-- Copyright (C) [Mirtle](https://github.com/mirtlecn) -- License: CC BY-SA 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/) -- 使用说明: -- 处理 lua 中的特殊字符用于匹配 local function alt_lua_punc( s ) if s then return s:gsub( '([%.%+%-%*%?%[%]%^%$%(%)%%])', '%%%1' ) else return '' end end -- 获取指定字符在文本中的位置 local function get_pos( text, char ) local pos = {} if text:find( char ) then local tmp = text for i = 1, utf8.len( tmp ) do local first_char = tmp:sub( 1, utf8.offset( tmp, 2 ) - 1 ) if first_char == char then pos[i] = true end tmp = tmp:gsub( '^' .. first_char, '' ) i = i + 1 end end return pos end -- 此函数用于手动写入用户词库,目前仅对双拼有效 local function update_dict_entry( s, code, mem, proj ) if #s == 0 or utf8.len( s ) == #s or (#code % 2 ~= 0) then log.info( '[search.lua]: Ignored' .. s ) return 0 end local e = DictEntry() e.text = s local pos = {} if s:find( '·' ) and (utf8.len( s ) > 1) then pos = get_pos( s, '·' ) end local custom_code = {} local loop = 1 for i = 1, #code, 2 do local code_convert = code:sub( i, i + 1 ) local p = proj:apply( code_convert, true ) if p and #p > 0 then code_convert = p end if code_convert == 'dian' and pos[loop] then -- Ignored else table.insert( custom_code, code_convert ) end loop = loop + 1 end e.custom_code = table.concat( custom_code, ' ' ) .. ' ' if mem.start_session then mem:start_session() end -- new on librime 2024.05 mem:update_userdict( e, 1, '' ) if mem.finish_session then mem:finish_session() end -- new on librime 2024.05 end -- 通过 schema 的方式查询(以辅码查字,然后对比候选,慢,但能够匹配到算法转换过的码) -- 查询方案中的匹配项,并返回字表 local function dict_init( search_string, mem, search_limit, code_projection ) local dict_table = {} if code_projection then -- old librime(<= 2023.06) do not return original string when apply failed local p = code_projection:apply( search_string, true ) if p and #p > 0 then search_string = p end end if mem:dict_lookup( search_string, true, search_limit ) then for entry in mem:iter_dict() do dict_table[entry.text] = true end end return dict_table end -- 匹配候选 local function dict_match( table, text ) if table[text] == true then return true end return false end -- 通过 reverse db 查询(以字查码,然后比对辅码是否相同,快,但只能匹配未经算法转换的码) local function reverse_lookup( code_projection, db_table, wildcard, text, s, global_match ) if wildcard then s = s:gsub( wildcard, '.*' ) end if code_projection then -- old librime do not return original string when apply failed local p = code_projection:apply( s, true ) if p and #p > 0 then s = p end end -- log.error(s) for _, db in ipairs( db_table ) do local code = db:lookup( text ) if code and #code > 0 then for part in code:gmatch( '%S+' ) do if global_match then if part:find( s ) then return true end else if part:find( '^' .. s ) then return true end -- an error pointing at this line. do not know why. so I'll keep an eye. end end end end return false end -- 处理单字优先 local function handle_long_cand( if_single_char_first, cand, long_word_cands ) if if_single_char_first and utf8.len( cand.text ) > 1 then table.insert( long_word_cands, cand ) else yield( cand ) end end local f = {} function f.init( env ) local config = env.engine.schema.config local ns = 'search' env.if_schema_lookup = false env.if_reverse_lookup = false -- 配置:仅限 script_translator 引擎 local engine = config:get_list( 'engine/translators' ) local engine_table = {} for i = 0, engine.size - 1 do engine_table[engine:get_value_at( i ).value] = true end if not engine_table['script_translator'] then log.error( '[search.lua]: script_translator not found in engine/translators, search.lua will not work' ) return end -- 配置:辅码查字方法 -- -- -- 当在 engine 出直接指定了 namespace 则使用该 namespace 进行 schema 匹配 -- 当在 search_in_cand 节点下指定了 schema 和 db 则进行相应匹配 -- 当该节点下 schema 为 0 或者 false,或者不存在时,不进行相应匹配 -- -- local schema_name = config:get_string( ns .. '/schema' ) if not env.name_space:find( '^%*' ) then schema_name = env.name_space end if not schema_name or schema_name == 'false' or schema_name == '0' or #schema_name == 0 then goto checkdb end env.search = Memory( env.engine, Schema( schema_name ) ) if schema_name and env.search then env.if_schema_lookup = true env.search_limit = config:get_int( ns .. '/schema_search_limit' ) or 1000 end ::checkdb:: local db = config:get_list( ns .. '/db' ) if db and db.size > 0 then env.wildcard = alt_lua_punc( config:get_string( ns .. '/wildcard' ) ) or '*' env.db_table = {} for i = 0, db.size - 1 do table.insert( env.db_table, ReverseLookup( db:get_value_at( i ).value ) ) end env.if_reverse_lookup = true end if not env.if_reverse_lookup and not env.if_schema_lookup then return end -- 配置:辅码转换规则 -- -- -- 例如:- xlit/ABCD/1234/ 就可以用 ABCD 来输入 1234(地球拼音音调) local fuma_format = config:get_list( ns .. '/fuma_format' ) if fuma_format and fuma_format.size > 0 then env.code_projection = Projection() env.code_projection:load( fuma_format ) else env.code_projection = nil end -- 配置:是否显示不符合辅码的候选 env.show_other_cands = config:get_bool( ns .. '/show_other_cands' ) -- 配置:辅码引导符号,默认为反引号 ` local search_key = config:get_string( 'key_binder/search' ) or config:get_string( ns .. '/key' ) or '`' env.search_key_alt = alt_lua_punc( search_key ) local code_pattern = config:get_string( ns .. '/code_pattern' ) or '[a-z]' -- 配置:seg tag local tag = config:get_list( ns .. '/tags' ) if tag and tag.size > 0 then env.tag = {} for i = 0, tag.size - 1 do table.insert( env.tag, tag:get_value_at( i ).value ) end else env.tag = { 'abc' } end -- 配置:手动写入用户词库 local rules = config:get_list( ns .. '/input2code_format' ) if rules and rules.size > 0 then env.projection = Projection() env.projection:load( rules ) env.mem = Memory( env.engine, env.engine.schema ) end -- 推入输入历史,并手动(如果设定了按键到编码的转换规则)写入用户词库 env.commit_notifier = env.engine.context.commit_notifier:connect( function( ctx ) if env.have_select_commit and env.commit_code then local commit_text = ctx:get_commit_text() if env.mem then update_dict_entry( commit_text, env.commit_code, env.mem, env.projection ) end ctx.commit_history:push( 'search.lua', commit_text ) env.have_select_commit = false else return end end ) -- 接管选词逻辑,是词组则始终保留引导码,否则直接上屏 env.notifier = env.engine.context.select_notifier:connect( function( ctx ) local input = ctx.input local code = input:match( '^(.-)' .. env.search_key_alt ) if (not code or #code == 0) then return end local preedit = ctx:get_preedit() local no_search_string = ctx.input:match( '^(.-)' .. env.search_key_alt ) local edit = preedit.text:match( '^(.-)' .. env.search_key_alt ) env.have_select_commit = true if edit and edit:match( code_pattern ) then ctx.input = no_search_string .. search_key else ctx.input = no_search_string env.commit_code = no_search_string ctx:commit() end end ) end function f.func( input, env ) -- 当且仅当当输入码中含有辅码引导符号,并有有辅码存在,进入匹配逻辑 local code, fuma = env.engine.context.input:match( '^(.-)' .. env.search_key_alt .. '(.+)$' ) if (not code or #code == 0) or (not fuma or #fuma == 0) or (not env.if_reverse_lookup and not env.if_schema_lookup) then for cand in input:iter() do yield( cand ) end return end local if_single_char_first = env.engine.context:get_option( 'search_single_char' ) local dict_table local fuma_2 local other_cand = {} local long_word_cands = {} if env.if_schema_lookup then dict_table = dict_init( fuma, env.search, env.search_limit, env.code_projection ) end if fuma:find( env.search_key_alt ) then fuma, fuma_2 = fuma:match( '^(.-)' .. env.search_key_alt .. '(.*)$' ) end for cand in input:iter() do if cand.type == 'sentence' then goto skip end local cand_text = cand.text local text = cand_text local text_2 = nil -- 当候选多于一个字,则取第一个匹配 if utf8.len( cand_text ) and utf8.len( cand_text ) > 1 then text = cand_text:sub( 1, utf8.offset( cand_text, 2 ) - 1 ) local cand_text_2 = cand_text:gsub( '^' .. text, '' ) text_2 = cand_text_2:sub( 1, utf8.offset( cand_text_2, 2 ) - 1 ) end if fuma_2 and #fuma_2 > 0 and env.if_reverse_lookup and not env.if_schema_lookup then if -- 第一个辅码匹配第一个字,第二个辅码正则匹配第一个字**或者**匹配第二个字 reverse_lookup( env.code_projection, env.db_table, env.wildcard, text, fuma ) and ((text_2 and reverse_lookup( env.code_projection, env.db_table, env.wildcard, text_2, fuma_2 )) or reverse_lookup( env.code_projection, env.db_table, env.wildcard, text, fuma_2, true )) then handle_long_cand( if_single_char_first, cand, long_word_cands ) else table.insert( other_cand, cand ) end else if -- 用辅码匹配第一个字 (env.if_reverse_lookup and reverse_lookup( env.code_projection, env.db_table, env.wildcard, text, fuma )) or (env.if_schema_lookup and dict_match( dict_table, text )) then handle_long_cand( if_single_char_first, cand, long_word_cands ) else table.insert( other_cand, cand ) end end ::skip:: end -- 上屏其余的候选 for i, cand in ipairs( long_word_cands ) do yield( cand ) end if env.show_other_cands then for i, cand in ipairs( other_cand ) do yield( cand ) end end end function f.tags_match( seg, env ) for i, v in ipairs( env.tag ) do if seg.tags[v] then return true end end return false end function f.fini( env ) if env.if_reverse_lookup or env.if_schema_lookup then env.notifier:disconnect() env.commit_notifier:disconnect() if env.mem or env.search or env.db_table then env.db_table = nil env.mem = nil env.search = nil collectgarbage( 'collect' ) end end end return f