2023-04-08 12:39:37 +08:00

413 lines
17 KiB
Raw Blame History

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# Squirrel settings
# encoding: utf-8
# squirrel[.custom].yaml 是鼠须管的前端配置文件,小狼毫是 weasel[.custom].yaml
# 各平台皮肤配置并不一致。
# 鼠须管内置皮肤展示: https://github.com/NavisLab/rime-pifu
# 鼠须管界面配置指南: https://github.com/LEOYoon-Tsaw/Rime_collections/blob/master/鼠鬚管介面配置指南.md
# 鼠须管作者写的图形化的皮肤设计器: https://github.com/LEOYoon-Tsaw/Squirrel-Designer
# 要比共享目录的同名文件的 config_version 大才可以生效
config_version: '2023-02-27'
# options: last | default | _custom_
# last: the last used latin keyboard layout
# default: US (ABC) keyboard layout
# _custom_: keyboard layout of your choice, e.g. 'com.apple.keylayout.USExtended' or simply 'USExtended'
keyboard_layout: default
# for veteran chord-typist
chord_duration: 0.1 # seconds
# options: always | never | appropriate
show_notifications_when: appropriate
# ascii_mode、inline、no_inline、vim_mode 等等设定
# 可参考 /Library/Input Methods/Squirrel.app/Contents/SharedSupport/squirrel.yaml
# com.apple.Spotlight:
# ascii_mode: true # 开启默认英文
# com.microsoft.VSCode:
# ascii_mode: false # 关闭默认英文
# 选择皮肤,亮色与暗色主题
color_scheme: purity_of_form_custom
color_scheme_dark: purity_of_form_custom
# 预设选项:(可被皮肤覆盖;如果皮肤没写,则默认使用这些属性。)
text_orientation: horizontal # horizontal | vertical
inline_preedit: true
corner_radius: 10
hilited_corner_radius: 0
border_height: 0
border_width: 0
line_spacing: 5
spacing: 10
#candidate_format: '%c. %@'
#base_offset: 6
font_face: 'Lucida Grande'
font_point: 21
#label_font_face: 'Lucida Grande'
label_font_point: 18
#comment_font_face: 'Lucida Grande'
comment_font_point: 18
# 皮肤列表
# 对 purity_of_form 略微调整颜色,让色彩更柔和点,补全其他选项和注释
name: "純粹的形式Purity of Form Custom"
author: 雨過之後、佛振
# 如果将字体设置为 PingFangSC-Regular
# 会让 🈶🈚️🉑🈲🉐 这几个 Emoji 失去彩色效果,留空反而可以显示。。。
font_face: "" # 字体及大小
font_point: 18
label_font_face: "Helvetica" # 序号字体及大小
label_font_point: 12
comment_font_face: "Helvetica" # 注字体及大小
comment_font_point: 16
candidate_list_layout: stacked # 候选项排列方向 stacked | linear
text_orientation: horizontal # 文字排列方向 horizontal | vertical
inline_preedit: true # 拼音位于: 候选框 false | 行内 true
translucency: false # 磨砂: false | true
mutual_exclusive: false # 色不叠加: false | true
border_height: 0 # 外边框 高
border_width: 0 # 外边框 宽
corner_radius: 10 # 外边框 圆角半径
hilited_corner_radius: 0 # 选中框 圆角半径
surrounding_extra_expansion: 0 # 候选项背景相对大小?
shadow_size: 0 # 阴影大小
line_spacing: 5 # 行间距
base_offset: 0 # 字基高
alpha: 1 # 透明度0~1
spacing: 10 # 拼音与候选项之间的距离 inline_preedit: false
color_space: srgb # 色彩空间: srgb | display_p3
back_color: 0x545554 # 底色
hilited_candidate_back_color: 0xE3E3E3 # 选中底色
label_color: 0xBBBBBB # 序号颜色
hilited_candidate_label_color: 0x4C4C4C # 选中序号颜色
candidate_text_color: 0xEEEEEE # 文字颜色
hilited_candidate_text_color: 0x000000 # 选中文字颜色
comment_text_color: 0x808080 # 注颜色
hilited_comment_text_color: 0x808080 # 选中注颜色
text_color: 0x808080 # 拼音颜色 inline_preedit: false
hilited_text_color: 0xEEEEEE # 选中拼音颜色 inline_preedit: false
# candidate_back_color: # 候选项底色
# preedit_back_color: # 拼音底色 inline_preedit: false
# hilited_back_color: # 选中拼音底色 inline_preedit: false
# border_color: # 外边框颜色
# 支持磨砂与透明度
name: "霜青Frosty Teal" # 配色取自 Alfred 自带主题 Frosty Teal
author: Dvel
font_face: "" # 字体及大小
font_point: 18.0
label_font_face: "Helvetica" # 序号字体及大小
label_font_point: 12.0
comment_font_face: "Helvetica" # 注字体及大小
comment_font_point: 16.0
inline_preedit: true # 拼音位于: 候选框 false | 行内 true
candidate_list_layout: stacked # 候选项排列方向 stacked | linear
text_orientation: horizontal # 文字排列方向 horizontal | vertical
translucency: true # 磨砂: false | true
alpha: 0.85 # 透明度0~1
back_color: 0xB5806410 # 底色
hilited_candidate_back_color: 0x1E000000 # 选中项底色
candidate_text_color: 0xADFFFFFF # 文字颜色
hilited_candidate_text_color: 0xFFFFFF # 选中文字颜色
comment_text_color: 0x6FFFFFFF # 注颜色
hilited_comment_text_color: 0x6FFFFFFF # 选中注颜色
label_color: 0xADFFFFFF # 序号颜色
hilited_candidate_label_color: 0xFFFFFF # 选中序号颜色
text_color: 0x808080 # 拼音颜色 inline_preedit: false
hilited_text_color: 0xEEEEEE # 选中拼音颜色 inline_preedit: false
# 下面是内置的皮肤 /Library/Input Methods/Squirrel.app/Contents/SharedSupport/squirrel.yaml
name: 系統配色
name: 碧水Aqua
author: 佛振 <chen.sst@gmail.com>
text_color: 0x606060
back_color: 0xeeeceeee
candidate_text_color: 0x000000
hilited_text_color: 0x000000
hilited_candidate_text_color: 0xffffff
hilited_candidate_back_color: 0xeefa3a0a
comment_text_color: 0x5a5a5a
hilited_comment_text_color: 0xfcac9d
name: 青天Azure
author: 佛振 <chen.sst@gmail.com>
text_color: 0xcfa677
candidate_text_color: 0xffeacc
back_color: 0xee8b4e01
hilited_text_color: 0xffeacc
hilited_candidate_text_color: 0x7ffeff
hilited_candidate_back_color: 0x00000000
comment_text_color: 0xc69664
name: 明月Luna
author: 佛振 <chen.sst@gmail.com>
text_color: 0xa5a5a5
back_color: 0xdd000000
candidate_text_color: 0xeceeee
hilited_text_color: 0x7fffff
hilited_candidate_text_color: 0x7fffff
hilited_candidate_back_color: 0x40000000
comment_text_color: 0xa5a5a5
hilited_comment_text_color: 0x449c9d
name: 墨池Ink
author: 佛振 <chen.sst@gmail.com>
text_color: 0x5a5a5a
back_color: 0xeeffffff
candidate_text_color: 0x000000
hilited_text_color: 0x000000
#hilited_back_color: 0xdddddd
hilited_candidate_text_color: 0xffffff
hilited_candidate_back_color: 0xcc000000
comment_text_color: 0x5a5a5a
hilited_comment_text_color: 0x808080
name: 孤寺Lost Temple
author: 佛振 <chen.sst@gmail.com>, based on ir_black
text_color: 0xe8f3f6
back_color: 0xee303030
hilited_text_color: 0x82e6ca
hilited_candidate_text_color: 0x000000
hilited_candidate_back_color: 0x82e6ca
comment_text_color: 0xbb82e6ca
hilited_comment_text_color: 0xbb203d34
name: 暗堂Dark Temple
author: 佛振 <chen.sst@gmail.com>, based on ir_black
text_color: 0x92f6da
back_color: 0x222222
candidate_text_color: 0xd8e3e6
hilited_text_color: 0xffcf9a
hilited_back_color: 0x222222
hilited_candidate_text_color: 0x92f6da
hilited_candidate_back_color: 0x10000000 # 0x333333
comment_text_color: 0x606cff
name: 幽能Psionics
author: 雨過之後、佛振
text_color: 0xc2c2c2
back_color: 0x444444
candidate_text_color: 0xeeeeee
hilited_text_color: 0xeeeeee
hilited_back_color: 0x444444
hilited_candidate_label_color: 0xfafafa
hilited_candidate_text_color: 0xfafafa
hilited_candidate_back_color: 0xd4bc00
comment_text_color: 0x808080
hilited_comment_text_color: 0x444444
name: 純粹的形式Purity of Form
author: 雨過之後、佛振
text_color: 0xc2c2c2
back_color: 0x444444
candidate_text_color: 0xeeeeee
hilited_text_color: 0xeeeeee
hilited_back_color: 0x444444
hilited_candidate_text_color: 0x000000
hilited_candidate_back_color: 0xfafafa
comment_text_color: 0x808080
name: 純粹的本質Purity of Essence
author: 佛振
text_color: 0x2c2ccc
back_color: 0xfafafa
candidate_text_color: 0x000000
hilited_text_color: 0x000000
hilited_back_color: 0xfafafa
hilited_candidate_text_color: 0xeeeeee
hilited_candidate_back_color: 0x444444
comment_text_color: 0x808080
name: 星際我爭霸StarCraft
author: Contralisk <contralisk@gmail.com>, original artwork by Blizzard Entertainment
text_color: 0xccaa88
candidate_text_color: 0x30bb55
back_color: 0xee000000
border_color: 0x1010a0
hilited_text_color: 0xfecb96
hilited_back_color: 0x000000
hilited_candidate_text_color: 0x70ffaf
hilited_candidate_back_color: 0x00000000
comment_text_color: 0x1010d0
hilited_comment_text_color: 0x1010f0
name: 谷歌Google
author: skoj <skoj@qq.com>
text_color: 0x666666 #拼音串
candidate_text_color: 0x000000 #非第一候选项
back_color: 0xFFFFFF #背景
border_color: 0xE2E2E2 #边框
hilited_text_color: 0x000000 #拼音串高亮
hilited_back_color: 0xFFFFFF #拼音串高亮背景
hilited_candidate_text_color: 0xFFFFFF #第一候选项
hilited_candidate_back_color: 0xCE7539 #第一候选项背景
comment_text_color: 0x6D6D6D #注解文字
hilited_comment_text_color: 0xEBC6B0 #注解文字高亮
name: 曬經石Solarized Rock
author: "Aben <tntaben@gmail.com>, based on Ethan Schoonover's Solarized color scheme"
back_color: 0x362b00
border_color: 0x362b00
text_color: 0x8236d3
hilited_text_color: 0x98a12a
candidate_text_color: 0x969483
comment_text_color: 0xc098a12a
hilited_candidate_text_color: 0xffffff
hilited_candidate_back_color: 0x8236d3
hilited_comment_text_color: 0x362b00
name: 简约白Clean White
author: Chongyu Zhu <lembacon@gmail.com>, based on 搜狗「简约白」
horizontal: true
candidate_format: '%c %@'
corner_radius: 6
border_height: 6
border_width: 6
font_point: 16
label_font_point: 12
label_color: 0x888888
text_color: 0x808080
hilited_text_color: 0x000000
candidate_text_color: 0x000000
comment_text_color: 0x808080
back_color: 0xeeeeee
hilited_candidate_label_color: 0xa0c98915
hilited_candidate_text_color: 0xc98915
hilited_candidate_back_color: 0xeeeeee
name: 冷漠Apathy
author: LIANG Hai
horizontal: true # 水平排列
inline_preedit: true #单行显示false双行显示
candidate_format: "%c\u2005%@\u2005" # 编号 %c 和候选词 %@ 前后的空间
corner_radius: 5 #候选条圆角
border_height: 0
border_width: 0
back_color: 0xFFFFFF #候选条背景色
font_face: "PingFangSC-Regular,HanaMinB" #候选词字体
font_point: 16 #候选字词大小
text_color: 0x424242 #高亮选中词颜色
label_font_face: "STHeitiSC-Light" #候选词编号字体
label_font_point: 12 #候选编号大小
hilited_candidate_text_color: 0xEE6E00 #候选文字颜色
hilited_candidate_back_color: 0xFFF0E4 #候选文字背景色
comment_text_color: 0x999999 #拼音等提示文字颜色
name: 浮尘Dust
author: Superoutman <asticosmo@gmail.com>
horizontal: true # 水平排列
inline_preedit: true #单行显示false双行显示
candidate_format: "%c\u2005%@\u2005" # 用 1/6 em 空格 U+2005 来控制编号 %c 和候选词 %@ 前后的空间。
corner_radius: 2 #候选条圆角
border_height: 3 # 窗口边界高度,大于圆角半径才生效
border_width: 8 # 窗口边界宽度,大于圆角半径才生效
back_color: 0xeeffffff #候选条背景色
border_color: 0xE0B693 # 边框色
font_face: "HYQiHei-55S Book,HanaMinA Regular" #候选词字体
font_point: 14 #候选字词大小
label_font_face: "SimHei" #候选词编号字体
label_font_point: 10 #候选编号大小
label_color: 0xcbcbcb # 预选栏编号颜色
candidate_text_color: 0x555555 # 预选项文字颜色
text_color: 0x424242 # 拼音行文字颜色24位色值16进制BGR顺序
comment_text_color: 0x999999 # 拼音等提示文字颜色
hilited_text_color: 0x9e9e9e # 高亮拼音 (需要开启内嵌编码)
hilited_candidate_text_color: 0x000000 # 第一候选项文字颜色
hilited_candidate_back_color: 0xfff0e4 # 第一候选项背景背景色
hilited_candidate_label_color: 0x555555 # 第一候选项编号颜色
hilited_comment_text_color: 0x9e9e9e # 注解文字高亮
name: 沙漠夜Mojave Dark
author: xiehuc <xiehuc@gmail.com>
horizontal: true # 水平排列
inline_preedit: true # 单行显示false双行显示
candidate_format: "%c\u2005%@" # 用 1/6 em 空格 U+2005 来控制编号 %c 和候选词 %@ 前后的空间。
corner_radius: 5 # 候选条圆角
hilited_corner_radius: 3 # 高亮圆角
border_height: 6 # 窗口边界高度,大于圆角半径才生效
border_width: 6 # 窗口边界宽度,大于圆角半径才生效
font_face: "PingFangSC" # 候选词字体
font_point: 16 # 候选字词大小
label_font_point: 14 # 候选编号大小
text_color: 0xdedddd # 拼音行文字颜色24位色值16进制BGR顺序
back_color: 0x252320 # 候选条背景色
label_color: 0x888785 # 预选栏编号颜色
border_color: 0x020202 # 边框色
candidate_text_color: 0xdedddd # 预选项文字颜色
hilited_text_color: 0xdedddd # 高亮拼音 (需要开启内嵌编码)
hilited_back_color: 0x252320 # 高亮拼音 (需要开启内嵌编码)
hilited_candidate_text_color: 0xffffff # 第一候选项文字颜色
hilited_candidate_back_color: 0xcb5d00 # 第一候选项背景背景色
hilited_candidate_label_color: 0xffffff # 第一候选项编号颜色
comment_text_color: 0xdedddd # 拼音等提示文字颜色
#hilited_comment_text_color: 0xdedddd # 注解文字高亮
name: 曬經・日Solarized Light
author: 雪齋 <lyc20041@gmail.com>
color_space: display_p3 # Only available on macOS 10.12+
back_color: 0xf0E5F6FB #Lab 97, 0, 10
border_color: 0xf0EDFFFF #Lab 100, 0, 10
preedit_back_color: 0xf0D7E8ED #Lab 92, 0, 10
candidate_text_color: 0x3942CB #Lab 50, 65, 45
label_color: 0x2566C6 #Lab 55, 45, 65
comment_text_color: 0x8144C2 #Lab 50, 65, -5
text_color: 0x756E5D #Lab 45, -7, -7
hilited_back_color: 0xf0C9DADF #Lab 87, 0, 10
hilited_candidate_back_color: 0x403516 #Lab 20, -12, -12
hilited_candidate_text_color: 0x989F52 #Lab 60, -35, -5
hilited_candidate_label_color: 0xCC8947 #Lab 55, -10, -45
hilited_comment_text_color: 0x289989 #Lab 60, -20, 65
hilited_text_color: 0xBE706D #Lab 50, 15, -45
name: 曬經・月Solarized Dark
author: 雪齋 <lyc20041@gmail.com>
color_space: display_p3 # Only available on macOS 10.12+
back_color: 0xf0352A0A #Lab 15, -12, -12
border_color: 0xf02A1F00 #Lab 10, -12, -12
preedit_back_color: 0xf0403516 #Lab 20, -12, -12
candidate_text_color: 0x989F52 #Lab 60, -35, -5
label_color: 0xCC8947 #Lab 55, -10, -45
comment_text_color: 0x289989 #Lab 60, -20, 65
text_color: 0xA1A095 #Lab 65, -05, -02
hilited_back_color: 0xf04C4022 #Lab 25, -12, -12
hilited_candidate_back_color: 0xD7E8ED #Lab 92, 0, 10
hilited_candidate_text_color: 0x3942CB #Lab 50, 65, 45
hilited_candidate_label_color: 0x2566C6 #Lab 55, 45, 65
hilited_comment_text_color: 0x8144C2 #Lab 50, 65, -5
hilited_text_color: 0x2C8BAE #Lab 60, 10, 65