# Rime schema # vim: set sw=2 sts=2 et: # encoding: utf-8 schema: schema_id: japanese name: 日本語 version: 'v0.2' author: - ensigma96 dependencies: - terra_pinyin.extended # for using reverse lookup - stroke switches: - name: ascii_mode reset: 0 states: [ 中文, 西文 ] - name: full_shape states: [ 半角, 全角 ] - name: simplification states: [ 漢字, 汉字 ] reset: 0 #- options: [jp_variants, zh_simp, zh_tw ] #- options: [zh_simp, zh_tw ] # reset: 0 # states: # #- 字形 → 日本 # - 字形 → 大陸 # - 字形 → 台灣 - name: ascii_punct states: [ 。,, ., ] engine: processors: - ascii_composer - recognizer - key_binder - speller - punctuator - selector - navigator - express_editor segmentors: - ascii_segmentor - matcher - abc_segmentor - affix_segmentor@putonghua_to_kanji_lookup - affix_segmentor@hannom_lookup - affix_segmentor@hanja_lookup - punct_segmentor - fallback_segmentor translators: - punct_translator - script_translator - reverse_lookup_translator - script_translator@putonghua_to_kanji_lookup - script_translator@hannom_lookup - script_translator@hanja_lookup filters: - simplifier #- simplifier@jp_variants #- simplifier@zh_simp #- simplifier@zh_tw - uniquifier - reverse_lookup_filter@putonghua_to_kanji_reverse_lookup - reverse_lookup_filter@hannom_reverse_lookup - reverse_lookup_filter@hanja_reverse_lookup speller: alphabet: 'zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba-_' delimiter: " '" algebra: - 'derive/_/x/' - 'derive/-/q/' # Add / remove rules the as you wish - 'derive/i_e/ye/' # - 'derive/fu/hu/' translator: dictionary: japanese spelling_hints: 5 comment_format: - 'xlit|q|ー|' preedit_format: - 'xlit|q|ー|' putonghua_to_kanji_lookup: tag: putonghua_to_kanji_lookup prefix: "`" # 獨用jyutping_lookup反查在反查鍵「`」之後再鍵入〔大寫〕「J」 dictionary: terra_pinyin.extended prism: td_pinyin_flypy preedit_format: - xform/([bpmfdtnljqx])n/$1iao/ - xform/(\w)g/$1eng/ - xform/(\w)q/$1iu/ - xform/(\w)w/$1ei/ - xform/([dtnlgkhjqxyvuirzcs])r/$1uan/ - xform/(\w)t/$1ve/ - xform/(\w)y/$1un/ - xform/([dtnlgkhvuirzcs])o/$1uo/ - xform/(\w)p/$1ie/ - xform/([jqx])s/$1iong/ - xform/(\w)s/$1ong/ - xform/(\w)d/$1ai/ - xform/(\w)f/$1en/ - xform/(\w)h/$1ang/ - xform/(\w)j/$1an/ - xform/([gkhvuirzcs])k/$1uai/ - xform/(\w)k/$1ing/ - xform/([jqxnl])l/$1iang/ - xform/(\w)l/$1uang/ - xform/(\w)z/$1ou/ - xform/([gkhvuirzcs])x/$1ua/ - xform/(\w)x/$1ia/ - xform/(\w)c/$1ao/ - xform/([dtgkhvuirzcs])v/$1ui/ - xform/(\w)b/$1in/ - xform/(\w)m/$1ian/ - xform/([aoe])\1(\w)/$1$2/ - "xform/(^|[ '])v/$1zh/" - "xform/(^|[ '])i/$1ch/" - "xform/(^|[ '])u/$1sh/" - xform/([nl])v/$1ü/ - xform/([nl])ue/$1üe/ - xform/([jqxy])v/$1u/ - xform/eh/ê/ - 'xform ([aeiou])(ng?|r)([-;/<,>\\.]) $1$3$2' - 'xform ([aeo])([iuo])([-;/<,>\\.]) $1$3$2' - 'xform a[-;] ā' - 'xform a/ á' - 'xform a[<,] ǎ' - 'xform a[>\\.] à' - 'xform e[-;] ē' - 'xform e/ é' - 'xform e[<,] ě' - 'xform e[>\\.] è' - 'xform o[-;] ō' - 'xform o/ ó' - 'xform o[<,] ǒ' - 'xform o[>\\.] ò' - 'xform i[-;] ī' - 'xform i/ í' - 'xform i[<,] ǐ' - 'xform i[>\\.] ì' - 'xform u[-;] ū' - 'xform u/ ú' - 'xform u[<,] ǔ' - 'xform u[>\\.] ù' - 'xform ü[-;] ǖ' - 'xform ü/ ǘ' - 'xform ü[<,] ǚ' - 'xform ü[>\\.] ǜ' comment_format: - xform ([aeiou])(ng?|r)([1234]) $1$3$2 - xform ([aeo])([iuo])([1234]) $1$3$2 - xform a1 ā - xform a2 á - xform a3 ǎ - xform a4 à - xform e1 ē - xform e2 é - xform e3 ě - xform e4 è - xform o1 ō - xform o2 ó - xform o3 ǒ - xform o4 ò - xform i1 ī - xform i2 í - xform i3 ǐ - xform i4 ì - xform u1 ū - xform u2 ú - xform u3 ǔ - xform u4 ù - xform v1 ǖ - xform v2 ǘ - xform v3 ǚ - xform v4 ǜ - xform/([nljqxy])v/$1ü/ - xform/eh[0-5]?/ê/ - xform/([a-z]+)[0-5]/$1/ tips: 【普查日】 #closing_tips: 【粵拼】 putonghua_to_kanji_reverse_lookup: tags: [ putonghua_to_kanji_lookup ] dictionary: japanese spelling_hints: 10 comment_format: - 'xlit|q|ー|' preedit_format: - 'xlit|q|ー|' # simplifier: # option_name: jp_variants # opencc_config: jp_t2s.json reverse_lookup: dictionary: stroke enable_completion: true prefix: "`H" suffix: "`" tips: 〔筆畫〕 preedit_format: - xlit/hspnz/一丨丿丶乙/ comment_format: - 'xlit|q|ー|' hannom_lookup: tag: hannom_lookup prefix: "`V" # 獨用jyutping_lookup反查在反查鍵「`」之後再鍵入〔大寫〕「J」 suffix: "`" dictionary: hannomPS preedit_format: - 'xform ([aeiouâăôê])(ng|nh|ch)([sfjxr]) $1$3$2' - 'xform ([aeiouâăôê])([iunptcmy])([sfjxr]) $1$3$2' - 'xform ([ae])([ou])([sfjxr]) $1$3$2' - 'xform (aw|ow|uw)([iunptcmy])([sfjxr]) $1$3$2' - 'xform (aw|ow|uw)(ng|nh|ch)([sfjxr]) $1$3$2' - 'xform z ' #- 'xform , ' - 'xform A  ' - 'xform dd đ' - 'xform aa â' - 'xform âs ấ' - 'xform âf ầ' - 'xform âj ậ' - 'xform âx ẫ' - 'xform âr ẩ' - 'xform aw ă' - 'xform ăs ắ' - 'xform ăf ằ' - 'xform ăj ặ' - 'xform ăx ẵ' - 'xform ăr ẳ' - 'xform oo ô' - 'xform ôs ố' - 'xform ôf ồ' - 'xform ôj ộ' - 'xform ôx ỗ' - 'xform ôr ổ' - 'xform ee ê' - 'xform ês ế' - 'xform êf ề' - 'xform êj ệ' - 'xform êx ễ' - 'xform êr ể' - 'xform uw ư' - 'xform ưs ứ' - 'xform ưf ừ' - 'xform ưj ự' - 'xform ưx ữ' - 'xform ưr ử' - 'xform ow ơ' - 'xform ơs ớ' - 'xform ơf ờ' - 'xform ơj ợ' - 'xform ơx ỡ' - 'xform ơr ở' - 'xform as á' - 'xform af à' - 'xform aj ạ' - 'xform ax ã' - 'xform ar ả' - 'xform is í' - 'xform if ì' - 'xform ij ị' - 'xform ix ĩ' - 'xform ir ỉ' - 'xform us ú' - 'xform uf ù' - 'xform uj ụ' - 'xform ux ũ' - 'xform ur ủ' - 'xform es é' - 'xform ef è' - 'xform ej ẹ' - 'xform ex ẽ' - 'xform er ẻ' - 'xform os ó' - 'xform of ò' - 'xform oj ọ' - 'xform ox õ' - 'xform or ỏ' - 'xform ys ý' - 'xform yf ỳ' - 'xform yj ỵ' - 'xform yx ỹ' - 'xform yr ỷ' tips: 【越】 hannom_reverse_lookup: tags: [ hannom_lookup ] dictionary: hannomPS comment_format: - 'xform ([aeiouâăôê])(ng|nh|ch)([sfjxr]) $1$3$2' - 'xform ([aeiouâăôê])([iunptcmy])([sfjxr]) $1$3$2' - 'xform ([ae])([ou])([sfjxr]) $1$3$2' - 'xform (aw|ow|uw)([iunptcmy])([sfjxr]) $1$3$2' - 'xform (aw|ow|uw)(ng|nh|ch)([sfjxr]) $1$3$2' # - 'xform z ,【𡨸標準】' # - 'xform , ,【𡨸異體】' - 'xform z ' - 'xform dd đ' - 'xform aa â' - 'xform âs ấ' - 'xform âf ầ' - 'xform âj ậ' - 'xform âx ẫ' - 'xform âr ẩ' - 'xform aw ă' - 'xform ăs ắ' - 'xform ăf ằ' - 'xform ăj ặ' - 'xform ăx ẵ' - 'xform ăr ẳ' - 'xform oo ô' - 'xform ôs ố' - 'xform ôf ồ' - 'xform ôj ộ' - 'xform ôx ỗ' - 'xform ôr ổ' - 'xform ee ê' - 'xform ês ế' - 'xform êf ề' - 'xform êj ệ' - 'xform êx ễ' - 'xform êr ể' - 'xform uw ư' - 'xform ưs ứ' - 'xform ưf ừ' - 'xform ưj ự' - 'xform ưx ữ' - 'xform ưr ử' - 'xform ow ơ' - 'xform ơs ớ' - 'xform ơf ờ' - 'xform ơj ợ' - 'xform ơx ỡ' - 'xform ơr ở' - 'xform as á' - 'xform af à' - 'xform aj ạ' - 'xform ax ã' - 'xform ar ả' - 'xform is í' - 'xform if ì' - 'xform ij ị' - 'xform ix ĩ' - 'xform ir ỉ' - 'xform us ú' - 'xform uf ù' - 'xform uj ụ' - 'xform ux ũ' - 'xform ur ủ' - 'xform es é' - 'xform ef è' - 'xform ej ẹ' - 'xform ex ẽ' - 'xform er ẻ' - 'xform os ó' - 'xform of ò' - 'xform oj ọ' - 'xform ox õ' - 'xform or ỏ' - 'xform ys ý' - 'xform yf ỳ' - 'xform yj ỵ' - 'xform yx ỹ' - 'xform yr ỷ' #closing_tips: 【粵拼】 hanja_lookup: tag: hanja_lookup prefix: "`K" # 獨用jyutping_lookup反查在反查鍵「`」之後再鍵入〔大寫〕「J」 suffix: "`" dictionary: "hangyl" preedit_format: - xform/'/ / - xform/(^|[ '])([qx])/$1/ - xform/([qx])/ng/ tips: 【韓】 hanja_reverse_lookup: tags: [ hanja_lookup ] dictionary: "hangyl" comment_format: - xform/(^|[ '])q/$1/ - xform/q/ng/ punctuator: import_preset: default key_binder: bindings: - {accept: "Control+Shift+1", select: .next, when: always} - {accept: "Control+Shift+n", select: japanese, when: always} - {accept: "Control+Shift+N", select: japanese, when: always} - {accept: "Control+Shift+k", select: korean, when: always} - {accept: "Control+Shift+K", select: korean, when: always} - {accept: "Control+Shift+v", select: vietnamese, when: always} - {accept: "Control+Shift+V", select: vietnamese, when: always} - {accept: "Control+Shift+j", select: double_jyutping_extra, when: always} - {accept: "Control+Shift+J", select: double_jyutping_extra, when: always} - {accept: "Control+Shift+m", select: td_pinyin_flypy_extra, when: always} - {accept: "Control+Shift+M", select: td_pinyin_flypy_extra, when: always} - {accept: "Control+Shift+l", select: international, when: always} - {accept: "Control+Shift+L", select: international, when: always} - {accept: "F16", select: .next, when: always} - {accept: "F19", select: international, when: always} # [] Pagination - {accept: bracketleft, send: Page_Up , when: has_menu} - {accept: bracketright, send: Page_Down , when: has_menu} recognizer: import_preset: default patterns: reverse_lookup: "`H[a-z]*`?$" putonghua_to_kanji_lookup: "`[a-z;/,.]*`?$" hannom_lookup: "`V[a-z]*?$" hanja_lookup: "`K[a-z]*?$" #zh_jp: # option_name: zh_jp # opencc_config: jp_t2s.json # #tips: all # tips: none # zh_simp: # option_name: zh_simp # opencc_config: t2s.json # tips: none # zh_tw: # option_name: zh_tw # opencc_config: t2tw.json # tips: none # jp_variants: # option_name: jp_variants # opencc_config: jp_t2s.json # tips: none