,12 @@ useSystemFont: "Standardschriftart des Systems verwenden"
clips: "Clips"
experimentalFeatures: "Experimentelle Funktionalitäten"
developer: "Entwickler"
makeExplorable: "Benutzerkonto in \"Erkunden\" sichtbar machen"
makeExplorableDescription: "Wenn diese Option deaktiviert ist, ist dein Benutzerkonto nicht im \"Erkunden\"-Bereich sichtbar."
makeExplorable: "Benutzerkonto in „Erkunden“ sichtbar machen"
makeExplorableDescription: "Wenn diese Option deaktiviert ist, ist dein Benutzerkonto nicht im „Erkunden“-Bereich sichtbar."
showGapBetweenNotesInTimeline: "Abstände zwischen Notizen auf der Chronik anzeigen"
duplicate: "Duplizieren"
left: "Links"
center: "Mitte"
center: "Mittig"
wide: "Breit"
narrow: "Schmal"
reloadToApplySetting: "Diese Einstellung tritt nach einer Aktualisierung der Seite in Kraft. Jetzt aktualisieren?"
@ -698,19 +695,19 @@ onlineUsersCount: "{n} Benutzer sind online"
nUsers: "{n} Benutzer"
nNotes: "{n} Notizen"
sendErrorReports: "Fehlerberichte senden"
sendErrorReportsDescription: "Ist diese Option aktiviert, so werden beim Auftreten von Fehlern detaillierte Fehlerinformationen an Misskey weitergegeben, was zur Verbesserung der Qualität von Misskey beiträgt.\nEnthalten in diesen Informationen sind u.a. die Version deines Betriebssystems, welchen Browser du verwendest und ein Verlauf deiner Aktivitäten."
myTheme: "Mein Farbthema"
sendErrorReportsDescription: "Ist diese Option aktiviert, so werden beim Auftreten von Fehlern detaillierte Fehlerinformationen an Misskey weitergegeben, was zur Verbesserung der Qualität von Misskey beiträgt.\nEnthalten in diesen Informationen sind u.a. die Version deines Betriebssystems, welchen Browser du verwendest und ein Verlauf deiner Aktivitäten innerhalb Misskey."
myTheme: "Mein Farbschema"
backgroundColor: "Hintergrundfarbe"
accentColor: "Akzentfarbe"
textColor: "Textfarbe"
saveAs: "Speichern als…"
saveAs: "Speichern als …"
advanced: "Fortgeschritten"
value: "Wert"
createdAt: "Erstellt am"
updatedAt: "Zuletzt geändert am"
saveConfirm: "Änderungen speichern?"
deleteConfirm: "Wirklich löschen?"
invalidValue: "Ungültiger Wert."
invalidValue: "Dieser Wert ist ungültig."
registry: "Registry"
closeAccount: "Benutzerkonto schließen"
currentVersion: "Momentane Version"
@ -723,11 +720,11 @@ inUse: "Verwendet"
editCode: "Code bearbeiten"
apply: "Anwenden"
receiveAnnouncementFromInstance: "Benachrichtigungen von dieser Instanz empfangen"
emailNotification: "E-Mail-Benachrichtigungen"
emailNotification: "Email-Benachrichtigungen"
publish: "Veröffentlichen"
inChannelSearch: "In Kanal suchen"
useReactionPickerForContextMenu: "Reaktionsauswahl durch Rechtsklick öffnen"
typingUsers: "{users} ist/sind am schreiben..."
typingUsers: "{users} ist/sind am schreiben …"
jumpToSpecifiedDate: "Zu bestimmtem Datum springen"
showingPastTimeline: "Es wird eine alte Chronik angezeigt"
clear: "Zurückkehren"
@ -737,19 +734,19 @@ unlikeConfirm: "\"Gefällt mir\" wirklich entfernen?"
fullView: "Vollansicht"
quitFullView: "Vollansicht verlassen"
addDescription: "Beschreibung hinzufügen"
userPagePinTip: "Um Notizen hier erscheinen zu lassen, drücke \"Anheften\" im Menü individueller Notizen."
userPagePinTip: "Um Notizen hier erscheinen zu lassen, drücke \"An dein Profil anheften\" im Menü individueller Notizen."
notSpecifiedMentionWarning: "Diese Notiz enthält Erwähnungen von Nutzern, die nicht als Empfänger ausgewählt sind"
info: "Über"
userInfo: "Benutzerinformation"
unknown: "Unbekannt"
onlineStatus: "Online-Status"
hideOnlineStatus: "Online-Status verbergen"
hideOnlineStatusDescription: "Das Verbergen deines Online-Statuses reduziert die Nützlichkeit von Funktionen wie der Suche."
onlineStatus: "Onlinestatus"
hideOnlineStatus: "Onlinestatus verbergen"
hideOnlineStatusDescription: "Das Verbergen deines Onlinestatuses reduziert die Nützlichkeit von Funktionen wie der Suche."
online: "Online"
active: "Aktiv"
offline: "Offline"
notRecommended: "Nicht empfohlen"
botProtection: "Bot-Schutz"
botProtection: "Schutz vor Bots"
instanceBlocking: "Blockierte Instanzen"
selectAccount: "Benutzerkonto auswählen"
switchAccount: "Konto wechseln"
@ -761,9 +758,9 @@ administration: "Verwaltung"
accounts: "Benutzerkonten"
switch: "Wechseln"
noMaintainerInformationWarning: "Betreiberinformationen sind nicht konfiguriert."
noBotProtectionWarning: "Bot-Schutz ist nicht konfiguriert."
noBotProtectionWarning: "Schutz vor Bots ist nicht konfiguriert."
configure: "Konfigurieren"
postToGallery: "Neuen Galerie-Beitrag erstellen"
postToGallery: "Neuen Galeriebeitrag erstellen"
gallery: "Galerie"
recentPosts: "Neue Beiträge"
popularPosts: "Beliebte Beiträge"
@ -775,7 +772,7 @@ priority: "Priorität"
high: "Hoch"
middle: "Mittel"
low: "Niedrig"
emailNotConfiguredWarning: "Keine Email-Adresse hinterlegt"
emailNotConfiguredWarning: "Keine Email-Adresse hinterlegt."
ratio: "Verhältnis"
previewNoteText: "Vorschau anzeigen"
customCss: "Benutzerdefiniertes CSS"
@ -793,9 +790,9 @@ misskeyUpdated: "Misskey wurde aktualisiert!"
whatIsNew: "Änderungen anzeigen"
translate: "Übersetzen"
translatedFrom: "Aus {x} übersetzt"
accountDeletionInProgress: "Löschung des Benutzerkontos momentan in Bearbeitung"
accountDeletionInProgress: "Die Löschung deines Benutzerkontos ist momentan in Bearbeitung."
usernameInfo: "Ein Name, durch den dein Benutzerkonto auf diesem Server identifiziert werden kann. Du kannst das Alphabet (a~z, A~Z), Ziffern (0~9) oder Unterstriche (_) verwenden. Benutzernamen können später nicht geändert werden."
aiChanMode: "Ai Modus"
aiChanMode: "Ai-Modus"
keepCw: "Inhaltswarnungen beibehalten"
pubSub: "Pub/Sub Benutzerkonten"
lastCommunication: "Letzte Kommunikation"
@ -804,7 +801,7 @@ unresolved: "Ungelöst"
breakFollow: "Follower entfernen"
itsOn: "Eingeschaltet"
itsOff: "Ausgeschaltet"
emailRequiredForSignup: "Angaben einer Email-Adresse als benötigt markieren"
emailRequiredForSignup: "Angabe einer Email-Adresse als benötigt markieren"
unread: "Ungelesen"
filter: "Filter"
controlPanel: "Systemsteuerung"
@ -819,10 +816,10 @@ ffVisibilityDescription: "Konfiguriere wer sehen kann, wem du folgst sowie wer d
continueThread: "Weiteren Threadverlauf anzeigen"
deleteAccountConfirm: "Dein Benutzerkonto wird unwiderruflich gelöscht. Trotzdem fortfahren?"
incorrectPassword: "Falsches Passwort."
voteConfirm: "Wirklich für \"{choice}\" abstimmen?"
voteConfirm: "Wirklich für „{choice}“ abstimmen?"
hide: "Inhalt verbergen"
leaveGroup: "Gruppe verlassen"
leaveGroupConfirm: "Möchtest du \"{name}\" wirklich verlassen?"
leaveGroupConfirm: "Möchtest du „{name}“ wirklich verlassen?"
useDrawerReactionPickerForMobile: "Auf mobilen Geräten ausfahrbare Reaktionsauswahl anzeigen"
welcomeBackWithName: "Willkommen zurück, {name}"
clickToFinishEmailVerification: "Drücke bitte auf [{ok}], um die Email-Bestätigung abzuschließen."
@ -830,9 +827,21 @@ overridedDeviceKind: "Gerätetyp"
smartphone: "Smartphone"
tablet: "Tablet"
auto: "Automatisch"
themeColor: "Instanzfarbe"
themeColor: "Farbe der Instanz-Information"
size: "Größe"
numberOfColumn: "Spaltenanzahl"
searchByGoogle: "Googlen"
instanceDefaultLightTheme: "Instanzweites Standardfarbschema (Hell)"
instanceDefaultDarkTheme: "Instanzweites Standardfarbschema (Dunkel)"
instanceDefaultThemeDescription: "Gib den Farbschemencode im Objektformat ein."
mutePeriod: "Stummschaltungsdauer"
indefinitely: "Dauerhaft"
tenMinutes: "10 Minuten"
oneHour: "Eine Stunde"
oneDay: "Einen Tag"
oneWeek: "Eine Woche"
reflectMayTakeTime: "Es kann etwas dauern, bis sich dies widerspiegelt."
failedToFetchAccountInformation: "Benutzerkontoinformationen konnten nicht abgefragt werden"
used: "Diese Email-Adresse wird bereits verwendet"
format: "Das Format dieser Email-Adresse ist ungültig"
@ -845,20 +854,20 @@ _ffVisibility:
private: "Privat"
almostThere: "Fast geschafft"
emailAddressInfo: "Bitte gib deine Email-Adresse ein."
emailAddressInfo: "Bitte gib deine Email-Adresse ein. Sie wird nicht öffentlich einsehbar sein."
emailSent: "An deine Email-Adresse ({email}) wurde soeben eine Bestätigungsmail geschickt. Bitte klicke auf den enthaltenen Link, um die Erstellung deines Benutzerkontos abzuschließen."
accountDelete: "Benutzerkonto löschen"
mayTakeTime: "Da die Löschung eines Benutzerkontos ein aufwendiger Prozess ist, kann dessen Dauer davon abhängen, wie viel Inhalt in diesem erstellt wurde oder wie viele Dateien hochgeladen wurden."
mayTakeTime: "Da die Löschung eines Benutzerkontos ein aufwendiger Prozess ist, kann dessen Dauer davon abhängen, wie viel Inhalt von diesem erstellt wurde oder wie viele Dateien von diesem hochgeladen wurden."
sendEmail: "Sobald die Löschung abgeschlossen ist, wird an die mit ihm verknüpfte Email-Adresse eine Benachrichtigung versendet."
requestAccountDelete: "Löschung des Benutzerkontos anfordern"
started: "Löschung wurde eingeleitet."
requestAccountDelete: "Löschung deines Benutzerkontos anfordern"
started: "Die Löschung wurde eingeleitet."
inProgress: "Löschung in Bearbeitung"
back: "Zurück"
reduceFrequencyOfThisAd: "Diese Werbung weniger anzeigen"
enterEmail: "Gib die Email-Adresse ein, mit der du dich registriert hast. An diese wird ein Link gesendet, mit der du dein Passwort zurücksetzen kannst."
enterEmail: "Gib die Email-Adresse ein, mit der du dich registriert hast. An diese wird ein Link gesendet, mit dem du dein Passwort zurücksetzen kannst."
ifNoEmail: "Solltest du bei der Registrierung keine Email-Adresse angegeben haben, wende dich bitte an den Administrator."
contactAdmin: "Diese Instanz unterstützt die Verwendung von Email-Adressen nicht. Wende dich an den Administrator, um dein Passwort zurückzusetzen."
@ -882,7 +891,7 @@ _registry:
domain: "Domain"
createKey: "Schlüssel erstellen"
about: "Misskey ist Open-Source-Software die von syuilo seit 2014 entwickelt wird."
about: "Misskey ist Open-Source-Software, welche von syuilo seit 2014 entwickelt wird."
contributors: "Hauptmitwirkende"
allContributors: "Alle Mitwirkenden"
source: "Quellcode"
@ -899,13 +908,13 @@ _mfm:
intro: "MFM ist eine Misskey-exklusive Markup-Sprache, die in Misskey an vielen Stellen verwendet werden kann. Hier kannst du eine Liste von verfügbarer MFM-Syntax einsehen."
dummy: "Misskey erweitert die Welt des Fediverse"
mention: "Erwähnung"
mentionDescription: "Mit At-Zeichen und Nutzername kann ein individueller Nutzer angegeben werden."
mentionDescription: "Mit At-Zeichen und Benutzername kann ein individueller Nutzer angegeben werden."
hashtag: "Hashtag"
hashtagDescription: "Mit einer Raute und Text kann ein Hashtag angegeben werden."
url: "URL"
urlDescription: "Zeigt URLs an."
link: "Link"
linkDescription: "Spezifische Textabschnitte als URL anzeigen."
linkDescription: "Zeigt spezifische Textabschnitte als URL an."
bold: "Fett"
boldDescription: "Zeichen zur Betonung dicker erscheinen lassen."
small: "Klein"
@ -929,19 +938,19 @@ _mfm:
flip: "Spiegelung"
flipDescription: "Inhalt horizontal oder vertikal gespiegelt anzeigen."
jelly: "Animation (Dehnen)"
jellyDescription: "Verleiht dem Inhalt eine sich dehnende Animation."
jellyDescription: "Verleiht Inhalt eine sich dehnende Animation."
tada: "Animation (Tada)"
tadaDescription: "Verleiht eine Animation mit \"Tada!\"-Gefühl"
tadaDescription: "Verleiht Inhalt eine Animation mit \"Tada!\"-Gefühl"
jump: "Animation (Sprung)"
jumpDescription: "Verleiht dem Inhalt eine springende Animation."
jumpDescription: "Verleiht Inhalt eine springende Animation."
bounce: "Animation (Federn)"
bounceDescription: "Verleiht dem Inhalt eine federnde Animation."
bounceDescription: "Verleiht Inhalt eine federnde Animation."
shake: "Animation (Zittern)"
shakeDescription: "Verleiht dem Inhalt eine zitternde Animation."
shakeDescription: "Verleiht Inhalt eine zitternde Animation."
twitch: "Animation (Zucken)"
twitchDescription: "Verleiht dem Inhalt eine sehr stark zuckende Animation."
twitchDescription: "Verleiht Inhalt eine sehr stark zuckende Animation."
spin: "Animation (Rotieren)"
spinDescription: "Verleiht dem Inhalt eine rotierende Animation."
spinDescription: "Verleiht Inhalt eine rotierende Animation."
x2: "Groß"
x2Description: "Inhalte größer anzeigen."
x3: "Sehr groß"
@ -949,7 +958,7 @@ _mfm:
x4: "Unglaublich groß"
x4Description: "Lässt Inhalte noch größer als größer als groß angezeigt werden."
blur: "Weichzeichnen"
blurDescription: "Inhalte durch Weihzeichnung verschwimmen lassen. Durch das Bewegen des Mauszeigers auf den Inhalt wird er klar angezeigt."
blurDescription: "Inhalte durch Weihzeichnung verschwimmen lassen. Durch das Bewegen des Mauszeigers über den Inhalt wird er klar angezeigt."
font: "Schriftart"
fontDescription: "Setzt die Schriftart des Inhaltes fest."
rainbow: "Regenbogen"
@ -957,7 +966,7 @@ _mfm:
sparkle: "Glitzer"
sparkleDescription: "Verleiht Inhalt einen glitzernden Partikeleffekt."
rotate: "Drehen"
rotateDescription: "Dreht den Inhalt um einen angegebenen Winkel"
rotateDescription: "Dreht den Inhalt um einen angegebenen Winkel."
none: "Nie anzeigen"
remote: "Für Benutzer fremder Instanzen anzeigen"
@ -983,7 +992,7 @@ _menuDisplay:
hide: "Ausblenden"
muteWords: "Stummgeschaltete Wörter"
muteWordsDescription: "Mit Leerzeichen für eine \"UND\"-Verknüpfung trennen, durch Zeilenumbrüche für eine \"ODER\"-Verknüpfung trennen."
muteWordsDescription: "Zum Nutzen einer \"UND\"-Verknüpfung Einträge mit Leerzeichen trennen, zum Nutzen einer \"ODER\"-Verknüpfung Einträge mit einem Zeilenumbruch trennen."
muteWordsDescription2: "Umgib Schlüsselworter mit Schrägstrichen, um Reguläre Ausdrücke zu verwenden."
softDescription: "Notizen, die die angegebenen Konditionen erfüllen, in der Chronik ausblenden."
hardDescription: "Verhindern, dass Notizen, die die angegebenen Konditionen erfüllen, der Chronik hinzugefügt werden. Zudem werden diese Notizen auch nicht der Chronik hinzugefügt, falls die Konditionen geändert werden."
@ -996,17 +1005,17 @@ _instanceMute:
title: "Blendet Notizen von stummgeschalteten Instanzen aus."
heading: "Liste der stummzuschaltenden Instanzen"
explore: "Themen erforschen"
install: "Thema installieren"
manage: "Themaverwaltung"
code: "Themencode"
explore: "Farbschemata erforschen"
install: "Farbschemata installieren"
manage: "Farbschemaverwaltung"
code: "Farbschemencode"
description: "Beschreibung"
installed: "{name} wurde installiert"
installedThemes: "Installierte Themen"
builtinThemes: "Eingebaute Themen"
alreadyInstalled: "Dieses Thema ist bereits installiert"
invalid: "Der Themencode dieses Themas ist ungültig"
make: "Farbthema erstellen"
installedThemes: "Installierte Farbschemata"
builtinThemes: "Eingebaute Farbschemata"
alreadyInstalled: "Dieses Farbschema ist bereits installiert"
invalid: "Der Code dieses Farbschemas ist ungültig"
make: "Farbschema erstellen"
base: "Vorlage"
addConstant: "Konstante hinzufügen"
constant: "Konstante"
@ -1023,7 +1032,7 @@ _theme:
darken: "Verdunkeln"
lighten: "Erhellen"
inputConstantName: "Name der Konstanten eingeben"
importInfo: "Du kannst hier Themencode einfügen, um ihn in den Editor zu importieren"
importInfo: "Hier kannst du Farbschemencode einfügen, um ihn in den Editor zu importieren"
deleteConstantConfirm: "Die Konstante {const} wirklich löschen?"
accent: "Akzentfarbe"
@ -1060,7 +1069,7 @@ _theme:
toastFg: "Text von Benachrichtigungen"
buttonBg: "Hintergrund von Schaltflächen"
buttonHoverBg: "Hintergrund von Schaltflächen (Mouseover)"
inputBorder: "Rahmen des Eingabefelds"
inputBorder: "Rahmen von Eingabefeldern"
listItemHoverBg: "Hintergrund von Listeneinträgen (Mouseover)"
driveFolderBg: "Hintergrund von Drive-Ordnern"
wallpaperOverlay: "Hintergrundbild-Overlay"
@ -1101,7 +1110,7 @@ _tutorial:
step2_1: "Lass uns zuerst dein Profil vervollständigen, bevor du Notizen schreibst oder jemandem folgst."
step2_2: "Informationen darüber, was für eine Person du bist, macht es anderen leichter zu wissen, ob sie deine Notizen sehen wollen und ob sie dir folgen möchten."
step3_1: "Mit dem Einrichten deines Profils fertig?"
step3_2: "Dann lass uns als nächstes versuchen, eine Notiz zu schreiben. Dies kannst du tun, indem du auf das Stift-Icon oben auf dem Bildschirm drückst."
step3_2: "Dann lass uns als nächstes versuchen, eine Notiz zu schreiben. Dies kannst du tun, indem du auf den Knopf mit dem Stift-Icon auf dem Bildschirm drückst."
step3_3: "Fülle das Fenster aus und drücke auf den Knopf oben rechts zum Senden."
step3_4: "Fällt dir nichts ein, das du schreiben möchtest? Versuch's mit \"Hallo Misskey!\""
step4_1: "Fertig mit dem Senden deiner ersten Notiz?"
@ -1111,8 +1120,8 @@ _tutorial:
step5_3: "Klicke zum Anzeigen des Profils eines Benutzers auf dessen Profilbild und dann auf den \"Folgen\"-Knopf, um diesem zu folgen."
step5_4: "Je nach Benutzer kann es etwas Zeit in Anspruch nehmen, bis dieser deine Follow-Anfrage bestätigt."
step6_1: "Wenn du nun auch die Notizen anderer Benutzer in deiner Chronik siehst, hast du auch diesmal alles richtig gemacht."
step6_2: "Du kannst ebenso \"Reaktionen\" verwenden, um schnell auf Notizen anderer Benutzer zu reagieren."
step6_3: "Um eine Reaktion anzufügen, klicke auf das \"+\"-Symbol in der Notiz und wähle ein Emoji aus, mit dem du reagieren möchtest."
step6_2: "Du kannst ebenso „Reaktionen“ verwenden, um schnell auf Notizen anderer Benutzer zu reagieren."
step6_3: "Um eine Reaktion anzufügen, klicke auf das „+“-Symbol in der Notiz und wähle ein Emoji aus, mit dem du reagieren möchtest."
step7_1: "Glückwunsch! Du hast die Einführung in die Verwendung von Misskey abgeschlossen."
step7_2: "Wenn du mehr über Misskey lernen möchtest, schau dich im {help}-Bereich um."
step7_3: "Und nun, viel Spaß mit Misskey! 🚀"
@ -1159,7 +1168,7 @@ _permissions:
"read:gallery-likes": "Liste deiner mit \"Gefällt mir\" markierten Galerie-Beiträge lesen"
"write:gallery-likes": "Liste deiner mit \"Gefällt mir\" markierten Galerie-Beiträge bearbeiten"
shareAccess: "Möchtest du \"{name}\" authorisieren, auf dieses Benuzerkonto zugreifen zu können?"
shareAccess: "Möchtest du „{name}“ authorisieren, auf dieses Benutzerkonto zugreifen zu können?"
shareAccessAsk: "Bist du dir sicher, dass du diese Anwendung authorisieren möchtest, auf dein Benutzerkonto zugreifen zu können?"
permissionAsk: "Diese Anwendung fordert folgende Berechtigungen"
pleaseGoBack: "Bitte kehre zur Anwendung zurück"
@ -1180,7 +1189,7 @@ _weekday:
friday: "Freitag"
saturday: "Samstag"
memo: "Memo"
memo: "Merkzettel"
notifications: "Benachrichtigungen"
timeline: "Chronik"
calendar: "Kalender"
@ -1211,8 +1220,8 @@ _poll:
canMultipleVote: "Auswahl mehrerer Antworten erlauben"
expiration: "Abstimmung beenden"
infinite: "Nie"
at: "Beenden am..."
after: "Beenden nach..."
at: "Beenden am …"
after: "Beenden nach …"
deadlineDate: "Enddatum"
deadlineTime: "Zeit"
duration: "Dauer"
@ -1238,24 +1247,24 @@ _visibility:
localOnly: "Nur Lokal"
localOnlyDescription: "Unsichtbar für Benutzer anderer Instanzen"
replyPlaceholder: "Dieser Notiz antworten..."
quotePlaceholder: "Diese Notiz zitieren..."
replyPlaceholder: "Dieser Notiz antworten …"
quotePlaceholder: "Diese Notiz zitieren …"
channelPlaceholder: "In einen Kanal senden"
a: "Was machst du momentan?"
b: "Was ist um dich herum los?"
c: "Was geht dir durch den Kopf?"
d: "Was möchtest du sagen?"
e: "Fang an zu schreiben..."
f: "Ich warte darauf, dass du schreibst..."
e: "Fang an zu schreiben …"
f: "Ich warte darauf, dass du schreibst …"
name: "Name"
username: "Benutzername"
description: "Über mich"
youCanIncludeHashtags: "Du kannst auch Hashtags in deiner Beschreibung verwenden."
description: "Profilbeschreibung"
youCanIncludeHashtags: "Du kannst auch Hashtags in deiner Profilbeschreibung verwenden."
metadata: "Zusätzliche Informationen"
metadataEdit: "Zusätzliche Informationen bearbeiten"
metadataDescription: "Du kannst auf deinem Profil vier zusätzliche Informationsblöcke anzeigen lassen."
metadataDescription: "Hierdurch kannst du auf deinem Profil zusätzliche Informationsblöcke anzeigen lassen."
metadataLabel: "Beschriftung"
metadataContent: "Inhalt"
changeAvatar: "Profilbild ändern"
@ -1274,25 +1283,25 @@ _charts:
usersIncDec: "Unterschied in der Anzahl von Benutzern"
usersTotal: "Anzahl aller Benutzer"
activeUsers: "Aktive Benutzer"
notesIncDec: "Unterschied in der Anzahl von Notizen"
localNotesIncDec: "Unterschied in der Anzahl von lokalen Notizen"
remoteNotesIncDec: "Unterschied in Anzahl der Notizen von fremden Instanzen"
notesIncDec: "Unterschied in der Anzahl an Notizen"
localNotesIncDec: "Unterschied in der Anzahl an lokalen Notizen"
remoteNotesIncDec: "Unterschied in der Anzahl an Notizen von fremden Instanzen"
notesTotal: "Anzahl aller Notizen"
filesIncDec: "Unterschied an Dateien"
filesTotal: "Summe der Dateien"
filesIncDec: "Unterschied in der Anzahl an Dateien"
filesTotal: "Anzahl aller Dateien"
storageUsageIncDec: "Unterschied in der Höhe der Speichernutzung"
storageUsageTotal: "Gesamte Speichernutzung"
requests: "Anfragen"
users: "Unterschied in der Anzahl von Benutzern"
users: "Unterschied in der Anzahl an Benutzern"
usersTotal: "Gesamtanzahl an Benutzern"
notes: "Unterschied in der Anzahl von Notizen"
notes: "Unterschied in der Anzahl an Notizen"
notesTotal: "Gesamtanzahl an Notizen"
ff: "Unterschied in der Anzahl von gefolgten Benutzern und Followern"
ff: "Unterschied in der Anzahl an gefolgten Benutzern und Followern"
ffTotal: "Gesamtanzahl an gefolgten Benutzern und Followern"
cacheSize: "Unterschied in der Größe des Caches"
cacheSizeTotal: "Gesamtgröße des Caches"
files: "Unterschied in der Anzahl der Dateien"
files: "Unterschied in der Anzahl an Dateien"
filesTotal: "Gesamtanzahl an Dateien"
home: "Startseite"
@ -1302,7 +1311,7 @@ _timelines:
newPage: "Seite erstellen"
editPage: "Seite bearbeiten"
readPage: "Quelltext-Ansicht"
readPage: "Quelltextansicht"
created: "Seite erfolgreich erstellt"
updated: "Seite erfolgreich aktualisiert"
deleted: "Seite erfolgreich gelöscht"
@ -1326,7 +1335,7 @@ _pages:
url: "Seiten-URL"
summary: "Zusammenfassung"
alignCenter: "Zentrieren"
hideTitleWhenPinned: "Seitentitel ausblenden, wenn angeheftet"
hideTitleWhenPinned: "Seitentitel wenn angeheftet ausblenden"
font: "Schriftart"
fontSerif: "Serif"
fontSansSerif: "Sans Serif"
@ -1363,7 +1372,7 @@ _pages:
name: "Variablenname"
text: "Titel"
default: "Standardwert"
numberInput: "Nummereingabe"
numberInput: "Zahleneingabe"
name: "Variablenname"
text: "Titel"
@ -1387,7 +1396,7 @@ _pages:
name: "Variablenname"
text: "Titel"
inc: "Erhöhen um"
inc: "Schrittgröße"
text: "Titel"
colored: "Farbig"
@ -1433,10 +1442,10 @@ _pages:
strLen: "Textlänge"
arg1: "Text"
strPick: "Zeichen extrahieren"
strPick: "Text extrahieren"
arg1: "Text"
arg2: "Zeichenposition"
arg2: "Textposition"
strReplace: "Textersetzung"
arg1: "Text"
@ -1447,7 +1456,7 @@ _pages:
arg1: "Text"
join: "Text zusammenfügen"
arg1: "Listen"
arg1: "Liste"
arg2: "Trennzeichen"
add: "Addieren"
@ -1576,7 +1585,7 @@ _pages:
arg1: "Anzahl der Schleifendurchläufe"
arg2: "Aktion"
typeError: "Slot {slot} akzeptiert Werte vom Typ \"{expect}\", aber es wurde ein \"{actual}\" Wert angegeben!"
typeError: "Slot {slot} akzeptiert Werte vom Typ „{expect}“, aber es wurde ein „{actual}“ Wert angegeben!"
thereIsEmptySlot: "Slot {slot} ist leer!"
string: "Text"
@ -1587,7 +1596,7 @@ _pages:
emptySlot: "Leerer Slot"
enviromentVariables: "Umgebungsvariable"
pageVariables: "Seitenelemente"
argVariables: "Eingabe-Slots"
argVariables: "Eingabeslots"
requesting: "Ausstehend"
accepted: "Akzeptiert"
@ -1604,7 +1613,9 @@ _notification:
youWereFollowed: "ist dir gefolgt"
youReceivedFollowRequest: "Du hast eine Follow-Anfrage erhalten"
yourFollowRequestAccepted: "Deine Follow-Anfrage wurde akzeptiert"
youWereInvitedToGroup: "Du wurdest in eine Gruppe eingeladen"
youWereInvitedToGroup: "{userName} hat dich in eine Gruppe eingeladen"
pollEnded: "Umfrageergebnisse sind verfügbar"
emptyPushNotificationMessage: "Push-Benachrichtigungen wurden aktualisiert"
all: "Alle"
follow: "Neue Follower"
@ -1614,20 +1625,25 @@ _notification:
quote: "Zitationen"
reaction: "Reaktionen"
pollVote: "Antworten auf Umfragen"
pollEnded: "Ende von Umfragen"
receiveFollowRequest: "Erhaltene Follow-Anfragen"
followRequestAccepted: "Akzeptierte Follow-Anfragen"
groupInvited: "Erhaltene Gruppeneinladungen"
app: "Benachrichtigungen von Apps"
followBack: "folgt dir nun auch"
reply: "Antworten"
renote: "Renote"
alwaysShowMainColumn: "Hauptspalte immer zeigen"
columnAlign: "Spaltenausrichtung"
columnMargin: "Spaltenabstand"
columnHeaderHeight: "Spaltenkopfhöhe"
addColumn: "Spalte hinzufügen"
swapLeft: "Nach links verschieben"
swapRight: "Nach rechts verschieben"
swapUp: "Nach oben verschieben"
swapDown: "Nach unten verschieben"
swapLeft: "Mit linker Spalte tauschen"
swapRight: "Mit rechter Spalte tauschen"
swapUp: "Mit oberer Spalte tauschen"
swapDown: "Mit unterer Spalte tauschen"
stackLeft: "Auf linke Spalte stapeln"
popRight: "Nach rechts vom Stapel nehmen"
profile: "Profil"
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ notifications: "Notifications"
username: "Username"
password: "Password"
forgotPassword: "Forgot password"
fetchingAsApObject: "Fetching from Fediverse..."
fetchingAsApObject: "Fetching from the Fediverse..."
ok: "OK"
gotIt: "Got it!"
cancel: "Cancel"
@ -32,9 +32,9 @@ uploading: "Uploading..."
save: "Save"
users: "Users"
addUser: "Add a user"
favorite: "Favorite"
favorite: "Add to favorites"
favorites: "Favorites"
unfavorite: "Unfavorite"
unfavorite: "Remove from favorites"
favorited: "Added to favorites."
alreadyFavorited: "Already added to favorites."
cantFavorite: "Couldn't add to favorites."
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ unpin: "Unpin from profile"
copyContent: "Copy contents"
copyLink: "Copy link"
delete: "Delete"
deleteAndEdit: "Delete and Edit"
deleteAndEdit: "Delete and edit"
deleteAndEditConfirm: "Are you sure you want to delete this note and edit it? You will lose all reactions, renotes and replies to it."
addToList: "Add to list"
sendMessage: "Send a message"
@ -77,21 +77,21 @@ followsYou: "Follows you"
createList: "Create list"
manageLists: "Manage lists"
error: "Error"
somethingHappened: "An error occurred"
somethingHappened: "An error has occurred"
retry: "Retry"
pageLoadError: "Failed to load page."
pageLoadError: "An error occurred loading the page."
pageLoadErrorDescription: "This is normally caused by network errors or the browser's cache. Try clearing the cache and then try again after waiting a little while."
serverIsDead: "This server is not responding. Please wait for a while and try again."
youShouldUpgradeClient: "To view this page, please refresh to update your client."
enterListName: "Enter a list name"
enterListName: "Enter a name for the list"
privacy: "Privacy"
makeFollowManuallyApprove: "Follow requests require approval"
defaultNoteVisibility: "Default visibility"
follow: "Follow"
followRequest: "Request follow"
followRequest: "Send follow request"
followRequests: "Follow requests"
unfollow: "Unfollow"
followRequestPending: "Pending follow request"
followRequestPending: "Follow request pending"
enterEmoji: "Enter an emoji"
renote: "Renote"
unrenote: "Take back renote"
@ -107,12 +107,12 @@ sensitive: "NSFW"
add: "Add"
reaction: "Reactions"
reactionSetting: "Reactions to show in the reaction picker"
reactionSettingDescription2: "Drag to reorder, Click to delete, Press \"+\" to add"
reactionSettingDescription2: "Drag to reorder, click to delete, press \"+\" to add."
rememberNoteVisibility: "Remember note visibility settings"
attachCancel: "Remove attachment"
markAsSensitive: "Mark as NSFW"
unmarkAsSensitive: "Undo NSFW"
enterFileName: "Enter file name"
unmarkAsSensitive: "Unmark as NSFW"
enterFileName: "Enter filename"
mute: "Mute"
unmute: "Unmute"
block: "Block"
@ -168,8 +168,8 @@ latestRequestReceivedAt: "Last request received"
latestStatus: "Latest status"
storageUsage: "Storage usage"
charts: "Charts"
perHour: "per Hour"
perDay: "per Day"
perHour: "Per Hour"
perDay: "Per Day"
stopActivityDelivery: "Stop sending activities"
blockThisInstance: "Block this instance"
operations: "Operations"
@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ clearQueueConfirmText: "Any undelivered notes remaining in the queue will not be
clearCachedFiles: "Clear cache"
clearCachedFilesConfirm: "Are you sure that you want to delete all cached remote files?"
blockedInstances: "Blocked Instances"
blockedInstancesDescription: "List the hosts of the instances to be blocked separated by line breaks. Blocked instances will no longer be able to communicate with this instance."
blockedInstancesDescription: "List the hostnames of the instances that you want to block. Listed instances will no longer be able to communicate with this instance."
muteAndBlock: "Mutes and Blocks"
mutedUsers: "Muted users"
blockedUsers: "Blocked users"
@ -325,8 +325,6 @@ disablingTimelinesInfo: "Adminstrators and Moderators will always have access to
registration: "Register"
enableRegistration: "Enable new user registration"
invite: "Invite"
proxyRemoteFiles: "Proxy remote files"
proxyRemoteFilesDescription: "If enabled, remote files that are either not stored locally or were deleted due to exceeding the storage limit will be proxied, including generation of thumbnails. This does not affect the server's storage."
driveCapacityPerLocalAccount: "Drive capacity per local user"
driveCapacityPerRemoteAccount: "Drive capacity per remote user"
inMb: "In megabytes"
@ -336,9 +334,9 @@ backgroundImageUrl: "Background image URL"
basicInfo: "Basic info"
pinnedUsers: "Pinned users"
pinnedUsersDescription: "List usernames separated by line breaks to be pinned in the \"Explore\" tab."
pinnedPages: "Pinned pages"
pinnedPagesDescription: "Enter the paths of the pages you want to pin to the top page of this instance, separated by line breaks."
pinnedClipId: "ID of the pinned clip"
pinnedPages: "Pinned Pages"
pinnedPagesDescription: "Enter the paths of the Pages you want to pin to the top page of this instance, separated by line breaks."
pinnedClipId: "ID of the clip to pin"
pinnedNotes: "Pinned notes"
hcaptcha: "hCaptcha"
enableHcaptcha: "Enable hCaptcha"
@ -348,7 +346,7 @@ recaptcha: "reCAPTCHA"
enableRecaptcha: "Enable reCAPTCHA"
recaptchaSiteKey: "Site key"
recaptchaSecretKey: "Secret key"
avoidMultiCaptchaConfirm: "Using multiple Captcha systems may cause interferences. Would you like to disable the other Captcha systems? You can leave multiple enabled by pressing cancel."
avoidMultiCaptchaConfirm: "Using multiple Captcha systems may cause interference between them. Would you like to disable the other Captcha systems currently active? If you would like them to stay enabled, press cancel."
antennas: "Antennas"
manageAntennas: "Manage Antennas"
name: "Name"
@ -369,13 +367,13 @@ silence: "Silence"
silenceConfirm: "Are you sure that you want to silence this user?"
unsilence: "Undo silencing"
unsilenceConfirm: "Are you sure that you want to undo the silencing of this user?"
popularUsers: "Trending users"
recentlyUpdatedUsers: "Users with recent activity"
popularUsers: "Popular users"
recentlyUpdatedUsers: "Recently active users"
recentlyRegisteredUsers: "Newly joined users"
recentlyDiscoveredUsers: "Newly discovered users"
exploreUsersCount: "There are {count} users"
exploreFediverse: "Explore the Fediverse"
popularTags: "Trending Tags"
popularTags: "Popular tags"
userList: "Lists"
about: "About"
aboutMisskey: "About Misskey"
@ -383,13 +381,13 @@ administrator: "Administrator"
token: "Token"
twoStepAuthentication: "Two-factor authentication"
moderator: "Moderator"
nUsersMentioned: "{n} users mentioned"
nUsersMentioned: "Mentioned by {n} users"
securityKey: "Security key"
securityKeyName: "Key name"
registerSecurityKey: "Register a security key"
lastUsed: "Last used"
unregister: "Unregister"
passwordLessLogin: "Set up password-less login"
passwordLessLogin: "Password-less login"
resetPassword: "Reset password"
newPasswordIs: "The new password is \"{password}\""
reduceUiAnimation: "Reduce UI animations"
@ -422,11 +420,10 @@ next: "Next"
retype: "Enter again"
noteOf: "Note by {user}"
inviteToGroup: "Invite to group"
maxNoteTextLength: "Character limit for notes"
quoteAttached: "Quoted"
quoteAttached: "Quote"
quoteQuestion: "Append as quote?"
noMessagesYet: "No messages yet"
newMessageExists: "You've got a new message"
newMessageExists: "There are new messages"
onlyOneFileCanBeAttached: "You can only attach one file to a message"
signinRequired: "Please sign in"
invitations: "Invites"
@ -438,7 +435,7 @@ usernameInvalidFormat: "You can use upper- and lowercase letters, numbers, and u
tooShort: "Too short"
tooLong: "Too long"
weakPassword: "Weak password"
normalPassword: "Normal password"
normalPassword: "Average password"
strongPassword: "Strong password"
passwordMatched: "Matches"
passwordNotMatched: "Does not match"
@ -466,7 +463,7 @@ existingAccount: "Existing account"
regenerate: "Regenerate"
fontSize: "Font size"
noFollowRequests: "You don't have any pending follow requests"
openImageInNewTab: "Open image in new tab"
openImageInNewTab: "Open images in new tab"
dashboard: "Dashboard"
local: "Local"
remote: "Remote"
@ -474,17 +471,17 @@ total: "Total"
weekOverWeekChanges: "Changes to last week"
dayOverDayChanges: "Changes to yesterday"
appearance: "Appearance"
clientSettings: "Client settings"
clientSettings: "Client Settings"
accountSettings: "Account Settings"
promotion: "Promoted"
promote: "Promote"
numberOfDays: "Number of days"
hideThisNote: "Hide this note"
showFeaturedNotesInTimeline: "Show Featured notes in Timelines"
showFeaturedNotesInTimeline: "Show featured notes in timelines"
objectStorage: "Object Storage"
useObjectStorage: "Use object storage"
objectStorageBaseUrl: "Base URL"
objectStorageBaseUrlDesc: "URL used as reference. Specify the URL of your CDN or Proxy if you are using either. S3: 'https://<bucket>', GCS: '<bucket>' etc."
objectStorageBaseUrlDesc: "The URL used as reference. Specify the URL of your CDN or Proxy if you are using either.\nFor S3 use 'https://<bucket>' and for GCS or equivalent services use '<bucket>', etc."
objectStorageBucket: "Bucket"
objectStorageBucketDesc: "Please specify the bucket name used at your provider."
objectStoragePrefix: "Prefix"
@ -492,7 +489,7 @@ objectStoragePrefixDesc: "Files will be stored under directories with this prefi
objectStorageEndpoint: "Endpoint"
objectStorageEndpointDesc: "Leave this empty if you are using AWS S3, otherwise specify the endpoint as '<host>' or '<host>:<port>', depending on the service you are using."
objectStorageRegion: "Region"
objectStorageRegionDesc: "Specify a region like 'xx-east-1'. If your service does not distinct between regions, leave this blank or enter 'us-east-1'."
objectStorageRegionDesc: "Specify a region like 'xx-east-1'. If your service does not distinguish between regions, leave this blank or enter 'us-east-1'."
objectStorageUseSSL: "Use SSL"
objectStorageUseSSLDesc: "Turn this off if you are not going to use HTTPS for API connections"
objectStorageUseProxy: "Connect over Proxy"
@ -524,17 +521,17 @@ sort: "Sort"
ascendingOrder: "Ascending"
descendingOrder: "Descending"
scratchpad: "Scratchpad"
scratchpadDescription: "The Scratchpad provides an environment for AiScript experiments. You can write, execute, and check the results of it interacting with Misskey."
scratchpadDescription: "The Scratchpad provides an environment for AiScript experiments. You can write, execute, and check the results of it interacting with Misskey in it."
output: "Output"
script: "Script"
disablePagesScript: "Disable AiScript on Pages"
updateRemoteUser: "Update remote user information"
deleteAllFiles: "Delete All Files"
deleteAllFiles: "Delete all files"
deleteAllFilesConfirm: "Are you sure that you want to delete all files?"
removeAllFollowing: "Unfollow all followed users"
removeAllFollowingDescription: "Executing this unfollows all accounts from {host}. Please run this if the instance e.g. no longer exists."
userSuspended: "This user has been suspended."
userSilenced: "This user has been silenced."
userSilenced: "This user is being silenced."
yourAccountSuspendedTitle: "This account is suspended"
yourAccountSuspendedDescription: "This account has been suspended due to breaking the server's terms of services or similar. Contact the administrator if you would like to know a more detailed reason. Please do not create a new account."
menu: "Menu"
@ -547,7 +544,7 @@ addedRelays: "Added Relays"
serviceworkerInfo: "Must be enabled for push notifications."
deletedNote: "Deleted note"
invisibleNote: "Invisible note"
enableInfiniteScroll: "Enable infinite scrolling"
enableInfiniteScroll: "Automatically load more"
visibility: "Visiblility"
poll: "Poll"
useCw: "Hide content"
@ -585,7 +582,7 @@ enableEmail: "Enable email distribution"
emailConfigInfo: "Used to confirm your email during sign-up or if you forget your password"
email: "Email"
emailAddress: "Email address"
smtpConfig: "SMTP Server configuration"
smtpConfig: "SMTP Server Configuration"
smtpHost: "Host"
smtpPort: "Port"
smtpUser: "Username"
@ -595,7 +592,9 @@ smtpSecure: "Use implicit SSL/TLS for SMTP connections"
smtpSecureInfo: "Turn this off when using STARTTLS"
testEmail: "Test email delivery"
wordMute: "Word mute"
instanceMute: "Instance mutes"
regexpError: "Regular Expression error"
regexpErrorDescription: "An error occurred in the regular expression on line {line} of your {tab} word mutes:"
instanceMute: "Instance Mutes"
userSaysSomething: "{name} said something"
makeActive: "Activate"
display: "Display"
@ -608,14 +607,14 @@ database: "Database"
channel: "Channels"
create: "Create"
notificationSetting: "Notification settings"
notificationSettingDesc: "Select the type of notification to display"
useGlobalSetting: "Use global setting"
notificationSettingDesc: "Select the types of notification to display."
useGlobalSetting: "Use global settings"
useGlobalSettingDesc: "If turned on, your account's notification settings will be used. If turned off, individual configurations can be made."
other: "Other"
regenerateLoginToken: "Regenerate login token"
regenerateLoginTokenDescription: "Regenerate the token used internally during login. Normally this action is not necessary. If regenerated, all devices will be logged out."
regenerateLoginTokenDescription: "Regenerates the token used internally during login. Normally this action is not necessary. If regenerated, all devices will be logged out."
setMultipleBySeparatingWithSpace: "Separate multiple entries with spaces."
fileIdOrUrl: "File-ID or URL"
fileIdOrUrl: "File ID or URL"
behavior: "Behavior"
sample: "Sample"
abuseReports: "Reports"
@ -689,14 +688,14 @@ center: "Center"
wide: "Wide"
narrow: "Narrow"
reloadToApplySetting: "This setting will only apply after a page reload. Reload now?"
needReloadToApply: "This setting will only apply after a page reload."
needReloadToApply: "A reload is required for this to be reflected."
showTitlebar: "Show title bar"
clearCache: "Clear cache"
onlineUsersCount: "{n} users are online"
nUsers: "{n} Users"
nNotes: "{n} Notes"
sendErrorReports: "Send error reports"
sendErrorReportsDescription: "When turned on, detailed error information will be shared with Misskey when a problem occurs, helping to improve the quality of Misskey.\nThis will include information such the version of your OS, what browser you're using, your activity history, etc."
sendErrorReportsDescription: "When turned on, detailed error information will be shared with Misskey when a problem occurs, helping to improve the quality of Misskey.\nThis will include information such the version of your OS, what browser you're using, your activity in Misskey, etc."
myTheme: "My theme"
backgroundColor: "Background color"
accentColor: "Accent color"
@ -794,12 +793,12 @@ translatedFrom: "Translated from {x}"
accountDeletionInProgress: "Account deletion is currently in progress"
usernameInfo: "A name that identifies your account from others on this server. You can use the alphabet (a~z, A~Z), digits (0~9) or underscores (_). Usernames cannot be changed later."
aiChanMode: "Ai Mode"
keepCw: "Keep Content Warnings"
keepCw: "Keep content warnings"
pubSub: "Pub/Sub Accounts"
lastCommunication: "Last communication"
resolved: "Resolved"
unresolved: "Unresolved"
breakFollow: "Unfollow"
breakFollow: "Remove follower"
itsOn: "Enabled"
itsOff: "Disabled"
emailRequiredForSignup: "Require email address for sign-up"
@ -819,7 +818,7 @@ deleteAccountConfirm: "This will irreversibly delete your account. Proceed?"
incorrectPassword: "Incorrect password."
voteConfirm: "Confirm your vote for \"{choice}\"?"
hide: "Hide"
leaveGroup: "Leave Group"
leaveGroup: "Leave group"
leaveGroupConfirm: "Are you sure you want to leave \"{name}\"?"
useDrawerReactionPickerForMobile: "Display reaction picker as drawer on mobile"
welcomeBackWithName: "Welcome back, {name}"
@ -828,9 +827,21 @@ overridedDeviceKind: "Device type"
smartphone: "Smartphone"
tablet: "Tablet"
auto: "Auto"
themeColor: "Theme Color"
themeColor: "Instance Ticker Color"
size: "Size"
numberOfColumn: "Number of columns"
searchByGoogle: "Google"
instanceDefaultLightTheme: "Instance-wide default light theme"
instanceDefaultDarkTheme: "Instance-wide default dark theme"
instanceDefaultThemeDescription: "Enter the theme code in object format."
mutePeriod: "Mute duration"
indefinitely: "Permanently"
tenMinutes: "10 minutes"
oneHour: "One hour"
oneDay: "One day"
oneWeek: "One week"
reflectMayTakeTime: "It may take some time for this to be reflected."
failedToFetchAccountInformation: "Could not fetch account information"
used: "This email address is already being used"
format: "The format of this email address is invalid"
@ -843,10 +854,10 @@ _ffVisibility:
private: "Private"
almostThere: "Almost there"
emailAddressInfo: "Please enter your email address."
emailAddressInfo: "Please enter your email address. It will not be made public."
emailSent: "A confirmation email has been sent to your email address ({email}). Please click the included link to complete account creation."
accountDelete: "Delete Account"
accountDelete: "Delete account"
mayTakeTime: "As account deletion is a resource-heavy process, it may take some time to complete depending on how much content you have created and how many files you have uploaded."
sendEmail: "Once account deletion has been completed, an email will be sent to the email address registered to this account."
requestAccountDelete: "Request account deletion"
@ -857,8 +868,8 @@ _ad:
reduceFrequencyOfThisAd: "Show this ad less"
enterEmail: "Enter the email address you used to register. A link with which you can reset your password will then be sent to it."
ifNoEmail: "If you did not use an email during registration, please contact the administrator instead."
contactAdmin: "This instance does not support using email addresses, please contact the administrator to reset your password instead."
ifNoEmail: "If you did not use an email during registration, please contact the instance administrator instead."
contactAdmin: "This instance does not support using email addresses, please contact the instance administrator to reset your password instead."
my: "My Gallery"
liked: "Liked Posts"
@ -910,14 +921,14 @@ _mfm:
smallDescription: "Displays content small and thin."
center: "Center"
centerDescription: "Displays content centered."
inlineCode: "Code (In-line)"
inlineCode: "Code (Inline)"
inlineCodeDescription: "Displays inline syntax highlighting for (program) code."
blockCode: "Code (Block)"
blockCodeDescription: "Displays syntax highlighting for multi-line (program) code in a block."
inlineMath: "Math (In-line)"
inlineMath: "Math (Inline)"
inlineMathDescription: "Display math formulas (KaTeX) in-line"
blockMath: "Math (Block)"
blockMathDescription: "Display multi-line Math formulas (KaTeX) in a block"
blockMathDescription: "Display multi-line math formulas (KaTeX) in a block"
quote: "Quote"
quoteDescription: "Displays content as a quote."
emoji: "Custom Emoji"
@ -947,7 +958,7 @@ _mfm:
x4: "Unbelievably big"
x4Description: "Displays content even bigger than bigger than big."
blur: "Blur"
blurDescription: "Content can be blurred via this effect. It will be displayed clearly when hovered over."
blurDescription: "Blurs content. It will be displayed clearly when hovered over."
font: "Font"
fontDescription: "Sets the font to display content in."
rainbow: "Rainbow"
@ -1079,10 +1090,10 @@ _ago:
unknown: "Unknown"
future: "Future"
justNow: "Just now"
secondsAgo: "{n} seconds ago"
minutesAgo: "{n} minutes ago"
hoursAgo: "{n} hours ago"
daysAgo: "{n} days ago"
secondsAgo: "{n} second(s) ago"
minutesAgo: "{n} minute(s) ago"
hoursAgo: "{n} hour(s) ago"
daysAgo: "{n} day(s) ago"
weeksAgo: "{n} week(s) ago"
monthsAgo: "{n} month(s) ago"
yearsAgo: "{n} year(s) ago"
@ -1099,17 +1110,17 @@ _tutorial:
step2_1: "Let's finish setting up your profile before writing a note or following anyone."
step2_2: "Providing some information about who you are will make it easier for others to tell if they want to see your notes or follow you."
step3_1: "Finished setting up your profile?"
step3_2: "Then let's try posting a note next. You can do this by pressing the pencil icon on the top of the screen."
step3_2: "Then let's try posting a note next. You can do so by pressing the button with a pencil icon on the screen."
step3_3: "Fill in the modal and press the button on the top right to post."
step3_4: "Have nothing to say? Try \"just setting up my msky\"!"
step4_1: "Finished posting your first note?"
step4_2: "Hurray! Now your first note should be displayed on your timeline."
step5_1: "Now, let's try making your timeline more lively by following other people."
step5_2: "{featured} will show you trending notes in this instance. {explore} will let you find trending users. Try finding people you'd like to follow there!"
step5_2: "{featured} will show you popular notes in this instance. {explore} will let you find popular users. Try finding people you'd like to follow there!"
step5_3: "To follow other users, click on their icon and press the \"Follow\" button on their profile."
step5_4: "If the other user has a lock icon next to their name, it may take some time for that user to manually approve your follow request."
step6_1: "You should be able to see other users' notes on your timeline now."
step6_2: "You can also put \"reactions\" on other people's notes to quickly respond."
step6_2: "You can also put \"reactions\" on other people's notes to quickly respond to them."
step6_3: "To attach a \"reaction\", press the \"+\" mark on another user's note and choose an emoji you'd like to react with."
step7_1: "Congratulations! You have now finished Misskey's basic tutorial."
step7_2: "If you would like to learn more about Misskey, try the {help} section."
@ -1140,7 +1151,7 @@ _permissions:
"write:mutes": "Edit your list of muted users"
"write:notes": "Compose or delete notes"
"read:notifications": "View your notifications"
"write:notifications": "Work with your notifications"
"write:notifications": "Manage your notifications"
"read:reactions": "View your reactions"
"write:reactions": "Edit your reactions"
"write:votes": "Vote on a poll"
@ -1150,18 +1161,18 @@ _permissions:
"write:page-likes": "Edit your likes on pages"
"read:user-groups": "View your user groups"
"write:user-groups": "Edit or delete your user groups"
"read:channels": "Read your channels"
"write:channels": "Modify your channels"
"read:channels": "View your channels"
"write:channels": "Edit your channels"
"read:gallery": "View your gallery"
"write:gallery": "Edit your gallery"
"read:gallery-likes": "View list of liked gallery posts"
"write:gallery-likes": "Edit list of liked gallery posts"
"read:gallery-likes": "View your list of liked gallery posts"
"write:gallery-likes": "Edit your list of liked gallery posts"
shareAccess: "Would you like to authorize \"{name}\" to access this account?"
shareAccessAsk: "Are you sure you want to authorize this application to access your account?"
permissionAsk: "This application requests the following permissions"
pleaseGoBack: "Please go back to the application"
callback: "Returning back to the application"
callback: "Returning to the application"
denied: "Access denied"
all: "All notes"
@ -1189,7 +1200,7 @@ _widgets:
photos: "Photos"
digitalClock: "Digital clock"
federation: "Federation"
postForm: "Compose a note"
postForm: "Posting form"
slideshow: "Slideshow"
button: "Button"
onlineUsers: "Online users"
@ -1220,10 +1231,10 @@ _poll:
showResult: "View results"
voted: "Voted"
closed: "Ended"
remainingDays: "{d} days {h} hours remaining"
remainingHours: "{h} hours {m} minutes remaining"
remainingMinutes: "{m} minutes {s} seconds remaining"
remainingSeconds: "{s} seconds remaining"
remainingDays: "{d} day(s) {h} hour(s) remaining"
remainingHours: "{h} hour(s) {m} minute(s) remaining"
remainingMinutes: "{m} minute(s) {s} second(s) remaining"
remainingSeconds: "{s} second(s) remaining"
public: "Public"
publicDescription: "Your note will be visible for all users"
@ -1253,7 +1264,7 @@ _profile:
youCanIncludeHashtags: "You can also include hashtags in your bio."
metadata: "Additional Information"
metadataEdit: "Edit additional Information"
metadataDescription: "You can display up to four additional information fields in your profile."
metadataDescription: "Using these, you can display additional information fields in your profile."
metadataLabel: "Label"
metadataContent: "Content"
changeAvatar: "Change avatar"
@ -1269,29 +1280,29 @@ _exportOrImport:
federation: "Federation"
apRequest: "Requests"
usersIncDec: "Difference in # of users"
usersTotal: "Total # of users"
usersIncDec: "Difference in the number of users"
usersTotal: "Total number of users"
activeUsers: "Active users"
notesIncDec: "Difference in # of notes"
localNotesIncDec: "Difference in # of local notes"
remoteNotesIncDec: "Difference in # of remote notes"
notesTotal: "Total # of notes"
filesIncDec: "Difference in # of files"
filesTotal: "Total # of files"
notesIncDec: "Difference in the number of notes"
localNotesIncDec: "Difference in the number of local notes"
remoteNotesIncDec: "Difference in the number of remote notes"
notesTotal: "Total number of notes"
filesIncDec: "Difference in the number of files"
filesTotal: "Total number of files"
storageUsageIncDec: "Difference in storage usage"
storageUsageTotal: "Total storage usage"
requests: "Requests"
users: "Difference in # of users"
usersTotal: "Cumulative total # of users"
notes: "Difference in # of notes"
notesTotal: "Cumulative total # of notes"
ff: "Difference in # of followed users / followers "
ffTotal: "Cumulative total # of followed users / followers"
users: "Difference in the number of users"
usersTotal: "Cumulative number of users"
notes: "Difference in the number of notes"
notesTotal: "Cumulative number of notes"
ff: "Difference in the number of followed users / followers "
ffTotal: "Cumulative number of followed users / followers"
cacheSize: "Difference in cache size"
cacheSizeTotal: "Cumulative total cache size"
files: "Difference in # of files"
filesTotal: "Cumulative total # of files"
files: "Difference in the number of files"
filesTotal: "Cumulative number of files"
home: "Home"
local: "Local"
@ -1300,7 +1311,7 @@ _timelines:
newPage: "Create a new Page"
editPage: "Edit this Page"
readPage: "Source view activated"
readPage: "Viewing this Page's source"
created: "Page successfully created"
updated: "Page successfully edited"
deleted: "Page successfully deleted"
@ -1315,7 +1326,7 @@ _pages:
unlike: "Remove like"
my: "My Pages"
liked: "Liked Pages"
featured: "Featured"
featured: "Popular"
inspector: "Inspector"
contents: "Contents"
content: "Page block"
@ -1346,10 +1357,10 @@ _pages:
if: "If"
variable: "Variable"
post: "Compose a note"
post: "Posting form"
text: "Content"
attachCanvasImage: "Post with canvas image"
attachCanvasImage: "Attach canvas image"
canvasId: "Canvas ID"
textInput: "Text input"
@ -1385,11 +1396,11 @@ _pages:
name: "Variable name"
text: "Title"
inc: "Increase by"
inc: "Step"
text: "Title"
colored: "Colored"
action: "Operation when the button is pressed"
action: "Behavior when the button is pressed"
dialog: "Show a dialog"
@ -1431,11 +1442,11 @@ _pages:
strLen: "Text length"
arg1: "Text"
strPick: "Extract character"
strPick: "Extract string"
arg1: "Text"
arg2: "Character location"
strReplace: "Text replacement"
arg2: "String location"
strReplace: "Replacement string"
arg1: "Text"
arg2: "Text to be replaced"
@ -1529,7 +1540,7 @@ _pages:
arg2: "Maximum value"
dailyRandomPick: "Randomly choose from a list (Changes once a day for each user)"
arg1: "Lists"
arg1: "List"
seedRandom: "Random (with seed)"
arg1: "Seed"
@ -1602,7 +1613,9 @@ _notification:
youWereFollowed: "followed you"
youReceivedFollowRequest: "You've received a follow request"
yourFollowRequestAccepted: "Your follow request was accepted"
youWereInvitedToGroup: "You've been invited to a group"
youWereInvitedToGroup: "{userName} invited you to a group"
pollEnded: "Poll results have become available"
emptyPushNotificationMessage: "Push notifications have been updated"
all: "All"
follow: "New followers"
@ -1612,22 +1625,27 @@ _notification:
quote: "Quotes"
reaction: "Reactions"
pollVote: "Votes on polls"
pollEnded: "Polls ending"
receiveFollowRequest: "Received follow requests"
followRequestAccepted: "Accepted follow requests"
groupInvited: "Group invitations"
app: "Notifications from linked apps"
followBack: "followed you back"
reply: "Reply"
renote: "Renote"
alwaysShowMainColumn: "Always show main column"
columnAlign: "Align columns"
columnMargin: "Margin between columns"
columnHeaderHeight: "Column header height"
addColumn: "Add column"
swapLeft: "Swap left"
swapRight: "Swap right"
swapUp: "Swap with above"
swapDown: "Swap with below"
stackLeft: "Stack on left column"
popRight: "Pop to the right"
swapLeft: "Swap with the left column"
swapRight: "Swap with the right column"
swapUp: "Swap with the above column"
swapDown: "Swap with the below column"
stackLeft: "Stack with the left column"
popRight: "Pop column to the right"
profile: "Profile"
main: "Main"
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -141,6 +141,8 @@ flagAsBot: "Esta cuenta es un bot"
flagAsBotDescription: "En caso de que esta cuenta fuera usada por un programa, active esta opción. Al hacerlo, esta opción servirá para otros desarrolladores para evitar cadenas infinitas de reacciones, y ajustará los sistemas internos de Misskey para que trate a esta cuenta como un bot."
flagAsCat: "Esta cuenta es un gato"
flagAsCatDescription: "En caso de que declare que esta cuenta es de un gato, active esta opción."
flagShowTimelineReplies: "Mostrar respuestas a las notas en la biografía"
flagShowTimelineRepliesDescription: "Cuando se marca, la línea de tiempo muestra respuestas a otras notas además de las notas del usuario"
autoAcceptFollowed: "Aceptar automáticamente las solicitudes de seguimiento de los usuarios que sigues"
addAccount: "Agregar Cuenta"
loginFailed: "Error al iniciar sesión."
@ -235,6 +237,8 @@ resetAreYouSure: "¿Desea reestablecer?"
saved: "Guardado"
messaging: "Chat"
upload: "Subir"
keepOriginalUploading: "Mantener la imagen original"
keepOriginalUploadingDescription: "Mantener la versión original al cargar imágenes. Si está desactivado, el navegador generará imágenes para la publicación web en el momento de recargar la página"
fromDrive: "Desde el drive"
fromUrl: "Desde la URL"
uploadFromUrl: "Subir desde una URL"
@ -321,8 +325,6 @@ disablingTimelinesInfo: "Aunque se desactiven estas lineas de tiempo, por conven
registration: "Registro"
enableRegistration: "Permitir nuevos registros"
invite: "Invitar"
proxyRemoteFiles: "Hacer proxy de archivos remotos"
proxyRemoteFilesDescription: "Si activa esta configuración, los archivos remotos no almacenados o borrados por exceso de capacidad serán mostrados via proxy local y generarán una miniatura. Eso no afectará el almacenamiento del servidor."
driveCapacityPerLocalAccount: "Capacidad del drive por usuario local"
driveCapacityPerRemoteAccount: "Capacidad del drive por usuario remoto"
inMb: "En megabytes"
@ -418,7 +420,6 @@ next: "Siguiente"
retype: "Intentar de nuevo"
noteOf: "Notas de {user}"
inviteToGroup: "Invitar al grupo"
maxNoteTextLength: "Límite de caracteres en una nota"
quoteAttached: "Cita añadida"
quoteQuestion: "¿Quiere añadir una cita?"
noMessagesYet: "Aún no hay chat"
@ -447,6 +448,7 @@ uiLanguage: "Idioma de visualización de la interfaz"
groupInvited: "Invitado al grupo"
aboutX: "Acerca de {x}"
useOsNativeEmojis: "Usa los emojis nativos de la plataforma"
disableDrawer: "No mostrar los menús en cajones"
youHaveNoGroups: "Sin grupos"
joinOrCreateGroup: "Obtenga una invitación para unirse al grupos o puede crear su propio grupo."
noHistory: "No hay datos en el historial"
@ -618,6 +620,10 @@ reportAbuse: "Reportar"
reportAbuseOf: "Reportar a {name}"
fillAbuseReportDescription: "Ingrese los detalles del reporte. Si hay una nota en particular, ingrese la URL de esta."
abuseReported: "Se ha enviado el reporte. Muchas gracias."
reporteeOrigin: "Informar a"
reporterOrigin: "Origen del informe"
forwardReport: "Transferir un informe a una instancia remota"
forwardReportIsAnonymous: "No puede ver su información de la instancia remota y aparecerá como una cuenta anónima del sistema"
send: "Enviar"
abuseMarkAsResolved: "Marcar reporte como resuelto"
openInNewTab: "Abrir en una Nueva Pestaña"
@ -679,6 +685,7 @@ center: "Centrar"
wide: "Ancho"
narrow: "Estrecho"
reloadToApplySetting: "Esta configuración sólo se aplicará después de recargar la página. ¿Recargar ahora?"
needReloadToApply: "Se requiere un reinicio para la aplicar los cambios"
showTitlebar: "Mostrar la barra de título"
clearCache: "Limpiar caché"
onlineUsersCount: "{n} usuarios en línea"
@ -709,19 +716,55 @@ capacity: "Capacidad"
inUse: "Usado"
editCode: "Editar código"
apply: "Aplicar"
receiveAnnouncementFromInstance: "Recibir notificaciones de la instancia"
emailNotification: "Notificaciones por correo electrónico"
publish: "Publicar"
inChannelSearch: "Buscar en el canal"
useReactionPickerForContextMenu: "Haga clic con el botón derecho para abrir el menu de reacciones"
typingUsers: "{users} está escribiendo"
jumpToSpecifiedDate: "Saltar a una fecha específica"
showingPastTimeline: "Mostrar líneas de tiempo antiguas"
clear: "Limpiar"
markAllAsRead: "Marcar todo como leído"
goBack: "Deseleccionar"
fullView: "Vista completa"
quitFullView: "quitar vista completa"
addDescription: "Agregar descripción"
userPagePinTip: "Puede mantener sus notas visibles aquí seleccionando Pin en el menú de notas individuales"
notSpecifiedMentionWarning: "Algunas menciones no están incluidas en el destino"
info: "Información"
userInfo: "Información del usuario"
unknown: "Desconocido"
onlineStatus: "En línea"
hideOnlineStatus: "mostrarse como desconectado"
hideOnlineStatusDescription: "Ocultar su estado en línea puede reducir la eficacia de algunas funciones, como la búsqueda"
online: "En línea"
active: "Activo"
offline: "Sin conexión"
notRecommended: "obsoleto"
botProtection: "Protección contra bots"
instanceBlocking: "Instancias bloqueadas"
selectAccount: "Elija una cuenta"
switchAccount: "Cambiar de cuenta"
enabled: "Activado"
disabled: "Desactivado"
quickAction: "Acciones rápidas"
user: "Usuarios"
administration: "Administrar"
accounts: "Cuentas"
switch: "Cambiar"
noMaintainerInformationWarning: "No se ha establecido la información del administrador"
noBotProtectionWarning: "La protección contra los bots no está configurada"
configure: "Configurar"
postToGallery: "Crear una nueva publicación en la galería"
gallery: "Galería"
recentPosts: "Posts recientes"
popularPosts: "Más vistos"
shareWithNote: "Compartir con una nota"
ads: "Anuncios"
expiration: "Termina el"
memo: "Notas"
priority: "Prioridad"
high: "Alta"
middle: "Mediano"
low: "Baja"
@ -765,28 +808,58 @@ muteThread: "Ocultar hilo"
unmuteThread: "Mostrar hilo"
ffVisibility: "Visibilidad de seguidores y seguidos"
hide: "Ocultar"
searchByGoogle: "Buscar"
indefinitely: "Sin límite de tiempo"
public: "Publicar"
accountDelete: "Eliminar Cuenta"
back: "Deseleccionar"
contactAdmin: "Esta instancia no admite el uso de direcciones de correo electrónico, póngase en contacto con el administrador de la instancia para restablecer su contraseña"
my: "Mi galería"
liked: "Publicaciones que me gustan"
like: "¡Muy bien!"
unlike: "Quitar me gusta"
title: "te ha seguido"
title: "Has recibido una solicitud de seguimiento"
install: "Instalar plugins"
installWarn: "Por favor no instale plugins que no son de confianza"
manage: "Gestionar plugins"
scope: "Alcance"
key: "Clave"
keys: "Clave"
domain: "Dominio"
createKey: "Crear una llave"
about: "Misskey es un software de código abierto, desarrollado por syuilo desde el 2014"
contributors: "Principales colaboradores"
allContributors: "Todos los colaboradores"
source: "Código fuente"
translation: "Traducir Misskey"
donate: "Donar a Misskey"
morePatrons: "Muchas más personas nos apoyan. Muchas gracias🥰"
patrons: "Patrocinadores"
respect: "Ocultar medios NSFW"
ignore: "No esconder medios NSFW "
force: "Ocultar todos los medios"
cheatSheet: "Hoja de referencia de MFM"
intro: "MFM es un lenguaje de marcado dedicado que se puede usar en varios lugares dentro de Misskey. Aquí puede ver una lista de sintaxis disponibles en MFM."
dummy: "Misskey expande el mundo de la Fediverso"
mention: "Menciones"
mentionDescription: "El signo @ seguido de un nombre de usuario se puede utilizar para notificar a un usuario en particular."
hashtag: "Hashtag"
url: "URL"
urlDescription: "Se pueden mostrar las URL"
link: "Vínculo"
bold: "Negrita"
center: "Centrar"
@ -1433,6 +1506,9 @@ _notification:
followRequestAccepted: "El seguimiento fue aceptado"
groupInvited: "Invitado al grupo"
app: "Notificaciones desde aplicaciones"
reply: "Responder"
renote: "Renotar"
alwaysShowMainColumn: "Siempre mostrar la columna principal"
columnAlign: "Alinear columnas"
@ -323,8 +323,6 @@ disablingTimelinesInfo: "Même si vous désactivez ces fils, les administrateur
registration: "S’inscrire"
enableRegistration: "Autoriser les nouvelles inscriptions"
invite: "Inviter"
proxyRemoteFiles: "Utiliser les fichiers distants comme proxy"
proxyRemoteFilesDescription: "Si vous activez ce paramètre, les fichiers distants non stockés ou supprimés en raison d'une capacité excédentaire seront affichés via un proxy local et généreront une miniature. Cela n'affectera pas le stockage du serveur."
driveCapacityPerLocalAccount: "Volume du Drive par utilisateur local"
driveCapacityPerRemoteAccount: "Volume du Drive par utilisateur distant"
inMb: "en mégaoctets"
@ -420,7 +418,6 @@ next: "Suivant"
retype: "Confirmation"
noteOf: "Notes de {user}"
inviteToGroup: "Inviter dans un groupe"
maxNoteTextLength: "Limite du nombre de caractères pour les notes"
quoteAttached: "Avec citation"
quoteQuestion: "Souhaitez-vous ajouter une citation ?"
noMessagesYet: "Pas encore de discussion"
@ -592,6 +589,7 @@ smtpSecure: "Utiliser SSL/TLS implicitement dans les connexions SMTP"
smtpSecureInfo: "Désactiver cette option lorsque STARTTLS est utilisé"
testEmail: "Tester la distribution de courriel"
wordMute: "Filtre de mots"
regexpError: "Erreur d’expression régulière"
instanceMute: "Instance en sourdine"
userSaysSomething: "{name} a dit quelque chose"
makeActive: "Activer"
@ -620,6 +618,7 @@ reportAbuse: "Signaler"
reportAbuseOf: "Signaler {name}"
fillAbuseReportDescription: "Veuillez expliquer les raisons du signalement. S'il s'agit d'une note précise, veuillez en donner le lien."
abuseReported: "Le rapport est envoyé. Merci."
reporter: "Signalé par"
reporteeOrigin: "Origine du signalement"
reporterOrigin: "Signalé par"
forwardReport: "Transférer le signalement à l’instance distante"
@ -818,6 +817,22 @@ leaveGroup: "Quitter le groupe"
leaveGroupConfirm: "Êtes vous sûr de vouloir quitter \"{name}\" ?"
welcomeBackWithName: "Heureux de vous revoir, {name}"
clickToFinishEmailVerification: "Veuillez cliquer sur [{ok}] afin de compléter la vérification par courriel."
overridedDeviceKind: "Type d’appareil"
smartphone: "Smartphone"
tablet: "Tablette"
auto: "Automatique"
themeColor: "Couleur du thème"
size: "Taille"
numberOfColumn: "Nombre de colonnes"
searchByGoogle: "Google"
instanceDefaultLightTheme: "Thème clair par défaut sur toute l’instance"
instanceDefaultDarkTheme: "Thème sombre par défaut sur toute l’instance"
mutePeriod: "Durée de mise en sourdine"
indefinitely: "Illimité"
tenMinutes: "10 minutes"
oneHour: "1 heure"
oneDay: "1 jour"
oneWeek: "1 semaine"
used: "Non disponible"
format: "Le format de cette adresse de courriel est invalide"
@ -1201,7 +1216,7 @@ _poll:
votesCount: "{n} votes"
totalVotes: "{n} votes au total"
vote: "Voter"
showResult: "Voir les résultats"
showResult: "Voir résultats"
voted: "Déjà voté"
closed: "Terminé"
remainingDays: "{d} jours, {h} heures restantes"
@ -1600,6 +1615,9 @@ _notification:
followRequestAccepted: "Demande d'abonnement acceptée"
groupInvited: "Invitation à un groupe"
app: "Notifications provenant des apps"
reply: "Répondre"
renote: "Renoter"
alwaysShowMainColumn: "Toujours afficher la colonne principale"
columnAlign: "Aligner les colonnes"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -325,8 +325,6 @@ disablingTimelinesInfo: "Admin dan Moderator akan selalu memiliki akses ke semua
registration: "Pendaftaran"
enableRegistration: "Nyalakan pendaftaran pengguna baru"
invite: "Undang"
proxyRemoteFiles: "Proksi berkas remote"
proxyRemoteFilesDescription: "Jika diaktifkan, berkas luar yang (1) tidak disimpan secara lokal atau (2) terhapus dari melewati batas penyimpanan akan diproksi secara lokal (dengan thumbnail). Ini tidak akan mempengaruhi server penyimpanan."
driveCapacityPerLocalAccount: "Kapasitas drive per pengguna lokal"
driveCapacityPerRemoteAccount: "Kapasitas drive per pengguna remote"
inMb: "dalam Megabytes"
@ -422,7 +420,6 @@ next: "Selanjutnya"
retype: "Masukkan ulang"
noteOf: "Catatan milik {user}"
inviteToGroup: "Undang ke grup"
maxNoteTextLength: "Batas karakter catatan"
quoteAttached: "Dikutip"
quoteQuestion: "Apakah kamu ingin menambahkan kutipan?"
noMessagesYet: "Tidak ada pesan"
@ -595,6 +592,8 @@ smtpSecure: "Gunakan SSL/TLS implisit untuk koneksi SMTP"
smtpSecureInfo: "Matikan ini ketika menggunakan STARTTLS"
testEmail: "Tes pengiriman surel"
wordMute: "Bisukan kata"
regexpError: "Kesalahan ekspresi reguler"
regexpErrorDescription: "Galat terjadi pada baris {line} ekspresi reguler dari {tab} kata yang dibisukan:"
instanceMute: "Bisuka instansi"
userSaysSomething: "{name} mengatakan sesuatu"
makeActive: "Aktifkan"
@ -828,6 +827,21 @@ overridedDeviceKind: "Tipe perangkat"
smartphone: "Ponsel"
tablet: "Tablet"
auto: "Otomatis"
themeColor: "Warna Tema"
size: "Ukuran"
numberOfColumn: "Jumlah per kolom"
searchByGoogle: "Penelusuran"
instanceDefaultLightTheme: "Bawaan instan tema terang"
instanceDefaultDarkTheme: "Bawaan instan tema gelap"
instanceDefaultThemeDescription: "Masukkan kode tema di format obyek."
mutePeriod: "Batas waktu bisu"
indefinitely: "Selamanya"
tenMinutes: "10 Menit"
oneHour: "1 Jam"
oneDay: "1 Hari"
oneWeek: "1 Bulan"
reflectMayTakeTime: "Mungkin perlu beberapa saat untuk dicerminkan."
failedToFetchAccountInformation: "Gagal untuk mendapatkan informasi akun"
used: "Alamat surel ini telah digunakan"
format: "Format tidak valid."
@ -1600,6 +1614,8 @@ _notification:
youReceivedFollowRequest: "Kamu menerima permintaan mengikuti"
yourFollowRequestAccepted: "Permintaan mengikuti kamu telah diterima"
youWereInvitedToGroup: "Telah diundang ke grup"
pollEnded: "Hasil Kuesioner telah keluar"
emptyPushNotificationMessage: "Pembaruan notifikasi dorong"
all: "Semua"
follow: "Ikuti"
@ -1609,10 +1625,15 @@ _notification:
quote: "Kutip"
reaction: "Reaksi"
pollVote: "Memilih di angket"
pollEnded: "Jajak pendapat berakhir"
receiveFollowRequest: "Permintaan mengikuti diterima"
followRequestAccepted: "Permintaan mengikuti disetujui"
groupInvited: "Diundang ke grup"
app: "Pemberitahuan dari aplikasi"
followBack: "Ikuti Kembali"
reply: "Balas"
renote: "Renote"
alwaysShowMainColumn: "Selalu tampilkan kolom utama"
columnAlign: "Luruskan kolom"
@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ const languages = [
@ -34,6 +33,7 @@ const languages = [
@ -321,8 +321,6 @@ disablingTimelinesInfo: "Anche se disabiliti queste timeline, gli amministratori
registration: "Iscriviti"
enableRegistration: "Permettere nuove registrazioni"
invite: "Invita"
proxyRemoteFiles: "Usare file remoti come proxy"
proxyRemoteFilesDescription: "Attivando questa opzione i file remoti non salvati o cancellati perché eccedenti il limite di archiviazione verranno inoltrati tramite proxy, inclusa la generazione di anteprime. Non ha effetto sullo spazio di archiviazione del server."
driveCapacityPerLocalAccount: "Volume del Drive per utente locale"
driveCapacityPerRemoteAccount: "Volume del Drive per utente remoto"
inMb: "in Megabytes"
@ -418,7 +416,6 @@ next: "Avanti"
retype: "Conferma"
noteOf: "Note di {user}"
inviteToGroup: "Invitare al gruppo"
maxNoteTextLength: "Lunghezza massima delle note"
quoteAttached: "Citazione allegata"
quoteQuestion: "Vuoi aggiungere una citazione?"
noMessagesYet: "Ancora nessuna chat"
@ -805,6 +802,8 @@ leaveGroupConfirm: "Uscire da「{name}」?"
useDrawerReactionPickerForMobile: "Mostra sul drawer da dispositivo mobile"
welcomeBackWithName: "Bentornato/a, {name}"
clickToFinishEmailVerification: "Fai click su [{ok}] per completare la verifica dell'indirizzo email."
searchByGoogle: "Cerca"
indefinitely: "Non scade"
used: "Email già in uso"
format: "Formato email non valido"
@ -1434,6 +1433,9 @@ _notification:
followRequestAccepted: "Richiesta di follow accettata"
groupInvited: "Invito a un gruppo"
app: "Notifiche da applicazioni"
reply: "Rispondi"
renote: "Rinota"
alwaysShowMainColumn: "Mostra sempre la colonna principale"
columnAlign: "Allineare colonne"
@ -325,8 +325,6 @@ disablingTimelinesInfo: "これらのタイムラインを無効化しても、
registration: "登録"
enableRegistration: "誰でも新規登録できるようにする"
invite: "招待"
proxyRemoteFiles: "リモートのファイルをプロキシする"
proxyRemoteFilesDescription: "この設定を有効にすると、未保存または保存容量超過で削除されたリモートファイルをローカルでプロキシし、サムネイルも生成するようになります。サーバーのストレージには影響しません、"
driveCapacityPerLocalAccount: "ローカルユーザーひとりあたりのドライブ容量"
driveCapacityPerRemoteAccount: "リモートユーザーひとりあたりのドライブ容量"
inMb: "メガバイト単位"
@ -358,7 +356,7 @@ antennaExcludeKeywords: "除外キーワード"
antennaKeywordsDescription: "スペースで区切るとAND指定になり、改行で区切るとOR指定になります"
notifyAntenna: "新しいノートを通知する"
withFileAntenna: "ファイルが添付されたノートのみ"
enableServiceworker: "ServiceWorkerを有効にする"
enableServiceworker: "ブラウザへのプッシュ通知を有効にする"
antennaUsersDescription: "ユーザー名を改行で区切って指定します"
caseSensitive: "大文字小文字を区別する"
withReplies: "返信を含む"
@ -422,7 +420,6 @@ next: "次"
retype: "再入力"
noteOf: "{user}のノート"
inviteToGroup: "グループに招待"
maxNoteTextLength: "ノートの文字数制限"
quoteAttached: "引用付き"
quoteQuestion: "引用として添付しますか?"
noMessagesYet: "まだチャットはありません"
@ -833,6 +830,18 @@ auto: "自動"
themeColor: "テーマカラー"
size: "サイズ"
numberOfColumn: "列の数"
searchByGoogle: "検索"
instanceDefaultLightTheme: "インスタンスデフォルトのライトテーマ"
instanceDefaultDarkTheme: "インスタンスデフォルトのダークテーマ"
instanceDefaultThemeDescription: "オブジェクト形式のテーマコードを記入します。"
mutePeriod: "ミュートする期限"
indefinitely: "無期限"
tenMinutes: "10分"
oneHour: "1時間"
oneDay: "1日"
oneWeek: "1週間"
reflectMayTakeTime: "反映されるまで時間がかかる場合があります。"
failedToFetchAccountInformation: "アカウント情報の取得に失敗しました"
used: "既に使用されています"
@ -1148,6 +1157,7 @@ _2fa:
registerKey: "キーを登録"
step1: "まず、{a}や{b}などの認証アプリをお使いのデバイスにインストールします。"
step2: "次に、表示されているQRコードをアプリでスキャンします。"
step2Url: "デスクトップアプリでは次のURLを入力します:"
step3: "アプリに表示されているトークンを入力して完了です。"
step4: "これからログインするときも、同じようにトークンを入力します。"
securityKeyInfo: "FIDO2をサポートするハードウェアセキュリティキーもしくは端末の指紋認証やPINを使用してログインするように設定できます。"
@ -1291,7 +1301,7 @@ _profile:
youCanIncludeHashtags: "ハッシュタグを含めることができます。"
metadata: "追加情報"
metadataEdit: "追加情報を編集"
metadataDescription: "プロフィールに表として4つまでの追加情報を表示することができます。"
metadataDescription: "プロフィールに表として追加情報を表示することができます。"
metadataLabel: "ラベル"
metadataContent: "内容"
changeAvatar: "アバター画像を変更"
@ -1659,7 +1669,9 @@ _notification:
youWereFollowed: "フォローされました"
youReceivedFollowRequest: "フォローリクエストが来ました"
yourFollowRequestAccepted: "フォローリクエストが承認されました"
youWereInvitedToGroup: "グループに招待されました"
youWereInvitedToGroup: "{userName}があなたをグループに招待しました"
pollEnded: "アンケートの結果が出ました"
emptyPushNotificationMessage: "プッシュ通知の更新をしました"
all: "すべて"
@ -1670,11 +1682,17 @@ _notification:
quote: "引用"
reaction: "リアクション"
pollVote: "アンケートに投票された"
pollEnded: "アンケートが終了"
receiveFollowRequest: "フォロー申請を受け取った"
followRequestAccepted: "フォローが受理された"
groupInvited: "グループに招待された"
app: "連携アプリからの通知"
followBack: "フォローバック"
reply: "返信"
renote: "Renote"
alwaysShowMainColumn: "常にメインカラムを表示"
columnAlign: "カラムの寄せ"
@ -323,8 +323,6 @@ disablingTimelinesInfo: "ここらへんのタイムラインを使えんよう
registration: "登録"
enableRegistration: "一見さんでも誰でもいらっしゃ~い"
invite: "来てや"
proxyRemoteFiles: "リモートのファイルをプロキシする"
proxyRemoteFilesDescription: "この設定を有効にしたら、保存してなかったり容量が足らんくて消されたリモートファイルをローカルでプロキシして、サムネイルを作るようになるで。サーバーの容量には関係ないで。"
driveCapacityPerLocalAccount: "ローカルユーザーひとりあたりのドライブ容量"
driveCapacityPerRemoteAccount: "リモートユーザーひとりあたりのドライブ容量"
inMb: "メガバイト単位"
@ -417,7 +415,6 @@ next: "次"
retype: "もっかい入力"
noteOf: "{user}のノート"
inviteToGroup: "グループに招く"
maxNoteTextLength: "ノートの文字数制限"
quoteAttached: "引用付いとるで"
quoteQuestion: "引用として添付してもええか?"
noMessagesYet: "まだチャットはあらへんで"
@ -658,6 +655,8 @@ global: "グローバル"
sent: "送信"
hashtags: "ハッシュタグ"
hide: "隠す"
searchByGoogle: "探す"
indefinitely: "無期限"
back: "戻る"
@ -1203,6 +1202,9 @@ _notification:
reaction: "リアクション"
receiveFollowRequest: "フォロー許可してほしいみたいやで"
followRequestAccepted: "フォローが受理されたで"
reply: "返事"
renote: "Renote"
alwaysShowMainColumn: "いつもメインカラムを表示"
columnAlign: "カラムの寄せ"
@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ accountInfo: "Talɣut n umiḍan"
emailNotification: "Ilɣa imayl"
selectAccount: "Fren amiḍan"
accounts: "Imiḍan"
searchByGoogle: "Nadi"
title: "Yeṭṭafaṛ-ik·em-id"
@ -115,6 +116,8 @@ _notification:
follow: "Ig ṭṭafaṛ"
mention: "Bder"
reply: "Err"
notifications: "Ilɣuyen"
@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ remove: "ಅಳಿಸು"
smtpUser: "ಬಳಕೆಹೆಸರು"
smtpPass: "ಗುಪ್ತಪದ"
user: "ಬಳಕೆದಾರ"
searchByGoogle: "ಹುಡುಕು"
title: "ಹಿಂಬಾಲಿಸಿದರು"
@ -75,6 +76,8 @@ _profile:
username: "ಬಳಕೆಹೆಸರು"
youWereFollowed: "ಹಿಂಬಾಲಿಸಿದರು"
reply: "ಉತ್ತರಿಸು"
notifications: "ಅಧಿಸೂಚನೆಗಳು"
@ -325,8 +325,6 @@ disablingTimelinesInfo: "특정 타임라인을 비활성화하더라도 관리
registration: "등록"
enableRegistration: "신규 회원가입을 활성화"
invite: "초대"
proxyRemoteFiles: "리모트 파일 프록시"
proxyRemoteFilesDescription: "이 설정을 활성화할 경우, 저장되지 않았거나 저장용량 초과로 삭제된 리모트 파일을 로컬에서 프록시하여 썸네일을 생성하게 됩니다. 서버의 스토리지에는 영향을 주지 않습니다."
driveCapacityPerLocalAccount: "로컬 유저 한 명당 드라이브 용량"
driveCapacityPerRemoteAccount: "리모트 유저 한 명당 드라이브 용량"
inMb: "메가바이트 단위"
@ -422,7 +420,6 @@ next: "다음"
retype: "다시 입력"
noteOf: "{user}의 노트"
inviteToGroup: "그룹에 초대하기"
maxNoteTextLength: "노트의 문자 수 제한"
quoteAttached: "인용함"
quoteQuestion: "인용해서 작성하시겠습니까?"
noMessagesYet: "아직 대화가 없습니다"
@ -595,6 +592,8 @@ smtpSecure: "SMTP 연결에 Implicit SSL/TTS 사용"
smtpSecureInfo: "STARTTLS 사용 시에는 해제합니다."
testEmail: "이메일 전송 테스트"
wordMute: "단어 뮤트"
regexpError: "정규 표현식 오류"
regexpErrorDescription: "{tab}단어 뮤트 {line}행의 정규 표현식에 오류가 발생했습니다:"
instanceMute: "인스턴스 뮤트"
userSaysSomething: "{name}님이 무언가를 말했습니다"
makeActive: "활성화"
@ -828,6 +827,21 @@ overridedDeviceKind: "장치 유형"
smartphone: "스마트폰"
tablet: "태블릿"
auto: "자동"
themeColor: "테마 컬러"
size: "크기"
numberOfColumn: "한 줄에 보일 리액션의 수"
searchByGoogle: "검색"
instanceDefaultLightTheme: "인스턴스 기본 라이트 테마"
instanceDefaultDarkTheme: "인스턴스 기본 다크 테마"
instanceDefaultThemeDescription: "객체 형식의 테마 코드를 입력해 주세요."
mutePeriod: "뮤트할 기간"
indefinitely: "무기한"
tenMinutes: "10분"
oneHour: "1시간"
oneDay: "1일"
oneWeek: "일주일"
reflectMayTakeTime: "반영되기까지 시간이 걸릴 수 있습니다."
failedToFetchAccountInformation: "계정 정보를 가져오지 못했습니다"
used: "이 메일 주소는 사용중입니다"
format: "형식이 올바르지 않습니다"
@ -1250,7 +1264,7 @@ _profile:
youCanIncludeHashtags: "해시 태그를 포함할 수 있습니다."
metadata: "추가 정보"
metadataEdit: "추가 정보 편집"
metadataDescription: "프로필에 최대 4개의 추가 정보를 표시할 수 있어요"
metadataDescription: "프로필에 추가 정보를 표시할 수 있어요"
metadataLabel: "라벨"
metadataContent: "내용"
changeAvatar: "아바타 이미지 변경"
@ -1600,6 +1614,8 @@ _notification:
youReceivedFollowRequest: "새로운 팔로우 요청이 있습니다"
yourFollowRequestAccepted: "팔로우 요청이 수락되었습니다"
youWereInvitedToGroup: "그룹에 초대되었습니다"
pollEnded: "투표 결과가 발표되었습니다"
emptyPushNotificationMessage: "푸시 알림이 갱신되었습니다"
all: "전부"
follow: "팔로잉"
@ -1609,10 +1625,15 @@ _notification:
quote: "인용"
reaction: "리액션"
pollVote: "투표 참여"
pollEnded: "투표가 종료됨"
receiveFollowRequest: "팔로우 요청을 받았을 때"
followRequestAccepted: "팔로우 요청이 승인되었을 때"
groupInvited: "그룹에 초대되었을 때"
app: "연동된 앱을 통한 알림"
followBack: "팔로우"
reply: "답글"
renote: "Renote"
alwaysShowMainColumn: "메인 칼럼 항상 표시"
columnAlign: "칼럼 정렬"
@ -119,6 +119,23 @@ unblock: "Deblokkeren"
suspend: "Opschorten"
unsuspend: "Heractiveren"
blockConfirm: "Weet je zeker dat je dit account wil blokkeren?"
unblockConfirm: "Ben je zeker dat je deze account wil blokkeren?"
suspendConfirm: "Ben je zeker dat je deze account wil suspenderen?"
unsuspendConfirm: "Ben je zeker dat je deze account wil opnieuw aanstellen?"
flagAsBot: "Markeer dit account als een robot."
flagAsBotDescription: "Als dit account van een programma wordt beheerd, zet deze vlag aan. Het aanzetten helpt andere ontwikkelaars om bijvoorbeeld onbedoelde feedback loops te doorbreken of om Misskey meer geschikt te maken."
flagAsCat: "Markeer dit account als een kat."
flagAsCatDescription: "Zet deze vlag aan als je wilt aangeven dat dit account een kat is."
flagShowTimelineReplies: "Toon antwoorden op de tijdlijn."
flagShowTimelineRepliesDescription: "Als je dit vlag aanzet, toont de tijdlijn ook antwoorden op andere en niet alleen jouw eigen notities."
autoAcceptFollowed: "Accepteer verzoeken om jezelf te volgen vanzelf als je de verzoeker al volgt."
addAccount: "Account toevoegen"
loginFailed: "Aanmelding mislukt."
showOnRemote: "Toon op de externe instantie."
general: "Algemeen"
wallpaper: "Achtergrond"
setWallpaper: "Achtergrond instellen"
removeWallpaper: "Achtergrond verwijderen"
searchWith: "Zoeken: {q}"
youHaveNoLists: "Je hebt geen lijsten"
followConfirm: "Weet je zeker dat je {name} wilt volgen?"
@ -205,6 +222,8 @@ resetAreYouSure: "Resetten?"
saved: "Opgeslagen"
messaging: "Chat"
upload: "Uploaden"
keepOriginalUploading: "Origineel beeld behouden."
keepOriginalUploadingDescription: "Bewaar de originele versie bij het uploaden van afbeeldingen. Indien uitgeschakeld, wordt bij het uploaden een alternatieve versie voor webpublicatie genereert."
fromDrive: "Van schijf"
fromUrl: "Van URL"
uploadFromUrl: "Uploaden vanaf een URL"
@ -245,9 +264,36 @@ renameFile: "Wijzig bestandsnaam"
folderName: "Mapnaam"
createFolder: "Map aanmaken"
renameFolder: "Map hernoemen"
deleteFolder: "Map verwijderen"
addFile: "Bestand toevoegen"
emptyDrive: "Jouw Drive is leeg."
emptyFolder: "Deze map is leeg"
unableToDelete: "Kan niet worden verwijderd"
inputNewFileName: "Voer een nieuwe naam in"
copyUrl: "URL kopiëren"
rename: "Hernoemen"
avatar: "Avatar"
banner: "Banner"
nsfw: "NSFW"
whenServerDisconnected: "Wanneer de verbinding met de server wordt onderbroken"
disconnectedFromServer: "Verbinding met de server onderbroken."
inMb: "in megabytes"
pinnedNotes: "Vastgemaakte notitie"
userList: "Lijsten"
aboutMisskey: "Over Misskey"
administrator: "Beheerder"
token: "Token"
securityKeyName: "Sleutelnaam"
registerSecurityKey: "Zekerheids-Sleutel registreren"
lastUsed: "Laatst gebruikt"
unregister: "Uitschrijven"
passwordLessLogin: "Inloggen zonder wachtwoord"
resetPassword: "Wachtwoord terugzetten"
newPasswordIs: "Het nieuwe wachtwoord is „{password}”."
reduceUiAnimation: "Verminder beweging in de UI"
share: "Delen"
notFound: "Niet gevonden"
cacheClear: "Cache verwijderen"
smtpHost: "Server"
smtpUser: "Gebruikersnaam"
smtpPass: "Wachtwoord"
@ -256,6 +302,7 @@ user: "Gebruikers"
muteThread: "Discussies dempen "
unmuteThread: "Dempen van discussie ongedaan maken"
hide: "Verbergen"
searchByGoogle: "Zoeken"
title: "volgde jou"
@ -324,6 +371,9 @@ _notification:
renote: "Herdelen"
quote: "Quote"
reaction: "Reacties"
reply: "Antwoord"
renote: "Herdelen"
notifications: "Meldingen"
@ -320,8 +320,6 @@ disablingTimelinesInfo: "Administratorzy i moderatorzy będą zawsze mieć dost
registration: "Zarejestruj się"
enableRegistration: "Włącz rejestrację nowych użytkowników"
invite: "Zaproś"
proxyRemoteFiles: "Przekierowuj pliki obcych instancji przez proxy"
proxyRemoteFilesDescription: "Gdy ta opcja jest włączona, zdalne pliki które nie są przechowywane lokalnie, lub zostały usunięte z powodu przekroczenia limitu miejsca będą kierowane przez proxy, razem z generowaniem miniatur. Nie ma to żadnego wpływu na przestrzeń dyskową serwera."
driveCapacityPerLocalAccount: "Powierzchnia dyskowa na lokalnego użytkownika"
driveCapacityPerRemoteAccount: "Powierzchnia dyskowa na zdalnego użytkownika"
inMb: "W megabajtach"
@ -417,7 +415,6 @@ next: "Dalej"
retype: "Wprowadź ponownie"
noteOf: "Wpisy {user}"
inviteToGroup: "Zaproś do grupy"
maxNoteTextLength: "Limit znaków dla wpisów"
quoteAttached: "Zacytowano"
quoteQuestion: "Czy na pewno chcesz umieścić cytat?"
noMessagesYet: "Nie napisano jeszcze wiadomości"
@ -761,6 +758,8 @@ received: "Otrzymane"
hashtags: "Hashtag"
pubSub: "Konta Pub/Sub"
hide: "Ukryj"
searchByGoogle: "Szukaj"
indefinitely: "Nigdy"
public: "Publikuj"
@ -1402,6 +1401,9 @@ _notification:
followRequestAccepted: "Przyjęto prośbę o możliwość obserwacji"
groupInvited: "Zaproszono do grup"
app: "Powiadomienia z aplikacji"
reply: "Odpowiedz"
renote: "Udostępnij"
alwaysShowMainColumn: "Zawsze pokazuj główną kolumnę"
columnAlign: "Wyrównaj kolumny"
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
_lang_: "Português"
headlineMisskey: "Rede conectada por notas"
introMisskey: "Bem-vindo! Misskey é um serviço de microblogue descentralizado de código aberto.\nCria \"notas\" e partilha o que te ocorre com todos à tua volta. 📡\nCom \"reações\" podes também expressar logo o que sentes às notas de todos. 👍\nExploremos um novo mundo! 🚀"
monthAndDay: "{day}/{month}"
search: "Pesquisar"
notifications: "Notificações"
@ -22,6 +23,7 @@ otherSettings: "Outras configurações"
openInWindow: "Abrir numa janela"
profile: "Perfil"
timeline: "Timeline"
noAccountDescription: "Este usuário não tem uma descrição."
login: "Iniciar sessão"
loggingIn: "Iniciando sessão…"
logout: "Sair"
@ -29,19 +31,64 @@ signup: "Registrar-se"
uploading: "Enviando…"
save: "Guardar"
users: "Usuários"
addUser: "Adicionar usuário"
favorite: "Favoritar"
favorites: "Favoritar"
unfavorite: "Remover dos favoritos"
favorited: "Adicionado aos favoritos."
alreadyFavorited: "Já adicionado aos favoritos."
cantFavorite: "Não foi possível adicionar aos favoritos."
pin: "Afixar no perfil"
unpin: "Desafixar do perfil"
copyContent: "Copiar conteúdos"
copyLink: "Copiar hiperligação"
delete: "Eliminar"
deleteAndEdit: "Eliminar e editar"
deleteAndEditConfirm: "Tens a certeza que pretendes eliminar esta nota e editá-la? Irás perder todas as suas reações, renotas e respostas."
addToList: "Adicionar a lista"
sendMessage: "Enviar uma mensagem"
copyUsername: "Copiar nome de utilizador"
searchUser: "Pesquisar utilizador"
reply: "Responder"
loadMore: "Carregar mais"
showMore: "Ver mais"
youGotNewFollower: "Você tem um novo seguidor"
receiveFollowRequest: "Pedido de seguimento recebido"
followRequestAccepted: "Pedido de seguir aceito"
mention: "Menção"
mentions: "Menções"
directNotes: "Notas diretas"
importAndExport: "Importar/Exportar"
import: "Importar"
export: "Exportar"
files: "Ficheiros"
download: "Descarregar"
driveFileDeleteConfirm: "Tens a certeza que pretendes apagar o ficheiro \"{name}\"? As notas que tenham este ficheiro anexado serão também apagadas."
unfollowConfirm: "Tens a certeza que queres deixar de seguir {name}?"
exportRequested: "Pediste uma exportação. Este processo pode demorar algum tempo. Será adicionado à tua Drive após a conclusão do processo."
importRequested: "Pediste uma importação. Este processo pode demorar algum tempo."
lists: "Listas"
noLists: "Não tens nenhuma lista"
note: "Post"
notes: "Posts"
following: "Seguindo"
followers: "Seguidores"
followsYou: "Segue-te"
createList: "Criar lista"
manageLists: "Gerir listas"
error: "Erro"
somethingHappened: "Ocorreu um erro"
retry: "Tentar novamente"
pageLoadError: "Ocorreu um erro ao carregar a página."
pageLoadErrorDescription: "Isto é normalmente causado por erros de rede ou pela cache do browser. Experimenta limpar a cache e tenta novamente após algum tempo."
follow: "Seguindo"
enterEmoji: "Inserir emoji"
renote: "Repostar"
renoted: "Repostado"
cantRenote: "Não pode repostar"
cantReRenote: "Não pode repostar este repost"
pinnedNote: "Post fixado"
pinned: "Afixar no perfil"
sensitive: "Conteúdo sensível"
mute: "Silenciar"
unmute: "Dessilenciar"
@ -51,6 +98,7 @@ registeredAt: "Registrado em"
perHour: "por hora"
perDay: "por dia"
noUsers: "Sem usuários"
remove: "Eliminar"
messageRead: "Lida"
lightThemes: "Tema claro"
darkThemes: "Tema escuro"
@ -58,16 +106,20 @@ addFile: "Adicionar arquivo"
nsfw: "Conteúdo sensível"
monthX: "mês de {month}"
pinnedNotes: "Post fixado"
userList: "Listas"
smtpUser: "Nome de usuário"
smtpPass: "Senha"
user: "Usuários"
searchByGoogle: "Pesquisar"
title: "Você tem um novo seguidor"
mention: "Menção"
search: "Pesquisar"
mention: "Menção"
renote: "Repostar"
note: "Posts"
@ -75,15 +127,47 @@ _sfx:
notifications: "Notificações"
timeline: "Timeline"
show: "Carregar mais"
followers: "Seguidores"
username: "Nome de usuário"
followingList: "Seguindo"
muteList: "Silenciar"
userLists: "Listas"
list: "Listas"
arg1: "Listas"
arg1: "Listas"
arg1: "Listas"
arg2: "Listas"
arg1: "Listas"
arg1: "Listas"
array: "Listas"
youWereFollowed: "Você tem um novo seguidor"
follow: "Seguindo"
mention: "Menção"
renote: "Repostar"
reply: "Responder"
renote: "Repostar"
notifications: "Notificações"
tl: "Timeline"
list: "Listas"
mentions: "Menções"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,727 @@
_lang_: "Română"
headlineMisskey: "O rețea conectată prin note"
introMisskey: "Bine ai venit! Misskey este un serviciu de microblogging open source și decentralizat.\nCreează \"note\" cu care să îți poți împărți gândurile cu oricine din jurul tău. 📡\nCu \"reacții\" îți poți expirma rapid părerea despre notele oricui. 👍\nHai să explorăm o lume nouă! 🚀"
monthAndDay: "{day}/{month}"
search: "Caută"
notifications: "Notificări"
username: "Nume de utilizator"
password: "Parolă"
forgotPassword: "Am uitat parola"
fetchingAsApObject: "Se aduce din Fediverse..."
ok: "OK"
gotIt: "Am înțeles!"
cancel: "Anulează"
enterUsername: "Introdu numele de utilizator"
renotedBy: "Re-notat de {user}"
noNotes: "Nicio notă"
noNotifications: "Nicio notificare"
instance: "Instanță"
settings: "Setări"
basicSettings: "Setări generale"
otherSettings: "Alte Setări"
openInWindow: "Deschide într-o fereastră"
profile: "Profil"
timeline: "Cronologie"
noAccountDescription: "Acest utilizator încă nu a scris un bio."
login: "Autentifică-te"
loggingIn: "Se autentifică"
logout: "Deconectează-te"
signup: "Înregistrează-te"
uploading: "Se încarcă"
save: "Salvează"
users: "Utilizatori"
addUser: "Adăugă utilizator"
favorite: "Adaugă la favorite"
favorites: "Favorite"
unfavorite: "Elimină din favorite"
favorited: "Adăugat la favorite."
alreadyFavorited: "Deja adăugat la favorite."
cantFavorite: "Nu se poate adăuga la favorite."
pin: "Fixează pe profil"
unpin: "Anulati fixare"
copyContent: "Copiază conținutul"
copyLink: "Copiază link-ul"
delete: "Şterge"
deleteAndEdit: "Șterge și editează"
deleteAndEditConfirm: "Ești sigur că vrei să ștergi această notă și să o editezi? Vei pierde reacțiile, re-notele și răspunsurile acesteia."
addToList: "Adaugă în listă"
sendMessage: "Trimite un mesaj"
copyUsername: "Copiază numele de utilizator"
searchUser: "Caută un utilizator"
reply: "Răspunde"
loadMore: "Incarcă mai mult"
showMore: "Arată mai mult"
youGotNewFollower: "te-a urmărit"
receiveFollowRequest: "Cerere de urmărire primită"
followRequestAccepted: "Cerere de urmărire acceptată"
mention: "Mențiune"
mentions: "Mențiuni"
directNotes: "Note directe"
importAndExport: "Importă / Exportă"
import: "Importă"
export: "Exportă"
files: "Fișiere"
download: "Descarcă"
driveFileDeleteConfirm: "Ești sigur ca vrei să ștergi fișierul \"{name}\"? Notele atașate fișierului vor fi șterse și ele."
unfollowConfirm: "Ești sigur ca vrei să nu mai urmărești pe {name}?"
exportRequested: "Ai cerut un export. S-ar putea să ia un pic. Va fi adăugat in Drive-ul tău odată completat."
importRequested: "Ai cerut un import. S-ar putea să ia un pic."
lists: "Liste"
noLists: "Nu ai nici o listă"
note: "Notă"
notes: "Note"
following: "Urmărești"
followers: "Urmăritori"
followsYou: "Te urmărește"
createList: "Creează listă"
manageLists: "Gestionează listele"
error: "Eroare"
somethingHappened: "A survenit o eroare"
retry: "Reîncearcă"
pageLoadError: "A apărut o eroare la încărcarea paginii."
pageLoadErrorDescription: "De obicei asta este cauzat de o eroare de rețea sau cache-ul browser-ului. Încearcă să cureți cache-ul și apoi să încerci din nou puțin mai târziu."
serverIsDead: "Serverul nu răspunde. Te rugăm să aștepți o perioadă și să încerci din nou."
youShouldUpgradeClient: "Pentru a vedea această pagină, te rugăm să îți actualizezi clientul."
enterListName: "Introdu un nume pentru listă"
privacy: "Confidenţialitate"
makeFollowManuallyApprove: "Fă cererile de urmărire să necesite aprobare"
defaultNoteVisibility: "Vizibilitate implicită"
follow: "Urmărești"
followRequest: "Trimite cerere de urmărire"
followRequests: "Cereri de urmărire"
unfollow: "Nu mai urmări"
followRequestPending: "Cerere de urmărire în așteptare"
enterEmoji: "Introdu un emoji"
renote: "Re-notează"
unrenote: "Ia înapoi re-nota"
renoted: "Re-notat."
cantRenote: "Această postare nu poate fi re-notată."
cantReRenote: "O re-notă nu poate fi re-notată."
quote: "Citează"
pinnedNote: "Notă fixată"
pinned: "Fixat pe profil"
you: "Tu"
clickToShow: "Click pentru a afișa"
sensitive: "NSFW"
add: "Adaugă"
reaction: "Reacție"
reactionSetting: "Reacții care să apară in selectorul de reacții"
reactionSettingDescription2: "Trage pentru a rearanja, apasă pe \"+\" pentru a adăuga."
rememberNoteVisibility: "Amintește setarea de vizibilitate a notelor"
attachCancel: "Înlătură atașament"
markAsSensitive: "Marchează ca NSFW"
unmarkAsSensitive: "Demarchează ca NSFW"
enterFileName: "Introduceţi numele fişierului"
mute: "Amuțește"
unmute: "Înlătură amuțirea"
block: "Blochează"
unblock: "Deblochează"
suspend: "Suspendă"
unsuspend: "Anulează suspendare"
blockConfirm: "Ești sigur că vrei să blochezi acest cont?"
unblockConfirm: "Ești sigur ca vrei să deblochezi acest cont?"
suspendConfirm: "Ești sigur ca vrei să suspendezi acest cont?"
unsuspendConfirm: "Ești sigur ca vrei să nu mai suspendezi acest cont?"
selectList: "Selectează o listă"
selectAntenna: "Selectează o antenă"
selectWidget: "Selectați un widget"
editWidgets: "Editează widget-urile"
editWidgetsExit: "Terminat"
customEmojis: "Emoji personalizat"
emoji: "Emoji"
emojis: "Emoji-uri"
emojiName: "Numele emoji-ului"
emojiUrl: "URL-ul emoji-ului"
addEmoji: "Adaugă un emoji"
settingGuide: "Setări recomandate"
cacheRemoteFiles: "Ține fișierele externe in cache"
cacheRemoteFilesDescription: "Când această setare este dezactivată, fișierele externe sunt încărcate direct din instanța externă. Dezactivarea va scădea utilizarea spațiului de stocare, dar va crește traficul, deoarece thumbnail-urile nu vor fi generate."
flagAsBot: "Marchează acest cont ca bot"
flagAsBotDescription: "Activează această opțiune dacă acest cont este controlat de un program. Daca e activată, aceasta va juca rolul unui indicator pentru dezvoltatori pentru a preveni interacțiunea în lanțuri infinite cu ceilalți boți și ajustează sistemele interne al Misskey pentru a trata acest cont drept un bot."
flagAsCat: "Marchează acest cont ca pisică"
flagAsCatDescription: "Activează această opțiune dacă acest cont este o pisică."
flagShowTimelineReplies: "Arată răspunsurile în cronologie"
flagShowTimelineRepliesDescription: "Dacă e activată vor fi arătate în cronologie răspunsurile utilizatorilor către alte notele altor utilizatori."
autoAcceptFollowed: "Aprobă automat cererile de urmărire de la utilizatorii pe care îi urmărești"
addAccount: "Adaugă un cont"
loginFailed: "Autentificare eșuată"
showOnRemote: "Vezi mai multe pe instanța externă"
general: "General"
wallpaper: "Imagine de fundal"
setWallpaper: "Setați imaginea de fundal"
removeWallpaper: "Șterge imagine de fundal"
searchWith: "Caută: {q}"
youHaveNoLists: "Nu ai nici o listă"
followConfirm: "Ești sigur ca vrei să urmărești pe {name}?"
proxyAccount: "Cont proxy"
proxyAccountDescription: "Un cont proxy este un cont care se comportă ca un urmăritor extern pentru utilizatorii puși sub anumite condiții. De exemplu, când un cineva adaugă un utilizator extern intr-o listă, activitatea utilizatorului extern nu va fi adusă în instanță daca nici un utilizator local nu urmărește acel utilizator, așa că în schimb contul proxy îl va urmări."
host: "Gazdă"
selectUser: "Selectează un utilizator"
recipient: "Destinatar"
annotation: "Adnotări"
federation: "Federație"
instances: "Instanțe"
registeredAt: "Înregistrat în"
latestRequestSentAt: "Ultima cerere trimisă"
latestRequestReceivedAt: "Ultima cerere primită"
latestStatus: "Ultimul status"
storageUsage: "Utilizare stocare"
charts: "Diagrame"
perHour: "Pe oră"
perDay: "Pe zi"
stopActivityDelivery: "Nu mai trimite activități"
blockThisInstance: "Blochează această instanță"
operations: "Operațiuni"
software: "Software"
version: "Versiune"
metadata: "Metadata"
withNFiles: "{n} fișier(e)"
monitor: "Monitor"
jobQueue: "coada de job-uri"
cpuAndMemory: "CPU și memorie"
network: "Rețea"
disk: "Disk"
instanceInfo: "Informații despre instanță"
statistics: "Statistici"
clearQueue: "Șterge coada"
clearQueueConfirmTitle: "Ești sigur că vrei să cureți coada?"
clearQueueConfirmText: "Orice notă rămasă în coadă nu va fi federată. De obicei această operație nu este necesară."
clearCachedFiles: "Golește cache-ul"
clearCachedFilesConfirm: "Ești sigur că vrei să ștergi toate fișierele externe din cache?"
blockedInstances: "Instanțe blocate"
blockedInstancesDescription: "Scrie hostname-urile instanțelor pe care dorești să le blochezi. Instanțele listate nu vor mai putea să comunice cu această instanță."
muteAndBlock: "Amuțiri și Blocări"
mutedUsers: "Utilizatori amuțiți"
blockedUsers: "Utilizatori blocați"
noUsers: "Niciun utilizator"
editProfile: "Editează profilul"
noteDeleteConfirm: "Ești sigur că vrei să ștergi această notă?"
pinLimitExceeded: "Nu poți mai fixa mai multe note"
intro: "Misskey s-a instalat! Te rog crează un utilizator admin."
done: "Gata"
processing: "Se procesează"
preview: "Previzualizare"
default: "Prestabilit"
noCustomEmojis: "Nu e niciun emoji"
noJobs: "Nu e niciun job"
federating: "Federație"
blocked: "Blocat"
suspended: "Suspendat"
all: "Tot"
subscribing: "Abonare"
publishing: "Publicare"
notResponding: "Nu răspunde"
instanceFollowing: "Urmărind în instanță"
instanceFollowers: "Urmăritori ai instanței"
instanceUsers: "Utilizatori ai acestei instanțe"
changePassword: "Schimbă parolă"
security: "Securitate"
retypedNotMatch: "Intrările nu corespund"
currentPassword: "Parola curentă"
newPassword: "Parola nouă"
newPasswordRetype: "Rescrie parola nouă"
attachFile: "Atașează fișiere"
more: "Mai mult!"
featured: "Evidențiat"
usernameOrUserId: "Nume sau ID de utilizator"
noSuchUser: "Utilizatorul nu a fost găsit"
lookup: "Privire"
announcements: "Anunțuri"
imageUrl: "URL-ul imaginii"
remove: "Şterge"
removed: "Șterș cu succes"
removeAreYouSure: "Ești sigur că vrei să înlături {x}?"
deleteAreYouSure: "Ești sigur că vrei să ștergi {x}?"
resetAreYouSure: "Sigur vrei să resetezi?"
saved: "Salvat"
messaging: "Chat"
upload: "Încarcă"
keepOriginalUploading: "Păstrează imaginea originală"
keepOriginalUploadingDescription: "Salvează imaginea originala încărcată fără modificări. Dacă e oprită, o versiune pentru afișarea pe web va fi generată la încărcare."
fromDrive: "Din Drive"
fromUrl: "Din URL"
uploadFromUrl: "Încarcă dintr-un URL"
uploadFromUrlDescription: "URL-ul fișierului pe care dorești să îl încarci"
uploadFromUrlRequested: "Încărcare solicitată"
uploadFromUrlMayTakeTime: "S-ar putea să ia puțin până se finalizează încărcarea."
explore: "Explorează"
messageRead: "Citit"
noMoreHistory: "Nu există mai mult istoric"
startMessaging: "Începe un chat nou"
nUsersRead: "citit de {n}"
agreeTo: "Sunt de acord cu {0}"
tos: "Termenii de utilizare"
start: "Să începem"
home: "Acasă"
remoteUserCaution: "Deoarece acest utilizator este dintr-o instanță externă, informația afișată poate fi incompletă."
activity: "Activitate"
images: "Imagini"
birthday: "Zi de naștere"
yearsOld: "{age} ani"
registeredDate: "Data înregistrării"
location: "Locație"
theme: "Teme"
themeForLightMode: "Temă folosită pentru Modul Luminat"
themeForDarkMode: "Temă folosită pentru Modul Întunecat"
light: "Luminos"
dark: "Întunecat"
lightThemes: "Teme luminoase"
darkThemes: "Teme întunecate"
syncDeviceDarkMode: "Sincronizează Modul Întunecat cu setările dispozitivului"
drive: "Drive"
fileName: "Nume fișier"
selectFile: "Alege un fisier"
selectFiles: "Alege fișiere"
selectFolder: "Selectează un folder"
selectFolders: "Selectează folderele"
renameFile: "Redenumește fișier"
folderName: "Nume folder"
createFolder: "Crează folder"
renameFolder: "Redenumește acest folder"
deleteFolder: "Șterge acest folder"
addFile: "Adăugați un fișier"
emptyDrive: "Drive-ul tău e gol"
emptyFolder: "Folder-ul acesta este gol"
unableToDelete: "Nu se poate șterge"
inputNewFileName: "Introdu un nou nume de fișier"
inputNewDescription: "Introdu o descriere nouă"
inputNewFolderName: "Introdu un nume de folder nou"
circularReferenceFolder: "Destinația folderului este un subfolder al folderului pe care dorești să îl muți."
hasChildFilesOrFolders: "Acest folder nu este gol, așa că nu poate fi șters."
copyUrl: "Copiază URL"
rename: "Redenumește"
avatar: "Avatar"
banner: "Banner"
nsfw: "NSFW"
whenServerDisconnected: "Când pierzi conexiunea cu serverul"
disconnectedFromServer: "Conecțiunea cu serverul a fost pierdută"
reload: "Reîncarcă"
doNothing: "Ignoră"
reloadConfirm: "Ai dori să reîmprospătezi cronologia?"
watch: "Vezi"
unwatch: "Oprește-te din văzut"
accept: "Acceptă"
reject: "Respinge"
normal: "Normal"
instanceName: "Numele instanței"
instanceDescription: "Descrierea instanței"
maintainerName: "Administrator"
maintainerEmail: "Email-ul administratorului"
tosUrl: "URL-ul Termenilor de utilizare"
thisYear: "An"
thisMonth: "Lună"
today: "Azi"
dayX: "{day}"
monthX: "{month}"
yearX: "{year}"
pages: "Pagini"
integration: "Integrare"
connectService: "Conectează"
disconnectService: "Deconectează"
enableLocalTimeline: "Activează cronologia locală"
enableGlobalTimeline: "Activeaza cronologia globală"
disablingTimelinesInfo: "Administratorii și Moderatorii vor avea mereu access la toate cronologiile, chiar dacă nu sunt activate."
registration: "Inregistrare"
enableRegistration: "Activează înregistrările pentru utilizatori noi"
invite: "Invită"
driveCapacityPerLocalAccount: "Capacitatea Drive-ului per utilizator local"
driveCapacityPerRemoteAccount: "Capacitatea Drive-ului per utilizator extern"
inMb: "În megabytes"
iconUrl: "URL-ul iconiței"
bannerUrl: "URL-ul imaginii de banner"
backgroundImageUrl: "URL-ul imaginii de fundal"
basicInfo: "Informații de bază"
pinnedUsers: "Utilizatori fixați"
pinnedUsersDescription: "Scrie utilizatorii, separați prin pauză de rând, care vor fi fixați pe pagina \"Explorează\"."
pinnedPages: "Pagini fixate"
pinnedPagesDescription: "Introdu linkurile Paginilor pe care le vrei fixate in vâruful paginii acestei instanțe, separate de pauze de rând."
pinnedClipId: "ID-ul clip-ului pe care să îl fixezi"
pinnedNotes: "Notă fixată"
hcaptcha: "hCaptcha"
enableHcaptcha: "Activează hCaptcha"
hcaptchaSiteKey: "Site key"
hcaptchaSecretKey: "Secret key"
recaptcha: "reCAPTCHA"
enableRecaptcha: "Activează reCAPTCHA"
recaptchaSiteKey: "Site key"
recaptchaSecretKey: "Secret key"
avoidMultiCaptchaConfirm: "Folosirea mai multor sisteme Captcha poate cauza interferență între acestea. Ai dori să dezactivezi alte sisteme Captcha acum active? Dacă preferi să rămână activate, apasă Anulare."
antennas: "Antene"
manageAntennas: "Gestionează Antenele"
name: "Nume"
antennaSource: "Sursa antenei"
antennaKeywords: "Cuvinte cheie ascultate"
antennaExcludeKeywords: "Cuvinte cheie excluse"
antennaKeywordsDescription: "Separă cu spații pentru o condiție ȘI sau cu o întrerupere de rând pentru o condiție SAU."
notifyAntenna: "Notifică-mă pentru note noi"
withFileAntenna: "Doar note cu fișiere"
enableServiceworker: "Activează ServiceWorker"
antennaUsersDescription: "Scrie un nume de utilizator per linie"
caseSensitive: "Sensibil la majuscule și minuscule"
withReplies: "Include răspunsuri"
connectedTo: "Următoarele conturi sunt conectate"
notesAndReplies: "Note și răspunsuri"
withFiles: "Incluzând fișiere"
silence: "Amuțește"
silenceConfirm: "Ești sigur că vrei să amuțești acest utilizator?"
unsilence: "Anulează amuțirea"
unsilenceConfirm: "Ești sigur că vrei să anulezi amuțirea acestui utilizator?"
popularUsers: "Utilizatori populari"
recentlyUpdatedUsers: "Utilizatori activi recent"
recentlyRegisteredUsers: "Utilizatori ce s-au alăturat recent"
recentlyDiscoveredUsers: "Utilizatori descoperiți recent"
exploreUsersCount: "Aici sunt {count} utilizatori"
exploreFediverse: "Explorează Fediverse-ul"
popularTags: "Taguri populare"
userList: "Liste"
about: "Despre"
aboutMisskey: "Despre Misskey"
administrator: "Administrator"
token: "Token"
twoStepAuthentication: "Autentificare în doi pași"
moderator: "Moderator"
nUsersMentioned: "Menționat de {n} utilizatori"
securityKey: "Cheie de securitate"
securityKeyName: "Numele cheii"
registerSecurityKey: "Înregistrează o cheie de securitate"
lastUsed: "Ultima utilizată"
unregister: "Dezînregistrează"
passwordLessLogin: "Autentificare fără parolă"
resetPassword: "Resetează parola"
newPasswordIs: "Noua parolă este \"{password}\""
reduceUiAnimation: "Redu animațiile interfeței"
share: "Distribuie"
notFound: "Nu a fost găsit"
notFoundDescription: "N-a fost găsită nicio pagină cu acest URL."
uploadFolder: "Folder implicit pentru încărcări"
cacheClear: "Golește cache-ul"
markAsReadAllNotifications: "Marchează toate notificările drept citit"
markAsReadAllUnreadNotes: "Marchează toate notele drept citit"
markAsReadAllTalkMessages: "Marchează toate mesajele drept citit"
help: "Ajutor"
inputMessageHere: "Introdu un mesaj aici"
close: "Închide"
group: "Grup"
groups: "Grupuri"
createGroup: "Crează un grup"
ownedGroups: "Grupuri deținute"
joinedGroups: "Grupuri alăturate"
invites: "Invită"
groupName: "Numele grupului"
members: "Membri"
transfer: "Transferă"
messagingWithUser: "Chat privat"
messagingWithGroup: "Chat de grup"
title: "Titlu"
text: "Text"
enable: "Activează"
next: "Următorul"
retype: "Introdu din nou"
noteOf: "Notă de {user}"
inviteToGroup: "Invită în grup"
quoteAttached: "Citat"
quoteQuestion: "Vrei să adaugi ca citat?"
noMessagesYet: "Niciun mesaj încă"
newMessageExists: "Ai mesaje noi"
onlyOneFileCanBeAttached: "Poți atașa un singur fișier la un mesaj"
signinRequired: "Te rog autentifică-te"
invitations: "Invită"
invitationCode: "Cod de invitație"
checking: "Se verifică..."
available: "Disponibil"
unavailable: "Indisponibil"
usernameInvalidFormat: "Poți folosi litere mari și mici, numere și underscore-uri."
tooShort: "Prea scurt"
tooLong: "Prea lung"
weakPassword: "Parolă slabă"
normalPassword: "Parolă medie"
strongPassword: "Parolă puternică"
passwordMatched: "Se potrivește!"
passwordNotMatched: "Nu se potrivește"
signinWith: "Autentifică-te cu {x}"
signinFailed: "Nu se poate autentifica. Numele de utilizator sau parola introduse sunt incorecte."
tapSecurityKey: "Apasă pe cheia ta de securitate."
or: "Sau"
language: "Limbă"
uiLanguage: "Limba interfeței"
groupInvited: "Ai fost invitat într-un grup"
aboutX: "Despre {x}"
useOsNativeEmojis: "Folosește emojiuri native OS-ului"
disableDrawer: "Nu folosi meniuri în stil sertar"
youHaveNoGroups: "Nu ai niciun grup"
joinOrCreateGroup: "Primește o invitație într-un grup sau creează unul nou."
noHistory: "Nu există istoric"
signinHistory: "Istoric autentificări"
disableAnimatedMfm: "Dezactivează MFM cu animații"
doing: "Se procesează..."
category: "Categorie"
tags: "Etichete"
docSource: "Sursa acestui document"
createAccount: "Creează un cont"
existingAccount: "Cont existent"
regenerate: "Regenerează"
fontSize: "Mărimea fontului"
noFollowRequests: "Nu ai nicio cerere de urmărire în așteptare"
openImageInNewTab: "Deschide imaginile în taburi noi"
dashboard: "Panou de control"
local: "Local"
remote: "Extern"
total: "Total"
weekOverWeekChanges: "Schimbări până săptămâna trecută"
dayOverDayChanges: "Schimbări până ieri"
appearance: "Aspect"
clientSettings: "Setări client"
accountSettings: "Setări cont"
promotion: "Promovat"
promote: "Promovează"
numberOfDays: "Numărul zilelor"
hideThisNote: "Ascunde această notă"
showFeaturedNotesInTimeline: "Arată notele recomandate în cronologii"
objectStorage: "Object Storage"
useObjectStorage: "Folosește Object Storage"
objectStorageBaseUrl: "URL de bază"
objectStorageBaseUrlDesc: "URL-ul este folosit pentru referință. Specifică URL-ul CDN-ului sau Proxy-ului tău dacă folosești unul. Pentru S3 folosește 'https://<bucket>' și pentru GCS sau servicii echivalente folosește '<bucket>', etc."
objectStorageBucket: "Bucket"
objectStorageBucketDesc: "Te rog specifică numele bucket-ului furnizorului tău."
objectStoragePrefix: "Prefix"
objectStoragePrefixDesc: "Fișierele vor fi stocate sub directoare cu acest prefix."
objectStorageEndpoint: "Endpoint"
objectStorageEndpointDesc: "Lasă acest câmp gol dacă folosești AWS S3, dacă nu specifică endpoint-ul ca '<host>' sau '<host>:<port>', depinzând de ce serviciu folosești."
objectStorageRegion: "Regiune"
objectStorageRegionDesc: "Specifică o regiune precum 'xx-east-1'. Dacă serviciul tău nu face distincția între regiuni lasă acest câmp gol sau introdu 'us-east-1'."
objectStorageUseSSL: "Folosește SSl"
objectStorageUseSSLDesc: "Oprește această opțiune dacă nu vei folosi HTTPS pentru conexiunile API-ului"
objectStorageUseProxy: "Conectează-te prin Proxy"
objectStorageUseProxyDesc: "Oprește această opțiune dacă vei nu folosi un Proxy pentru conexiunile API-ului"
objectStorageSetPublicRead: "Setează \"public-read\" pentru încărcare"
serverLogs: "Loguri server"
deleteAll: "Șterge tot"
showFixedPostForm: "Arată caseta de postare în vârful cronologie"
newNoteRecived: "Sunt note noi"
sounds: "Sunete"
listen: "Ascultă"
none: "Nimic"
showInPage: "Arată în pagină"
popout: "Scoate în afară"
volume: "Volum"
masterVolume: "Volumul principal"
details: "Detalii"
chooseEmoji: "Alege un emoji"
unableToProcess: "Această operație nu poate fi completată"
recentUsed: "Folosit recent"
install: "Instalează"
uninstall: "Dezinstalează"
installedApps: "Aplicații autorizate"
nothing: "Nu e nimic de văzut aici"
installedDate: "Autorizat la data de"
lastUsedDate: "Folosit ultima oara la"
state: "Stare"
sort: "Sortează"
ascendingOrder: "Crescător"
descendingOrder: "Descrescător"
scratchpad: "Scratchpad"
scratchpadDescription: "Scratchpad-ul oferă un mediu de experimentare în AiScript. Poți scrie, executa și verifica rezultatele acestuia interacționând cu Misskey în el."
output: "Ieșire"
script: "Script"
disablePagesScript: "Dezactivează AiScript în Pagini"
updateRemoteUser: "Actualizează informațiile utilizatorului extern"
deleteAllFiles: "Șterge toate fișierele"
deleteAllFilesConfirm: "Ești sigur că vrei să ștergi toate fișierele?"
removeAllFollowing: "Dezurmărește toți utilizatorii urmăriți"
removeAllFollowingDescription: "Asta va dez-urmări toate conturile din {host}. Te rog execută asta numai dacă instanța, de ex., nu mai există."
userSuspended: "Acest utilizator a fost suspendat."
userSilenced: "Acest utilizator a fost setat silențios."
yourAccountSuspendedTitle: "Acest cont a fost suspendat"
yourAccountSuspendedDescription: "Acest cont a fost suspendat din cauza încălcării termenilor de serviciu al serverului sau ceva similar. Contactează administratorul dacă ai dori să afli un motiv mai detaliat. Te rog nu crea un cont nou."
menu: "Meniu"
divider: "Separator"
addItem: "Adaugă element"
relays: "Relee"
addRelay: "Adaugă Releu"
inboxUrl: "URL-ul inbox-ului"
addedRelays: "Relee adăugate"
serviceworkerInfo: "Trebuie să fie activat pentru notificări push."
deletedNote: "Notă ștearsă"
invisibleNote: "Note ascunse"
enableInfiniteScroll: "Încarcă mai mult automat"
visibility: "Vizibilitate"
poll: "Sondaj"
useCw: "Ascunde conținutul"
enablePlayer: "Deschide player-ul video"
disablePlayer: "Închide player-ul video"
expandTweet: "Expandează tweet"
themeEditor: "Editor de teme"
description: "Descriere"
describeFile: "Adaugă titrări"
enterFileDescription: "Introdu titrările"
author: "Autor"
leaveConfirm: "Ai schimbări nesalvate. Vrei să renunți la ele?"
manage: "Gestionare"
plugins: "Pluginuri"
deck: "Deck"
undeck: "Părăsește Deck"
useBlurEffectForModal: "Folosește efect de blur pentru modale"
width: "Lăţime"
height: "Înălţime"
large: "Mare"
medium: "Mediu"
small: "Mic"
generateAccessToken: "Generează token de acces"
permission: "Permisiuni"
enableAll: "Actevează tot"
disableAll: "Dezactivează tot"
tokenRequested: "Acordă acces la cont"
pluginTokenRequestedDescription: "Acest plugin va putea să folosească permisiunile setate aici."
notificationType: "Tipul notificării"
edit: "Editează"
useStarForReactionFallback: "Folosește ★ ca fallback dacă emoji-ul este necunoscut"
emailServer: "Server email"
enableEmail: "Activează distribuția de emailuri"
emailConfigInfo: "Folosit pentru a confirma emailul tău în timpul logări dacă îți uiți parola"
email: "Email"
emailAddress: "Adresă de email"
smtpConfig: "Configurare Server SMTP"
smtpHost: "Gazdă"
smtpPort: "Port"
smtpUser: "Nume de utilizator"
smtpPass: "Parolă"
emptyToDisableSmtpAuth: "Lasă username-ul și parola necompletate pentru a dezactiva verificarea SMTP"
smtpSecure: "Folosește SSL/TLS implicit pentru conecțiunile SMTP"
smtpSecureInfo: "Oprește opțiunea asta dacă STARTTLS este folosit"
testEmail: "Testează livrarea emailurilor"
wordMute: "Cuvinte pe mut"
regexpError: "Eroare de Expresie Regulată"
regexpErrorDescription: "A apărut o eroare în expresia regulată pe linia {line} al cuvintelor {tab} setate pe mut:"
instanceMute: "Instanțe pe mut"
userSaysSomething: "{name} a spus ceva"
makeActive: "Activează"
display: "Arată"
copy: "Copiază"
metrics: "Metrici"
overview: "Privire de ansamblu"
logs: "Log-uri"
delayed: "Întârziate"
database: "Baza de date"
channel: "Canale"
create: "Crează"
notificationSetting: "Setări notificări"
notificationSettingDesc: "Selectează tipurile de notificări care să fie arătate"
useGlobalSetting: "Folosește setările globale"
useGlobalSettingDesc: "Dacă opțiunea e pornită, notificările contului tău vor fi folosite. Dacă e oprită, configurația va fi individuală."
other: "Altele"
regenerateLoginToken: "Regenerează token de login"
regenerateLoginTokenDescription: "Regenerează token-ul folosit intern în timpul logări. În mod normal asta nu este necesar. Odată regenerat, toate dispozitivele vor fi delogate."
setMultipleBySeparatingWithSpace: "Separă mai multe intrări cu spații."
fileIdOrUrl: "Introdu ID sau URL"
behavior: "Comportament"
sample: "exemplu"
abuseReports: "Rapoarte"
reportAbuse: "Raportează"
reportAbuseOf: "Raportează {name}"
fillAbuseReportDescription: "Te rog scrie detaliile legate de acest raport. Dacă este despre o notă specifică, te rog introdu URL-ul ei."
abuseReported: "Raportul tău a fost trimis. Mulțumim."
reporter: "Raportorul"
reporteeOrigin: "Originea raportatului"
reporterOrigin: "Originea raportorului"
forwardReport: "Redirecționează raportul către instanța externă"
forwardReportIsAnonymous: "În locul contului tău, va fi afișat un cont anonim, de sistem, ca raportor către instanța externă."
send: "Trimite"
abuseMarkAsResolved: "Marchează raportul ca rezolvat"
openInNewTab: "Deschide în tab nou"
openInSideView: "Deschide în vedere laterală"
defaultNavigationBehaviour: "Comportament de navigare implicit"
editTheseSettingsMayBreakAccount: "Editarea acestor setări îți pot defecta contul."
waitingFor: "Așteptând pentru {x}"
random: "Aleator"
system: "Sistem"
switchUi: "Schimbă UI"
desktop: "Desktop"
clearCache: "Golește cache-ul"
info: "Despre"
user: "Utilizatori"
administration: "Gestionare"
middle: "Mediu"
sent: "Trimite"
searchByGoogle: "Caută"
title: "te-a urmărit"
mention: "Mențiune"
quote: "Citează"
emoji: "Emoji personalizat"
search: "Caută"
description: "Descriere"
mention: "Mențiune"
renote: "Re-notează"
divider: "Separator"
note: "Note"
notification: "Notificări"
chat: "Chat"
notifications: "Notificări"
timeline: "Cronologie"
activity: "Activitate"
federation: "Federație"
jobQueue: "coada de job-uri"
show: "Incarcă mai mult"
home: "Acasă"
followers: "Urmăritori"
name: "Nume"
username: "Nume de utilizator"
followingList: "Urmărești"
muteList: "Amuțește"
blockingList: "Blochează"
userLists: "Liste"
federation: "Federație"
home: "Acasă"
image: "Imagini"
list: "Liste"
arg1: "Liste"
arg1: "Liste"
arg1: "Liste"
arg2: "Liste"
arg1: "Liste"
arg1: "Liste"
array: "Liste"
youWereFollowed: "te-a urmărit"
youWereInvitedToGroup: "Ai fost invitat într-un grup"
follow: "Urmărești"
mention: "Mențiune"
renote: "Re-notează"
quote: "Citează"
reaction: "Reacție"
reply: "Răspunde"
renote: "Re-notează"
notifications: "Notificări"
tl: "Cronologie"
antenna: "Antene"
list: "Liste"
mentions: "Mențiuni"
@ -322,8 +322,6 @@ disablingTimelinesInfo: "У администраторов и модератор
registration: "Регистрация"
enableRegistration: "Разрешить регистрацию"
invite: "Пригласить"
proxyRemoteFiles: "Файлы с других сайтов пускать через прокси"
proxyRemoteFilesDescription: "Когда эта настройка включена, файлы с других серверов, которые не сохранены или удалены для освобождения места, будут проксироваться локально, а так же для них будут создаваться миниатюры. Эта настройка не затрагивает хранение на сервере."
driveCapacityPerLocalAccount: "Объём диска на одного локального пользователя"
driveCapacityPerRemoteAccount: "Объём диска на одного пользователя с другого сайта"
inMb: "В мегабайтах"
@ -419,7 +417,6 @@ next: "Дальше"
retype: "Введите ещё раз"
noteOf: "Что пишет {user}"
inviteToGroup: "Пригласить в группу"
maxNoteTextLength: "Максимальная длина текста"
quoteAttached: "Цитата"
quoteQuestion: "Хотите добавить цитату?"
noMessagesYet: "Пока ни одного сообщения"
@ -818,6 +815,8 @@ leaveGroupConfirm: "Покинуть группу «{name}»?"
useDrawerReactionPickerForMobile: "Выдвижная палитра на мобильном устройстве"
welcomeBackWithName: "С возвращением, {name}!"
clickToFinishEmailVerification: "Пожалуйста, нажмите [{ok}], чтобы завершить подтверждение адреса электронной почты."
searchByGoogle: "Поиск"
indefinitely: "вечно"
used: "Уже используется"
format: "Неверный формат"
@ -1600,6 +1599,9 @@ _notification:
followRequestAccepted: "Запрос на подписку одобрен"
groupInvited: "Приглашение в группы"
app: "Уведомления из приложений"
reply: "Ответить"
renote: "Репост"
alwaysShowMainColumn: "Всегда показывать главную колонку"
columnAlign: "Выравнивание колонок"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -325,8 +325,6 @@ disablingTimelinesInfo: "Administrátori a moderátori majú vždy prístup ku v
registration: "Registrácia"
enableRegistration: "Povoliť registráciu nových používateľov"
invite: "Pozvať"
proxyRemoteFiles: "Proxy vzdialených súborov"
proxyRemoteFilesDescription: "Ak je zapnuté, vzdialené súbory, ktoré nie sú uložené lokálne alebo boli odstránené kvôli obmedzeniam úložiska, budú vyžiadané cez proxy, vrátane generovani miniatúr. Neovplyvní to úložisko na serveri."
driveCapacityPerLocalAccount: "Kapacita disku pre používateľa"
driveCapacityPerRemoteAccount: "Kapacita disku pre vzdialeného používateľa"
inMb: "V megabajtoch"
@ -422,7 +420,6 @@ next: "Ďalší"
retype: "Zadajte znovu"
noteOf: "Poznámky používateľa {user}"
inviteToGroup: "Pozvať do skupiny"
maxNoteTextLength: "Maximálny počet znakov poznámky"
quoteAttached: "Citované"
quoteQuestion: "Pripojiť ako citát?"
noMessagesYet: "Zatiaľ žiadne správy"
@ -832,6 +829,18 @@ auto: "Automaticky"
themeColor: "Farba témy"
size: "Veľkosť"
numberOfColumn: "Počet stĺpcov"
searchByGoogle: "Hľadať cez Google"
instanceDefaultLightTheme: "Predvolená svetlá téma"
instanceDefaultDarkTheme: "Predvolená tmavá téma"
instanceDefaultThemeDescription: "Vložte kód témy v objektovom formáte"
mutePeriod: "Trvanie stíšenia"
indefinitely: "Navždy"
tenMinutes: "10 minút"
oneHour: "1 hodina"
oneDay: "1 deň"
oneWeek: "1 týždeň"
reflectMayTakeTime: "Zmeny môžu chvíľu trvať kým sa prejavia."
failedToFetchAccountInformation: "Nepodarilo sa načítať informácie o účte."
used: "Táto emailová adresa sa už používa"
format: "Formát emailovej adresy je nesprávny"
@ -1604,6 +1613,7 @@ _notification:
youReceivedFollowRequest: "Dostali ste žiadosť o sledovanie"
yourFollowRequestAccepted: "Vaša žiadosť o sledovanie bola prijatá"
youWereInvitedToGroup: "Pozvať do skupiny"
pollEnded: "Výsledky hlasovania sú k dispozícii."
all: "Všetky"
follow: "Sledujete"
@ -1613,10 +1623,15 @@ _notification:
quote: "Citovať"
reaction: "Reakcie"
pollVote: "Hlasy v hlasovaniach"
pollEnded: "Hlasovanie skončilo"
receiveFollowRequest: "Doručené žiadosti o sledovanie"
followRequestAccepted: "Schválené žiadosti o sledovanie"
groupInvited: "Pozvánky do skupín"
app: "Oznámenia z prepojených aplikácií"
followBack: "Sledovať späť\n"
reply: "Odpovedať"
renote: "Preposlať"
alwaysShowMainColumn: "Vždy zobraziť v hlavnom stĺpci"
columnAlign: "Zarovnať stĺpce"
@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ remove: "Sil"
smtpUser: "Kullanıcı Adı"
smtpPass: "Şifre"
user: "Kullanıcı"
searchByGoogle: "Arama"
search: "Arama"
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
_lang_: "ياپونچە"
search: "ئىزدەش"
searchByGoogle: "ئىزدەش"
search: "ئىزدەش"
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ search: "Пошук"
notifications: "Сповіщення"
username: "Ім'я користувача"
password: "Пароль"
forgotPassword: "Я забув пароль"
fetchingAsApObject: "Отримуємо з федіверсу..."
ok: "OK"
gotIt: "Зрозуміло!"
@ -80,6 +81,8 @@ somethingHappened: "Щось пішло не так"
retry: "Спробувати знову"
pageLoadError: "Помилка при завантаженні сторінки"
pageLoadErrorDescription: "Зазвичай це пов’язано з помилками мережі або кешем браузера. Очистіть кеш або почекайте трохи й спробуйте ще раз."
serverIsDead: "Відповіді від сервера немає. Зачекайте деякий час і повторіть спробу."
youShouldUpgradeClient: "Перезавантажте та використовуйте нову версію клієнта, щоб переглянути цю сторінку."
enterListName: "Введіть назву списку"
privacy: "Конфіденційність"
makeFollowManuallyApprove: "Підтверджувати підписників уручну"
@ -103,6 +106,7 @@ clickToShow: "Натисніть для перегляду"
sensitive: "NSFW"
add: "Додати"
reaction: "Реакції"
reactionSetting: "Налаштування реакцій"
reactionSettingDescription2: "Перемістити щоб змінити порядок, Клацнути мишою щоб видалити, Натиснути \"+\" щоб додати."
rememberNoteVisibility: "Пам’ятати параметри видимісті"
attachCancel: "Видалити вкладення"
@ -137,7 +141,10 @@ flagAsBot: "Акаунт бота"
flagAsBotDescription: "Ввімкніть якщо цей обліковий запис використовується ботом. Ця опція позначить обліковий запис як бота. Це потрібно щоб виключити безкінечну інтеракцію між ботами а також відповідного підлаштування Misskey."
flagAsCat: "Акаунт кота"
flagAsCatDescription: "Ввімкніть, щоб позначити, що обліковий запис є котиком."
flagShowTimelineReplies: "Показувати відповіді на нотатки на часовій шкалі"
flagShowTimelineRepliesDescription: "Показує відповіді користувачів на нотатки інших користувачів на часовій шкалі."
autoAcceptFollowed: "Автоматично приймати запити на підписку від користувачів, на яких ви підписані"
addAccount: "Додати акаунт"
loginFailed: "Не вдалося увійти"
showOnRemote: "Переглянути в оригіналі"
general: "Загальне"
@ -148,6 +155,7 @@ searchWith: "Пошук: {q}"
youHaveNoLists: "У вас немає списків"
followConfirm: "Підписатися на {name}?"
proxyAccount: "Проксі-акаунт"
proxyAccountDescription: "Обліковий запис проксі – це обліковий запис, який діє як віддалений підписник для користувачів за певних умов. Наприклад, коли користувач додає віддаленого користувача до списку, активність віддаленого користувача не буде доставлена на сервер, якщо жоден локальний користувач не стежить за цим користувачем, то замість нього буде використовуватися обліковий запис проксі-сервера."
host: "Хост"
selectUser: "Виберіть користувача"
recipient: "Отримувач"
@ -229,6 +237,8 @@ resetAreYouSure: "Справді скинути?"
saved: "Збережено"
messaging: "Чати"
upload: "Завантажити"
keepOriginalUploading: "Зберегти оригінальне зображення"
keepOriginalUploadingDescription: "Зберігає початково завантажене зображення як є. Якщо вимкнено, версія для відображення в Інтернеті буде створена під час завантаження."
fromDrive: "З диска"
fromUrl: "З посилання"
uploadFromUrl: "Завантажити з посилання"
@ -275,6 +285,7 @@ emptyDrive: "Диск порожній"
emptyFolder: "Тека порожня"
unableToDelete: "Видалення неможливе"
inputNewFileName: "Введіть ім'я нового файлу"
inputNewDescription: "Введіть новий заголовок"
inputNewFolderName: "Введіть ім'я нової теки"
circularReferenceFolder: "Ви намагаєтесь перемістити папку в її підпапку."
hasChildFilesOrFolders: "Ця тека не порожня і не може бути видалена"
@ -306,19 +317,20 @@ monthX: "{month}"
yearX: "{year}"
pages: "Сторінки"
integration: "Інтеграція"
connectService: "Під’єднати"
disconnectService: "Відключитися"
enableLocalTimeline: "Увімкнути локальну стрічку"
enableGlobalTimeline: "Увімкнути глобальну стрічку"
disablingTimelinesInfo: "Адміністратори та модератори завжди мають доступ до всіх стрічок, навіть якщо вони вимкнуті."
registration: "Реєстрація"
enableRegistration: "Дозволити реєстрацію"
invite: "Запросити"
proxyRemoteFiles: "Проксувати файли з інших інстансів"
proxyRemoteFilesDescription: "При увімкненні віддалені файли, які не зберігаються локально або були видалені через недостатнії обсяг пам'яті, будуть локально проксовані включаючи обкладинки. Це налаштування не впливає на пам'ять серверу. "
driveCapacityPerLocalAccount: "Об'єм диска на одного локального користувача"
driveCapacityPerRemoteAccount: "Об'єм диска на одного віддаленого користувача"
inMb: "В мегабайтах"
iconUrl: "URL аватара"
bannerUrl: "URL банера"
backgroundImageUrl: "URL-адреса фонового зображення"
basicInfo: "Основна інформація"
pinnedUsers: "Закріплені користувачі"
pinnedUsersDescription: "Впишіть в список користувачів, яких хочете закріпити на сторінці \"Знайти\", ім'я в стовпчик."
@ -334,6 +346,7 @@ recaptcha: "reCAPTCHA"
enableRecaptcha: "Увімкнути reCAPTCHA"
recaptchaSiteKey: "Ключ сайту"
recaptchaSecretKey: "Секретний ключ"
avoidMultiCaptchaConfirm: "Використання кількох систем Captcha може спричинити перешкоди між ними. Бажаєте вимкнути інші активні системи Captcha? Якщо ви хочете, щоб вони залишалися ввімкненими, натисніть «Скасувати»."
antennas: "Антени"
manageAntennas: "Налаштування антен"
name: "Ім'я"
@ -407,7 +420,6 @@ next: "Далі"
retype: "Введіть ще раз"
noteOf: "Нотатка {user}"
inviteToGroup: "Запрошення до групи"
maxNoteTextLength: "Максимальна довжина нотатки"
quoteAttached: "Цитата"
quoteQuestion: "Ви хочете додати цитату?"
noMessagesYet: "Ще немає повідомлень"
@ -431,10 +443,12 @@ signinWith: "Увійти за допомогою {x}"
signinFailed: "Не вдалося увійти. Введені ім’я користувача або пароль неправильнi."
tapSecurityKey: "Торкніться ключа безпеки"
or: "або"
language: "Мова"
uiLanguage: "Мова інтерфейсу"
groupInvited: "Запрошення до групи"
aboutX: "Про {x}"
useOsNativeEmojis: "Використовувати емодзі ОС"
disableDrawer: "Не використовувати висувні меню"
youHaveNoGroups: "Немає груп"
joinOrCreateGroup: "Отримуйте запрошення до груп або створюйте свої власні групи."
noHistory: "Історія порожня"
@ -445,6 +459,7 @@ category: "Категорія"
tags: "Теги"
docSource: "Джерело цього документа"
createAccount: "Створити акаунт"
existingAccount: "Існуючий обліковий запис"
regenerate: "Оновити"
fontSize: "Розмір шрифту"
noFollowRequests: "Немає запитів на підписку"
@ -466,6 +481,7 @@ showFeaturedNotesInTimeline: "Показувати популярні нотат
objectStorage: "Object Storage"
useObjectStorage: "Використовувати object storage"
objectStorageBaseUrl: "Base URL"
objectStorageBaseUrlDesc: "Це початкова частина адреси, що використовується CDN або проксі, наприклад для S3: https://<bucket>, або GCS: '<bucket>'"
objectStorageBucket: "Bucket"
objectStorageBucketDesc: "Будь ласка вкажіть назву відра в налаштованому сервісі."
objectStoragePrefix: "Prefix"
@ -516,6 +532,9 @@ removeAllFollowing: "Скасувати всі підписки"
removeAllFollowingDescription: "Скасувати підписку на всі акаунти з {host}. Будь ласка, робіть це, якщо інстанс більше не існує."
userSuspended: "Обліковий запис заблокований."
userSilenced: "Обліковий запис приглушений."
yourAccountSuspendedTitle: "Цей обліковий запис заблоковано"
yourAccountSuspendedDescription: "Цей обліковий запис було заблоковано через порушення умов надання послуг сервера. Зв'яжіться з адміністратором, якщо ви хочете дізнатися докладнішу причину. Будь ласка, не створюйте новий обліковий запис."
menu: "Меню"
divider: "Розділювач"
addItem: "Додати елемент"
relays: "Ретранслятори"
@ -534,6 +553,8 @@ disablePlayer: "Закрити відеоплеєр"
expandTweet: "Розгорнути твіт"
themeEditor: "Редактор тем"
description: "Опис"
describeFile: "Додати підпис"
enterFileDescription: "Введіть підпис"
author: "Автор"
leaveConfirm: "Зміни не збережені. Ви дійсно хочете скасувати зміни?"
manage: "Управління"
@ -556,6 +577,7 @@ pluginTokenRequestedDescription: "Цей плагін зможе викорис
notificationType: "Тип сповіщення"
edit: "Редагувати"
useStarForReactionFallback: "Використовувати ★ як запасний варіант, якщо емодзі реакції невідомий"
emailServer: "Сервер електронної пошти"
enableEmail: "Увімкнути функцію доставки пошти"
emailConfigInfo: "Використовується для підтвердження електронної пошти підчас реєстрації, а також для відновлення паролю."
email: "E-mail"
@ -570,6 +592,9 @@ smtpSecure: "Використовувати безумовне шифруван
smtpSecureInfo: "Вимкніть при використанні STARTTLS "
testEmail: "Тестовий email"
wordMute: "Блокування слів"
regexpError: "Помилка регулярного виразу"
regexpErrorDescription: "Сталася помилка в регулярному виразі в рядку {line} вашого слова {tab} слова що ігноруються:"
instanceMute: "Приглушення інстансів"
userSaysSomething: "{name} щось сказав(ла)"
makeActive: "Активувати"
display: "Відображення"
@ -597,6 +622,11 @@ reportAbuse: "Поскаржитись"
reportAbuseOf: "Поскаржитись на {name}"
fillAbuseReportDescription: "Будь ласка вкажіть подробиці скарги. Якщо скарга стосується запису, вкажіть посилання на нього."
abuseReported: "Дякуємо, вашу скаргу було відправлено. "
reporter: "Репортер"
reporteeOrigin: "Про кого повідомлено"
reporterOrigin: "Хто повідомив"
forwardReport: "Переслати звіт на віддалений інстанс"
forwardReportIsAnonymous: "Замість вашого облікового запису анонімний системний обліковий запис буде відображатися як доповідач на віддаленому інстансі"
send: "Відправити"
abuseMarkAsResolved: "Позначити скаргу як вирішену"
openInNewTab: "Відкрити в новій вкладці"
@ -658,6 +688,7 @@ center: "Центр"
wide: "Широкий"
narrow: "Вузький"
reloadToApplySetting: "Налаштування ввійде в дію при перезавантаженні. Перезавантажити?"
needReloadToApply: "Зміни набудуть чинності після перезавантаження сторінки."
showTitlebar: "Показати титульний рядок"
clearCache: "Очистити кеш"
onlineUsersCount: "{n} користувачів онлайн"
@ -672,12 +703,28 @@ textColor: "Текст"
saveAs: "Зберегти як…"
advanced: "Розширені"
value: "Значення"
createdAt: "Створено"
updatedAt: "Останнє оновлення"
saveConfirm: "Зберегти зміни?"
deleteConfirm: "Ви дійсно бажаєте це видалити?"
invalidValue: "Некоректне значення."
registry: "Реєстр"
closeAccount: "Закрити обліковий запис"
currentVersion: "Версія, що використовується"
latestVersion: "Сама свіжа версія"
youAreRunningUpToDateClient: "У вас найсвіжіша версія клієнта."
newVersionOfClientAvailable: "Доступніша свіжа версія клієнта."
usageAmount: "Використане"
capacity: "Ємність"
inUse: "Зайнято"
editCode: "Редагувати вихідний текст"
apply: "Застосувати"
receiveAnnouncementFromInstance: "Отримувати оповіщення з інстансу"
emailNotification: "Сповіщення електронною поштою"
publish: "Опублікувати"
inChannelSearch: "Пошук за каналом"
useReactionPickerForContextMenu: "Відкривати палітру реакцій правою кнопкою"
typingUsers: "Стук клавіш. Це {users}…"
goBack: "Назад"
info: "Інформація"
user: "Користувачі"
@ -688,6 +735,10 @@ global: "Глобальна"
sent: "Відправити"
hashtags: "Хештеґ"
hide: "Сховати"
searchByGoogle: "Пошук"
indefinitely: "Ніколи"
public: "Опублікувати"
back: "Назад"
@ -1378,6 +1429,9 @@ _notification:
followRequestAccepted: "Прийняті підписки"
groupInvited: "Запрошення до груп"
app: "Сповіщення від додатків"
reply: "Відповісти"
renote: "Поширити"
alwaysShowMainColumn: "Завжди показувати головну колонку"
columnAlign: "Вирівняти стовпці"
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -8,12 +8,12 @@ notifications: "通知"
username: "用户名"
password: "密码"
forgotPassword: "忘记密码"
fetchingAsApObject: "联合查询"
fetchingAsApObject: "正在联邦宇宙查询中..."
ok: "OK"
gotIt: "我明白了"
cancel: "取消"
enterUsername: "输入用户名"
renotedBy: "由 {user} 转推"
renotedBy: "由 {user} 转贴"
noNotes: "没有帖文"
noNotifications: "无通知"
instance: "实例"
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ serverIsDead: "服务器没有响应。 请稍等片刻,然后重试。"
youShouldUpgradeClient: "请重新加载并使用新版本的客户端查看此页面。"
enterListName: "输入列表名称"
privacy: "隐私"
makeFollowManuallyApprove: "关注者的关注请求需要批准"
makeFollowManuallyApprove: "关注请求需要批准"
defaultNoteVisibility: "默认可见性"
follow: "关注"
followRequest: "关注申请"
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ enterEmoji: "输入表情符号"
renote: "转发"
unrenote: "取消转发"
renoted: "已转发。"
cantRenote: "该帖子无法转发。"
cantRenote: "该帖无法转发。"
cantReRenote: "转发无法被再次转发。"
quote: "引用"
pinnedNote: "已置顶的帖子"
@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ flagAsCat: "将这个账户设定为一只猫"
flagAsCatDescription: "如果您想表明此帐户是一只猫,请打开此标志。"
flagShowTimelineReplies: "在时间线上显示帖子的回复"
flagShowTimelineRepliesDescription: "启用时,时间线除了显示用户的帖子外,还会显示其他用户对帖子的回复。"
autoAcceptFollowed: "自动允许关注"
autoAcceptFollowed: "自动允许关注者的关注"
addAccount: "添加账户"
loginFailed: "登录失败"
showOnRemote: "转到所在实例显示"
@ -155,14 +155,14 @@ searchWith: "搜索:{q}"
youHaveNoLists: "列表为空"
followConfirm: "你确定要关注{name}吗?"
proxyAccount: "代理账户"
proxyAccountDescription: "代理帐户是在某些情况下充当用户的远程关注者的帐户。 例如,当一个用户列出一个远程用户时,如果没有人跟随该列出的用户,则该活动将不会传递到该实例,因此将代之以代理帐户。"
proxyAccountDescription: "代理账户是在某些情况下充当用户的远程关注者的账户。 例如,当一个用户列出一个远程用户时,如果没有人跟随该列出的用户,则该活动将不会传递到该实例,因此将代之以代理账户。"
host: "主机名"
selectUser: "选择用户"
recipient: "收件人"
annotation: "注解"
federation: "联合"
instances: "实例"
registeredAt: "初次观察"
registeredAt: "初次观测"
latestRequestSentAt: "上次发送的请求"
latestRequestReceivedAt: "上次收到的请求"
latestStatus: "最后状态"
@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ charts: "图表"
perHour: "每小时"
perDay: "每天"
stopActivityDelivery: "停止发送活动"
blockThisInstance: "阻止此实例"
blockThisInstance: "阻止此实例向本实例推流"
operations: "操作"
software: "软件"
version: "版本"
@ -250,11 +250,11 @@ messageRead: "已读"
noMoreHistory: "没有更多的历史记录"
startMessaging: "添加聊天"
nUsersRead: "{n}人已读"
agreeTo: "{0}人同意"
agreeTo: "{0}勾选则表示已阅读并同意"
tos: "服务条款"
start: "开始"
home: "首页"
remoteUserCaution: "由于是远程用户,信息不完整。"
remoteUserCaution: "由于此用户来自其它实例,显示的信息可能不完整。"
activity: "活动"
images: "图片"
birthday: "生日"
@ -321,12 +321,10 @@ connectService: "连接"
disconnectService: "断开连接"
enableLocalTimeline: "启用本地时间线功能"
enableGlobalTimeline: "启用全局时间线"
disablingTimelinesInfo: "即使时间线功能被禁用,出于便利性的原因,管理员和数据图表也可以继续使用。"
disablingTimelinesInfo: "即使时间线功能被禁用,出于方便,管理员和数据图表也可以继续使用。"
registration: "注册"
enableRegistration: "允许新用户注册"
invite: "邀请"
proxyRemoteFiles: "代理远程文件"
proxyRemoteFilesDescription: "启用此设置后,由于超出存储容量而导致未保存被删除的远程文件将被本地代理,并且会生成缩略图。不会影响服务器的存储。"
driveCapacityPerLocalAccount: "每个用户的网盘空间"
driveCapacityPerRemoteAccount: "每个远程用户的网盘容量"
inMb: "以兆字节(MegaByte)为单位"
@ -374,7 +372,7 @@ recentlyUpdatedUsers: "最近投稿的用户"
recentlyRegisteredUsers: "最近登录的用户"
recentlyDiscoveredUsers: "最近发现的用户"
exploreUsersCount: "有{count}个用户"
exploreFediverse: "探索Fediverse"
exploreFediverse: "探索联邦宇宙"
popularTags: "热门标签"
userList: "列表"
about: "关于"
@ -422,7 +420,6 @@ next: "下一个"
retype: "重新输入"
noteOf: "{user}的帖子"
inviteToGroup: "群组邀请"
maxNoteTextLength: "帖子的字数限制"
quoteAttached: "已引用"
quoteQuestion: "是否引用此链接内容?"
noMessagesYet: "现在没有新的聊天"
@ -443,7 +440,7 @@ strongPassword: "密码强度:强"
passwordMatched: "密码一致"
passwordNotMatched: "密码不一致"
signinWith: "以{x}登录"
signinFailed: "无法登录,请检查您的用户名和密码。"
signinFailed: "无法登录,请检查您的用户名和密码是否正确。"
tapSecurityKey: "轻触硬件安全密钥"
or: "或者"
language: "语言"
@ -462,7 +459,7 @@ category: "类别"
tags: "标签"
docSource: "文件来源"
createAccount: "注册账户"
existingAccount: "现有的帐户"
existingAccount: "现有的账户"
regenerate: "重新生成"
fontSize: "字体大小"
noFollowRequests: "没有关注申请"
@ -536,7 +533,7 @@ removeAllFollowingDescription: "取消{host}的所有关注者。当实例不存
userSuspended: "该用户已被冻结。"
userSilenced: "该用户已被禁言。"
yourAccountSuspendedTitle: "账户已被冻结"
yourAccountSuspendedDescription: "由于违反了服务器的服务条款或其他原因,该账户已被冻结。 您可以与管理员联系以了解更多信息。 请不要创建一个新的帐户。"
yourAccountSuspendedDescription: "由于违反了服务器的服务条款或其他原因,该账户已被冻结。 您可以与管理员联系以了解更多信息。 请不要创建一个新的账户。"
menu: "菜单"
divider: "分割线"
addItem: "添加项目"
@ -564,7 +561,7 @@ manage: "管理"
plugins: "插件"
deck: "Deck"
undeck: "取消Deck"
useBlurEffectForModal: "模态框使用模糊效果"
useBlurEffectForModal: "对话框使用模糊效果"
useFullReactionPicker: "使用全功能的回应工具栏"
width: "宽度"
height: "高度"
@ -612,7 +609,7 @@ create: "创建"
notificationSetting: "通知设置"
notificationSettingDesc: "选择要显示的通知类型。"
useGlobalSetting: "使用全局设置"
useGlobalSettingDesc: "启用时,将使用帐户通知设置。关闭时,则可以单独设置。"
useGlobalSettingDesc: "启用时,将使用账户通知设置。关闭时,则可以单独设置。"
other: "其他"
regenerateLoginToken: "重新生成登录令牌"
regenerateLoginTokenDescription: "重新生成用于登录的内部令牌。通常您不需要这样做。重新生成后,您将在所有设备上登出。"
@ -624,12 +621,12 @@ abuseReports: "举报"
reportAbuse: "举报"
reportAbuseOf: "举报{name}"
fillAbuseReportDescription: "请填写举报的详细原因。如果有对方发的帖子,请同时填写URL地址。"
abuseReported: "内容已发送。感谢您的报告。"
reporter: "报告者"
abuseReported: "内容已发送。感谢您提交信息。"
reporter: "举报者"
reporteeOrigin: "举报来源"
reporterOrigin: "举报者来源"
forwardReport: "将报告转发给远程实例"
forwardReportIsAnonymous: "在远程实例上显示的报告者是匿名的系统账号,而不是您的账号。"
forwardReport: "将该举报信息转发给远程实例"
forwardReportIsAnonymous: "勾选则在远程实例上显示的举报者是匿名的系统账号,而不是您的账号。"
send: "发送"
abuseMarkAsResolved: "处理完毕"
openInNewTab: "在新标签页中打开"
@ -647,9 +644,9 @@ createNew: "新建"
optional: "可选"
createNewClip: "新建书签"
public: "公开"
i18nInfo: "Misskey已经被志愿者们翻译到了各种语言。如果你也有兴趣,可以通过{link}帮助翻译。"
i18nInfo: "Misskey已经被志愿者们翻译成了各种语言。如果你也有兴趣,可以通过{link}帮助翻译。"
manageAccessTokens: "管理 Access Tokens"
accountInfo: "帐户信息"
accountInfo: "账户信息"
notesCount: "帖子数量"
repliesCount: "回复数量"
renotesCount: "转帖数量"
@ -665,7 +662,7 @@ yes: "是"
no: "否"
driveFilesCount: "网盘的文件数"
driveUsage: "网盘的空间用量"
noCrawle: "拒绝搜索引擎的索引"
noCrawle: "要求搜索引擎不索引该站点"
noCrawleDescription: "要求搜索引擎不要收录(索引)您的用户页面,帖子,页面等。"
lockedAccountInfo: "即使通过了关注请求,只要您不将帖子可见范围设置成“关注者”,任何人都可以看到您的帖子。"
alwaysMarkSensitive: "默认将媒体文件标记为敏感内容"
@ -833,6 +830,18 @@ auto: "自动"
themeColor: "主题颜色"
size: "大小"
numberOfColumn: "列数"
searchByGoogle: "Google"
instanceDefaultLightTheme: "实例默认浅色主题"
instanceDefaultDarkTheme: "实例默认深色主题"
instanceDefaultThemeDescription: "以对象格式键入主题代码"
mutePeriod: "屏蔽期限"
indefinitely: "永久"
tenMinutes: "10分钟"
oneHour: "1小时"
oneDay: "1天"
oneWeek: "1周"
reflectMayTakeTime: "可能需要一些时间才能体现出效果。"
failedToFetchAccountInformation: "获取账户信息失败"
used: "已经被使用过"
format: "无效的格式"
@ -897,7 +906,7 @@ _nsfw:
cheatSheet: "MFM代码速查表"
intro: "MFM是一种在Misskey中的各个位置使用的专用标记语言。在这里您可以看到MFM中可用的语法列表。"
dummy: "通过Misskey扩展Fediverse的世界"
dummy: "通过Misskey扩展联邦宇宙的世界"
mention: "提及"
mentionDescription: "可以使用 @+用户名 来指示特定用户"
hashtag: "话题标签"
@ -960,7 +969,7 @@ _mfm:
rotateDescription: "旋转指定的角度。"
none: "不显示"
remote: "仅显示远程用户的"
remote: "仅远程用户"
always: "始终显示"
reload: "自动重载"
@ -1044,7 +1053,7 @@ _theme:
mention: "提及"
mentionMe: "提及"
renote: "转发"
modalBg: "模态框背景"
modalBg: "对话框背景"
divider: "分割线"
scrollbarHandle: "滚动条"
scrollbarHandleHover: "滚动条(悬停)"
@ -1210,7 +1219,7 @@ _poll:
noMore: "无法再添加更多了"
canMultipleVote: "允许多个投票"
expiration: "截止时间"
infinite: "不限时间"
infinite: "永久"
at: "指定日期"
after: "指定时间"
deadlineDate: "截止日期"
@ -1231,7 +1240,7 @@ _visibility:
publicDescription: "您的帖子将出现在全局时间线上"
home: "首页"
homeDescription: "仅发送至首页的时间线"
followers: "关注者"
followers: "仅关注者"
followersDescription: "仅发送至关注者"
specified: "指定用户"
specifiedDescription: "仅发送至指定用户"
@ -1605,6 +1614,8 @@ _notification:
youReceivedFollowRequest: "您有新的关注请求"
yourFollowRequestAccepted: "您的关注请求已通过"
youWereInvitedToGroup: "您有新的群组邀请"
pollEnded: "问卷调查结果已生成。"
emptyPushNotificationMessage: "推送通知已更新"
all: "全部"
follow: "关注中"
@ -1614,10 +1625,15 @@ _notification:
quote: "引用"
reaction: "回应"
pollVote: "问卷调查被投票"
pollEnded: "问卷调查结束"
receiveFollowRequest: "收到关注请求"
followRequestAccepted: "关注请求已通过"
groupInvited: "加入群组邀请"
app: "关联应用的通知"
followBack: "回关"
reply: "回复"
renote: "转发"
alwaysShowMainColumn: "总是显示主列"
columnAlign: "列对齐"
@ -81,6 +81,8 @@ somethingHappened: "發生錯誤"
retry: "重試"
pageLoadError: "載入頁面失敗"
pageLoadErrorDescription: "這通常是因為網路錯誤或是瀏覽器快取殘留的原因。請先清除瀏覽器快取,稍後再重試"
serverIsDead: "伺服器沒有回應。請稍等片刻,然後重試。"
youShouldUpgradeClient: "請重新載入以使用新版本的客戶端顯示此頁面"
enterListName: "輸入清單名稱"
privacy: "隱私"
makeFollowManuallyApprove: "手動審核追隨請求"
@ -104,6 +106,7 @@ clickToShow: "按一下以顯示"
sensitive: "敏感內容"
add: "新增"
reaction: "情感"
reactionSetting: "在選擇器中顯示反應"
reactionSettingDescription2: "拖動以重新列序,點擊以刪除,按下 + 添加。"
rememberNoteVisibility: "記住貼文可見性"
attachCancel: "移除附件"
@ -132,12 +135,14 @@ emojiName: "表情符號名稱"
emojiUrl: "表情符號URL"
addEmoji: "加入表情符號"
settingGuide: "推薦設定"
cacheRemoteFiles: "緩存非遠程檔案"
cacheRemoteFiles: "快取遠端檔案"
cacheRemoteFilesDescription: "禁用此設定會停止遠端檔案的緩存,從而節省儲存空間,但資料會因直接連線從而產生額外連接數據。"
flagAsBot: "此使用者是機器人"
flagAsBotDescription: "如果本帳戶是由程式控制,請啟用此選項。啟用後,會作為標示幫助其他開發者防止機器人之間產生無限互動的行為,並會調整Misskey內部系統將本帳戶識別為機器人"
flagAsCat: "此使用者是貓"
flagAsCatDescription: "如果想將本帳戶標示為一隻貓,請開啟此標示"
flagShowTimelineReplies: "在時間軸上顯示貼文的回覆"
flagShowTimelineRepliesDescription: "啟用時,時間線除了顯示用戶的貼文以外,還會顯示用戶對其他貼文的回覆。"
autoAcceptFollowed: "自動追隨中使用者的追隨請求"
addAccount: "添加帳戶"
loginFailed: "登入失敗"
@ -149,8 +154,8 @@ removeWallpaper: "移除桌布"
searchWith: "搜尋: {q}"
youHaveNoLists: "你沒有任何清單"
followConfirm: "你真的要追隨{name}嗎?"
proxyAccount: "代理帳號"
proxyAccountDescription: "代理帳號是在某些情況下充當其他伺服器用戶的帳號。例如,當使用者將一個來自其他伺服器的帳號放在列表中時,由於沒有其他使用者關注該帳號,該指令不會傳送到該伺服器上,因此會由代理帳戶關注。"
proxyAccount: "代理帳戶"
proxyAccountDescription: "代理帳戶是在某些情況下充當其他伺服器用戶的帳戶。例如,當使用者將一個來自其他伺服器的帳戶放在列表中時,由於沒有其他使用者關注該帳戶,該指令不會傳送到該伺服器上,因此會由代理帳戶關注。"
host: "主機"
selectUser: "選取使用者"
recipient: "收件人"
@ -193,7 +198,7 @@ noUsers: "沒有任何使用者"
editProfile: "編輯個人檔案"
noteDeleteConfirm: "確定刪除此貼文嗎?"
pinLimitExceeded: "不能置頂更多貼文了"
intro: "Misskey 部署完成!請建立管理員帳號!"
intro: "Misskey 部署完成!請建立管理員帳戶。"
done: "完成"
processing: "處理中"
preview: "預覽"
@ -232,6 +237,8 @@ resetAreYouSure: "確定要重設嗎?"
saved: "已儲存"
messaging: "傳送訊息"
upload: "上傳"
keepOriginalUploading: "保留原圖"
keepOriginalUploadingDescription: "上傳圖片時保留原始圖片。關閉時,瀏覽器會在上傳時生成一張用於web發布的圖片。"
fromDrive: "從雲端空間"
fromUrl: "從URL"
uploadFromUrl: "從網址上傳"
@ -318,8 +325,6 @@ disablingTimelinesInfo: "即使您關閉了時間線功能,管理員和協調
registration: "註冊"
enableRegistration: "開啟新使用者註冊"
invite: "邀請"
proxyRemoteFiles: "遠端代理檔案"
proxyRemoteFilesDescription: "啟用此設置後,由於超出存儲容量而未保存或刪除的遠程文件將被本地代理,並且將生成預覽圖。這不影響伺服器的存儲。"
driveCapacityPerLocalAccount: "每個本地用戶的雲端空間大小"
driveCapacityPerRemoteAccount: "每個非本地用戶的雲端容量"
inMb: "以Mbps為單位"
@ -355,7 +360,7 @@ enableServiceworker: "開啟 ServiceWorker"
antennaUsersDescription: "指定用換行符分隔的用戶名"
caseSensitive: "區分大小寫"
withReplies: "包含回覆"
connectedTo: "您的帳號已連接到以下社交帳號"
connectedTo: "您的帳戶已連接到以下社交帳戶"
notesAndReplies: "貼文與回覆"
withFiles: "附件"
silence: "禁言"
@ -415,7 +420,6 @@ next: "下一步"
retype: "重新輸入"
noteOf: "{user}的貼文"
inviteToGroup: "邀請至群組"
maxNoteTextLength: "貼文的字數限制"
quoteAttached: "引用"
quoteQuestion: "是否要引用?"
noMessagesYet: "沒有訊息"
@ -444,6 +448,7 @@ uiLanguage: "介面語言"
groupInvited: "您有新的群組邀請"
aboutX: "關於{x}"
useOsNativeEmojis: "使用OS原生表情符號"
disableDrawer: "不顯示下拉式選單"
youHaveNoGroups: "找不到群組"
joinOrCreateGroup: "請加入現有群組,或創建新群組。"
noHistory: "沒有歷史紀錄"
@ -467,7 +472,7 @@ weekOverWeekChanges: "與上週相比"
dayOverDayChanges: "與前一日相比"
appearance: "外觀"
clientSettings: "用戶端設定"
accountSettings: "帳號設定"
accountSettings: "帳戶設定"
promotion: "推廣"
promote: "推廣"
numberOfDays: "有效天數"
@ -476,6 +481,7 @@ showFeaturedNotesInTimeline: "在時間軸上顯示熱門推薦"
objectStorage: "Object Storage (物件儲存)"
useObjectStorage: "使用Object Storage"
objectStorageBaseUrl: "Base URL"
objectStorageBaseUrlDesc: "引用時的URL。如果您使用的是CDN或反向代理,请指定其URL,例如S3:“https://<bucket>”,GCS:“<bucket>”"
objectStorageBucket: "儲存空間(Bucket)"
objectStorageBucketDesc: "請指定您正在使用的服務的存儲桶名稱。 "
objectStoragePrefix: "前綴"
@ -483,8 +489,11 @@ objectStoragePrefixDesc: "它存儲在此前綴目錄下。"
objectStorageEndpoint: "端點(Endpoint)"
objectStorageEndpointDesc: "如要使用AWS S3,請留空。否則請依照你使用的服務商的說明書進行設定,以'<host>'或 '<host>:<port>'的形式設定端點(Endpoint)。"
objectStorageRegion: "地域(Region)"
objectStorageRegionDesc: "指定一個分區,例如“xx-east-1”。 如果您使用的服務沒有分區的概念,請留空或填寫“us-east-1”。"
objectStorageUseSSL: "使用SSL"
objectStorageUseSSLDesc: "如果不使用https進行API連接,請關閉"
objectStorageUseProxy: "使用網路代理"
objectStorageUseProxyDesc: "如果不使用代理進行API連接,請關閉"
objectStorageSetPublicRead: "上傳時設定為\"public-read\""
serverLogs: "伺服器日誌"
deleteAll: "刪除所有記錄"
@ -512,6 +521,7 @@ sort: "排序"
ascendingOrder: "昇冪"
descendingOrder: "降冪"
scratchpad: "暫存記憶體"
scratchpadDescription: "AiScript控制台為AiScript提供了實驗環境。您可以在此編寫、執行和確認代碼與Misskey互動的结果。"
output: "輸出"
script: "腳本"
disablePagesScript: "停用頁面的AiScript腳本"
@ -522,6 +532,9 @@ removeAllFollowing: "解除所有追蹤"
removeAllFollowingDescription: "解除{host}所有的追蹤。在實例不再存在時執行。"
userSuspended: "該使用者已被停用"
userSilenced: "該用戶已被禁言。"
yourAccountSuspendedTitle: "帳戶已被凍結"
yourAccountSuspendedDescription: "由於違反了伺服器的服務條款或其他原因,該帳戶已被凍結。 您可以與管理員連繫以了解更多訊息。 請不要創建一個新的帳戶。"
menu: "選單"
divider: "分割線"
addItem: "新增項目"
relays: "中繼"
@ -545,7 +558,7 @@ enterFileDescription: "輸入標題 "
author: "作者"
leaveConfirm: "有未保存的更改。要放棄嗎?"
manage: "管理"
plugins: "插件"
plugins: "外掛"
deck: "多欄模式"
undeck: "取消多欄模式"
useBlurEffectForModal: "在模態框使用模糊效果"
@ -555,10 +568,12 @@ height: "高度"
large: "大"
medium: "中"
small: "小"
generateAccessToken: "發行存取權杖"
permission: "權限"
enableAll: "啟用全部"
disableAll: "停用全部"
tokenRequested: "允許存取帳號"
tokenRequested: "允許存取帳戶"
pluginTokenRequestedDescription: "此外掛將擁有在此設定的權限。"
notificationType: "通知形式"
edit: "編輯"
useStarForReactionFallback: "以★代替未知的表情符號"
@ -573,8 +588,13 @@ smtpPort: "埠"
smtpUser: "使用者名稱"
smtpPass: "密碼"
emptyToDisableSmtpAuth: "留空使用者名稱和密碼以關閉SMTP驗證。"
smtpSecure: "在 SMTP 連接中使用隱式 SSL/TLS"
smtpSecureInfo: "使用STARTTLS時關閉。"
testEmail: "測試郵件發送"
wordMute: "靜音文字"
wordMute: "被靜音的文字"
regexpError: "正規表達式錯誤"
regexpErrorDescription: "{tab} 靜音文字的第 {line} 行的正規表達式有錯誤:"
instanceMute: "實例的靜音"
userSaysSomething: "{name}說了什麼"
makeActive: "啟用"
display: "檢視"
@ -602,6 +622,11 @@ reportAbuse: "檢舉"
reportAbuseOf: "檢舉{name}"
fillAbuseReportDescription: "請填寫檢舉的詳細理由。可以的話,請附上針對的URL網址。"
abuseReported: "回報已送出。感謝您的報告。"
reporter: "檢舉者"
reporteeOrigin: "檢舉來源"
reporterOrigin: "檢舉者來源"
forwardReport: "將報告轉送給遠端實例"
forwardReportIsAnonymous: "在遠端實例上看不到您的資訊,顯示的報告者是匿名的系统帳戶。"
send: "發送"
abuseMarkAsResolved: "處理完畢"
openInNewTab: "在新分頁中開啟"
@ -663,6 +688,7 @@ center: "置中"
wide: "寬"
narrow: "窄"
reloadToApplySetting: "設定將會在頁面重新載入之後生效。要現在就重載頁面嗎?"
needReloadToApply: "必須重新載入才會生效。"
showTitlebar: "顯示標題列"
clearCache: "清除快取資料"
onlineUsersCount: "{n}人正在線上"
@ -723,6 +749,7 @@ notRecommended: "不推薦"
botProtection: "Bot防護"
instanceBlocking: "已封鎖的實例"
selectAccount: "選擇帳戶"
switchAccount: "切換帳戶"
enabled: "已啟用"
disabled: "已停用"
quickAction: "快捷操作"
@ -737,6 +764,7 @@ postToGallery: "發佈到相簿"
gallery: "相簿"
recentPosts: "最新貼文"
popularPosts: "熱門的貼文"
shareWithNote: "在貼文中分享"
ads: "廣告"
expiration: "期限"
memo: "備忘錄"
@ -746,12 +774,95 @@ middle: "中"
low: "低"
emailNotConfiguredWarning: "沒有設定電子郵件地址"
ratio: "%"
previewNoteText: "預覽文本"
customCss: "自定義 CSS"
customCssWarn: "這個設定必須由具備相關知識的人員操作,不當的設定可能导致客戶端無法正常使用。"
global: "公開"
squareAvatars: "頭像以方形顯示"
sent: "發送"
received: "收取"
searchResult: "搜尋結果"
hashtags: "#tag"
troubleshooting: "故障排除"
useBlurEffect: "在 UI 上使用模糊效果"
learnMore: "更多資訊"
misskeyUpdated: "Misskey 更新完成!"
whatIsNew: "顯示更新資訊"
translate: "翻譯"
translatedFrom: "從 {x} 翻譯"
accountDeletionInProgress: "正在刪除帳戶"
usernameInfo: "在伺服器上您的帳戶是唯一的識別名稱。您可以使用字母 (a ~ z, A ~ Z)、數字 (0 ~ 9) 和下底線 (_)。之後帳戶名是不能更改的。"
aiChanMode: "小藍模式"
keepCw: "保持CW"
pubSub: "Pub/Sub 帳戶"
lastCommunication: "最近的通信"
resolved: "已解決"
unresolved: "未解決"
breakFollow: "移除追蹤者"
itsOn: "已開啟"
itsOff: "已關閉"
emailRequiredForSignup: "註冊帳戶需要電子郵件地址"
unread: "未讀"
filter: "篩選"
controlPanel: "控制台"
manageAccounts: "管理帳戶"
makeReactionsPublic: "將回應設為公開"
makeReactionsPublicDescription: "將您做過的回應設為公開可見。"
classic: "經典"
muteThread: "將貼文串設為靜音"
unmuteThread: "將貼文串的靜音解除"
ffVisibility: "連接的公開範圍"
ffVisibilityDescription: "您可以設定您的關注/關注者資訊的公開範圍"
continueThread: "查看更多貼文"
deleteAccountConfirm: "將要刪除帳戶。是否確定?"
incorrectPassword: "密碼錯誤。"
voteConfirm: "確定投給「{choice}」?"
hide: "隱藏"
leaveGroup: "離開群組"
leaveGroupConfirm: "確定離開「{name}」?"
useDrawerReactionPickerForMobile: "在移動設備上使用抽屜顯示"
welcomeBackWithName: "歡迎回來,{name}"
clickToFinishEmailVerification: "點擊 [{ok}] 完成電子郵件地址認證。"
overridedDeviceKind: "裝置類型"
smartphone: "智慧型手機"
tablet: "平板"
auto: "自動"
themeColor: "主題顏色"
size: "大小"
numberOfColumn: "列數"
searchByGoogle: "搜尋"
instanceDefaultLightTheme: "實例預設的淺色主題"
instanceDefaultDarkTheme: "實例預設的深色主題"
instanceDefaultThemeDescription: "輸入物件形式的主题代碼"
mutePeriod: "靜音的期限"
indefinitely: "無期限"
tenMinutes: "10分鐘"
oneHour: "1小時"
oneDay: "1天"
oneWeek: "1週"
reflectMayTakeTime: "可能需要一些時間才會出現效果。"
failedToFetchAccountInformation: "取得帳戶資訊失敗"
used: "已經在使用中"
format: "格式無效"
disposable: "不是永久可用的地址"
mx: "郵件伺服器不正確"
smtp: "郵件伺服器沒有應答"
public: "發佈"
followers: "只有關注你的用戶能看到"
private: "私密"
almostThere: "即將完成"
emailAddressInfo: "請輸入您所使用的電子郵件地址。電子郵件地址不會被公開。"
emailSent: "已將確認郵件發送至您輸入的電子郵件地址 ({email})。請開啟電子郵件中的連結以完成帳戶創建。"
accountDelete: "刪除帳戶"
mayTakeTime: "刪除帳戶的處理負荷較大,如果帳戶產生的內容數量上船的檔案數量較多的話,就需要花费一段時間才能完成。"
sendEmail: "帳戶删除完成後,將向註冊地電子郵件地址發送通知。"
requestAccountDelete: "刪除帳戶請求"
started: "已開始刪除作業。"
inProgress: "正在刪除"
back: "返回"
reduceFrequencyOfThisAd: "降低此廣告的頻率 "
@ -772,7 +883,7 @@ _email:
install: "安裝外掛組件"
installWarn: "請不要安裝來源不明的外掛組件。"
manage: "管理插件"
manage: "管理外掛"
scope: "範圍"
key: "機碼"
@ -805,14 +916,21 @@ _mfm:
link: "鏈接"
linkDescription: "您可以將特定範圍的文章與 URL 相關聯。 "
bold: "粗體"
boldDescription: "可以將文字顯示为粗體来強調。"
small: "縮小"
smallDescription: "可以使內容文字變小、變淡。"
center: "置中"
centerDescription: "可以將內容置中顯示。"
inlineCode: "程式碼(内嵌)"
inlineCodeDescription: "在行內用高亮度顯示,例如程式碼語法。"
blockCode: "程式碼(區塊)"
blockCodeDescription: "在區塊中用高亮度顯示,例如複數行的程式碼語法。"
inlineMath: "數學公式(內嵌)"
inlineMathDescription: "顯示內嵌的KaTex數學公式。"
blockMath: "數學公式(方塊)"
blockMathDescription: "以區塊顯示複數行的KaTex數學式。"
quote: "引用"
quoteDescription: "可以用來表示引用的内容。"
emoji: "自訂表情符號"
emojiDescription: "您可以通過將自定義表情符號名稱括在冒號中來顯示自定義表情符號。 "
search: "搜尋"
@ -821,22 +939,34 @@ _mfm:
flipDescription: "將內容上下或左右翻轉。"
jelly: "動畫(果凍)"
jellyDescription: "顯示果凍一樣的動畫效果。"
tada: "動畫(鏘~)"
tadaDescription: "顯示「鏘~!」這種感覺的動畫效果。"
jump: "動畫(跳動)"
jumpDescription: "顯示跳動的動畫效果。"
bounce: "動畫(反彈)"
bounceDescription: "顯示有彈性的動畫效果。"
shake: "動畫(搖晃)"
shakeDescription: "顯示顫抖的動畫效果。"
twitch: "動畫(顫抖)"
twitchDescription: "顯示強烈顫抖的動畫效果。"
spin: "動畫(旋轉)"
spinDescription: "顯示旋轉的動畫效果。"
x2: "大"
x2Description: "放大顯示內容。"
x3: "較大"
x3Description: "放大顯示內容。"
x4: "最大"
x4Description: "將顯示內容放至最大。"
blur: "模糊"
blurDescription: "產生模糊效果。将游標放在上面即可將内容顯示出來。"
font: "字型"
fontDescription: "您可以設定顯示內容的字型"
rainbow: "彩虹"
rainbowDescription: "用彩虹色來顯示內容。"
sparkle: "閃閃發光"
sparkleDescription: "添加閃閃發光的粒子效果。"
rotate: "旋轉"
rotateDescription: "以指定的角度旋轉。"
none: "隱藏"
remote: "向遠端使用者顯示"
@ -856,11 +986,24 @@ _channel:
usersCount: "有{n}人參與"
notesCount: "有{n}個貼文"
sideFull: "側向"
sideIcon: "側向(圖示)"
top: "頂部"
hide: "隱藏"
muteWords: "加入靜音文字"
muteWordsDescription: "用空格分隔指定AND,用換行分隔指定OR。"
muteWordsDescription2: "將關鍵字用斜線括起來表示正規表達式。"
softDescription: "隱藏時間軸中指定條件的貼文。"
hardDescription: "具有指定條件的貼文將不添加到時間軸。 即使您更改條件,未被添加的貼文也會被排除在外。"
soft: "軟性靜音"
hard: "硬性靜音"
mutedNotes: "已靜音的貼文"
instanceMuteDescription: "包括對被靜音實例上的用戶的回覆,被設定的實例上所有貼文及轉發都會被靜音。"
instanceMuteDescription2: "設定時以換行進行分隔"
title: "被設定的實例,貼文將被隱藏。"
heading: "將實例靜音"
explore: "取得佈景主題"
install: "安裝佈景主題"
@ -874,10 +1017,12 @@ _theme:
invalid: "主題格式錯誤"
make: "製作主題"
base: "基於"
addConstant: "添加常數"
constant: "常數"
defaultValue: "預設值"
color: "顏色"
refProp: "查看屬性 "
refConst: "查看常數"
key: "按鍵"
func: "函数"
funcKind: "功能類型"
@ -886,6 +1031,9 @@ _theme:
alpha: "透明度"
darken: "暗度"
lighten: "亮度"
inputConstantName: "請輸入常數的名稱"
importInfo: "您可以在此貼上主題代碼,將其匯入編輯器中"
deleteConstantConfirm: "確定要删除常數{const}嗎?"
accent: "重點色彩"
bg: "背景"
@ -905,6 +1053,7 @@ _theme:
mention: "提到"
mentionMe: "提到了我"
renote: "轉發貼文"
modalBg: "對話框背景"
divider: "分割線"
scrollbarHandle: "捲動條"
scrollbarHandleHover: "捲動條 (漂浮)"
@ -982,9 +1131,12 @@ _2fa:
registerKey: "註冊鍵"
step1: "首先,在您的設備上安裝二步驗證程式,例如{a}或{b}。"
step2: "然後,掃描螢幕上的QR code。"
step3: "輸入您的App提供的權杖以完成設定。"
step4: "從現在開始,任何登入操作都將要求您提供權杖。"
securityKeyInfo: "您可以設定使用支援FIDO2的硬體安全鎖、終端設備的指纹認證或者PIN碼來登入。"
"read:account": "查看帳戶信息"
"write:account": "更改帳戶信息"
"read:account": "查看我的帳戶資訊"
"write:account": "更改我的帳戶資訊"
"read:blocks": "已封鎖用戶名單"
"write:blocks": "編輯已封鎖用戶名單"
"read:drive": "存取雲端硬碟"
@ -1011,6 +1163,10 @@ _permissions:
"write:user-groups": "編輯使用者群組"
"read:channels": "已查看的頻道"
"write:channels": "編輯頻道"
"read:gallery": "瀏覽圖庫"
"write:gallery": "操作圖庫"
"read:gallery-likes": "讀取喜歡的圖片"
"write:gallery-likes": "操作喜歡的圖片"
shareAccess: "要授權「“{name}”」存取您的帳戶嗎?"
shareAccessAsk: "您確定要授權這個應用程式使用您的帳戶嗎?"
@ -1050,6 +1206,8 @@ _widgets:
onlineUsers: "線上的用戶"
jobQueue: "佇列"
serverMetric: "服務器指標 "
aiscript: "AiScript控制台"
aichan: "小藍"
hide: "隱藏"
show: "瀏覽更多"
@ -1075,12 +1233,15 @@ _poll:
closed: "已結束"
remainingDays: "{d}天{h}小時後結束"
remainingHours: "{h}小時{m}分後結束"
remainingMinutes: "{m}分{s}秒後結束"
remainingSeconds: "{s}秒後截止"
public: "公開"
publicDescription: "發布給所有用戶 "
home: "首頁"
homeDescription: "僅發送至首頁的時間軸"
followers: "追隨者"
followersDescription: "僅發送至關注者"
specified: "指定使用者"
specifiedDescription: "僅發送至指定使用者"
localOnly: "僅限本地"
@ -1103,6 +1264,7 @@ _profile:
youCanIncludeHashtags: "你也可以在「關於我」中加上 #tag"
metadata: "進階資訊"
metadataEdit: "編輯進階資訊"
metadataDescription: "可以在個人資料中以表格形式顯示其他資訊。"
metadataLabel: "標籤"
metadataContent: "内容"
changeAvatar: "更換大頭貼"
@ -1113,6 +1275,8 @@ _exportOrImport:
muteList: "靜音"
blockingList: "封鎖"
userLists: "清單"
excludeMutingUsers: "排除被靜音的用戶"
excludeInactiveUsers: "排除不活躍帳戶"
federation: "站台聯邦"
apRequest: "請求"
@ -1390,6 +1554,7 @@ _pages:
arg1: "種子"
arg2: "清單"
DRPWPM: "从機率列表中隨機選擇(每個用户每天)"
arg1: "字串串列"
pick: "從清單中選取"
@ -1420,6 +1585,8 @@ _pages:
arg1: "重複次數"
arg2: "處理"
typeError: "槽參數{slot}需要傳入“{expect}”,但是實際傳入為“{actual}”!"
thereIsEmptySlot: "參數{slot}是空的!"
string: "字串"
number: "数值"
@ -1442,10 +1609,13 @@ _notification:
youRenoted: "{name} 轉發了你的貼文"
youGotPoll: "{name}已投票"
youGotMessagingMessageFromUser: "{name}發送給您的訊息"
youGotMessagingMessageFromGroup: "{name}發送給您的訊息"
youWereFollowed: "您有新的追隨者"
youReceivedFollowRequest: "您有新的追隨請求"
yourFollowRequestAccepted: "您的追隨請求已通過"
youWereInvitedToGroup: "您有新的群組邀請"
pollEnded: "問卷調查已產生結果"
emptyPushNotificationMessage: "推送通知已更新"
all: "全部 "
follow: "追隨中"
@ -1455,10 +1625,15 @@ _notification:
quote: "引用"
reaction: "反應"
pollVote: "統計已投票數"
pollEnded: "問卷調查結束"
receiveFollowRequest: "已收到追隨請求"
followRequestAccepted: "追隨請求已接受"
groupInvited: "加入社群邀請"
app: "應用程式通知"
followBack: "回關"
reply: "回覆"
renote: "轉發"
alwaysShowMainColumn: "總是顯示主欄"
columnAlign: "對齊欄位"
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "misskey",
"version": "12.107.0",
"version": "12.110.1",
"codename": "indigo",
"repository": {
"type": "git",
@ -13,8 +13,7 @@
"start": "cd packages/backend && node --experimental-json-modules ./built/index.js",
"start:test": "cd packages/backend && cross-env NODE_ENV=test node --experimental-json-modules ./built/index.js",
"init": "npm run migrate",
"ormconfig": "node ./packages/backend/ormconfig.js",
"migrate": "cd packages/backend && npx typeorm migration:run",
"migrate": "cd packages/backend && npx typeorm migration:run -d ormconfig.js",
"migrateandstart": "npm run migrate && npm run start",
"gulp": "gulp build",
"watch": "npm run dev",
@ -23,7 +22,7 @@
"cy:open": "cypress open",
"cy:run": "cypress run",
"e2e": "start-server-and-test start:test http://localhost:61812 cy:run",
"mocha": "cd packages/backend && cross-env TS_NODE_FILES=true TS_NODE_TRANSPILE_ONLY=true TS_NODE_PROJECT=\"./test/tsconfig.json\" npx mocha",
"mocha": "cd packages/backend && cross-env NODE_ENV=test TS_NODE_FILES=true TS_NODE_TRANSPILE_ONLY=true TS_NODE_PROJECT=\"./test/tsconfig.json\" npx mocha",
"test": "npm run mocha",
"format": "gulp format",
"clean": "node ./scripts/clean.js",
@ -31,8 +30,6 @@
"cleanall": "npm run clean-all"
"dependencies": {
"@types/gulp": "4.0.9",
"@types/gulp-rename": "2.0.1",
"execa": "5.1.1",
"gulp": "4.0.2",
"gulp-cssnano": "2.1.3",
@ -42,10 +39,12 @@
"js-yaml": "4.1.0"
"devDependencies": {
"@typescript-eslint/parser": "5.12.0",
"@types/gulp": "4.0.9",
"@types/gulp-rename": "2.0.1",
"@typescript-eslint/parser": "5.18.0",
"cross-env": "7.0.3",
"cypress": "9.5.0",
"cypress": "9.5.3",
"start-server-and-test": "1.14.0",
"typescript": "4.5.5"
"typescript": "4.6.3"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
module.exports = {
parserOptions: {
tsconfigRootDir: __dirname,
project: ['./tsconfig.json'],
extends: [
rules: {
'import/order': ['warn', {
'groups': ['builtin', 'external', 'internal', 'parent', 'sibling', 'index', 'object', 'type'],
'pathGroups': [
'pattern': '@/**',
'group': 'external',
'position': 'after'
'no-restricted-globals': [
'name': '__dirname',
'message': 'Not in ESModule. Use `import.meta.url` instead.'
'name': '__filename',
'message': 'Not in ESModule. Use `import.meta.url` instead.'
@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
"extension": ["ts","js","cjs","mjs"],
"require": ["ts-node/register", "tsconfig-paths/register"],
"node-option": [
"slow": 1000,
"timeout": 35000,
"exit": true
@ -2,5 +2,9 @@
"typescript.tsdk": "node_modules\\typescript\\lib",
"path-intellisense.mappings": {
"@": "${workspaceRoot}/packages/backend/src/"
"editor.formatOnSave": true,
"editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
"source.fixAll": true
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
After Width: | Height: | Size: 23 KiB |
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
class Init1000000000000 {
export class Init1000000000000 {
async up(queryRunner) {
await queryRunner.query(`CREATE TYPE "log_level_enum" AS ENUM('error', 'warning', 'info', 'success', 'debug')`);
await queryRunner.query(`CREATE TABLE "log" ("id" character varying(32) NOT NULL, "createdAt" TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL, "domain" character varying(64) array NOT NULL DEFAULT '{}'::varchar[], "level" "log_level_enum" NOT NULL, "worker" character varying(8) NOT NULL, "machine" character varying(128) NOT NULL, "message" character varying(1024) NOT NULL, "data" jsonb NOT NULL DEFAULT '{}', CONSTRAINT "PK_350604cbdf991d5930d9e618fbd" PRIMARY KEY ("id"))`);
@ -480,4 +480,3 @@ class Init1000000000000 {
await queryRunner.query(`DROP TYPE "log_level_enum"`);
exports.Init1000000000000 = Init1000000000000;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
class Pages1556348509290 {
export class Pages1556348509290 {
async up(queryRunner) {
await queryRunner.query(`CREATE TYPE "page_visibility_enum" AS ENUM('public', 'followers', 'specified')`);
await queryRunner.query(`CREATE TABLE "page" ("id" character varying(32) NOT NULL, "createdAt" TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL, "updatedAt" TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL, "title" character varying(256) NOT NULL, "name" character varying(256) NOT NULL, "summary" character varying(256), "alignCenter" boolean NOT NULL, "font" character varying(32) NOT NULL, "userId" character varying(32) NOT NULL, "eyeCatchingImageId" character varying(32), "content" jsonb NOT NULL DEFAULT '[]', "variables" jsonb NOT NULL DEFAULT '[]', "visibility" "page_visibility_enum" NOT NULL, "visibleUserIds" character varying(32) array NOT NULL DEFAULT '{}'::varchar[], CONSTRAINT "PK_742f4117e065c5b6ad21b37ba1f" PRIMARY KEY ("id"))`);
@ -26,4 +26,3 @@ class Pages1556348509290 {
await queryRunner.query(`DROP TYPE "page_visibility_enum"`);
exports.Pages1556348509290 = Pages1556348509290;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
class UserProfile1556746559567 {
export class UserProfile1556746559567 {
async up(queryRunner) {
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "user_profile" ALTER COLUMN "githubId" TYPE VARCHAR(64) USING "githubId"::VARCHAR(64)`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "user_profile" ALTER COLUMN "discordExpiresDate" TYPE VARCHAR(64) USING "discordExpiresDate"::VARCHAR(64)`);
@ -11,4 +11,3 @@ class UserProfile1556746559567 {
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "user_profile" ALTER COLUMN "discordExpiresDate" TYPE INTEGER USING NULL`);
exports.UserProfile1556746559567 = UserProfile1556746559567;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
class PinnedUsers1557476068003 {
export class PinnedUsers1557476068003 {
async up(queryRunner) {
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "meta" ADD "pinnedUsers" character varying(256) array NOT NULL DEFAULT '{}'::varchar[]`);
@ -8,4 +8,3 @@ class PinnedUsers1557476068003 {
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "meta" DROP COLUMN "pinnedUsers"`);
exports.PinnedUsers1557476068003 = PinnedUsers1557476068003;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
class AddSomeUrls1557761316509 {
export class AddSomeUrls1557761316509 {
async up(queryRunner) {
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "meta" ADD "ToSUrl" character varying(512)`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "meta" ADD "repositoryUrl" character varying(512) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''`);
@ -12,4 +12,3 @@ class AddSomeUrls1557761316509 {
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "meta" DROP COLUMN "ToSUrl"`);
exports.AddSomeUrls1557761316509 = AddSomeUrls1557761316509;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
class ObjectStorageSetting1557932705754 {
export class ObjectStorageSetting1557932705754 {
async up(queryRunner) {
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "meta" ADD "useObjectStorage" boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "meta" ADD "objectStorageBucket" character varying(512)`);
@ -26,4 +26,3 @@ class ObjectStorageSetting1557932705754 {
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "meta" DROP COLUMN "useObjectStorage"`);
exports.ObjectStorageSetting1557932705754 = ObjectStorageSetting1557932705754;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
class PageLike1558072954435 {
export class PageLike1558072954435 {
async up(queryRunner) {
await queryRunner.query(`CREATE TABLE "page_like" ("id" character varying(32) NOT NULL, "createdAt" TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL, "userId" character varying(32) NOT NULL, "pageId" character varying(32) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT "PK_813f034843af992d3ae0f43c64c" PRIMARY KEY ("id"))`);
await queryRunner.query(`CREATE INDEX "IDX_0e61efab7f88dbb79c9166dbb4" ON "page_like" ("userId") `);
@ -18,4 +18,3 @@ class PageLike1558072954435 {
await queryRunner.query(`DROP TABLE "page_like"`);
exports.PageLike1558072954435 = PageLike1558072954435;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
class UserGroup1558103093633 {
export class UserGroup1558103093633 {
async up(queryRunner) {
await queryRunner.query(`CREATE TABLE "user_group" ("id" character varying(32) NOT NULL, "createdAt" TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL, "name" character varying(256) NOT NULL, "userId" character varying(32) NOT NULL, "isPrivate" boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false, CONSTRAINT "PK_3c29fba6fe013ec8724378ce7c9" PRIMARY KEY ("id"))`);
await queryRunner.query(`CREATE INDEX "IDX_20e30aa35180e317e133d75316" ON "user_group" ("createdAt") `);
@ -36,4 +36,3 @@ class UserGroup1558103093633 {
await queryRunner.query(`DROP TABLE "user_group"`);
exports.UserGroup1558103093633 = UserGroup1558103093633;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
class UserGroupInvite1558257926829 {
export class UserGroupInvite1558257926829 {
async up(queryRunner) {
await queryRunner.query(`CREATE TABLE "user_group_invite" ("id" character varying(32) NOT NULL, "createdAt" TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL, "userId" character varying(32) NOT NULL, "userGroupId" character varying(32) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT "PK_3893884af0d3a5f4d01e7921a97" PRIMARY KEY ("id"))`);
await queryRunner.query(`CREATE INDEX "IDX_1039988afa3bf991185b277fe0" ON "user_group_invite" ("userId") `);
@ -20,4 +20,3 @@ class UserGroupInvite1558257926829 {
await queryRunner.query(`DROP TABLE "user_group_invite"`);
exports.UserGroupInvite1558257926829 = UserGroupInvite1558257926829;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
class UserListJoining1558266512381 {
export class UserListJoining1558266512381 {
async up(queryRunner) {
await queryRunner.query(`CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "IDX_90f7da835e4c10aca6853621e1" ON "user_list_joining" ("userId", "userListId") `);
@ -8,4 +8,3 @@ class UserListJoining1558266512381 {
await queryRunner.query(`DROP INDEX "IDX_90f7da835e4c10aca6853621e1"`);
exports.UserListJoining1558266512381 = UserListJoining1558266512381;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
class webauthn1561706992953 {
export class webauthn1561706992953 {
async up(queryRunner) {
await queryRunner.query(`CREATE TABLE "attestation_challenge" ("id" character varying(32) NOT NULL, "userId" character varying(32) NOT NULL, "challenge" character varying(64) NOT NULL, "createdAt" TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL, "registrationChallenge" boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false, CONSTRAINT "PK_d0ba6786e093f1bcb497572a6b5" PRIMARY KEY ("id", "userId"))`);
await queryRunner.query(`CREATE INDEX "IDX_f1a461a618fa1755692d0e0d59" ON "attestation_challenge" ("userId") `);
@ -24,4 +24,3 @@ class webauthn1561706992953 {
await queryRunner.query(`DROP TABLE "attestation_challenge"`);
exports.webauthn1561706992953 = webauthn1561706992953;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
class ChartIndexes1561873850023 {
export class ChartIndexes1561873850023 {
async up(queryRunner) {
await queryRunner.query(`CREATE INDEX "IDX_0ad37b7ef50f4ddc84363d7ccc" ON "__chart__active_users" ("date") `);
await queryRunner.query(`CREATE INDEX "IDX_15e91a03aeeac9dbccdf43fc06" ON "__chart__active_users" ("span") `);
@ -196,4 +196,3 @@ class ChartIndexes1561873850023 {
await queryRunner.query(`DROP INDEX "IDX_8cb40cfc8f3c28261e6f887b03"`);
exports.ChartIndexes1561873850023 = ChartIndexes1561873850023;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
class PasswordLessLogin1562422242907 {
export class PasswordLessLogin1562422242907 {
async up(queryRunner) {
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "user_profile" ADD COLUMN "usePasswordLessLogin" boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL`);
@ -8,4 +8,3 @@ class PasswordLessLogin1562422242907 {
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "user_profile" DROP COLUMN "usePasswordLessLogin"`);
exports.PasswordLessLogin1562422242907 = PasswordLessLogin1562422242907;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
class PinnedPage1562444565093 {
export class PinnedPage1562444565093 {
async up(queryRunner) {
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "user_profile" ADD "pinnedPageId" character varying(32)`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "user_profile" ADD CONSTRAINT "UQ_6dc44f1ceb65b1e72bacef2ca27" UNIQUE ("pinnedPageId")`);
@ -12,4 +12,3 @@ class PinnedPage1562444565093 {
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "user_profile" DROP COLUMN "pinnedPageId"`);
exports.PinnedPage1562444565093 = PinnedPage1562444565093;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
class PageTitleHideOption1562448332510 {
export class PageTitleHideOption1562448332510 {
async up(queryRunner) {
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "page" ADD "hideTitleWhenPinned" boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false`);
@ -8,4 +8,3 @@ class PageTitleHideOption1562448332510 {
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "page" DROP COLUMN "hideTitleWhenPinned"`);
exports.PageTitleHideOption1562448332510 = PageTitleHideOption1562448332510;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
class ModerationLog1562869971568 {
export class ModerationLog1562869971568 {
async up(queryRunner) {
await queryRunner.query(`CREATE TABLE "moderation_log" ("id" character varying(32) NOT NULL, "createdAt" TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL, "userId" character varying(32) NOT NULL, "type" character varying(128) NOT NULL, "info" jsonb NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT "PK_d0adca6ecfd068db83e4526cc26" PRIMARY KEY ("id"))`);
await queryRunner.query(`CREATE INDEX "IDX_a08ad074601d204e0f69da9a95" ON "moderation_log" ("userId") `);
@ -12,4 +12,3 @@ class ModerationLog1562869971568 {
await queryRunner.query(`DROP TABLE "moderation_log"`);
exports.ModerationLog1562869971568 = ModerationLog1562869971568;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
class UsedUsername1563757595828 {
export class UsedUsername1563757595828 {
async up(queryRunner) {
await queryRunner.query(`CREATE TABLE "used_username" ("username" character varying(128) NOT NULL, "createdAt" TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT "PK_78fd79d2d24c6ac2f4cc9a31a5d" PRIMARY KEY ("username"))`);
@ -8,4 +8,3 @@ class UsedUsername1563757595828 {
await queryRunner.query(`DROP TABLE "used_username"`);
exports.UsedUsername1563757595828 = UsedUsername1563757595828;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
class room1565634203341 {
export class room1565634203341 {
async up(queryRunner) {
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "user_profile" ADD "room" jsonb NOT NULL DEFAULT '{}'`);
@ -8,4 +8,3 @@ class room1565634203341 {
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "user_profile" DROP COLUMN "room"`);
exports.room1565634203341 = room1565634203341;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
class CustomEmojiCategory1571220798684 {
export class CustomEmojiCategory1571220798684 {
async up(queryRunner) {
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "emoji" ADD "category" character varying(128)`, undefined);
@ -8,4 +8,3 @@ class CustomEmojiCategory1571220798684 {
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "emoji" DROP COLUMN "category"`, undefined);
exports.CustomEmojiCategory1571220798684 = CustomEmojiCategory1571220798684;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
class nodeinfo1572760203493 {
export class nodeinfo1572760203493 {
async up(queryRunner) {
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "instance" DROP COLUMN "system"`, undefined);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "instance" ADD "softwareName" character varying(64) DEFAULT null`, undefined);
@ -24,4 +24,3 @@ class nodeinfo1572760203493 {
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "instance" ADD "system" character varying(64)`, undefined);
exports.nodeinfo1572760203493 = nodeinfo1572760203493;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
class TalkFederationId1576269851876 {
export class TalkFederationId1576269851876 {
constructor() {
|||| = 'TalkFederationId1576269851876';
@ -11,4 +11,3 @@ class TalkFederationId1576269851876 {
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "messaging_message" DROP COLUMN "uri"`, undefined);
exports.TalkFederationId1576269851876 = TalkFederationId1576269851876;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
class ProxyRemoteFiles1576869585998 {
export class ProxyRemoteFiles1576869585998 {
constructor() {
|||| = 'ProxyRemoteFiles1576869585998';
@ -11,4 +11,3 @@ class ProxyRemoteFiles1576869585998 {
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "meta" DROP COLUMN "proxyRemoteFiles"`, undefined);
exports.ProxyRemoteFiles1576869585998 = ProxyRemoteFiles1576869585998;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
class v121579267006611 {
export class v121579267006611 {
constructor() {
|||| = 'v121579267006611';
@ -31,4 +31,3 @@ class v121579267006611 {
await queryRunner.query(`DROP TABLE "announcement"`, undefined);
exports.v121579267006611 = v121579267006611;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
class v1221579270193251 {
export class v1221579270193251 {
constructor() {
|||| = 'v1221579270193251';
@ -11,4 +11,3 @@ class v1221579270193251 {
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "announcement_read" DROP COLUMN "createdAt"`, undefined);
exports.v1221579270193251 = v1221579270193251;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
class v1231579282808087 {
export class v1231579282808087 {
constructor() {
|||| = 'v1231579282808087';
@ -11,4 +11,3 @@ class v1231579282808087 {
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "announcement" DROP COLUMN "updatedAt"`, undefined);
exports.v1231579282808087 = v1231579282808087;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
class v1241579544426412 {
export class v1241579544426412 {
constructor() {
|||| = 'v1241579544426412';
@ -13,4 +13,3 @@ class v1241579544426412 {
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "notification" DROP COLUMN "followRequestId"`, undefined);
exports.v1241579544426412 = v1241579544426412;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
class v1251579977526288 {
export class v1251579977526288 {
constructor() {
|||| = 'v1251579977526288';
@ -51,4 +51,3 @@ class v1251579977526288 {
await queryRunner.query(`DROP TABLE "clip"`, undefined);
exports.v1251579977526288 = v1251579977526288;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
class v1261579993013959 {
export class v1261579993013959 {
constructor() {
|||| = 'v1261579993013959';
@ -15,4 +15,3 @@ class v1261579993013959 {
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "antenna" ADD "hasNewNote" boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false`, undefined);
exports.v1261579993013959 = v1261579993013959;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
class v1271580069531114 {
export class v1271580069531114 {
constructor() {
|||| = 'v1271580069531114';
@ -21,4 +21,3 @@ class v1271580069531114 {
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "antenna" DROP COLUMN "users"`, undefined);
exports.v1271580069531114 = v1271580069531114;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
class v1281580148575182 {
export class v1281580148575182 {
constructor() {
|||| = 'v1281580148575182';
@ -13,4 +13,3 @@ class v1281580148575182 {
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "note" ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_ec5c201576192ba8904c345c5cc" FOREIGN KEY ("appId") REFERENCES "app"("id") ON DELETE SET NULL ON UPDATE NO ACTION`, undefined);
exports.v1281580148575182 = v1281580148575182;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
class v1291580154400017 {
export class v1291580154400017 {
constructor() {
|||| = 'v1291580154400017';
@ -11,4 +11,3 @@ class v1291580154400017 {
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "antenna" DROP COLUMN "withReplies"`, undefined);
exports.v1291580154400017 = v1291580154400017;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
class v12101580276619901 {
export class v12101580276619901 {
constructor() {
|||| = 'v12101580276619901';
@ -16,4 +16,3 @@ class v12101580276619901 {
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "notification" ADD "type" character varying(32) NOT NULL`, undefined);
exports.v12101580276619901 = v12101580276619901;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
class v12111580331224276 {
export class v12111580331224276 {
constructor() {
|||| = 'v12111580331224276';
@ -15,4 +15,3 @@ class v12111580331224276 {
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "instance" ADD "isMarkedAsClosed" boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false`, undefined);
exports.v12111580331224276 = v12111580331224276;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
class v12121580508795118 {
export class v12121580508795118 {
constructor() {
|||| = 'v12121580508795118';
@ -43,4 +43,3 @@ class v12121580508795118 {
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "user_profile" ADD "twitter" boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false`, undefined);
exports.v12121580508795118 = v12121580508795118;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
class v12131580543501339 {
export class v12131580543501339 {
constructor() {
|||| = 'v12131580543501339';
@ -11,4 +11,3 @@ class v12131580543501339 {
await queryRunner.query(`DROP INDEX "IDX_NOTE_TAGS"`, undefined);
exports.v12131580543501339 = v12131580543501339;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
class v12141580864313253 {
export class v12141580864313253 {
constructor() {
|||| = 'v12141580864313253';
@ -17,4 +17,3 @@ class v12141580864313253 {
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "meta" RENAME COLUMN "proxyAccountId" TO "proxyAccount"`, undefined);
exports.v12141580864313253 = v12141580864313253;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
class userGroupInvitation1581526429287 {
export class userGroupInvitation1581526429287 {
constructor() {
|||| = 'userGroupInvitation1581526429287';
@ -35,4 +35,3 @@ class userGroupInvitation1581526429287 {
await queryRunner.query(`DROP TABLE "user_group_invitation"`, undefined);
exports.userGroupInvitation1581526429287 = userGroupInvitation1581526429287;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
class userGroupAntenna1581695816408 {
export class userGroupAntenna1581695816408 {
constructor() {
|||| = 'userGroupAntenna1581695816408';
@ -25,4 +25,3 @@ class userGroupAntenna1581695816408 {
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "antenna" DROP COLUMN "userGroupJoiningId"`, undefined);
exports.userGroupAntenna1581695816408 = userGroupAntenna1581695816408;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
class driveUserFolderIdIndex1581708415836 {
export class driveUserFolderIdIndex1581708415836 {
constructor() {
|||| = 'driveUserFolderIdIndex1581708415836';
@ -11,4 +11,3 @@ class driveUserFolderIdIndex1581708415836 {
await queryRunner.query(`DROP INDEX "IDX_55720b33a61a7c806a8215b825"`, undefined);
exports.driveUserFolderIdIndex1581708415836 = driveUserFolderIdIndex1581708415836;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
class promo1581979837262 {
export class promo1581979837262 {
constructor() {
|||| = 'promo1581979837262';
@ -25,4 +25,3 @@ class promo1581979837262 {
await queryRunner.query(`DROP TABLE "promo_note"`, undefined);
exports.promo1581979837262 = promo1581979837262;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
class featuredInjecttion1582019042083 {
export class featuredInjecttion1582019042083 {
constructor() {
|||| = 'featuredInjecttion1582019042083';
@ -11,4 +11,3 @@ class featuredInjecttion1582019042083 {
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "user_profile" DROP COLUMN "injectFeaturedNote"`, undefined);
exports.featuredInjecttion1582019042083 = featuredInjecttion1582019042083;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
class antennaExclude1582210532752 {
export class antennaExclude1582210532752 {
constructor() {
|||| = 'antennaExclude1582210532752';
@ -11,4 +11,3 @@ class antennaExclude1582210532752 {
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "antenna" DROP COLUMN "excludeKeywords"`, undefined);
exports.antennaExclude1582210532752 = antennaExclude1582210532752;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
class noteReactionLength1582875306439 {
export class noteReactionLength1582875306439 {
constructor() {
|||| = 'noteReactionLength1582875306439';
@ -11,4 +11,3 @@ class noteReactionLength1582875306439 {
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "note_reaction" ALTER COLUMN "reaction" TYPE character varying(128)`, undefined);
exports.noteReactionLength1582875306439 = noteReactionLength1582875306439;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
class miauth1585361548360 {
export class miauth1585361548360 {
constructor() {
|||| = 'miauth1585361548360';
@ -33,4 +33,3 @@ class miauth1585361548360 {
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "access_token" DROP COLUMN "lastUsedAt"`, undefined);
exports.miauth1585361548360 = miauth1585361548360;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
class customNotification1585385921215 {
export class customNotification1585385921215 {
constructor() {
|||| = 'customNotification1585385921215';
@ -45,4 +45,3 @@ class customNotification1585385921215 {
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "notification" DROP COLUMN "customBody"`, undefined);
exports.customNotification1585385921215 = customNotification1585385921215;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
class apUrl1585772678853 {
export class apUrl1585772678853 {
constructor() {
|||| = 'apUrl1585772678853';
@ -11,4 +11,3 @@ class apUrl1585772678853 {
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "note" DROP COLUMN "url"`, undefined);
exports.apUrl1585772678853 = apUrl1585772678853;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
class AddObjectStorageUseProxy1586624197029 {
export class AddObjectStorageUseProxy1586624197029 {
constructor() {
|||| = 'AddObjectStorageUseProxy1586624197029';
@ -11,4 +11,3 @@ class AddObjectStorageUseProxy1586624197029 {
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "meta" DROP COLUMN "objectStorageUseProxy"`, undefined);
exports.AddObjectStorageUseProxy1586624197029 = AddObjectStorageUseProxy1586624197029;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
class remoteReaction1586641139527 {
export class remoteReaction1586641139527 {
constructor() {
|||| = 'remoteReaction1586641139527';
@ -11,4 +11,3 @@ class remoteReaction1586641139527 {
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "note_reaction" ALTER COLUMN "reaction" TYPE character varying(130)`, undefined);
exports.remoteReaction1586641139527 = remoteReaction1586641139527;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
class pageAiScript1586708940386 {
export class pageAiScript1586708940386 {
constructor() {
|||| = 'pageAiScript1586708940386';
@ -11,4 +11,3 @@ class pageAiScript1586708940386 {
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "page" DROP COLUMN "script"`, undefined);
exports.pageAiScript1586708940386 = pageAiScript1586708940386;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
class hCaptcha1588044505511 {
export class hCaptcha1588044505511 {
constructor() {
|||| = 'hCaptcha1588044505511';
@ -15,4 +15,3 @@ class hCaptcha1588044505511 {
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "meta" DROP COLUMN "enableHcaptcha"`, undefined);
exports.hCaptcha1588044505511 = hCaptcha1588044505511;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
class pubRelay1589023282116 {
export class pubRelay1589023282116 {
constructor() {
|||| = 'pubRelay1589023282116';
@ -15,4 +15,3 @@ class pubRelay1589023282116 {
await queryRunner.query(`DROP TYPE "relay_status_enum"`, undefined);
exports.pubRelay1589023282116 = pubRelay1589023282116;
Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More
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Block a user