import Vuex from 'vuex'; import createPersistedState from 'vuex-persistedstate'; import * as nestedProperty from 'nested-property'; import { faSatelliteDish, faTerminal, faHashtag, faBroadcastTower, faFireAlt, faSearch, faStar, faAt, faListUl, faUserClock, faUsers, faCloud, faGamepad, faFileAlt, faSatellite, faDoorClosed, faColumns } from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons'; import { faBell, faEnvelope, faComments } from '@fortawesome/free-regular-svg-icons'; import { AiScript, utils, values } from '@syuilo/aiscript'; import { apiUrl, deckmode } from './config'; import { erase } from '../prelude/array'; export const defaultSettings = { tutorial: 0, keepCw: false, showFullAcct: false, rememberNoteVisibility: false, defaultNoteVisibility: 'public', defaultNoteLocalOnly: false, uploadFolder: null, pastedFileName: 'yyyy-MM-dd HH-mm-ss [{{number}}]', memo: null, reactions: ['👍', '❤️', '😆', '🤔', '😮', '🎉', '💢', '😥', '😇', '🍮'], mutedWords: [], }; export const defaultDeviceUserSettings = { visibility: 'public', localOnly: false, widgets: [], tl: { src: 'home' }, menu: [ 'notifications', 'messaging', 'drive', '-', 'followRequests', 'featured', 'explore', 'announcements', 'search', '-', 'deck', ], deck: { columns: [], layout: [], }, plugins: [] as { id: string; name: string; active: boolean; configData: Record; token: string; ast: any[]; }[], }; export const defaultDeviceSettings = { lang: null, loadRawImages: false, alwaysShowNsfw: false, useOsNativeEmojis: false, serverDisconnectedBehavior: 'quiet', accounts: [], recentEmojis: [], themes: [], darkTheme: '8c539dc1-0fab-4d47-9194-39c508e9bfe1', lightTheme: '4eea646f-7afa-4645-83e9-83af0333cd37', darkMode: false, deckMode: false, syncDeviceDarkMode: true, animation: true, animatedMfm: true, imageNewTab: false, showFixedPostForm: false, disablePagesScript: true, enableInfiniteScroll: true, fixedWidgetsPosition: false, useBlurEffectForModal: true, sidebarDisplay: 'full', // full, icon, hide roomGraphicsQuality: 'medium', roomUseOrthographicCamera: true, deckColumnAlign: 'left', deckAlwaysShowMainColumn: true, deckMainColumnPlace: 'left', sfxVolume: 0.3, sfxNote: 'syuilo/down', sfxNoteMy: 'syuilo/up', sfxNotification: 'syuilo/pope2', sfxChat: 'syuilo/pope1', sfxChatBg: 'syuilo/waon', sfxAntenna: 'syuilo/triple', sfxChannel: 'syuilo/square-pico', userData: {}, }; function copy(data: T): T { return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data)); } export default () => new Vuex.Store({ plugins: [createPersistedState({ paths: ['i', 'device', 'deviceUser', 'settings', 'instance'] })], state: { i: null, pendingApiRequestsCount: 0, spinner: null, fullView: false, // Plugin pluginContexts: new Map(), postFormActions: [], userActions: [], noteActions: [], noteViewInterruptors: [], notePostInterruptors: [], }, getters: { isSignedIn: state => state.i != null, nav: (state, getters) => actions => ({ notifications: { title: 'notifications', icon: faBell, get show() { return getters.isSignedIn; }, get indicated() { return getters.isSignedIn && state.i.hasUnreadNotification; }, to: '/my/notifications', }, messaging: { title: 'messaging', icon: faComments, get show() { return getters.isSignedIn; }, get indicated() { return getters.isSignedIn && state.i.hasUnreadMessagingMessage; }, to: '/my/messaging', }, drive: { title: 'drive', icon: faCloud, get show() { return getters.isSignedIn; }, to: '/my/drive', }, followRequests: { title: 'followRequests', icon: faUserClock, get show() { return getters.isSignedIn && state.i.isLocked; }, get indicated() { return getters.isSignedIn && state.i.hasPendingReceivedFollowRequest; }, to: '/my/follow-requests', }, featured: { title: 'featured', icon: faFireAlt, to: '/featured', }, explore: { title: 'explore', icon: faHashtag, to: '/explore', }, announcements: { title: 'announcements', icon: faBroadcastTower, get indicated() { return getters.isSignedIn && state.i.hasUnreadAnnouncement; }, to: '/announcements', }, search: { title: 'search', icon: faSearch, action: () =>, }, lists: { title: 'lists', icon: faListUl, get show() { return getters.isSignedIn; }, to: '/my/lists', }, groups: { title: 'groups', icon: faUsers, get show() { return getters.isSignedIn; }, to: '/my/groups', }, antennas: { title: 'antennas', icon: faSatellite, get show() { return getters.isSignedIn; }, to: '/my/antennas', }, mentions: { title: 'mentions', icon: faAt, get show() { return getters.isSignedIn; }, get indicated() { return getters.isSignedIn && state.i.hasUnreadMentions; }, to: '/my/mentions', }, messages: { title: 'directNotes', icon: faEnvelope, get show() { return getters.isSignedIn; }, get indicated() { return getters.isSignedIn && state.i.hasUnreadSpecifiedNotes; }, to: '/my/messages', }, favorites: { title: 'favorites', icon: faStar, get show() { return getters.isSignedIn; }, to: '/my/favorites', }, pages: { title: 'pages', icon: faFileAlt, get show() { return getters.isSignedIn; }, to: '/my/pages', }, channels: { title: 'channel', icon: faSatelliteDish, to: '/channels', }, games: { title: 'games', icon: faGamepad, to: '/games', }, scratchpad: { title: 'scratchpad', icon: faTerminal, to: '/scratchpad', }, rooms: { title: 'rooms', icon: faDoorClosed, get show() { return getters.isSignedIn; }, get to() { return `/@${state.i.username}/room`; }, }, deck: { title: deckmode ? 'undeck' : 'deck', icon: faColumns, action: () => { localStorage.setItem('deckmode', (!deckmode).toString()); location.reload(); }, }, }), }, mutations: { updateI(state, x) { state.i = x; }, updateIKeyValue(state, { key, value }) { state.i[key] = value; }, setFullView(state, v) { state.fullView = v; }, initPlugin(state, { plugin, aiscript }) { state.pluginContexts.set(, aiscript); }, registerPostFormAction(state, { pluginId, title, handler }) { state.postFormActions.push({ title, handler: (form, update) => { state.pluginContexts.get(pluginId).execFn(handler, [utils.jsToVal(form), values.FN_NATIVE(([key, value]) => { update(key.value, value.value); })]); } }); }, registerUserAction(state, { pluginId, title, handler }) { state.userActions.push({ title, handler: (user) => { state.pluginContexts.get(pluginId).execFn(handler, [utils.jsToVal(user)]); } }); }, registerNoteAction(state, { pluginId, title, handler }) { state.noteActions.push({ title, handler: (note) => { state.pluginContexts.get(pluginId).execFn(handler, [utils.jsToVal(note)]); } }); }, registerNoteViewInterruptor(state, { pluginId, handler }) { state.noteViewInterruptors.push({ handler: (note) => { return state.pluginContexts.get(pluginId).execFn(handler, [utils.jsToVal(note)]); } }); }, registerNotePostInterruptor(state, { pluginId, handler }) { state.notePostInterruptors.push({ handler: (note) => { return state.pluginContexts.get(pluginId).execFn(handler, [utils.jsToVal(note)]); } }); }, }, actions: { async login(ctx, i) { ctx.commit('updateI', i); ctx.commit('settings/init', i.clientData); ctx.commit('deviceUser/init', ctx.state.device.userData[] || {}); // TODO: ローカルストレージを消してページリロードしたときは i が無いのでその場合のハンドリングをよしなにやる await ctx.dispatch('addAcount', { id:, i: localStorage.getItem('i') }); }, addAcount(ctx, info) { if (!ctx.state.device.accounts.some(x => === { ctx.commit('device/set', { key: 'accounts', value: ctx.state.device.accounts.concat([{ id:, token: info.i }]) }); } }, logout(ctx) { ctx.commit('device/setUserData', { userId:, data: ctx.state.deviceUser }); ctx.commit('updateI', null); ctx.commit('settings/init', {}); ctx.commit('deviceUser/init', {}); localStorage.removeItem('i'); document.cookie = `igi=; path=/`; }, async switchAccount(ctx, i) { ctx.commit('device/setUserData', { userId:, data: ctx.state.deviceUser }); localStorage.setItem('i', i.token); await ctx.dispatch('login', i); }, mergeMe(ctx, me) { // TODO: プロパティ一つ一つに対してコミットが発生するのはアレなので良い感じにする for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(me)) { ctx.commit('updateIKeyValue', { key, value }); } if (me.clientData) { ctx.commit('settings/init', me.clientData); } }, api(ctx, { endpoint, data, token }) { if (++ctx.state.pendingApiRequestsCount === 1) { // TODO: spinnerの表示はstoreでやらない ctx.state.spinner = document.createElement('div'); ctx.state.spinner.setAttribute('id', 'wait'); document.body.appendChild(ctx.state.spinner); } const onFinally = () => { if (--ctx.state.pendingApiRequestsCount === 0) ctx.state.spinner.parentNode.removeChild(ctx.state.spinner); }; const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // Append a credential if (ctx.getters.isSignedIn) (data as any).i = ctx.state.i.token; if (token !== undefined) (data as any).i = token; // Send request fetch(endpoint.indexOf('://') > -1 ? endpoint : `${apiUrl}/${endpoint}`, { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify(data), credentials: 'omit', cache: 'no-cache' }).then(async (res) => { const body = res.status === 204 ? null : await res.json(); if (res.status === 200) { resolve(body); } else if (res.status === 204) { resolve(); } else { reject(body.error); } }).catch(reject); }); promise.then(onFinally, onFinally); return promise; } }, modules: { instance: { namespaced: true, state: { meta: null }, mutations: { set(state, meta) { state.meta = meta; }, }, actions: { async fetch(ctx) { const meta = await ctx.dispatch('api', { endpoint: 'meta', data: { detail: false } }, { root: true }); ctx.commit('set', meta); } } }, device: { namespaced: true, state: defaultDeviceSettings, mutations: { set(state, x: { key: string; value: any }) { state[x.key] = x.value; }, setUserData(state, x: { userId: string; data: any }) { state.userData[x.userId] = copy(; }, } }, deviceUser: { namespaced: true, state: defaultDeviceUserSettings, mutations: { init(state, x) { for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(defaultDeviceUserSettings)) { if (x[key]) { state[key] = x[key]; } else { state[key] = value; } } }, set(state, x: { key: string; value: any }) { state[x.key] = x.value; }, setTl(state, x) { = { src: x.src, arg: x.arg }; }, setMenu(state, menu) { = menu; }, setVisibility(state, visibility) { state.visibility = visibility; }, setLocalOnly(state, localOnly) { state.localOnly = localOnly; }, setWidgets(state, widgets) { state.widgets = widgets; }, addWidget(state, widget) { state.widgets.unshift(widget); }, removeWidget(state, widget) { state.widgets = state.widgets.filter(w => !=; }, updateWidget(state, x) { const w = state.widgets.find(w => ===; if (w) { =; } }, //#region Deck addDeckColumn(state, column) { if ( == undefined) = null; state.deck.columns.push(column); state.deck.layout.push([]); }, removeDeckColumn(state, id) { state.deck.columns = state.deck.columns.filter(c => != id); state.deck.layout = => erase(id, ids)); state.deck.layout = state.deck.layout.filter(ids => ids.length > 0); }, swapDeckColumn(state, x) { const a = x.a; const b = x.b; const aX = state.deck.layout.findIndex(ids => ids.indexOf(a) != -1); const aY = state.deck.layout[aX].findIndex(id => id == a); const bX = state.deck.layout.findIndex(ids => ids.indexOf(b) != -1); const bY = state.deck.layout[bX].findIndex(id => id == b); state.deck.layout[aX][aY] = b; state.deck.layout[bX][bY] = a; }, swapLeftDeckColumn(state, id) { state.deck.layout.some((ids, i) => { if (ids.indexOf(id) != -1) { const left = state.deck.layout[i - 1]; if (left) { // //state.deck.layout[i - 1] = state.deck.layout[i]; //state.deck.layout[i] = left; state.deck.layout.splice(i - 1, 1, state.deck.layout[i]); state.deck.layout.splice(i, 1, left); } return true; } }); }, swapRightDeckColumn(state, id) { state.deck.layout.some((ids, i) => { if (ids.indexOf(id) != -1) { const right = state.deck.layout[i + 1]; if (right) { // //state.deck.layout[i + 1] = state.deck.layout[i]; //state.deck.layout[i] = right; state.deck.layout.splice(i + 1, 1, state.deck.layout[i]); state.deck.layout.splice(i, 1, right); } return true; } }); }, swapUpDeckColumn(state, id) { const ids = state.deck.layout.find(ids => ids.indexOf(id) != -1); ids.some((x, i) => { if (x == id) { const up = ids[i - 1]; if (up) { // //ids[i - 1] = id; //ids[i] = up; ids.splice(i - 1, 1, id); ids.splice(i, 1, up); } return true; } }); }, swapDownDeckColumn(state, id) { const ids = state.deck.layout.find(ids => ids.indexOf(id) != -1); ids.some((x, i) => { if (x == id) { const down = ids[i + 1]; if (down) { // //ids[i + 1] = id; //ids[i] = down; ids.splice(i + 1, 1, id); ids.splice(i, 1, down); } return true; } }); }, stackLeftDeckColumn(state, id) { const i = state.deck.layout.findIndex(ids => ids.indexOf(id) != -1); state.deck.layout = => erase(id, ids)); const left = state.deck.layout[i - 1]; if (left) state.deck.layout[i - 1].push(id); state.deck.layout = state.deck.layout.filter(ids => ids.length > 0); }, popRightDeckColumn(state, id) { const i = state.deck.layout.findIndex(ids => ids.indexOf(id) != -1); state.deck.layout = => erase(id, ids)); state.deck.layout.splice(i + 1, 0, [id]); state.deck.layout = state.deck.layout.filter(ids => ids.length > 0); }, addDeckWidget(state, x) { const column = state.deck.columns.find(c => ==; if (column == null) return; if (column.widgets == null) column.widgets = []; column.widgets.unshift(x.widget); }, removeDeckWidget(state, x) { const column = state.deck.columns.find(c => ==; if (column == null) return; column.widgets = column.widgets.filter(w => !=; }, renameDeckColumn(state, x) { const column = state.deck.columns.find(c => ==; if (column == null) return; =; }, updateDeckColumn(state, x) { let column = state.deck.columns.find(c => ==; if (column == null) return; column = x; }, //#endregion installPlugin(state, { id, meta, ast, token }) { state.plugins.push({ ...meta, id, active: true, configData: {}, token: token, ast: ast }); }, uninstallPlugin(state, id) { state.plugins = state.plugins.filter(x => != id); }, configPlugin(state, { id, config }) { state.plugins.find(p => === id).configData = config; }, changePluginActive(state, { id, active }) { state.plugins.find(p => === id).active = active; }, } }, settings: { namespaced: true, state: defaultSettings, mutations: { set(state, x: { key: string; value: any }) { nestedProperty.set(state, x.key, x.value); }, init(state, x) { for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(defaultSettings)) { if (x[key]) { state[key] = x[key]; } else { state[key] = value; } } }, }, actions: { set(ctx, x) { ctx.commit('set', x); if (ctx.rootGetters.isSignedIn) { ctx.dispatch('api', { endpoint: 'i/update-client-setting', data: { name: x.key, value: x.value } }, { root: true }); } }, } } } });