-- 来源 https://github.com/yanhuacuo/98wubi-tables > http://98wb.ysepan.com/ -- 数字、金额大写 -- 触发前缀默认为 recognizer/patterns/number 的第 2 个字符,即 R local function splitNumPart(str) local part = {} part.int, part.dot, part.dec = string.match(str, "^(%d*)(%.?)(%d*)") return part end local function GetPreciseDecimal(nNum, n) if type(nNum) ~= "number" then nNum = tonumber(nNum) end n = n or 0; n = math.floor(n) if n < 0 then n = 0 end local nDecimal = 10 ^ n local nTemp = math.floor(nNum * nDecimal); local nRet = nTemp / nDecimal; return nRet; end local function decimal_func(str, posMap, valMap) local dec posMap = posMap or { [1] = "角", [2] = "分", [3] = "厘", [4] = "毫" } valMap = valMap or { [0] = "零", "壹", "贰", "叁", "肆", "伍", "陆", "柒", "捌", "玖" } if #str > 4 then dec = string.sub(tostring(str), 1, 4) else dec = tostring(str) end dec = string.gsub(dec, "0+$", "") if dec == "" then return "整" end local result = "" for pos = 1, #dec do local val = tonumber(string.sub(dec, pos, pos)) if val ~= 0 then result = result .. valMap[val] .. posMap[pos] else result = result .. valMap[val] end end result = result:gsub(valMap[0] .. valMap[0], valMap[0]) return result:gsub(valMap[0] .. valMap[0], valMap[0]) end -- 把数字串按千分位四位数分割,进行转换为中文 local function formatNum(num, t) local digitUnit, wordFigure local result = "" num = tostring(num) if tonumber(t) < 1 then digitUnit = { "", "十", "百", "千" } else digitUnit = { "", "拾", "佰", "仟" } end if tonumber(t) < 1 then wordFigure = { "〇", "一", "二", "三", "四", "五", "六", "七", "八", "九" } else wordFigure = { "零", "壹", "贰", "叁", "肆", "伍", "陆", "柒", "捌", "玖" } end if string.len(num) > 4 or tonumber(num) == 0 then return wordFigure[1] end local lens = string.len(num) for i = 1, lens do local n = wordFigure[tonumber(string.sub(num, -i, -i)) + 1] if n ~= wordFigure[1] then result = n .. digitUnit[i] .. result else result = n .. result end end result = result:gsub(wordFigure[1] .. wordFigure[1], wordFigure[1]) result = result:gsub(wordFigure[1] .. "$", "") result = result:gsub(wordFigure[1] .. "$", "") return result end -- 数值转换为中文 local function number2cnChar(num, flag, digitUnit, wordFigure) --flag=0中文小写反之为大写 local result = "" if tonumber(flag) < 1 then digitUnit = digitUnit or { [1] = "万", [2] = "亿" } wordFigure = wordFigure or { [1] = "〇", [2] = "一", [3] = "十", [4] = "元" } else digitUnit = digitUnit or { [1] = "万", [2] = "亿" } wordFigure = wordFigure or { [1] = "零", [2] = "壹", [3] = "拾", [4] = "元" } end local lens = string.len(num) if lens < 5 then result = formatNum(num, flag) elseif lens < 9 then result = formatNum(string.sub(num, 1, -5), flag) .. digitUnit[1] .. formatNum(string.sub(num, -4, -1), flag) elseif lens < 13 then result = formatNum(string.sub(num, 1, -9), flag) .. digitUnit[2] .. formatNum(string.sub(num, -8, -5), flag) .. digitUnit[1] .. formatNum(string.sub(num, -4, -1), flag) else result = "" end result = result:gsub("^" .. wordFigure[1], "") result = result:gsub(wordFigure[1] .. digitUnit[1], "") result = result:gsub(wordFigure[1] .. digitUnit[2], "") result = result:gsub(wordFigure[1] .. wordFigure[1], wordFigure[1]) result = result:gsub(wordFigure[1] .. "$", "") if lens > 4 then result = result:gsub("^" .. wordFigure[2] .. wordFigure[3], wordFigure[3]) end if result ~= "" then result = result .. wordFigure[4] else result = "数值超限!" end return result end local function number2zh(num, t) local result, wordFigure result = "" if tonumber(t) < 1 then wordFigure = { "〇", "一", "二", "三", "四", "五", "六", "七", "八", "九" } else wordFigure = { "零", "壹", "贰", "叁", "肆", "伍", "陆", "柒", "捌", "玖" } end if tostring(num) == nil then return "" end for pos = 1, string.len(num) do result = result .. wordFigure[tonumber(string.sub(num, pos, pos) + 1)] end result = result:gsub(wordFigure[1] .. wordFigure[1], wordFigure[1]) return result:gsub(wordFigure[1] .. wordFigure[1], wordFigure[1]) end local function number_translatorFunc(num) local numberPart = splitNumPart(num) local result = {} if numberPart.dot ~= "" then table.insert(result, { number2cnChar(numberPart.int, 0, { "万", "亿" }, { "〇", "一", "十", "点" }) .. number2zh(numberPart.dec, 0), "〔数字小写〕" }) table.insert(result, { number2cnChar(numberPart.int, 1, { "萬", "億" }, { "〇", "一", "十", "点" }) .. number2zh(numberPart.dec, 1), "〔数字大写〕" }) else table.insert(result, { number2cnChar(numberPart.int, 0, { "万", "亿" }, { "〇", "一", "十", "" }), "〔数字小写〕" }) table.insert(result, { number2cnChar(numberPart.int, 1, { "萬", "億" }, { "零", "壹", "拾", "" }), "〔数字大写〕" }) end table.insert(result, { number2cnChar(numberPart.int, 0) .. decimal_func(numberPart.dec, { [1] = "角", [2] = "分", [3] = "厘", [4] = "毫" }, { [0] = "〇", "一", "二", "三", "四", "五", "六", "七", "八", "九" }), "〔金额小写〕" }) local number2cnCharInt = number2cnChar(numberPart.int, 1) local number2cnCharDec = decimal_func(numberPart.dec, { [1] = "角", [2] = "分", [3] = "厘", [4] = "毫" }, { [0] = "零", "壹", "贰", "叁", "肆", "伍", "陆", "柒", "捌", "玖" }) table.insert(result, { number2cnCharInt .. number2cnCharDec , "〔金额大写〕"}) if string.len(numberPart.int) > 4 and number2cnCharInt:find('^' .. '拾万') then number2cnCharInt = number2cnCharInt:gsub('^' .. '拾万', '壹拾万') table.insert(result, { number2cnCharInt .. number2cnCharDec , "〔金额大写〕"}) end return result end local function number_translator(input, seg, env) -- 获取 recognizer/patterns/number 的第 2 个字符作为触发前缀 env.number_keyword = env.number_keyword or env.engine.schema.config:get_string('recognizer/patterns/number'):sub(2, 2) local str, num, numberPart if env.number_keyword ~= '' and input:sub(1, 1) == env.number_keyword then str = string.gsub(input, "^(%a+)", "") numberPart = number_translatorFunc(str) if str and #str > 0 and #numberPart > 0 then for i = 1, #numberPart do yield(Candidate(input, seg.start, seg._end, numberPart[i][1], numberPart[i][2])) end end end end -- print(#number_translatorFunc(3355.433)) return number_translator