305 lines
8.0 KiB
305 lines
8.0 KiB
import { throttle } from 'throttle-debounce';
import { markRaw } from 'vue';
import { notificationTypes } from 'misskey-js';
import { Storage } from '../../pizzax';
import { i18n } from '@/i18n';
import { api } from '@/os';
type ColumnWidget = {
name: string;
id: string;
data: Record<string, any>;
export type Column = {
id: string;
type: string;
name: string | null;
width: number;
widgets?: ColumnWidget[];
active?: boolean;
flexible?: boolean;
antennaId?: string;
listId?: string;
includingTypes?: typeof notificationTypes[number][];
tl?: 'home' | 'local' | 'social' | 'global';
function copy<T>(x: T): T {
return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(x));
export const deckStore = markRaw(new Storage('deck', {
profile: {
where: 'deviceAccount',
default: 'default',
columns: {
where: 'deviceAccount',
default: [] as Column[],
layout: {
where: 'deviceAccount',
default: [] as Column['id'][][],
columnAlign: {
where: 'deviceAccount',
default: 'left' as 'left' | 'right' | 'center',
alwaysShowMainColumn: {
where: 'deviceAccount',
default: true,
navWindow: {
where: 'deviceAccount',
default: true,
columnMargin: {
where: 'deviceAccount',
default: 16,
columnHeaderHeight: {
where: 'deviceAccount',
default: 42,
export const loadDeck = async () => {
let deck;
try {
deck = await api('i/registry/get', {
scope: ['client', 'deck', 'profiles'],
key: deckStore.state.profile,
} catch (err) {
if (err.code === 'NO_SUCH_KEY') {
// 後方互換性のため
if (deckStore.state.profile === 'default') {
deckStore.set('columns', [{
id: 'a',
type: 'main',
name: i18n.ts._deck._columns.main,
width: 350,
}, {
id: 'b',
type: 'notifications',
name: i18n.ts._deck._columns.notifications,
width: 330,
deckStore.set('layout', [['a'], ['b']]);
throw err;
deckStore.set('columns', deck.columns);
deckStore.set('layout', deck.layout);
// TODO: deckがloadされていない状態でsaveすると意図せず上書きが発生するので対策する
export const saveDeck = throttle(1000, () => {
api('i/registry/set', {
scope: ['client', 'deck', 'profiles'],
key: deckStore.state.profile,
value: {
columns: deckStore.reactiveState.columns.value,
layout: deckStore.reactiveState.layout.value,
export function addColumn(column: Column) {
if (column.name === undefined) column.name = null;
deckStore.push('columns', column);
deckStore.push('layout', [column.id]);
export function removeColumn(id: Column['id']) {
deckStore.set('columns', deckStore.state.columns.filter(c => c.id !== id));
deckStore.set('layout', deckStore.state.layout
.map(ids => ids.filter(_id => _id !== id))
.filter(ids => ids.length > 0));
export function swapColumn(a: Column['id'], b: Column['id']) {
const aX = deckStore.state.layout.findIndex(ids => ids.indexOf(a) !== -1);
const aY = deckStore.state.layout[aX].findIndex(id => id === a);
const bX = deckStore.state.layout.findIndex(ids => ids.indexOf(b) !== -1);
const bY = deckStore.state.layout[bX].findIndex(id => id === b);
const layout = copy(deckStore.state.layout);
layout[aX][aY] = b;
layout[bX][bY] = a;
deckStore.set('layout', layout);
export function swapLeftColumn(id: Column['id']) {
const layout = copy(deckStore.state.layout);
deckStore.state.layout.some((ids, i) => {
if (ids.includes(id)) {
const left = deckStore.state.layout[i - 1];
if (left) {
layout[i - 1] = deckStore.state.layout[i];
layout[i] = left;
deckStore.set('layout', layout);
return true;
export function swapRightColumn(id: Column['id']) {
const layout = copy(deckStore.state.layout);
deckStore.state.layout.some((ids, i) => {
if (ids.includes(id)) {
const right = deckStore.state.layout[i + 1];
if (right) {
layout[i + 1] = deckStore.state.layout[i];
layout[i] = right;
deckStore.set('layout', layout);
return true;
export function swapUpColumn(id: Column['id']) {
const layout = copy(deckStore.state.layout);
const idsIndex = deckStore.state.layout.findIndex(ids => ids.includes(id));
const ids = copy(deckStore.state.layout[idsIndex]);
ids.some((x, i) => {
if (x === id) {
const up = ids[i - 1];
if (up) {
ids[i - 1] = id;
ids[i] = up;
layout[idsIndex] = ids;
deckStore.set('layout', layout);
return true;
export function swapDownColumn(id: Column['id']) {
const layout = copy(deckStore.state.layout);
const idsIndex = deckStore.state.layout.findIndex(ids => ids.includes(id));
const ids = copy(deckStore.state.layout[idsIndex]);
ids.some((x, i) => {
if (x === id) {
const down = ids[i + 1];
if (down) {
ids[i + 1] = id;
ids[i] = down;
layout[idsIndex] = ids;
deckStore.set('layout', layout);
return true;
export function stackLeftColumn(id: Column['id']) {
let layout = copy(deckStore.state.layout);
const i = deckStore.state.layout.findIndex(ids => ids.includes(id));
layout = layout.map(ids => ids.filter(_id => _id !== id));
layout[i - 1].push(id);
layout = layout.filter(ids => ids.length > 0);
deckStore.set('layout', layout);
export function popRightColumn(id: Column['id']) {
let layout = copy(deckStore.state.layout);
const i = deckStore.state.layout.findIndex(ids => ids.includes(id));
const affected = layout[i];
layout = layout.map(ids => ids.filter(_id => _id !== id));
layout.splice(i + 1, 0, [id]);
layout = layout.filter(ids => ids.length > 0);
deckStore.set('layout', layout);
const columns = copy(deckStore.state.columns);
for (const column of columns) {
if (affected.includes(column.id)) {
column.active = true;
deckStore.set('columns', columns);
export function addColumnWidget(id: Column['id'], widget: ColumnWidget) {
const columns = copy(deckStore.state.columns);
const columnIndex = deckStore.state.columns.findIndex(c => c.id === id);
const column = copy(deckStore.state.columns[columnIndex]);
if (column == null) return;
if (column.widgets == null) column.widgets = [];
columns[columnIndex] = column;
deckStore.set('columns', columns);
export function removeColumnWidget(id: Column['id'], widget: ColumnWidget) {
const columns = copy(deckStore.state.columns);
const columnIndex = deckStore.state.columns.findIndex(c => c.id === id);
const column = copy(deckStore.state.columns[columnIndex]);
if (column == null) return;
column.widgets = column.widgets.filter(w => w.id !== widget.id);
columns[columnIndex] = column;
deckStore.set('columns', columns);
export function setColumnWidgets(id: Column['id'], widgets: ColumnWidget[]) {
const columns = copy(deckStore.state.columns);
const columnIndex = deckStore.state.columns.findIndex(c => c.id === id);
const column = copy(deckStore.state.columns[columnIndex]);
if (column == null) return;
column.widgets = widgets;
columns[columnIndex] = column;
deckStore.set('columns', columns);
export function updateColumnWidget(id: Column['id'], widgetId: string, widgetData: any) {
const columns = copy(deckStore.state.columns);
const columnIndex = deckStore.state.columns.findIndex(c => c.id === id);
const column = copy(deckStore.state.columns[columnIndex]);
if (column == null) return;
column.widgets = column.widgets.map(w => w.id === widgetId ? {
data: widgetData,
} : w);
columns[columnIndex] = column;
deckStore.set('columns', columns);
export function updateColumn(id: Column['id'], column: Partial<Column>) {
const columns = copy(deckStore.state.columns);
const columnIndex = deckStore.state.columns.findIndex(c => c.id === id);
const currentColumn = copy(deckStore.state.columns[columnIndex]);
if (currentColumn == null) return;
for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(column)) {
currentColumn[k] = v;
columns[columnIndex] = currentColumn;
deckStore.set('columns', columns);