import { EventEmitter } from 'eventemitter3'; import * as riot from 'riot'; import signout from './scripts/signout'; import Progress from './scripts/loading'; import Connection from './scripts/home-stream'; import CONFIG from './scripts/config'; import api from './scripts/api'; /** * Misskey Operating System */ export default class MiOS extends EventEmitter { /** * Misskeyの /meta で取得できるメタ情報 */ private meta: { data: { [x: string]: any }; chachedAt: Date; }; private isMetaFetching = false; /** * A signing user */ public i: { [x: string]: any }; /** * Whether signed in */ public get isSignedin() { return this.i != null; } /** * A connection of home stream */ public stream: Connection; constructor() { super(); //#region BIND this.init = this.init.bind(this); this.api = this.api.bind(this); this.getMeta = this.getMeta.bind(this); //#endregion } /** * Initialize MiOS (boot) * @param callback A function that call when initialized */ public async init(callback) { // ユーザーをフェッチしてコールバックする const fetchme = (token, cb) => { let me = null; // Return when not signed in if (token == null) { return done(); } // Fetch user fetch(`${CONFIG.apiUrl}/i`, { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify({ i: token }) }).then(res => { // When success // When failed to authenticate user if (res.status !== 200) { return signout(); } res.json().then(i => { me = i; me.token = token; done(); }); }, () => { // When failure // Render the error screen document.body.innerHTML = ''; riot.mount('*'); Progress.done(); }); function done() { if (cb) cb(me); } }; // フェッチが完了したとき const fetched = me => { if (me) { riot.observable(me); // この me オブジェクトを更新するメソッド me.update = data => { if (data) Object.assign(me, data); me.trigger('updated'); }; // ローカルストレージにキャッシュ localStorage.setItem('me', JSON.stringify(me)); me.on('updated', () => { // キャッシュ更新 localStorage.setItem('me', JSON.stringify(me)); }); } this.i = me; // Init home stream connection = this.i ? new Connection(this.i) : null; // Finish init callback(); }; // Get cached account data const cachedMe = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('me')); if (cachedMe) { fetched(cachedMe); // 後から新鮮なデータをフェッチ fetchme(cachedMe.token, freshData => { Object.assign(cachedMe, freshData); cachedMe.trigger('updated'); }); } else { // Get token from cookie const i = (document.cookie.match(/i=(!\w+)/) || [null, null])[1]; fetchme(i, fetched); } } /** * Misskey APIにリクエストします * @param endpoint エンドポイント名 * @param data パラメータ */ public api(endpoint: string, data?: { [x: string]: any }) { return api(this.i, endpoint, data); } /** * Misskeyのメタ情報を取得します * @param force キャッシュを無視するか否か */ public getMeta(force = false) { return new Promise<{ [x: string]: any }>(async (res, rej) => { if (this.isMetaFetching) { this.once('_meta_fetched_', () => { res(; }); return; } const expire = 1000 * 60; // 1min // forceが有効, meta情報を保持していない or 期限切れ if (force || this.meta == null || - this.meta.chachedAt.getTime() > expire) { this.isMetaFetching = true; const meta = await this.api('meta'); this.meta = { data: meta, chachedAt: new Date() }; this.isMetaFetching = false; this.emit('_meta_fetched_'); res(meta); } else { res(; } }); } }