Merge pull request #2893 from syuilo/l10n_develop
New Crowdin translations
This commit is contained in:
@ -335,6 +335,7 @@ common/views/components/note-menu.vue:
detail: "詳細"
detail: "詳細"
copy-link: "リンクをコピー"
copy-link: "リンクをコピー"
favorite: "お気に入り"
favorite: "お気に入り"
unfavorite: "お気に入り解除"
pin: "ピン留め"
pin: "ピン留め"
unpin: "ピン留め解除"
unpin: "ピン留め解除"
delete: "削除"
delete: "削除"
@ -335,6 +335,7 @@ common/views/components/note-menu.vue:
detail: "詳細"
detail: "詳細"
copy-link: "リンクをコピー"
copy-link: "リンクをコピー"
favorite: "Diese Anmerkung favorisieren"
favorite: "Diese Anmerkung favorisieren"
unfavorite: "お気に入り解除"
pin: "An die Profilseite pinnen"
pin: "An die Profilseite pinnen"
unpin: "ピン留め解除"
unpin: "ピン留め解除"
delete: "Löschen"
delete: "Löschen"
@ -265,40 +265,40 @@ common/views/components/media-banner.vue:
sensitive: "NSFW"
sensitive: "NSFW"
click-to-show: "Click to show"
click-to-show: "Click to show"
light-theme: "非ダークモード時に使用するテーマ"
light-theme: "Theme during non-dark mode"
dark-theme: "ダークモード時に使用するテーマ"
dark-theme: "Theme during dark mode"
light-themes: "明るいテーマ"
light-themes: "Light theme"
dark-themes: "暗いテーマ"
dark-themes: "Dark theme"
install-a-theme: "テーマのインストール"
install-a-theme: "Install a theme"
theme-code: "テーマコード"
theme-code: "Theme code"
install: "インストール"
install: "Install"
installed: "「{}」をインストールしました"
installed: "\"{}\" has been installed"
create-a-theme: "テーマの作成"
create-a-theme: "Create a theme"
save-created-theme: "テーマを保存"
save-created-theme: "Save a theme"
primary-color: "プライマリ カラー"
primary-color: "Primary color"
secondary-color: "セカンダリ カラー"
secondary-color: "Secondary color"
text-color: "文字色"
text-color: "Text color"
base-theme: "ベーステーマ"
base-theme: "Base theme"
base-theme-light: "Light"
base-theme-light: "Light"
base-theme-dark: "Dark"
base-theme-dark: "Dark"
theme-name: "テーマ名"
theme-name: "Theme name"
preview-created-theme: "プレビュー"
preview-created-theme: "Preview"
invalid-theme: "テーマが正しくありません。"
invalid-theme: "Not valid theme"
already-installed: "既にそのテーマはインストールされています。"
already-installed: "This theme is already installed."
saved: "保存しました"
saved: "Saved"
manage-themes: "テーマの管理"
manage-themes: "Themes manager"
builtin-themes: "標準テーマ"
builtin-themes: "Standard themes"
my-themes: "マイテーマ"
my-themes: "My themes"
installed-themes: "インストールされたテーマ"
installed-themes: "Installed themes"
select-theme: "テーマを選択してください"
select-theme: "Select your theme"
uninstall: "アンインストール"
uninstall: "Uninstall"
uninstalled: "「{}」をアンインストールしました"
uninstalled: "\"{}\" has been uninstalled"
author: "作者"
author: "Author"
desc: "説明"
desc: "Description"
export: "エクスポート"
export: "Export"
import: "インポート"
import: "Import"
import-by-code: "またはコードをペースト"
import-by-code: "or paste code"
theme-name-required: "テーマ名は必須です。"
theme-name-required: "Theme name is required"
hide: "Hide"
hide: "Hide"
show: "See more"
show: "See more"
@ -335,8 +335,9 @@ common/views/components/note-menu.vue:
detail: "Details"
detail: "Details"
copy-link: "Copy link"
copy-link: "Copy link"
favorite: "Favorite this note"
favorite: "Favorite this note"
unfavorite: "Unfavorite"
pin: "Pin to your profile"
pin: "Pin to your profile"
unpin: "ピン留め解除"
unpin: "Unpin"
delete: "Delete"
delete: "Delete"
delete-confirm: "Delete this post?"
delete-confirm: "Delete this post?"
remote: "Show original note"
remote: "Show original note"
@ -514,13 +515,13 @@ desktop/views/components/charts.vue:
notes: "The number of posts: increase/decrease (Combined)"
notes: "The number of posts: increase/decrease (Combined)"
local-notes: "The number of posts: increase/decrease (Local)"
local-notes: "The number of posts: increase/decrease (Local)"
remote-notes: "The number of posts: increase/decrease (Remote)"
remote-notes: "The number of posts: increase/decrease (Remote)"
notes-total: "投稿の積算"
notes-total: "Total posts"
users: "The number of users: increase/decrease"
users: "The number of users: increase/decrease"
users-total: "ユーザーの積算"
users-total: "Total users"
drive: "Capacity used as the storage: increase/decrease"
drive: "Capacity used as the storage: increase/decrease"
drive-total: "ドライブ使用量の積算"
drive-total: "Total usage of Drive"
drive-files: "The number of files on the storage: increase/decrease"
drive-files: "The number of files on the storage: increase/decrease"
drive-files-total: "ドライブのファイル数の積算"
drive-files-total: "Total number of files on Drive"
network-requests: "Requests"
network-requests: "Requests"
network-time: "Response time"
network-time: "Response time"
network-usage: "Traffic"
network-usage: "Traffic"
@ -730,8 +731,8 @@ desktop/views/components/settings.vue:
choose-wallpaper: "Choose a background"
choose-wallpaper: "Choose a background"
delete-wallpaper: "Remove background"
delete-wallpaper: "Remove background"
dark-mode: "Dark Mode"
dark-mode: "Dark Mode"
use-shadow: "UIに影を使用"
use-shadow: "Use shadows in the UI"
rounded-corners: "UIの角を丸める"
rounded-corners: "Round corners of UI"
circle-icons: "Use circle icons"
circle-icons: "Use circle icons"
contrasted-acct: "Add contrast to username"
contrasted-acct: "Add contrast to username"
post-form-on-timeline: "Display post form at the top of the timeline"
post-form-on-timeline: "Display post form at the top of the timeline"
@ -335,6 +335,7 @@ common/views/components/note-menu.vue:
detail: "Detalles"
detail: "Detalles"
copy-link: "Copiar enlace"
copy-link: "Copiar enlace"
favorite: "Me gusta esta nota"
favorite: "Me gusta esta nota"
unfavorite: "お気に入り解除"
pin: "Fijar en el perfil"
pin: "Fijar en el perfil"
unpin: "ピン留め解除"
unpin: "ピン留め解除"
delete: "Borrar"
delete: "Borrar"
@ -335,6 +335,7 @@ common/views/components/note-menu.vue:
detail: "Détails"
detail: "Détails"
copy-link: "Copier le lien"
copy-link: "Copier le lien"
favorite: "Mettre cette note en favoris"
favorite: "Mettre cette note en favoris"
unfavorite: "お気に入り解除"
pin: "Épingler sur votre profil"
pin: "Épingler sur votre profil"
unpin: "Désépingler"
unpin: "Désépingler"
delete: "Supprimer"
delete: "Supprimer"
@ -335,6 +335,7 @@ common/views/components/note-menu.vue:
detail: "詳細"
detail: "詳細"
copy-link: "リンクをコピー"
copy-link: "リンクをコピー"
favorite: "お気に入り"
favorite: "お気に入り"
unfavorite: "お気に入り解除"
pin: "ピン留め"
pin: "ピン留め"
unpin: "ピン留め解除"
unpin: "ピン留め解除"
delete: "削除"
delete: "削除"
@ -265,40 +265,40 @@ common/views/components/media-banner.vue:
sensitive: "見せたらあかん"
sensitive: "見せたらあかん"
click-to-show: "押してみ、見せたるわ"
click-to-show: "押してみ、見せたるわ"
light-theme: "非ダークモード時に使用するテーマ"
light-theme: "ナイトゲームちゃう時のテーマどないする?"
dark-theme: "ダークモード時に使用するテーマ"
dark-theme: "ナイトゲームの時のテーマどないする?"
light-themes: "明るいテーマ"
light-themes: "デイゲーム"
dark-themes: "暗いテーマ"
dark-themes: "ナイトゲーム"
install-a-theme: "テーマのインストール"
install-a-theme: "テーマ入れるで"
theme-code: "テーマコード"
theme-code: "テーマコード"
install: "インストール"
install: "インストール"
installed: "「{}」をインストールしました"
installed: "「{}」を入れたで!"
create-a-theme: "テーマの作成"
create-a-theme: "テーマ作る"
save-created-theme: "テーマを保存"
save-created-theme: "テーマ保存"
primary-color: "プライマリ カラー"
primary-color: "この色一番重要や"
secondary-color: "セカンダリ カラー"
secondary-color: "次はこの色出したって"
text-color: "文字色"
text-color: "文字はこの色や!"
base-theme: "ベーステーマ"
base-theme: "この色が背景や!"
base-theme-light: "Light"
base-theme-light: "Light"
base-theme-dark: "Dark"
base-theme-dark: "Dark"
theme-name: "テーマ名"
theme-name: "テーマ名"
preview-created-theme: "プレビュー"
preview-created-theme: "試してみる"
invalid-theme: "テーマが正しくありません。"
invalid-theme: "このテーマあかんわ、なんか間違うとる"
already-installed: "既にそのテーマはインストールされています。"
already-installed: "このテーマもうあるで"
saved: "保存しました"
saved: "保存したで!"
manage-themes: "テーマの管理"
manage-themes: "テーマの管理"
builtin-themes: "標準テーマ"
builtin-themes: "いつものテーマ"
my-themes: "マイテーマ"
my-themes: "ワイのテーマ"
installed-themes: "インストールされたテーマ"
installed-themes: "入れたテーマ"
select-theme: "テーマを選択してください"
select-theme: "テーマ選んでや!"
uninstall: "アンインストール"
uninstall: "ほかす"
uninstalled: "「{}」をアンインストールしました"
uninstalled: "「{}」をほかしてもうたわ"
author: "作者"
author: "作った人"
desc: "説明"
desc: "説明"
export: "エクスポート"
export: "エクスポート"
import: "インポート"
import: "インポート"
import-by-code: "またはコードをペースト"
import-by-code: "それかコードを貼っつける"
theme-name-required: "テーマ名は必須です。"
theme-name-required: "テーマ名は絶対要るで"
hide: "もうええわ"
hide: "もうええわ"
show: "見たいやろ?"
show: "見たいやろ?"
@ -335,6 +335,7 @@ common/views/components/note-menu.vue:
detail: "もっと"
detail: "もっと"
copy-link: "リンクをコピー"
copy-link: "リンクをコピー"
favorite: "お気に入り"
favorite: "お気に入り"
unfavorite: "お気に入りやめる"
pin: "ピン留め"
pin: "ピン留め"
unpin: "ピン留めやめる"
unpin: "ピン留めやめる"
delete: "ほかす"
delete: "ほかす"
@ -475,7 +476,7 @@ common/views/pages/follow.vue:
following: "フォローしとる"
following: "フォローしとる"
follow: "フォロー"
follow: "フォロー"
request-pending: "フォローの許し待っとる"
request-pending: "フォローの許し待っとる"
follow-processing: "フォロー処理中"
follow-processing: "今フォロー処理やっとる‥"
follow-request: "フォロー許してくれや!言うてみる"
follow-request: "フォロー許してくれや!言うてみる"
banner-crop-title: "どこバナーとして出す?"
banner-crop-title: "どこバナーとして出す?"
@ -602,7 +603,7 @@ desktop/views/components/follow-button.vue:
following: "フォローしとる"
following: "フォローしとる"
follow: "フォロー"
follow: "フォロー"
request-pending: "フォローの許し待っとる"
request-pending: "フォローの許し待っとる"
follow-processing: "フォロー処理中"
follow-processing: "今フォロー処理やっとる‥"
follow-request: "フォロー許してくれや!言うてみる"
follow-request: "フォロー許してくれや!言うてみる"
followers: "{} のフォロワー"
followers: "{} のフォロワー"
@ -1083,7 +1084,7 @@ mobile/views/components/follow-button.vue:
following: "フォローしとる"
following: "フォローしとる"
follow: "フォロー"
follow: "フォロー"
request-pending: "フォローの許し待っとる"
request-pending: "フォローの許し待っとる"
follow-processing: "フォロー処理中"
follow-processing: "今フォロー処理やっとる‥"
follow-request: "フォロー許してくれや!言うてみる"
follow-request: "フォロー許してくれや!言うてみる"
title: "おもろそうやな"
title: "おもろそうやな"
@ -1223,9 +1224,9 @@ mobile/views/pages/settings/settings.profile.vue:
avatar: "アイコン"
avatar: "アイコン"
banner: "バナー"
banner: "バナー"
is-cat: "このアカウントはCatや"
is-cat: "このアカウントはCatや"
is-locked: "他人のフォローは許してからや!"
is-locked: "他人のフォローは許可してからや!"
advanced: "その他"
advanced: "その他"
privacy: "プライバシー⇔オカンの年齢"
privacy: "プライバシーってなんや?オカンの年齢か?"
save: "保存"
save: "保存"
saved: "プロフィールを保存したで"
saved: "プロフィールを保存したで"
uploading: "アップロードしとるで…"
uploading: "アップロードしとるで…"
@ -1245,7 +1246,7 @@ mobile/views/pages/settings.vue:
specify-language: "言語選びや"
specify-language: "言語選びや"
design: "見た感じ"
design: "見た感じ"
dark-mode: "ナイトゲームや!"
dark-mode: "ナイトゲームや!"
i-am-under-limited-internet: "電波がバァーっといけへんねん"
i-am-under-limited-internet: "電波と阪神がザコいんや"
circle-icons: "アイコンもタコ焼きも丸いやんな?"
circle-icons: "アイコンもタコ焼きも丸いやんな?"
contrasted-acct: "ユーザー名ようわからんし見やすしといて"
contrasted-acct: "ユーザー名ようわからんし見やすしといて"
timeline: "タイムライン"
timeline: "タイムライン"
@ -1257,8 +1258,8 @@ mobile/views/pages/settings.vue:
post-style-standard: "標準"
post-style-standard: "標準"
post-style-smart: "べっぴんさん"
post-style-smart: "べっぴんさん"
notification-position: "通知どこ見せる?"
notification-position: "通知どこ見せる?"
notification-position-bottom: "ミナミ"
notification-position-bottom: "ミナミの方"
notification-position-top: "キタ"
notification-position-top: "キタの方"
theme: "テーマ"
theme: "テーマ"
behavior: "動き"
behavior: "動き"
fetch-on-scroll: "スクロールしたらもっと見せてや"
fetch-on-scroll: "スクロールしたらもっと見せてや"
@ -335,6 +335,7 @@ common/views/components/note-menu.vue:
detail: "詳細"
detail: "詳細"
copy-link: "링크 복사"
copy-link: "링크 복사"
favorite: "お気に入り"
favorite: "お気に入り"
unfavorite: "お気に入り解除"
pin: "ピン留め"
pin: "ピン留め"
unpin: "ピン留め解除"
unpin: "ピン留め解除"
delete: "削除"
delete: "削除"
@ -335,6 +335,7 @@ common/views/components/note-menu.vue:
detail: "詳細"
detail: "詳細"
copy-link: "リンクをコピー"
copy-link: "リンクをコピー"
favorite: "Deze notitie toevoegen aan favorieten"
favorite: "Deze notitie toevoegen aan favorieten"
unfavorite: "お気に入り解除"
pin: "Vastmaken aan profielpagina"
pin: "Vastmaken aan profielpagina"
unpin: "ピン留め解除"
unpin: "ピン留め解除"
delete: "削除"
delete: "削除"
@ -335,6 +335,7 @@ common/views/components/note-menu.vue:
detail: "Detaljer"
detail: "Detaljer"
copy-link: "リンクをコピー"
copy-link: "リンクをコピー"
favorite: "Merket som favoritt"
favorite: "Merket som favoritt"
unfavorite: "お気に入り解除"
pin: "Fest til profilen din"
pin: "Fest til profilen din"
unpin: "ピン留め解除"
unpin: "ピン留め解除"
delete: "Slett"
delete: "Slett"
@ -335,6 +335,7 @@ common/views/components/note-menu.vue:
detail: "詳細"
detail: "詳細"
copy-link: "リンクをコピー"
copy-link: "リンクをコピー"
favorite: "Dodaj do ulubionych"
favorite: "Dodaj do ulubionych"
unfavorite: "お気に入り解除"
pin: "Przypnij do profilu"
pin: "Przypnij do profilu"
unpin: "ピン留め解除"
unpin: "ピン留め解除"
delete: "Usuń"
delete: "Usuń"
@ -335,6 +335,7 @@ common/views/components/note-menu.vue:
detail: "詳細"
detail: "詳細"
copy-link: "リンクをコピー"
copy-link: "リンクをコピー"
favorite: "お気に入り"
favorite: "お気に入り"
unfavorite: "お気に入り解除"
pin: "ピン留め"
pin: "ピン留め"
unpin: "ピン留め解除"
unpin: "ピン留め解除"
delete: "削除"
delete: "削除"
@ -335,6 +335,7 @@ common/views/components/note-menu.vue:
detail: "詳細"
detail: "詳細"
copy-link: "リンクをコピー"
copy-link: "リンクをコピー"
favorite: "お気に入り"
favorite: "お気に入り"
unfavorite: "お気に入り解除"
pin: "ピン留め"
pin: "ピン留め"
unpin: "ピン留め解除"
unpin: "ピン留め解除"
delete: "削除"
delete: "削除"
@ -335,6 +335,7 @@ common/views/components/note-menu.vue:
detail: "詳細"
detail: "詳細"
copy-link: "リンクをコピー"
copy-link: "リンクをコピー"
favorite: "お気に入り"
favorite: "お気に入り"
unfavorite: "お気に入り解除"
pin: "ピン留め"
pin: "ピン留め"
unpin: "ピン留め解除"
unpin: "ピン留め解除"
delete: "削除"
delete: "削除"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user