  name: example-maitainer-name # Your name
  url: # Your contact (http or mailto)
  repository_url: # Repository URL
  feedback_url: # Feedback URL (e.g. github issue)

# Final accessible URL seen by a user.
url: https://example.tld/

### Port and TLS settings ######################################
# Misskey supports two deployment options for public.

# Option 1: With Reverse Proxy
#                 +----- https://example.tld/ ------------+
#   +------+      |+-------------+      +----------------+|
#   | User | ---> || Proxy (443) | ---> | Misskey (3000) ||
#   +------+      |+-------------+      +----------------+|
#                 +---------------------------------------+
#   You need to setup reverse proxy. (eg. nginx)
#   You do not define 'https' section.

# Option 2: Standalone
#                 +- https://example.tld/ -+
#   +------+      |   +---------------+    |
#   | User | ---> |   | Misskey (443) |    |
#   +------+      |   +---------------+    |
#                 +------------------------+
#   You need to run Misskey as root.
#   You need to set Certificate in 'https' section.

# To use option 1, uncomment below line.
# port: 3000    # A port that your Misskey server should listen.

# To use option 2, uncomment below lines.
# port: 443
# https:
#   # path for certification
#   key: /etc/letsencrypt/live/example.tld/privkey.pem
#   cert: /etc/letsencrypt/live/example.tld/fullchain.pem


  host: localhost
  port: 27017
  db: misskey
  user: example-misskey-user
  pass: example-misskey-pass

  storage: 'db'

  # OR

  # storage: 'minio'
  # bucket:
  # prefix:
  # config:
  #   endPoint:
  #   port:
  #   useSSL:
  #   accessKey:
  #   secretKey:

  # S3 example
  # storage: 'minio'
  # bucket: bucket-name
  # prefix: files
  # config:
  #   endPoint:
  #   region: us-west-2
  #   useSSL: true
  #   accessKey: XXX
  #   secretKey: YYY

  # S3 example (with CDN, custom domain)
  # storage: 'minio'
  # bucket:
  # prefix: files
  # baseUrl:
  # config:
  #   endPoint:
  #   region: us-west-2
  #   useSSL: true
  #   accessKey: XXX
  #   secretKey: YYY

# If enabled:
#  The first account created is automatically marked as Admin.
autoAdmin: true

# Below settings are optional

# Redis
#  host: localhost
#  port: 6379
#  pass: example-pass

# Elasticsearch
#  host: localhost
#  port: 9200
#  pass: null

#  site_key: example-site-key
#  secret_key: example-secret-key

# ServiceWorker
#  # Public key of VAPID
#  public_key: example-sw-public-key
#  # Private key of VAPID
#  private_key: example-sw-private-key

# Twitter integration
# You need to set the oauth callback url as : https://<your-misskey-instance>/api/tw/cb
#  consumer_key: example-twitter-consumer-key
#  consumer_secret: example-twitter-consumer-secret-key

# GitHub integration
# You need to set the oauth callback url as : https://<your-misskey-instance>/api/gh/cb
#  client_id: example-github-client-id
#  client_secret: example-github-client-secret

# Ghost
# Ghost account is an account used for the purpose of delegating
# followers when putting users in the list.
#ghost: user-id-of-your-ghost-account

# Clustering
#clusterLimit: 1

# Summaly proxy
#summalyProxy: ""

# User recommendation
#  external: true
#  engine:{{host}}+{{user}}+{{limit}}+{{offset}}
#  timeout: 300000