Johann150 3dae18b93c
fix lints (#8737)
* fix: emits use ev instead of e

* fix: errors use err instead of e

* fix: replace use of data where possible

* fix: events use evt instead of e

* fix: use strict equals

* fix: use emoji instead of e

* fix: vue lints
2022-05-26 22:53:09 +09:00

45 lines
1.2 KiB

import { inject } from 'vue';
import { post } from '@/os';
import { $i, login } from '@/account';
import { defaultStore } from '@/store';
import { getAccountFromId } from '@/scripts/get-account-from-id';
import { router } from '@/router';
export function swInject() {
const navHook = inject('navHook', null);
const sideViewHook = inject('sideViewHook', null);
navigator.serviceWorker.addEventListener('message', ev => {
if (_DEV_) {
console.log('sw msg', ev.data);
if (ev.data.type !== 'order') return;
if (ev.data.loginId !== $i?.id) {
return getAccountFromId(ev.data.loginId).then(account => {
if (!account) return;
return login(account.token, ev.data.url);
switch (ev.data.order) {
case 'post':
return post(ev.data.options);
case 'push':
if (router.currentRoute.value.path === ev.data.url) {
return window.scroll({ top: 0, behavior: 'smooth' });
if (navHook) {
return navHook(ev.data.url);
if (sideViewHook && defaultStore.state.defaultSideView && ev.data.url !== '/') {
return sideViewHook(ev.data.url);
return router.push(ev.data.url);