--[[ Lua 阿拉伯数字转中文实现 https://blog.csdn.net/lp12345678910/article/details/121396243 农历功能复制自 https://github.com/boomker/rime-fast-xhup --]] -- 数字转中文: local numerical_units = { "", "十", "百", "千", "万", "十", "百", "千", "亿", "十", "百", "千", "兆", "十", "百", "千", } local numerical_names = { "零", "一", "二", "三", "四", "五", "六", "七", "八", "九", } local function convert_arab_to_chinese(number) local n_number = tonumber(number) assert(n_number, "传入参数非正确number类型!") -- 0 ~ 9 if n_number < 10 then return numerical_names[n_number + 1] end -- 一十九 => 十九 if n_number < 20 then local digit = string.sub(n_number, 2, 2) if digit == "0" then return "十" else return "十" .. numerical_names[digit + 1] end end --[[ 1. 最大输入9位 超过9位,string的len加2位(因为有.0的两位) 零 ~ 九亿九千九百九十九万九千九百九十九 0 ~ 999999999 2. 最大输入14位(超过14位会四舍五入) 零 ~ 九十九兆九千九百九十九亿九千九百九十九万九千九百九十九万 0 ~ 99999999999999 --]] local len_max = 9 local len_number = string.len(number) assert( len_number > 0 and len_number <= len_max, "传入参数位数" .. len_number .. "必须在(0, " .. len_max .. "]之间!" ) -- 01,数字转成表结构存储 local numerical_tbl = {} for i = 1, len_number do numerical_tbl[i] = tonumber(string.sub(n_number, i, i)) end local pre_zero = false local result = "" for index, digit in ipairs(numerical_tbl) do local curr_unit = numerical_units[len_number - index + 1] local curr_name = numerical_names[digit + 1] if digit == 0 then if not pre_zero then result = result .. curr_name end pre_zero = true else result = result .. curr_name .. curr_unit pre_zero = false end end result = string.gsub(result, "零+$", "") return result end -- 农历: -- 天干名称 local cTianGan = { "甲", "乙", "丙", "丁", "戊", "己", "庚", "辛", "壬", "癸", } -- 地支名称 local cDiZhi = { "子", "丑", "寅", "卯", "辰", "巳", "午", "未", "申", "酉", "戌", "亥", } -- 属相名称 local cShuXiang = { "鼠", "牛", "虎", "兔", "龙", "蛇", "马", "羊", "猴", "鸡", "狗", "猪", } -- 农历日期名 local cDayName = { "初一", "初二", "初三", "初四", "初五", "初六", "初七", "初八", "初九", "初十", "十一", "十二", "十三", "十四", "十五", "十六", "十七", "十八", "十九", "二十", "廿一", "廿二", "廿三", "廿四", "廿五", "廿六", "廿七", "廿八", "廿九", "三十", } -- 农历月份名 local cMonName = { "正月", "二月", "三月", "四月", "五月", "六月", "七月", "八月", "九月", "十月", "冬月", "腊月", } -- 农历数据 local wNongliData = { "AB500D2", "4BD0883", "4AE00DB", "A5700D0", "54D0581", "D2600D8", "D9500CC", "655147D", "56A00D5", "9AD00CA", "55D027A", "4AE00D2", "A5B0682", "A4D00DA", "D2500CE", "D25157E", "B5500D6", "56A00CC", "ADA027B", "95B00D3", "49717C9", "49B00DC", "A4B00D0", "B4B0580", "6A500D8", "6D400CD", "AB5147C", "2B600D5", "95700CA", "52F027B", "49700D2", "6560682", "D4A00D9", "EA500CE", "6A9157E", "5AD00D6", "2B600CC", "86E137C", "92E00D3", "C8D1783", "C9500DB", "D4A00D0", "D8A167F", "B5500D7", "56A00CD", "A5B147D", "25D00D5", "92D00CA", "D2B027A", "A9500D2", "B550781", "6CA00D9", "B5500CE", "535157F", "4DA00D6", "A5B00CB", "457037C", "52B00D4", "A9A0883", "E9500DA", "6AA00D0", "AEA0680", "AB500D7", "4B600CD", "AAE047D", "A5700D5", "52600CA", "F260379", "D9500D1", "5B50782", "56A00D9", "96D00CE", "4DD057F", "4AD00D7", "A4D00CB", "D4D047B", "D2500D3", "D550883", "B5400DA", "B6A00CF", "95A1680", "95B00D8", "49B00CD", "A97047D", "A4B00D5", "B270ACA", "6A500DC", "6D400D1", "AF40681", "AB600D9", "93700CE", "4AF057F", "49700D7", "64B00CC", "74A037B", "EA500D2", "6B50883", "5AC00DB", "AB600CF", "96D0580", "92E00D8", "C9600CD", "D95047C", "D4A00D4", "DA500C9", "755027A", "56A00D1", "ABB0781", "25D00DA", "92D00CF", "CAB057E", "A9500D6", "B4A00CB", "BAA047B", "AD500D2", "55D0983", "4BA00DB", "A5B00D0", "5171680", "52B00D8", "A9300CD", "795047D", "6AA00D4", "AD500C9", "5B5027A", "4B600D2", "96E0681", "A4E00D9", "D2600CE", "EA6057E", "D5300D5", "5AA00CB", "76A037B", "96D00D3", "4AB0B83", "4AD00DB", "A4D00D0", "D0B1680", "D2500D7", "D5200CC", "DD4057C", "B5A00D4", "56D00C9", "55B027A", "49B00D2", "A570782", "A4B00D9", "AA500CE", "B25157E", "6D200D6", "ADA00CA", "4B6137B", "93700D3", "49F08C9", "49700DB", "64B00D0", "68A1680", "EA500D7", "6AA00CC", "A6C147C", "AAE00D4", "92E00CA", "D2E0379", "C9600D1", "D550781", "D4A00D9", "DA400CD", "5D5057E", "56A00D6", "A6C00CB", "55D047B", "52D00D3", "A9B0883", "A9500DB", "B4A00CF", "B6A067F", "AD500D7", "55A00CD", "ABA047C", "A5A00D4", "52B00CA", "B27037A", "69300D1", "7330781", "6AA00D9", "AD500CE", "4B5157E", "4B600D6", "A5700CB", "54E047C", "D1600D2", "E960882", "D5200DA", "DAA00CF", "6AA167F", "56D00D7", "4AE00CD", "A9D047D", "A2D00D4", "D1500C9", "F250279", "D5200D1", } -- 十进制转二进制 local function Dec2bin(n) local t, t1 local tables = {} t = tonumber(n) while math.floor(t / 2) >= 1 do t1 = t and math.fmod(t, 2) if t1 > 0 then if #tables > 0 then table.insert(tables, 1, 1) else tables[1] = 1 end else if #tables > 0 then table.insert(tables, 1, 0) else tables[1] = 0 end end t = math.floor(t / 2) if t == 1 then if #tables > 0 then table.insert(tables, 1, 1) else tables[1] = 1 end end end return string.gsub(table.concat(tables), "^[0]+", "") end -- 2/10/16进制互转 local function system(x, inPuttype, outputtype) local r if tonumber(inPuttype) == 2 then if tonumber(outputtype) == 10 then -- 2进制-->10进制 r = tonumber(tostring(x), 2) -- elseif tonumber(outputtype) == 16 then -- 2进制-->16进制 -- r = bin2hex(tostring(x)) end elseif tonumber(inPuttype) == 10 then if tonumber(outputtype) == 2 then -- 10进制-->2进制 r = Dec2bin(tonumber(x)) elseif tonumber(outputtype) == 16 then -- 10进制-->16进制 r = string.format("%x", x) end elseif tonumber(inPuttype) == 16 then if tonumber(outputtype) == 2 then -- 16进制-->2进制 r = Dec2bin(tonumber(tostring(x), 16)) elseif tonumber(outputtype) == 10 then -- 16进制-->10进制 r = tonumber(tostring(x), 16) end end return r end -- 农历16进制数据分解 local function Analyze(Data) local rtn1, rtn2, rtn3, rtn4 rtn1 = system(string.sub(Data, 1, 3), 16, 2) if string.len(rtn1) < 12 then rtn1 = "0" .. rtn1 end rtn2 = string.sub(Data, 4, 4) rtn3 = system(string.sub(Data, 5, 5), 16, 10) rtn4 = system(string.sub(Data, -2, -1), 16, 10) if string.len(rtn4) == 3 then rtn4 = "0" .. system(string.sub(Data, -2, -1), 16, 10) end -- string.gsub(rtn1, "^[0]*", "") return { rtn1, rtn2, rtn3, rtn4 } end -- 年天数判断 local function IsLeap(y) local year = tonumber(y) if not year then return nil end if math.fmod(year, 400) ~= 0 and math.fmod(year, 4) == 0 or math.fmod(year, 400) == 0 then return 366 else return 365 end end -- 返回当年过了多少天 local function leaveDate(y) local day, total total = 0 if IsLeap(tonumber(string.sub(y, 1, 4))) > 365 then day = { 31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 } else day = { 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 } end if tonumber(string.sub(y, 5, 6)) > 1 then for i = 1, tonumber(string.sub(y, 5, 6)) - 1 do total = total + day[i] end total = total + tonumber(string.sub(y, 7, 8)) else return tonumber(string.sub(y, 7, 8)) end return tonumber(total) end -- 计算日期差,两个8位数日期之间相隔的天数,date2>date1 local function diffDate(date1, date2) local n, total total = 0 date1 = tostring(date1) date2 = tostring(date2) if tonumber(date2) > tonumber(date1) then n = tonumber(string.sub(date2, 1, 4)) - tonumber(string.sub(date1, 1, 4)) if n > 1 then for i = 1, n - 1 do total = total + IsLeap(tonumber(string.sub(date1, 1, 4)) + i) end total = total + leaveDate(tonumber(string.sub(date2, 1, 8))) + IsLeap(tonumber(string.sub(date1, 1, 4))) - leaveDate(tonumber(string.sub(date1, 1, 8))) elseif n == 1 then total = IsLeap(tonumber(string.sub(date1, 1, 4))) - leaveDate(tonumber(string.sub(date1, 1, 8))) + leaveDate(tonumber(string.sub(date2, 1, 8))) else total = leaveDate(tonumber(string.sub(date2, 1, 8))) - leaveDate(tonumber(string.sub(date1, 1, 8))) -- print(date1 .. "-" .. date2) end elseif tonumber(date2) == tonumber(date1) then return 0 else return -1 end return total end -- 公历转农历,支持转化范围公元1900-2100年 -- 公历日期 Gregorian:格式 YYYYMMDD -- <返回值>农历日期 中文 天干地支属相 local function Date2LunarDate(Gregorian) Gregorian = tostring(Gregorian) local Year, Month, Day, Pos, Data0, Data1, MonthInfo, LeapInfo, Leap, Newyear, LYear, thisMonthInfo Year = tonumber(Gregorian.sub(Gregorian, 1, 4)) Month = tonumber(Gregorian.sub(Gregorian, 5, 6)) Day = tonumber(Gregorian.sub(Gregorian, 7, 8)) if Year > 2100 or Year < 1899 or Month > 12 or Month < 1 or Day < 1 or Day > 31 or string.len(Gregorian) < 8 then return "无效日期", "无效日期" end -- 获取两百年内的农历数据 Pos = Year - 1900 + 2 Data0 = wNongliData[Pos - 1] Data1 = wNongliData[Pos] -- 判断农历年份 local tb1 = Analyze(Data1) MonthInfo = tb1[1] LeapInfo = tb1[2] Leap = tb1[3] Newyear = tb1[4] local Date1 = Year .. Newyear local Date2 = Gregorian local Date3 = diffDate(Date1, Date2) -- 和当年农历新年相差的天数 if Date3 < 0 then -- print(Data0 .. "-2") tb1 = Analyze(Data0) Year = Year - 1 MonthInfo = tb1[1] LeapInfo = tb1[2] Leap = tb1[3] Newyear = tb1[4] Date1 = Year .. Newyear Date2 = Gregorian Date3 = diffDate(Date1, Date2) -- print(Date2 .. "--" .. Date1 .. "--" .. Date3) end Date3 = Date3 + 1 LYear = Year -- 农历年份,就是上面计算后的值 if Leap > 0 then -- 有闰月 thisMonthInfo = string.sub(MonthInfo, 1, tonumber(Leap)) .. LeapInfo .. string.sub(MonthInfo, Leap + 1) else thisMonthInfo = MonthInfo end local thisMonth, thisDays, LMonth, LDay, Isleap, LunarDate, LunarDate2, LunarYear, LunarMonth for i = 1, 13 do thisMonth = string.sub(thisMonthInfo, i, i) thisDays = 29 + thisMonth if Date3 > thisDays then Date3 = Date3 - thisDays else if Leap > 0 then if Leap >= i then LMonth = i Isleap = 0 else LMonth = i - 1 if i - Leap == 1 then Isleap = 1 else Isleap = 0 end end else LMonth = i Isleap = 0 end LDay = math.floor(Date3) break end end if Isleap > 0 then LunarMonth = "闰" .. cMonName[LMonth] else LunarMonth = cMonName[LMonth] end local _nis = tostring(os.date("%Y")) local _LunarYears = "" for i = 1, _nis:len() do local _ni_digit = tonumber(_nis:sub(i, i)) _LunarYears = _LunarYears .. convert_arab_to_chinese(_ni_digit) end LunarYear = string.gsub(_LunarYears, "零", "〇") LunarDate = cTianGan[math.fmod(LYear - 4, 10) + 1] .. cDiZhi[math.fmod(LYear - 4, 12) + 1] .. "年(" .. cShuXiang[math.fmod(LYear - 4, 12) + 1] .. ")" .. LunarMonth .. cDayName[LDay] LunarDate2 = LunarYear .. "年" .. LunarMonth .. cDayName[LDay] return LunarDate, LunarDate2 end -- 农历 -- 从 lunar: nl 获取农历触发关键字(双拼默认为 lunar) -- 从 recognizer/patterns/gregorian_to_lunar 获取第 2 个字符作为公历转农历的触发前缀,默认为 N local function translator(input, seg, env) env.lunar_key_word = env.lunar_key_word or (env.engine.schema.config:get_string(env.name_space:gsub('^*', '')) or 'nl') env.gregorian_to_lunar = env.gregorian_to_lunar or (env.engine.schema.config:get_string('recognizer/patterns/gregorian_to_lunar'):sub(2, 2) or 'N') if input == env.lunar_key_word then local date1, date2 = Date2LunarDate(os.date("%Y%m%d")) local lunar_ymd = (Candidate("", seg.start, seg._end, date2, "")) lunar_ymd.quality = 999 yield(lunar_ymd) local lunar_date = Candidate("", seg.start, seg._end, date1, "") lunar_date.quality = 999 yield(lunar_date) elseif env.gregorian_to_lunar ~= '' and input:sub(1, 1) == env.gregorian_to_lunar then local date1, date2 = Date2LunarDate(input:sub(2)) local lunar_ymd = (Candidate("", seg.start, seg._end, date2, "")) lunar_ymd.quality = 999 yield(lunar_ymd) local lunar_date = Candidate("", seg.start, seg._end, date1, "") lunar_date.quality = 999 yield(lunar_date) end end return translator