-- Rime lua 扩展:https://github.com/hchunhui/librime-lua ------------------------------------------------------------- -- 日期时间 -- 提高权重的原因:因为在方案中设置了大于 1 的 initial_quality,导致 rq sj xq dt ts 产出的候选项在所有词语的最后。 function date_translator(input, seg, env) local config = env.engine.schema.config local date = config:get_string(env.name_space .. "/date") or "rq" local time = config:get_string(env.name_space .. "/time") or "sj" local week = config:get_string(env.name_space .. "/week") or "xq" local datetime = config:get_string(env.name_space .. "/datetime") or "dt" local timestamp = config:get_string(env.name_space .. "/timestamp") or "ts" -- 日期 if (input == date) then local cand = Candidate("date", seg.start, seg._end, os.date("%Y-%m-%d"), "") cand.quality = 100 yield(cand) local cand = Candidate("date", seg.start, seg._end, os.date("%Y/%m/%d"), "") cand.quality = 100 yield(cand) local cand = Candidate("date", seg.start, seg._end, os.date("%Y.%m.%d"), "") cand.quality = 100 yield(cand) local cand = Candidate("date", seg.start, seg._end, os.date("%Y 年 %m 月 %d 日"), "") cand.quality = 100 yield(cand) end -- 时间 if (input == time) then local cand = Candidate("time", seg.start, seg._end, os.date("%H:%M"), "") cand.quality = 100 yield(cand) local cand = Candidate("time", seg.start, seg._end, os.date("%H:%M:%S"), "") cand.quality = 100 yield(cand) end -- 星期 if (input == week) then local weakTab = {'日', '一', '二', '三', '四', '五', '六'} local cand = Candidate("week", seg.start, seg._end, "星期" .. weakTab[tonumber(os.date("%w") + 1)], "") cand.quality = 100 yield(cand) local cand = Candidate("week", seg.start, seg._end, "礼拜" .. weakTab[tonumber(os.date("%w") + 1)], "") cand.quality = 100 yield(cand) local cand = Candidate("week", seg.start, seg._end, "周" .. weakTab[tonumber(os.date("%w") + 1)], "") cand.quality = 100 yield(cand) end -- ISO 8601/RFC 3339 的时间格式 (固定东八区)(示例 2022-01-07T20:42:51+08:00) if (input == datetime) then local cand = Candidate("datetime", seg.start, seg._end, os.date("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S+08:00"), "") cand.quality = 100 yield(cand) local cand = Candidate("time", seg.start, seg._end, os.date("%Y%m%d%H%M%S"), "") cand.quality = 100 yield(cand) end -- 时间戳(十位数,到秒,示例 1650861664) if (input == timestamp) then local cand = Candidate("datetime", seg.start, seg._end, os.time(), "") cand.quality = 100 yield(cand) end end ------------------------------------------------------------- -- 以词定字 -- https://github.com/BlindingDark/rime-lua-select-character -- 删除了默认按键,需要在 key_binder(default.custom.yaml)下设置 local function utf8_sub(s, i, j) i = i or 1 j = j or -1 if i < 1 or j < 1 then local n = utf8.len(s) if not n then return nil end if i < 0 then i = n + 1 + i end if j < 0 then j = n + 1 + j end if i < 0 then i = 1 elseif i > n then i = n end if j < 0 then j = 1 elseif j > n then j = n end end if j < i then return "" end i = utf8.offset(s, i) j = utf8.offset(s, j + 1) if i and j then return s:sub(i, j - 1) elseif i then return s:sub(i) else return "" end end local function first_character(s) return utf8_sub(s, 1, 1) end local function last_character(s) return utf8_sub(s, -1, -1) end function select_character(key, env) local engine = env.engine local context = engine.context local commit_text = context:get_commit_text() local config = engine.schema.config -- local first_key = config:get_string('key_binder/select_first_character') or 'bracketleft' -- local last_key = config:get_string('key_binder/select_last_character') or 'bracketright' local first_key = config:get_string('key_binder/select_first_character') local last_key = config:get_string('key_binder/select_last_character') if (key:repr() == first_key and commit_text ~= "") then engine:commit_text(first_character(commit_text)) context:clear() return 1 -- kAccepted end if (key:repr() == last_key and commit_text ~= "") then engine:commit_text(last_character(commit_text)) context:clear() return 1 -- kAccepted end return 2 -- kNoop end ------------------------------------------------------------- -- 长词优先(提升「西安」「提案」「图案」「饥饿」等词汇的优先级) -- 感谢&参考于: https://github.com/tumuyan/rime-melt -- 修改:不提升英文和中英混输的 function long_word_filter(input, env) -- 提升 count 个词语,插入到第 idx 个位置,默认 2、4。 local config = env.engine.schema.config local count = config:get_int(env.name_space .. "/count") or 2 local idx = config:get_int(env.name_space .. "/idx") or 4 local l = {} local firstWordLength = 0 -- 记录第一个候选词的长度,提前的候选词至少要比第一个候选词长 -- local s1 = 0 -- 记录筛选了多少个英语词条(只提升 count 个词的权重,并且对comment长度过长的候选进行过滤) local s2 = 0 -- 记录筛选了多少个汉语词条(只提升 count 个词的权重) local i = 1 for cand in input:iter() do leng = utf8.len(cand.text) if (firstWordLength < 1 or i < idx) then i = i + 1 firstWordLength = leng yield(cand) -- 不知道这两行是干嘛用的,似乎注释掉也没有影响。 -- elseif #table > 30 then -- table.insert(l, cand) -- 注释掉了英文的 -- elseif ((leng > firstWordLength) and (s1 < 2)) and (string.find(cand.text, "^[%w%p%s]+$")) then -- s1 = s1 + 1 -- if (string.len(cand.text) / string.len(cand.comment) > 1.5) then -- yield(cand) -- end -- 换了个正则,否则中英混输的也会被提升 -- elseif ((leng > firstWordLength) and (s2 < count)) and (string.find(cand.text, "^[%w%p%s]+$")==nil) then elseif ((leng > firstWordLength) and (s2 < count)) and (string.find(cand.text, "[%w%p%s]+") == nil) then yield(cand) s2 = s2 + 1 else table.insert(l, cand) end end for i, cand in ipairs(l) do yield(cand) end end ------------------------------------------------------------- -- 降低部分英语单词在候选项的位置 -- https://dvel.me/posts/make-rime-en-better/#短单词置顶的问题 -- 感谢大佬 @[Shewer Lu](https://github.com/shewer) 指点 function reduce_english_filter(input, env) local config = env.engine.schema.config -- load data if not env.idx then env.idx = config:get_int(env.name_space .. "/idx") -- 要插入的位置 end if not env.words then env.words = {} -- 要过滤的词 ,使用hash table -- for old version local list_size = config:get_list_size(env.name_space .. "/words") for i = 0, list.size - 1 do local word = config:get_string(env.name_space .. "/words/@" .. i) env.words[word]=true end end -- filter start local code = env.engine.context.input if env.words[code] then -- 交換 1 2 順序 local l ={} for cand in input:iter() do table.insert(l, cand) if #l >=2 then break end end for i=#l,1,-1 do yield(l[i]) end end -- yield other for cand in input:iter() do yield(cand) end end ------------------------------------------------------------- -- v 模式,单个字符优先 -- 因为设置了英文翻译器的 initial_quality 大于 1,导致输入「va」时,候选项是「van vain …… ā á ǎ à」 -- 把候选项应改为「ā á ǎ à …… van vain」,让单个字符的排在前面 function v_filter(input, env) local code = env.engine.context.input -- 当前编码 local l = {} for cand in input:iter() do -- 特殊情况处理 if (cand.text == "Vs.") then yield(cand) end -- 特殊情况处理 local arr = {"1️⃣", "2️⃣", "3️⃣", "4️⃣", "5️⃣", "6️⃣", "7️⃣", "8️⃣", "9️⃣"} for _, v in ipairs(arr) do if (v == cand.text and string.len(code) == 2 and string.find(code, "v") == 1) then yield(cand) break end end -- 以 v 开头、2 个长度的编码、候选项为单个字符的,提到前面来。 if (string.len(code) == 2 and string.find(code, "v") == 1 and utf8.len(cand.text) == 1) then yield(cand) else table.insert(l, cand) end end for _, cand in ipairs(l) do yield(cand) end end ------------------------------------------------------------- -- iRime 九宫格专用,将输入框的数字转为对应的拼音或英文 function irime_t9_preedit(input, env) for cand in input:iter() do if (string.find(cand.text, "%w+") ~= nil) then cand:get_genuine().preedit = cand.text else cand:get_genuine().preedit = cand.comment end yield(cand) end end ------------------------------------------------------------- -- 限制码长(最多能输入 length_limit 个字符,超过后不再上屏,不设置时默认 100) -- 参考于:https://github.com/rime/weasel/issues/733 function code_length_limit_processor(key, env) local ctx = env.engine.context local config = env.engine.schema.config -- 限制 local length_limit = config:get_int(env.name_space) or 100 if (length_limit ~= nil) then if (string.len(ctx.input) > length_limit) then -- ctx:clear() ctx:pop_input(1) -- 删除输入框中最后个编码字符 return 1 end end -- 放行 return 2 end ------------------------------------------------------------- -- Unicode 输入 -- 复制自: https://github.com/shewer/librime-lua-script/blob/main/lua/component/unicode.lua function unicode(input, seg, env) local ucodestr = seg:has_tag("unicode") and input:match("U(%x+)") if ucodestr and #ucodestr > 1 then local code = tonumber(ucodestr, 16) local text = utf8.char(code) yield(Candidate("unicode", seg.start, seg._end, text, string.format("U%x", code))) if #ucodestr < 5 then for i = 0, 15 do local text = utf8.char(code * 16 + i) yield(Candidate("unicode", seg.start, seg._end, text, string.format("U%x~%x", code, i))) end end end end -------------------------------------------------------------