New Crowdin updates (#9490)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (French) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Spanish) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Arabic) * New translations ja-JP.yml (German) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Italian) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Korean) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Polish) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Portuguese) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Russian) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Slovak) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Ukrainian) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional) * New translations ja-JP.yml (English) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Vietnamese) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Indonesian) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Bengali) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Thai) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Japanese, Kansai) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Thai) * New translations ja-JP.yml (German) * New translations ja-JP.yml (English) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Korean) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Swedish) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Thai) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Swedish) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Thai) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
This commit is contained in:
@ -1294,7 +1294,6 @@ _notification:
youGotReply: "ردّ عليك {name}"
youGotReply: "ردّ عليك {name}"
youGotQuote: "اقتبس منك {name}"
youGotQuote: "اقتبس منك {name}"
youRenoted: "إعادت نشر من {name}"
youRenoted: "إعادت نشر من {name}"
youGotPoll: "شارك {name} في استطلاع الرأي"
youGotMessagingMessageFromUser: "لقد تلقيت رسالة مِن {name}"
youGotMessagingMessageFromUser: "لقد تلقيت رسالة مِن {name}"
youGotMessagingMessageFromGroup: "لقد أرسِلَت رسالة إلى الفريق {name}"
youGotMessagingMessageFromGroup: "لقد أرسِلَت رسالة إلى الفريق {name}"
youWereFollowed: "يتابعك"
youWereFollowed: "يتابعك"
@ -1311,7 +1310,6 @@ _notification:
renote: "أعد النشر"
renote: "أعد النشر"
quote: "الاقتباسات"
quote: "الاقتباسات"
reaction: "التفاعلات"
reaction: "التفاعلات"
pollVote: "مصوِت شارك في الاستطلاع"
receiveFollowRequest: "طلبات المتابعة المتلقاة"
receiveFollowRequest: "طلبات المتابعة المتلقاة"
followRequestAccepted: "طلبات المتابعة المقبولة"
followRequestAccepted: "طلبات المتابعة المقبولة"
groupInvited: "دعوات الفريق"
groupInvited: "دعوات الفريق"
@ -1386,7 +1386,6 @@ _notification:
youGotReply: "{name} আপনাকে জবাব দিয়েছে"
youGotReply: "{name} আপনাকে জবাব দিয়েছে"
youGotQuote: "{name} আপনাকে উদ্ধৃত করেছে"
youGotQuote: "{name} আপনাকে উদ্ধৃত করেছে"
youRenoted: "{name} এর Renote"
youRenoted: "{name} এর Renote"
youGotPoll: "{name} আপনার পোলে ভোট দিয়েছে"
youGotMessagingMessageFromUser: "{name} আপনাকে মেসেজ করেছে"
youGotMessagingMessageFromUser: "{name} আপনাকে মেসেজ করেছে"
youGotMessagingMessageFromGroup: "{name} গ্রুপে একটি নতুন মেসেজ আছে"
youGotMessagingMessageFromGroup: "{name} গ্রুপে একটি নতুন মেসেজ আছে"
youWereFollowed: "আপনাকে অনুসরণ করছে"
youWereFollowed: "আপনাকে অনুসরণ করছে"
@ -1403,7 +1402,6 @@ _notification:
renote: "রিনোট"
renote: "রিনোট"
quote: "উদ্ধৃতি"
quote: "উদ্ধৃতি"
reaction: "প্রতিক্রিয়া"
reaction: "প্রতিক্রিয়া"
pollVote: "পোলে ভোট আছে"
pollEnded: "পোল শেষ"
pollEnded: "পোল শেষ"
receiveFollowRequest: "প্রাপ্ত অনুসরণের অনুরোধসমূহ"
receiveFollowRequest: "প্রাপ্ত অনুসরণের অনুরোধসমূহ"
followRequestAccepted: "গৃহীত অনুসরণের অনুরোধসমূহ"
followRequestAccepted: "গৃহীত অনুসরণের অনুরোধসমূহ"
@ -1328,6 +1328,7 @@ _widgets:
userList: "Benutzerliste"
userList: "Benutzerliste"
chooseList: "Liste auswählen"
chooseList: "Liste auswählen"
clicker: "Klickzähler"
hide: "Inhalt verbergen"
hide: "Inhalt verbergen"
show: "Inhalt anzeigen"
show: "Inhalt anzeigen"
@ -1503,7 +1504,6 @@ _notification:
youGotReply: "{name} hat dir geantwortet"
youGotReply: "{name} hat dir geantwortet"
youGotQuote: "{name} hat dich zitiert"
youGotQuote: "{name} hat dich zitiert"
youRenoted: "Renote deiner Notiz von {name}"
youRenoted: "Renote deiner Notiz von {name}"
youGotPoll: "{name} hat in deiner Umfrage abgestimmt"
youGotMessagingMessageFromUser: "{name} hat dir eine Chatnachricht gesendet"
youGotMessagingMessageFromUser: "{name} hat dir eine Chatnachricht gesendet"
youGotMessagingMessageFromGroup: "In die Gruppe {name} wurde eine Chatnachricht gesendet"
youGotMessagingMessageFromGroup: "In die Gruppe {name} wurde eine Chatnachricht gesendet"
youWereFollowed: "ist dir gefolgt"
youWereFollowed: "ist dir gefolgt"
@ -1521,7 +1521,6 @@ _notification:
renote: "Renotes"
renote: "Renotes"
quote: "Zitationen"
quote: "Zitationen"
reaction: "Reaktionen"
reaction: "Reaktionen"
pollVote: "Antworten auf Umfragen"
pollEnded: "Ende von Umfragen"
pollEnded: "Ende von Umfragen"
receiveFollowRequest: "Erhaltene Follow-Anfragen"
receiveFollowRequest: "Erhaltene Follow-Anfragen"
followRequestAccepted: "Akzeptierte Follow-Anfragen"
followRequestAccepted: "Akzeptierte Follow-Anfragen"
@ -1328,6 +1328,7 @@ _widgets:
userList: "User list"
userList: "User list"
chooseList: "Select a list"
chooseList: "Select a list"
clicker: "Clicker"
hide: "Hide"
hide: "Hide"
show: "Show content"
show: "Show content"
@ -1503,7 +1504,6 @@ _notification:
youGotReply: "{name} replied to you"
youGotReply: "{name} replied to you"
youGotQuote: "{name} quoted you"
youGotQuote: "{name} quoted you"
youRenoted: "Renote from {name}"
youRenoted: "Renote from {name}"
youGotPoll: "{name} voted on your poll"
youGotMessagingMessageFromUser: "{name} sent you a chat message"
youGotMessagingMessageFromUser: "{name} sent you a chat message"
youGotMessagingMessageFromGroup: "A chat message was sent to the {name} group"
youGotMessagingMessageFromGroup: "A chat message was sent to the {name} group"
youWereFollowed: "followed you"
youWereFollowed: "followed you"
@ -1521,7 +1521,6 @@ _notification:
renote: "Renotes"
renote: "Renotes"
quote: "Quotes"
quote: "Quotes"
reaction: "Reactions"
reaction: "Reactions"
pollVote: "Votes on polls"
pollEnded: "Polls ending"
pollEnded: "Polls ending"
receiveFollowRequest: "Received follow requests"
receiveFollowRequest: "Received follow requests"
followRequestAccepted: "Accepted follow requests"
followRequestAccepted: "Accepted follow requests"
@ -1487,7 +1487,6 @@ _notification:
youGotReply: "Respuesta de {name}"
youGotReply: "Respuesta de {name}"
youGotQuote: "Citado por {name}"
youGotQuote: "Citado por {name}"
youRenoted: "Renotado por {name}"
youRenoted: "Renotado por {name}"
youGotPoll: "Encuestado por {name}"
youGotMessagingMessageFromUser: "{name} comenzó un chat contigo"
youGotMessagingMessageFromUser: "{name} comenzó un chat contigo"
youGotMessagingMessageFromGroup: "Tienes un chat de {name}"
youGotMessagingMessageFromGroup: "Tienes un chat de {name}"
youWereFollowed: "te ha seguido"
youWereFollowed: "te ha seguido"
@ -1505,7 +1504,6 @@ _notification:
renote: "Renotar"
renote: "Renotar"
quote: "Citar"
quote: "Citar"
reaction: "Reacción"
reaction: "Reacción"
pollVote: "Votado en la encuesta"
pollEnded: "La encuesta terminó"
pollEnded: "La encuesta terminó"
receiveFollowRequest: "Recibió una solicitud de seguimiento"
receiveFollowRequest: "Recibió una solicitud de seguimiento"
followRequestAccepted: "El seguimiento fue aceptado"
followRequestAccepted: "El seguimiento fue aceptado"
@ -1478,7 +1478,6 @@ _notification:
youGotReply: "Réponse de {name}"
youGotReply: "Réponse de {name}"
youGotQuote: "Cité·e par {name}"
youGotQuote: "Cité·e par {name}"
youRenoted: "{name} vous a Renoté"
youRenoted: "{name} vous a Renoté"
youGotPoll: "{name} a participé à votre sondage"
youGotMessagingMessageFromUser: "{name} vous envoyé un message"
youGotMessagingMessageFromUser: "{name} vous envoyé un message"
youGotMessagingMessageFromGroup: "Un message a été envoyé au groupe {name}"
youGotMessagingMessageFromGroup: "Un message a été envoyé au groupe {name}"
youWereFollowed: "Vous suit"
youWereFollowed: "Vous suit"
@ -1496,7 +1495,6 @@ _notification:
renote: "Renotes"
renote: "Renotes"
quote: "Citations"
quote: "Citations"
reaction: "Réactions"
reaction: "Réactions"
pollVote: "Votes dans des sondages"
pollEnded: "Sondages se cloturant"
pollEnded: "Sondages se cloturant"
receiveFollowRequest: "Demande d'abonnement reçue"
receiveFollowRequest: "Demande d'abonnement reçue"
followRequestAccepted: "Demande d'abonnement acceptée"
followRequestAccepted: "Demande d'abonnement acceptée"
@ -1402,7 +1402,6 @@ _notification:
youGotReply: "{name} membalas kamu"
youGotReply: "{name} membalas kamu"
youGotQuote: "{name} mengutip kamu"
youGotQuote: "{name} mengutip kamu"
youRenoted: "{name} me-renote kamu"
youRenoted: "{name} me-renote kamu"
youGotPoll: "{name} memilih di angket kamu"
youGotMessagingMessageFromUser: "{name} mengirimi kamu pesan"
youGotMessagingMessageFromUser: "{name} mengirimi kamu pesan"
youGotMessagingMessageFromGroup: "Sebuah pesan telah dikirim ke grup {name}"
youGotMessagingMessageFromGroup: "Sebuah pesan telah dikirim ke grup {name}"
youWereFollowed: "Mengikuti kamu"
youWereFollowed: "Mengikuti kamu"
@ -1419,7 +1418,6 @@ _notification:
renote: "Renote"
renote: "Renote"
quote: "Kutip"
quote: "Kutip"
reaction: "Reaksi"
reaction: "Reaksi"
pollVote: "Memilih di angket"
pollEnded: "Jajak pendapat berakhir"
pollEnded: "Jajak pendapat berakhir"
receiveFollowRequest: "Permintaan mengikuti diterima"
receiveFollowRequest: "Permintaan mengikuti diterima"
followRequestAccepted: "Permintaan mengikuti disetujui"
followRequestAccepted: "Permintaan mengikuti disetujui"
@ -1487,7 +1487,6 @@ _notification:
youGotReply: "{name} ti ha risposto"
youGotReply: "{name} ti ha risposto"
youGotQuote: "{name} ha citato il tuo Nota e ha detto"
youGotQuote: "{name} ha citato il tuo Nota e ha detto"
youRenoted: "{name} ha rinotato"
youRenoted: "{name} ha rinotato"
youGotPoll: "{name} ha votato"
youGotMessagingMessageFromUser: "{name} ti ha mandato un messaggio"
youGotMessagingMessageFromUser: "{name} ti ha mandato un messaggio"
youGotMessagingMessageFromGroup: "{name} ti ha mandato un messaggio nella chat"
youGotMessagingMessageFromGroup: "{name} ti ha mandato un messaggio nella chat"
youWereFollowed: "Ha iniziato a seguirti"
youWereFollowed: "Ha iniziato a seguirti"
@ -1505,7 +1504,6 @@ _notification:
renote: "Rinota"
renote: "Rinota"
quote: "Cita"
quote: "Cita"
reaction: "Reazioni"
reaction: "Reazioni"
pollVote: "Voti ricevuti"
pollEnded: "Sondaggio chiuso."
pollEnded: "Sondaggio chiuso."
receiveFollowRequest: "Richiesta di follow ricevuta"
receiveFollowRequest: "Richiesta di follow ricevuta"
followRequestAccepted: "Richiesta di follow accettata"
followRequestAccepted: "Richiesta di follow accettata"
@ -1485,7 +1485,6 @@ _notification:
youGotReply: "{name}からのリプライ"
youGotReply: "{name}からのリプライ"
youGotQuote: "{name}による引用"
youGotQuote: "{name}による引用"
youRenoted: "{name}がRenoteしたみたいやで"
youRenoted: "{name}がRenoteしたみたいやで"
youGotPoll: "{name}が投票したみたいやで"
youGotMessagingMessageFromUser: "{name}からのチャットがあるで"
youGotMessagingMessageFromUser: "{name}からのチャットがあるで"
youGotMessagingMessageFromGroup: "{name}のチャットがあるで"
youGotMessagingMessageFromGroup: "{name}のチャットがあるで"
youWereFollowed: "フォローされたで"
youWereFollowed: "フォローされたで"
@ -1503,7 +1502,6 @@ _notification:
renote: "Renote"
renote: "Renote"
quote: "引用"
quote: "引用"
reaction: "リアクション"
reaction: "リアクション"
pollVote: "アンケートに投票されたで"
pollEnded: "アンケートが終了したで"
pollEnded: "アンケートが終了したで"
receiveFollowRequest: "フォロー許可してほしいみたいやで"
receiveFollowRequest: "フォロー許可してほしいみたいやで"
followRequestAccepted: "フォローが受理されたで"
followRequestAccepted: "フォローが受理されたで"
@ -1328,6 +1328,7 @@ _widgets:
userList: "사용자 목록"
userList: "사용자 목록"
chooseList: "리스트 선택"
chooseList: "리스트 선택"
clicker: "클리커"
hide: "숨기기"
hide: "숨기기"
show: "더 보기"
show: "더 보기"
@ -1503,7 +1504,6 @@ _notification:
youGotReply: "{name}님이 답글함"
youGotReply: "{name}님이 답글함"
youGotQuote: "{name}님이 인용함"
youGotQuote: "{name}님이 인용함"
youRenoted: "{name}님이 Renote"
youRenoted: "{name}님이 Renote"
youGotPoll: "{name}님이 투표함"
youGotMessagingMessageFromUser: "{name} 님이 보낸 채팅이 있어요"
youGotMessagingMessageFromUser: "{name} 님이 보낸 채팅이 있어요"
youGotMessagingMessageFromGroup: "{name}에서 보낸 채팅이 있어요"
youGotMessagingMessageFromGroup: "{name}에서 보낸 채팅이 있어요"
youWereFollowed: "새로운 팔로워가 있습니다"
youWereFollowed: "새로운 팔로워가 있습니다"
@ -1521,7 +1521,6 @@ _notification:
renote: "리노트"
renote: "리노트"
quote: "인용"
quote: "인용"
reaction: "리액션"
reaction: "리액션"
pollVote: "투표 참여"
pollEnded: "투표가 종료됨"
pollEnded: "투표가 종료됨"
receiveFollowRequest: "팔로우 요청을 받았을 때"
receiveFollowRequest: "팔로우 요청을 받았을 때"
followRequestAccepted: "팔로우 요청이 승인되었을 때"
followRequestAccepted: "팔로우 요청이 승인되었을 때"
@ -1380,7 +1380,6 @@ _notification:
youGotReply: "{name} odpowiedział(a) Tobie"
youGotReply: "{name} odpowiedział(a) Tobie"
youGotQuote: "{name} zacytował(a) Ciebie"
youGotQuote: "{name} zacytował(a) Ciebie"
youRenoted: "{name} udostępnił(a) Twój wpis"
youRenoted: "{name} udostępnił(a) Twój wpis"
youGotPoll: "{name} zagłosował(a) w Twojej ankiecie"
youGotMessagingMessageFromUser: "{name} wysłał(a) Ci wiadomość"
youGotMessagingMessageFromUser: "{name} wysłał(a) Ci wiadomość"
youGotMessagingMessageFromGroup: "Została wysłana wiadomość do grupy {name}"
youGotMessagingMessageFromGroup: "Została wysłana wiadomość do grupy {name}"
youWereFollowed: "Zaobserwował(a) Cię"
youWereFollowed: "Zaobserwował(a) Cię"
@ -1398,7 +1397,6 @@ _notification:
renote: "Udostępnij"
renote: "Udostępnij"
quote: "Cytuj"
quote: "Cytuj"
reaction: "Reakcja"
reaction: "Reakcja"
pollVote: "Głosy w ankietach"
receiveFollowRequest: "Otrzymano prośbę o możliwość obserwacji"
receiveFollowRequest: "Otrzymano prośbę o możliwość obserwacji"
followRequestAccepted: "Przyjęto prośbę o możliwość obserwacji"
followRequestAccepted: "Przyjęto prośbę o możliwość obserwacji"
groupInvited: "Zaproszono do grup"
groupInvited: "Zaproszono do grup"
@ -524,7 +524,6 @@ _notification:
youGotMention: "{name} te mencionou"
youGotMention: "{name} te mencionou"
youGotReply: "{name} te respondeu"
youGotReply: "{name} te respondeu"
youGotQuote: "{name} te citou"
youGotQuote: "{name} te citou"
youGotPoll: "{name} votou em sua enquete"
youGotMessagingMessageFromUser: "{name} te mandou uma mensagem de bate-papo"
youGotMessagingMessageFromUser: "{name} te mandou uma mensagem de bate-papo"
youGotMessagingMessageFromGroup: "Uma mensagem foi mandada para o grupo {name}"
youGotMessagingMessageFromGroup: "Uma mensagem foi mandada para o grupo {name}"
youWereFollowed: "Você tem um novo seguidor"
youWereFollowed: "Você tem um novo seguidor"
@ -541,7 +540,6 @@ _notification:
renote: "Repostar"
renote: "Repostar"
quote: "Citar"
quote: "Citar"
reaction: "Reações"
reaction: "Reações"
pollVote: "Votações em enquetes"
pollEnded: "Enquetes terminando"
pollEnded: "Enquetes terminando"
receiveFollowRequest: "Recebeu pedidos de seguimento"
receiveFollowRequest: "Recebeu pedidos de seguimento"
followRequestAccepted: "Aceitou pedidos de seguimento"
followRequestAccepted: "Aceitou pedidos de seguimento"
@ -1399,7 +1399,6 @@ _notification:
youGotReply: "{name} отвечает вам."
youGotReply: "{name} отвечает вам."
youGotQuote: "{name} цитирует вас."
youGotQuote: "{name} цитирует вас."
youRenoted: "{name} передаёт вашу заметку."
youRenoted: "{name} передаёт вашу заметку."
youGotPoll: "{name} участвует в вашем опросе."
youGotMessagingMessageFromUser: "{name} пишет вам."
youGotMessagingMessageFromUser: "{name} пишет вам."
youGotMessagingMessageFromGroup: "Новое сообщение в группе «{name}»."
youGotMessagingMessageFromGroup: "Новое сообщение в группе «{name}»."
youWereFollowed: "У вас новый подписчик."
youWereFollowed: "У вас новый подписчик."
@ -1414,7 +1413,6 @@ _notification:
renote: "Репосты"
renote: "Репосты"
quote: "Цитаты"
quote: "Цитаты"
reaction: "Реакции"
reaction: "Реакции"
pollVote: "Голосования"
receiveFollowRequest: "Получен запрос на подписку"
receiveFollowRequest: "Получен запрос на подписку"
followRequestAccepted: "Запрос на подписку одобрен"
followRequestAccepted: "Запрос на подписку одобрен"
groupInvited: "Приглашение в группы"
groupInvited: "Приглашение в группы"
@ -1484,7 +1484,6 @@ _notification:
youGotReply: "{name} vám odpovedal/a"
youGotReply: "{name} vám odpovedal/a"
youGotQuote: "{name} vás citoval/a"
youGotQuote: "{name} vás citoval/a"
youRenoted: "{name} preposlal/a vašu poznámku"
youRenoted: "{name} preposlal/a vašu poznámku"
youGotPoll: "{name} hlasoval/a"
youGotMessagingMessageFromUser: "{name} vám poslal/a správu"
youGotMessagingMessageFromUser: "{name} vám poslal/a správu"
youGotMessagingMessageFromGroup: "Prišla správa do skupiny {name}"
youGotMessagingMessageFromGroup: "Prišla správa do skupiny {name}"
youWereFollowed: "Máte nového sledujúceho"
youWereFollowed: "Máte nového sledujúceho"
@ -1502,7 +1501,6 @@ _notification:
renote: "Preposlať"
renote: "Preposlať"
quote: "Citovať"
quote: "Citovať"
reaction: "Reakcie"
reaction: "Reakcie"
pollVote: "Hlasy v hlasovaniach"
pollEnded: "Hlasovanie skončilo"
pollEnded: "Hlasovanie skončilo"
receiveFollowRequest: "Doručené žiadosti o sledovanie"
receiveFollowRequest: "Doručené žiadosti o sledovanie"
followRequestAccepted: "Schválené žiadosti o sledovanie"
followRequestAccepted: "Schválené žiadosti o sledovanie"
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
_lang_: "Svenska"
_lang_: "Svenska"
headlineMisskey: "Ett nätverk kopplat av noter"
headlineMisskey: "Ett nätverk kopplat av noter"
introMisskey: "Välkommen! Misskey är en öppen och decentraliserad mikrobloggningstjänst.\nSkapa en \"not\" och dela dina tankar med alla runtomkring dig. 📡\nMed \"reaktioner\" kan du snabbt uttrycka dina känslor kring andras noter.👍\nLåt oss utforska en nya värld!🚀"
introMisskey: "Välkommen! Misskey är en öppen och decentraliserad mikrobloggningstjänst.\nSkapa en \"not\" och dela dina tankar med alla runtomkring dig. 📡\nMed \"reaktioner\" kan du snabbt uttrycka dina känslor kring andras noter. 👍\nLåt oss utforska en ny värld! 🚀"
poweredByMisskeyDescription: "{name} är en tjänst driven av den öppna källkodsplatformen <b>Misskey</b> (benämns \"Misskey instans\")."
poweredByMisskeyDescription: "{name} är en tjänst driven av den öppna källkodsplatformen <b>Misskey</b> (benämns \"Misskey instans\")."
monthAndDay: "{day}/{month}"
monthAndDay: "{day}/{month}"
search: "Sök"
search: "Sök"
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ noThankYou: "Nej tack"
enterUsername: "Ange användarnamn"
enterUsername: "Ange användarnamn"
renotedBy: "Omnoterad av {user}"
renotedBy: "Omnoterad av {user}"
noNotes: "Inga noteringar"
noNotes: "Inga noteringar"
noNotifications: "Inga aviseringar"
noNotifications: "Inga notifikationer"
instance: "Instanser"
instance: "Instanser"
settings: "Inställningar"
settings: "Inställningar"
basicSettings: "Basinställningar"
basicSettings: "Basinställningar"
@ -30,13 +30,13 @@ login: "Logga in"
loggingIn: "Loggar in"
loggingIn: "Loggar in"
logout: "Logga ut"
logout: "Logga ut"
signup: "Registrera"
signup: "Registrera"
uploading: "Uppladdning sker..."
uploading: "Laddar upp..."
save: "Spara"
save: "Spara"
users: "Användare"
users: "Användare"
addUser: "Lägg till användare"
addUser: "Lägg till användare"
favorite: "Lägg till i favoriter"
favorite: "Lägg till i favoriter"
favorites: "Favoriter"
favorites: "Favoriter"
unfavorite: "Avfavorisera"
unfavorite: "Ta bort från favoriter"
favorited: "Tillagd i favoriter."
favorited: "Tillagd i favoriter."
alreadyFavorited: "Redan tillagd i favoriter."
alreadyFavorited: "Redan tillagd i favoriter."
cantFavorite: "Gick inte att lägga till i favoriter."
cantFavorite: "Gick inte att lägga till i favoriter."
@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ flagAsBotDescription: "Aktivera det här alternativet om kontot är kontrollerat
flagAsCat: "Markera konto som katt"
flagAsCat: "Markera konto som katt"
flagAsCatDescription: "Aktivera denna inställning för att markera kontot som en katt."
flagAsCatDescription: "Aktivera denna inställning för att markera kontot som en katt."
flagShowTimelineReplies: "Visa svar i tidslinje"
flagShowTimelineReplies: "Visa svar i tidslinje"
flagShowTimelineRepliesDescription: "Visar användarsvar till andra användares noter i tidslinjen om påslagen."
flagShowTimelineRepliesDescription: "Visar användarsvar till andra användares noter i tidslinjen om aktiverad."
autoAcceptFollowed: "Godkänn följarförfrågningar från användare du följer automatiskt"
autoAcceptFollowed: "Godkänn följarförfrågningar från användare du följer automatiskt"
addAccount: "Lägg till konto"
addAccount: "Lägg till konto"
loginFailed: "Inloggningen misslyckades"
loginFailed: "Inloggningen misslyckades"
@ -253,16 +253,111 @@ explore: "Utforska"
messageRead: "Läs"
messageRead: "Läs"
noMoreHistory: "Det finns ingen mer historik"
noMoreHistory: "Det finns ingen mer historik"
startMessaging: "Starta en chatt"
startMessaging: "Starta en chatt"
nUsersRead: "läst av {n}"
agreeTo: "Jag accepterar {0}"
tos: "Användarvillkor"
home: "Hem"
remoteUserCaution: "Då denna användaren kommer från en fjärrinstans, kan informationen visad vara ofullständig."
activity: "Aktivitet"
images: "Bilder"
birthday: "Födelsedag"
yearsOld: "{age} år gammal"
registeredDate: "Gick med"
location: "Plats"
theme: "Teman"
themeForLightMode: "Tema att använda i Ljust Läge"
themeForDarkMode: "Tema att använda i Mörkt Läge"
light: "Ljust"
dark: "Mörk"
lightThemes: "Ljusa teman"
darkThemes: "Mörka teman"
syncDeviceDarkMode: "Synka Mörkt Läge med din enhets inställningar"
drive: "Drive"
fileName: "Filnamn"
selectFile: "Välj en fil"
selectFiles: "Välj filer"
selectFolder: "Välj en mapp"
selectFolders: "Välj mappar"
renameFile: "Byt namn på filen"
folderName: "Mappnamn"
createFolder: "Skapa en mapp"
renameFolder: "Byt namn på mappen"
deleteFolder: "Ta bort mappen"
addFile: "Lägg till fil"
emptyDrive: "Din Drive är tom"
emptyFolder: "Denna mappen är tom"
unableToDelete: "Kunde inte ta bort"
inputNewFileName: "Ange nytt filnamn"
inputNewDescription: "Ange ny bildtext"
inputNewFolderName: "Ange nytt mappnamn"
circularReferenceFolder: "Destinationsmappen är en undermapp av mappen du vill flytta."
hasChildFilesOrFolders: "Då denna mappen inte är tom, kan den inte tas bort."
copyUrl: "Kopiera URL"
rename: "Byt namn"
avatar: "Profilbild"
banner: "Banner"
nsfw: "Känsligt innehåll"
nsfw: "Känsligt innehåll"
reload: "Ladda om"
doNothing: "Ignorera"
reloadConfirm: "Vill du ladda om tidslinjen?"
accept: "Tillåt"
reject: "Neka"
normal: "Normal"
instanceName: "Instansnamn"
instanceDescription: "Instansbeskrivning"
maintainerEmail: "Administratörens epost"
tosUrl: "URL till användarvillkår"
thisYear: "Detta året"
thisMonth: "Denna månaden"
today: "Idag"
dayX: "{day}"
monthX: "{month}"
yearX: "{year}"
pages: "Sidor"
integration: "Integrationer"
connectService: "Anslut"
disconnectService: "Koppla från"
enableLocalTimeline: "Aktivera lokal tidslinje"
enableGlobalTimeline: "Aktivera global tidslinje"
enableRegistration: "Aktivera registrering av nya användare"
inMb: "I megabyte"
iconUrl: "URL till profilbilden"
bannerUrl: "URL till banner-bilden"
pinnedNotes: "Fästad not"
pinnedNotes: "Fästad not"
enableHcaptcha: "Aktivera hCaptcha"
enableRecaptcha: "Aktivera reCAPTCHA"
enableTurnstile: "Aktivera Turnstile"
enableServiceworker: "Aktivera pushnotiser i denna webbläsaren"
recentlyUpdatedUsers: "Nyligen aktiva användare"
recentlyRegisteredUsers: "Nyligen registrerade användare"
userList: "Listor"
userList: "Listor"
aboutMisskey: "Om Misskey"
administrator: "Administratör"
newPasswordIs: "Det nya lösenordet är \"{password}\""
share: "Dela"
enable: "Aktivera"
serviceworkerInfo: "Måste vara aktiverad för pushnotiser."
enableInfiniteScroll: "Ladda mer automatiskt"
enablePlayer: "Öppna videospelare"
enableAll: "Aktivera alla"
enableEmail: "Aktivera epost-utskick"
smtpHost: "Värd"
smtpHost: "Värd"
smtpUser: "Användarnamn"
smtpUser: "Användarnamn"
smtpPass: "Lösenord"
smtpPass: "Lösenord"
clearCache: "Rensa cache"
clearCache: "Rensa cache"
enabled: "Aktiverad"
user: "Användare"
user: "Användare"
global: "Global"
squareAvatars: "Visa fyrkantiga profilbilder"
searchByGoogle: "Sök"
searchByGoogle: "Sök"
file: "Filer"
file: "Filer"
enableAutoSensitive: "Automatisk NSFW markering"
enableAutoSensitiveDescription: "Tillåter automatiskt detektering och marketing av NSFW media genom Maskininlärning när möjligt. Även om denna inställningen är avaktiverad, kan det vara aktiverat på hela instansen."
pushNotification: "Pushnotiser"
subscribePushNotification: "Aktivera pushnotiser"
unsubscribePushNotification: "Avaktivera pushnotiser"
pushNotificationAlreadySubscribed: "Pushnotiser är redan aktiverade"
pushNotificationNotSupported: "Din webbläsare eller instans har inte stöd för pushnotiser"
title: "följde dig"
title: "följde dig"
@ -271,6 +366,9 @@ _mfm:
quote: "Citat"
quote: "Citat"
emoji: "Anpassa emoji"
emoji: "Anpassa emoji"
search: "Sök"
search: "Sök"
setBanner: "Välj banner"
removeBanner: "Ta bort banner"
mention: "Nämn"
mention: "Nämn"
@ -282,6 +380,7 @@ _sfx:
notifications: "Notifikationer"
notifications: "Notifikationer"
timeline: "Tidslinje"
timeline: "Tidslinje"
activity: "Aktivitet"
federation: "Federation"
federation: "Federation"
jobQueue: "Jobbkö"
jobQueue: "Jobbkö"
@ -289,9 +388,12 @@ _widgets:
show: "Ladda mer"
show: "Ladda mer"
home: "Hem"
followers: "Följare"
followers: "Följare"
username: "Användarnamn"
username: "Användarnamn"
changeAvatar: "Ändra profilbild"
changeBanner: "Ändra banner"
followingList: "Följer"
followingList: "Följer"
muteList: "Tysta"
muteList: "Tysta"
@ -299,8 +401,15 @@ _exportOrImport:
userLists: "Listor"
userLists: "Listor"
federation: "Federation"
federation: "Federation"
home: "Hem"
global: "Global"
image: "Bilder"
youWereFollowed: "följde dig"
youWereFollowed: "följde dig"
unreadAntennaNote: "Antenn {name}"
follow: "Följer"
follow: "Följer"
mention: "Nämn"
mention: "Nämn"
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ search: "ค้นหา"
notifications: "การเเจ้งเตือน"
notifications: "การเเจ้งเตือน"
username: "ชื่อผู้ใช้"
username: "ชื่อผู้ใช้"
password: "รหัสผ่าน"
password: "รหัสผ่าน"
forgotPassword: "ลืมรหัสผ่าน?"
forgotPassword: "ลืมรหัสผ่านใช่ไหม"
fetchingAsApObject: "กำลังดึงข้อมูล จาก เฟดิเวิร์ส..."
fetchingAsApObject: "กำลังดึงข้อมูล จาก เฟดิเวิร์ส..."
ok: "โอเค"
ok: "โอเค"
gotIt: "เข้าใจแล้ว !"
gotIt: "เข้าใจแล้ว !"
@ -920,6 +920,10 @@ like: "ชื่นชอบ"
unlike: "ไม่ชอบ"
unlike: "ไม่ชอบ"
numberOfLikes: "จำนวนไลค์"
numberOfLikes: "จำนวนไลค์"
show: "แสดงผล"
show: "แสดงผล"
neverShow: "ไม่ต้องแสดงข้อความนี้อีก"
remindMeLater: "ไว้ครั้งหน้าแล้วกัน"
didYouLikeMisskey: "คุณเคยชอบ Misskey ไหม?"
pleaseDonate: "{host} ใช้ซอฟต์แวร์ฟรี Misskey เราขอขอบคุณการบริจาคของคุณอย่างสูงเพื่อให้การพัฒนา Misskey สามารถดำเนินต่อไปได้นะ!"
description: "ลดความพยายามในการดูแลเซิร์ฟเวอร์ผ่านการจดจำสื่อ NSFW โดยอัตโนมัติผ่านการเรียนรู้ของเครื่อง การทำสิ่งนี้อาจจะเพิ่มภาระบนเซิร์ฟเวอร์เล็กน้อย"
description: "ลดความพยายามในการดูแลเซิร์ฟเวอร์ผ่านการจดจำสื่อ NSFW โดยอัตโนมัติผ่านการเรียนรู้ของเครื่อง การทำสิ่งนี้อาจจะเพิ่มภาระบนเซิร์ฟเวอร์เล็กน้อย"
sensitivity: "การตรวจจับความไว"
sensitivity: "การตรวจจับความไว"
@ -1324,6 +1328,7 @@ _widgets:
userList: "รายชื่อผู้ใช้"
userList: "รายชื่อผู้ใช้"
chooseList: "เลือกรายการ"
chooseList: "เลือกรายการ"
clicker: "คลิกเกอร์"
hide: "ซ่อน"
hide: "ซ่อน"
show: "โหลดเพิ่มเติม"
show: "โหลดเพิ่มเติม"
@ -1499,7 +1504,6 @@ _notification:
youGotReply: "{name} ตอบกลับถึงคุณ"
youGotReply: "{name} ตอบกลับถึงคุณ"
youGotQuote: "{name} อ้างถึงคุณ"
youGotQuote: "{name} อ้างถึงคุณ"
youRenoted: "รีโน้ตจาก {name}"
youRenoted: "รีโน้ตจาก {name}"
youGotPoll: "{name} โหวตบนแบบสำรวจความคิดเห็นของคุณ"
youGotMessagingMessageFromUser: "{name} ได้ส่งข้อความแชทถึงคุณ"
youGotMessagingMessageFromUser: "{name} ได้ส่งข้อความแชทถึงคุณ"
youGotMessagingMessageFromGroup: "ข้อความแชทถูกส่งไปยัง {name} กลุ่ม"
youGotMessagingMessageFromGroup: "ข้อความแชทถูกส่งไปยัง {name} กลุ่ม"
youWereFollowed: "ได้ติดตามคุณ"
youWereFollowed: "ได้ติดตามคุณ"
@ -1517,7 +1521,6 @@ _notification:
renote: "รีโน้ต"
renote: "รีโน้ต"
quote: "อ้างคำพูด"
quote: "อ้างคำพูด"
reaction: "รีแอคชั่น"
reaction: "รีแอคชั่น"
pollVote: "จำนวนโหวตที่ได้รับ"
pollEnded: "โพลนี้สิ้นสุดลงแล้ว"
pollEnded: "โพลนี้สิ้นสุดลงแล้ว"
receiveFollowRequest: "ได้รับคำขอติดตาม\n"
receiveFollowRequest: "ได้รับคำขอติดตาม\n"
followRequestAccepted: "ยอมรับคำขอติดตาม"
followRequestAccepted: "ยอมรับคำขอติดตาม"
@ -1415,7 +1415,6 @@ _notification:
youGotReply: "{name} відповідає"
youGotReply: "{name} відповідає"
youGotQuote: "{name} цитує вас"
youGotQuote: "{name} цитує вас"
youRenoted: "{name} поширює"
youRenoted: "{name} поширює"
youGotPoll: "{name} бере участь в опитуванні"
youGotMessagingMessageFromUser: "Повідомлення від {name}"
youGotMessagingMessageFromUser: "Повідомлення від {name}"
youGotMessagingMessageFromGroup: "Нове повідомлення в групі {name}"
youGotMessagingMessageFromGroup: "Нове повідомлення в групі {name}"
youWereFollowed: "Новий підписник"
youWereFollowed: "Новий підписник"
@ -1430,7 +1429,6 @@ _notification:
renote: "Поширення"
renote: "Поширення"
quote: "Цитування"
quote: "Цитування"
reaction: "Реакції"
reaction: "Реакції"
pollVote: "Опитування"
receiveFollowRequest: "Запити на підписку"
receiveFollowRequest: "Запити на підписку"
followRequestAccepted: "Прийняті підписки"
followRequestAccepted: "Прийняті підписки"
groupInvited: "Запрошення до груп"
groupInvited: "Запрошення до груп"
@ -1460,7 +1460,6 @@ _notification:
youGotReply: "{name} trả lời bạn"
youGotReply: "{name} trả lời bạn"
youGotQuote: "{name} trích dẫn tút của bạn"
youGotQuote: "{name} trích dẫn tút của bạn"
youRenoted: "{name} đăng lại tút của bạn"
youRenoted: "{name} đăng lại tút của bạn"
youGotPoll: "{name} bình chọn tút của bạn"
youGotMessagingMessageFromUser: "{name} nhắn tin cho bạn"
youGotMessagingMessageFromUser: "{name} nhắn tin cho bạn"
youGotMessagingMessageFromGroup: "Một tin nhắn trong nhóm {name}"
youGotMessagingMessageFromGroup: "Một tin nhắn trong nhóm {name}"
youWereFollowed: "đã theo dõi bạn"
youWereFollowed: "đã theo dõi bạn"
@ -1477,7 +1476,6 @@ _notification:
renote: "Đăng lại"
renote: "Đăng lại"
quote: "Trích dẫn"
quote: "Trích dẫn"
reaction: "Biểu cảm"
reaction: "Biểu cảm"
pollVote: "Lượt bình chọn"
pollEnded: "Bình chọn kết thúc"
pollEnded: "Bình chọn kết thúc"
receiveFollowRequest: "Yêu cầu theo dõi"
receiveFollowRequest: "Yêu cầu theo dõi"
followRequestAccepted: "Yêu cầu theo dõi được chấp nhận"
followRequestAccepted: "Yêu cầu theo dõi được chấp nhận"
@ -920,6 +920,9 @@ like: "点赞!"
unlike: "取消赞"
unlike: "取消赞"
numberOfLikes: "点赞数"
numberOfLikes: "点赞数"
show: "显示"
show: "显示"
neverShow: "不再显示"
remindMeLater: "稍后提醒我"
didYouLikeMisskey: "你在Misskey玩得还开心吗?"
description: "可以使用机器学习技术自动检测敏感媒体,以便进行审核。服务器负载将略微增加。"
description: "可以使用机器学习技术自动检测敏感媒体,以便进行审核。服务器负载将略微增加。"
sensitivity: "检测敏感度"
sensitivity: "检测敏感度"
@ -1499,7 +1502,6 @@ _notification:
youGotReply: "来自{name}的回复"
youGotReply: "来自{name}的回复"
youGotQuote: "来自{name}的引用"
youGotQuote: "来自{name}的引用"
youRenoted: "来自{name}的转发"
youRenoted: "来自{name}的转发"
youGotPoll: "来自{name}的投票"
youGotMessagingMessageFromUser: "来自{name}的聊天"
youGotMessagingMessageFromUser: "来自{name}的聊天"
youGotMessagingMessageFromGroup: "来自{name}的群聊"
youGotMessagingMessageFromGroup: "来自{name}的群聊"
youWereFollowed: "关注了你。"
youWereFollowed: "关注了你。"
@ -1517,7 +1519,6 @@ _notification:
renote: "转发"
renote: "转发"
quote: "引用"
quote: "引用"
reaction: "回应"
reaction: "回应"
pollVote: "问卷调查被投票"
pollEnded: "问卷调查结束"
pollEnded: "问卷调查结束"
receiveFollowRequest: "收到关注请求"
receiveFollowRequest: "收到关注请求"
followRequestAccepted: "关注请求已通过"
followRequestAccepted: "关注请求已通过"
@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ uploadFromUrlMayTakeTime: "還需要一些時間才能完成上傳。"
explore: "探索"
explore: "探索"
messageRead: "已讀"
messageRead: "已讀"
noMoreHistory: "沒有更多歷史紀錄"
noMoreHistory: "沒有更多歷史紀錄"
startMessaging: "開始傳送訊息"
startMessaging: "開始聊天"
nUsersRead: "{n}人已讀"
nUsersRead: "{n}人已讀"
agreeTo: "我同意{0}"
agreeTo: "我同意{0}"
tos: "使用條款"
tos: "使用條款"
@ -923,6 +923,7 @@ show: "檢視"
neverShow: "不再顯示"
neverShow: "不再顯示"
remindMeLater: "以後再說"
remindMeLater: "以後再說"
didYouLikeMisskey: "您是否喜愛Misskey呢?"
didYouLikeMisskey: "您是否喜愛Misskey呢?"
pleaseDonate: "Misskey是由{host}使用的免費軟體。請贊助我們,讓開發能夠持續!"
description: "您可以使用機器學習自動檢測敏感媒體並將其用於審核。 伺服器的負荷會稍微增加。"
description: "您可以使用機器學習自動檢測敏感媒體並將其用於審核。 伺服器的負荷會稍微增加。"
sensitivity: "檢測敏感度"
sensitivity: "檢測敏感度"
@ -1191,7 +1192,7 @@ _sfx:
note: "貼文"
note: "貼文"
noteMy: "我的貼文"
noteMy: "我的貼文"
notification: "通知"
notification: "通知"
chat: "傳送訊息"
chat: "聊天"
chatBg: "聊天背景"
chatBg: "聊天背景"
antenna: "天線接收"
antenna: "天線接收"
channel: "頻道通知"
channel: "頻道通知"
@ -1327,6 +1328,7 @@ _widgets:
userList: "使用者列表"
userList: "使用者列表"
chooseList: "選擇清單"
chooseList: "選擇清單"
clicker: "點擊器"
hide: "隱藏"
hide: "隱藏"
show: "瀏覽更多"
show: "瀏覽更多"
@ -1502,7 +1504,6 @@ _notification:
youGotReply: "{name}回覆了您"
youGotReply: "{name}回覆了您"
youGotQuote: "{name}引用了您"
youGotQuote: "{name}引用了您"
youRenoted: "{name} 轉發了你的貼文"
youRenoted: "{name} 轉發了你的貼文"
youGotPoll: "{name}已投票"
youGotMessagingMessageFromUser: "{name}發送給您的訊息"
youGotMessagingMessageFromUser: "{name}發送給您的訊息"
youGotMessagingMessageFromGroup: "{name}發送給您的訊息"
youGotMessagingMessageFromGroup: "{name}發送給您的訊息"
youWereFollowed: "您有新的追隨者"
youWereFollowed: "您有新的追隨者"
@ -1520,7 +1521,6 @@ _notification:
renote: "轉發貼文"
renote: "轉發貼文"
quote: "引用"
quote: "引用"
reaction: "反應"
reaction: "反應"
pollVote: "統計已投票數"
pollEnded: "問卷調查結束"
pollEnded: "問卷調查結束"
receiveFollowRequest: "已收到追隨請求"
receiveFollowRequest: "已收到追隨請求"
followRequestAccepted: "追隨請求已接受"
followRequestAccepted: "追隨請求已接受"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user