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2022-10-30 23:47:40 +08:00
搜狗的 scel 词库是按照一定格式保存的 Unicode 编码文件其中每两个字节表示一个字符中文汉字或者英文字母主要两部分:
1. 全局拼音表在文件中的偏移值是 0x1540+4, 格式为 (py_idx, py_len, py_str)
- py_idx: 两个字节的整数代表这个拼音的索引
- py_len: 两个字节的整数拼音的字节长度
- py_str: 当前的拼音每个字符两个字节总长 py_len
2. 汉语词组表在文件中的偏移值是 0x2628 0x26c4, 格式为 (word_count, py_idx_count, py_idx_data, (word_len, word_str, ext_len, ext){word_count})其中 (word_len, word, ext_len, ext){word_count} 一共重复 word_count , 表示拼音的相同的词一共有 word_count
- word_count: 两个字节的整数同音词数量
- py_idx_count: 两个字节的整数拼音的索引个数
- py_idx_data: 两个字节表示一个整数每个整数代表一个拼音的索引拼音索引数
- word_len:两个字节的整数代表中文词组字节数长度
- word_str: 汉语词组每个中文汉字两个字节总长度 word_len
- ext_len: 两个字节的整数可能代表扩展信息的长度好像都是 10
- ext: 扩展信息一共 10 个字节前两个字节是一个整数(不知道是不是词频)后八个字节全是 0ext_len ext 一共 12 个字节
1. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/archerhu/scel2mmseg/master/scel2mmseg.py
2. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/xwzhong/small-program/master/scel-to-txt/scel2txt.py
import struct
import os
import sys
def read_utf16_str(f, offset=-1, len=2):
if offset >= 0:
string = f.read(len)
return string.decode('UTF-16LE')
def read_uint16(f):
return struct.unpack('<H', f.read(2))[0]
def get_hz_offset(f):
mask = f.read(128)[4]
if mask == 0x44:
return 0x2628
elif mask == 0x45:
return 0x26c4
def get_dict_meta(f):
title = read_utf16_str(f, 0x130, 0x338 - 0x130)
category = read_utf16_str(f, 0x338, 0x540 - 0x338)
desc = read_utf16_str(f, 0x540, 0xd40 - 0x540)
samples = read_utf16_str(f, 0xd40, 0x1540 - 0xd40)
return title, category, desc, samples
def get_py_map(f):
py_map = {}
while True:
py_idx = read_uint16(f)
py_len = read_uint16(f)
py_str = read_utf16_str(f, -1, py_len)
if py_idx not in py_map:
py_map[py_idx] = py_str
# 如果拼音为 zuo说明是最后一个了
if py_str == 'zuo':
return py_map
def get_records(f, file_size, hz_offset, py_map):
records = []
while f.tell() != file_size:
word_count = read_uint16(f)
py_idx_count = int(read_uint16(f) / 2)
py_set = []
for i in range(py_idx_count):
py_idx = read_uint16(f)
if (py_map.get(py_idx, None) == None):
return records
py_str = " ".join(py_set)
for i in range(word_count):
word_len = read_uint16(f)
word_str = read_utf16_str(f, -1, word_len)
# 跳过 ext_len 和 ext 共 12 个字节
records.append((py_str, word_str))
return records
def get_words_from_sogou_cell_dict(fname):
with open(fname, 'rb') as f:
hz_offset = get_hz_offset(f)
(title, category, desc, samples) = get_dict_meta(f)
#print("title: %s\ncategory: %s\ndesc: %s\nsamples: %s" %
# (title, category, desc, samples))
py_map = get_py_map(f)
file_size = os.path.getsize(fname)
words = get_records(f, file_size, hz_offset, py_map)
return words
def save(records, f):
records_translated = list(map(lambda x: "%s\t%s" % (
x[1], x[0]), records))
return records_translated
def main():
# 将要转换的词库添加在 scel 目录下
scel_files = list(filter(lambda x: x.endswith('.scel'), [
i for i in os.listdir("./scel")]))
dict_file = "luna_pinyin.sogou.dict.yaml"
dict_file_content = []
dict_file_header = """# Rime dictionary
# encoding: utf-8
# Sogou Pinyin Dict - 搜狗细胞词库
# https://pinyin.sogou.com/dict/
# 包括:
name: luna_pinyin.sogou
version: "1.0"
sort: by_weight
use_preset_vocabulary: true
sougo_dict_name_list = list(
map(lambda x: "# * %s" % x.replace(".scel", ""), scel_files))
dict_file_content.append(dict_file_header % "\n".join(sougo_dict_name_list))
for scel_file in scel_files:
records = get_words_from_sogou_cell_dict(
os.path.join("./scel", scel_file))
print("下载搜狗流行词 %s: %s 个词" % (scel_file, len(records)))
with open(os.path.join("./out", scel_file.replace(".scel", ".txt")), "w") as fout:
dict_file_content.extend(save(records, fout))
# print("-"*80)
# print("合并后 %s: %s 个词" % (dict_file, len(dict_file_content) - 1))
with open(os.path.join("./out", dict_file), "w") as dictfout:
if __name__ == "__main__":