/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: syuilo and misskey-project * SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only */ import * as WebSocket from 'ws'; import type { MiUser } from '@/models/User.js'; import type { MiAccessToken } from '@/models/AccessToken.js'; import type { Packed } from '@/misc/json-schema.js'; import type { NoteReadService } from '@/core/NoteReadService.js'; import type { NotificationService } from '@/core/NotificationService.js'; import { bindThis } from '@/decorators.js'; import { CacheService } from '@/core/CacheService.js'; import { MiFollowing, MiUserProfile } from '@/models/_.js'; import type { StreamEventEmitter, GlobalEvents } from '@/core/GlobalEventService.js'; import { ChannelFollowingService } from '@/core/ChannelFollowingService.js'; import { isJsonObject } from '@/misc/json-value.js'; import type { JsonObject, JsonValue } from '@/misc/json-value.js'; import type { ChannelsService } from './ChannelsService.js'; import type { EventEmitter } from 'events'; import type Channel from './channel.js'; const MAX_CHANNELS_PER_CONNECTION = 32; /** * Main stream connection */ // eslint-disable-next-line import/no-default-export export default class Connection { public user?: MiUser; public token?: MiAccessToken; private wsConnection: WebSocket.WebSocket; public subscriber: StreamEventEmitter; private channels: Channel[] = []; private subscribingNotes: Partial> = {}; private cachedNotes: Packed<'Note'>[] = []; public userProfile: MiUserProfile | null = null; public following: Record | undefined> = {}; public followingChannels: Set = new Set(); public userIdsWhoMeMuting: Set = new Set(); public userIdsWhoBlockingMe: Set = new Set(); public userIdsWhoMeMutingRenotes: Set = new Set(); public userMutedInstances: Set = new Set(); private fetchIntervalId: NodeJS.Timeout | null = null; constructor( private channelsService: ChannelsService, private noteReadService: NoteReadService, private notificationService: NotificationService, private cacheService: CacheService, private channelFollowingService: ChannelFollowingService, user: MiUser | null | undefined, token: MiAccessToken | null | undefined, ) { if (user) this.user = user; if (token) this.token = token; } @bindThis public async fetch() { if (this.user == null) return; const [userProfile, following, followingChannels, userIdsWhoMeMuting, userIdsWhoBlockingMe, userIdsWhoMeMutingRenotes] = await Promise.all([ this.cacheService.userProfileCache.fetch(this.user.id), this.cacheService.userFollowingsCache.fetch(this.user.id), this.channelFollowingService.userFollowingChannelsCache.fetch(this.user.id), this.cacheService.userMutingsCache.fetch(this.user.id), this.cacheService.userBlockedCache.fetch(this.user.id), this.cacheService.renoteMutingsCache.fetch(this.user.id), ]); this.userProfile = userProfile; this.following = following; this.followingChannels = followingChannels; this.userIdsWhoMeMuting = userIdsWhoMeMuting; this.userIdsWhoBlockingMe = userIdsWhoBlockingMe; this.userIdsWhoMeMutingRenotes = userIdsWhoMeMutingRenotes; this.userMutedInstances = new Set(userProfile.mutedInstances); } @bindThis public async init() { if (this.user != null) { await this.fetch(); if (!this.fetchIntervalId) { this.fetchIntervalId = setInterval(this.fetch, 1000 * 10); } } } @bindThis public async listen(subscriber: EventEmitter, wsConnection: WebSocket.WebSocket) { this.subscriber = subscriber; this.wsConnection = wsConnection; this.wsConnection.on('message', this.onWsConnectionMessage); this.subscriber.on('broadcast', data => { this.onBroadcastMessage(data); }); } /** * クライアントからメッセージ受信時 */ @bindThis private async onWsConnectionMessage(data: WebSocket.RawData) { let obj: JsonObject; try { obj = JSON.parse(data.toString()); } catch (e) { return; } const { type, body } = obj; switch (type) { case 'readNotification': this.onReadNotification(body); break; case 'subNote': this.onSubscribeNote(body); break; case 's': this.onSubscribeNote(body); break; // alias case 'sr': this.onSubscribeNote(body); this.readNote(body); break; case 'unsubNote': this.onUnsubscribeNote(body); break; case 'un': this.onUnsubscribeNote(body); break; // alias case 'connect': this.onChannelConnectRequested(body); break; case 'disconnect': this.onChannelDisconnectRequested(body); break; case 'channel': this.onChannelMessageRequested(body); break; case 'ch': this.onChannelMessageRequested(body); break; // alias } } @bindThis private onBroadcastMessage(data: GlobalEvents['broadcast']['payload']) { this.sendMessageToWs(data.type, data.body); } @bindThis public cacheNote(note: Packed<'Note'>) { const add = (note: Packed<'Note'>) => { const existIndex = this.cachedNotes.findIndex(n => n.id === note.id); if (existIndex > -1) { this.cachedNotes[existIndex] = note; return; } this.cachedNotes.unshift(note); if (this.cachedNotes.length > 32) { this.cachedNotes.splice(32); } }; add(note); if (note.reply) add(note.reply); if (note.renote) add(note.renote); } @bindThis private readNote(body: JsonValue | undefined) { if (!isJsonObject(body)) return; const id = body.id; const note = this.cachedNotes.find(n => n.id === id); if (note == null) return; if (this.user && (note.userId !== this.user.id)) { this.noteReadService.read(this.user.id, [note]); } } @bindThis private onReadNotification(payload: JsonValue | undefined) { this.notificationService.readAllNotification(this.user!.id); } /** * 投稿購読要求時 */ @bindThis private onSubscribeNote(payload: JsonValue | undefined) { if (!isJsonObject(payload)) return; if (!payload.id || typeof payload.id !== 'string') return; const current = this.subscribingNotes[payload.id] ?? 0; const updated = current + 1; this.subscribingNotes[payload.id] = updated; if (updated === 1) { this.subscriber.on(`noteStream:${payload.id}`, this.onNoteStreamMessage); } } /** * 投稿購読解除要求時 */ @bindThis private onUnsubscribeNote(payload: JsonValue | undefined) { if (!isJsonObject(payload)) return; if (!payload.id || typeof payload.id !== 'string') return; const current = this.subscribingNotes[payload.id]; if (current == null) return; const updated = current - 1; this.subscribingNotes[payload.id] = updated; if (updated <= 0) { delete this.subscribingNotes[payload.id]; this.subscriber.off(`noteStream:${payload.id}`, this.onNoteStreamMessage); } } @bindThis private async onNoteStreamMessage(data: GlobalEvents['note']['payload']) { this.sendMessageToWs('noteUpdated', { id: data.body.id, type: data.type, body: data.body.body, }); } /** * チャンネル接続要求時 */ @bindThis private onChannelConnectRequested(payload: JsonValue | undefined) { if (!isJsonObject(payload)) return; const { channel, id, params, pong } = payload; if (typeof id !== 'string') return; if (typeof channel !== 'string') return; if (typeof pong !== 'boolean' && typeof pong !== 'undefined' && pong !== null) return; if (typeof params !== 'undefined' && !isJsonObject(params)) return; this.connectChannel(id, params, channel, pong ?? undefined); } /** * チャンネル切断要求時 */ @bindThis private onChannelDisconnectRequested(payload: JsonValue | undefined) { if (!isJsonObject(payload)) return; const { id } = payload; if (typeof id !== 'string') return; this.disconnectChannel(id); } /** * クライアントにメッセージ送信 */ @bindThis public sendMessageToWs(type: string, payload: JsonObject) { this.wsConnection.send(JSON.stringify({ type: type, body: payload, })); } /** * チャンネルに接続 */ @bindThis public connectChannel(id: string, params: JsonObject | undefined, channel: string, pong = false) { if (this.channels.length >= MAX_CHANNELS_PER_CONNECTION) { return; } const channelService = this.channelsService.getChannelService(channel); if (channelService.requireCredential && this.user == null) { return; } if (this.token && ((channelService.kind && !this.token.permission.some(p => p === channelService.kind)) || (!channelService.kind && channelService.requireCredential))) { return; } // 共有可能チャンネルに接続しようとしていて、かつそのチャンネルに既に接続していたら無意味なので無視 if (channelService.shouldShare && this.channels.some(c => c.chName === channel)) { return; } const ch: Channel = channelService.create(id, this); this.channels.push(ch); ch.init(params ?? {}); if (pong) { this.sendMessageToWs('connected', { id: id, }); } } /** * チャンネルから切断 * @param id チャンネルコネクションID */ @bindThis public disconnectChannel(id: string) { const channel = this.channels.find(c => c.id === id); if (channel) { if (channel.dispose) channel.dispose(); this.channels = this.channels.filter(c => c.id !== id); } } /** * チャンネルへメッセージ送信要求時 * @param data メッセージ */ @bindThis private onChannelMessageRequested(data: JsonValue | undefined) { if (!isJsonObject(data)) return; if (typeof data.id !== 'string') return; if (typeof data.type !== 'string') return; if (typeof data.body === 'undefined') return; const channel = this.channels.find(c => c.id === data.id); if (channel != null && channel.onMessage != null) { channel.onMessage(data.type, data.body); } } /** * ストリームが切れたとき */ @bindThis public dispose() { if (this.fetchIntervalId) clearInterval(this.fetchIntervalId); for (const c of this.channels.filter(c => c.dispose)) { if (c.dispose) c.dispose(); } } }