280 lines
11 KiB
Raw Blame History

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# Trime default style settings
# encoding: utf-8
# 以 iRime 自带的「iPhone默认键盘」为模板修改了一些
# 按钮调换描述文字中文键盘显示为「中」英文键盘显示为「abc」。
# 修改键盘符号的映射,不调用 punctuator/half_shape直接输出指定标点。
# 一般是上滑为全角的,下滑改为半角的。
# / @ # - _ 永远是半角的,上下滑都一样。
# 右引号上滑为直角引号「」
# 括号下滑为输入单个括号,中文的输出全角,英文的输出半角。
# 取消符号键盘,点击「符」直接跳转到「更多」那个界面。
config_version: "0.9"
name: 默认键盘 #方案名称
author: 筋斗云#作者资讯
1: &jpgd1 43.6 #符号键盘
2: &jpgd2 46 #主键盘
3: &jpgd3 41.5 #数字键盘
4: &jpgd4 12 #主键盘圆角
5: &jpgd5 36 #候选区高度
6: &jpgd6 0.5 #符号键盘行间距
7: &jpgd7 0.5 #符号键盘水平间距
8: &jpgd8 0.0 #符号键盘圆角
9: &jpgd9 11 #主键盘数字键盘行间距
10: &jpgd10 4 #主键盘数字键盘水平间距
key_height: *jpgd2 #键高
keyboards: [default, number, .symbols, english, .number] #键盘配置,所有跳转键盘都需要在这里配置,不然会出错
text_size: 12 #编码字体大小 默认值为12
text_height: 20 #编码框高度 默认值为20
candidate_text_size: 24 #候选字体大小 默认值为24
candidate_view_height: 44 #候选高度 默认值为44
candidate_padding: 14 #候选间距 默认值为14
comment_text_size: 14 #逐码字体大小 默认值为14
comment_height: 16 #逐码高度 默认值为16
show_preview: true #是否显示气泡 默认显示
round_corner: 0 #值为0的话默认 iphone为4ipad为8
color_scheme: default #配色方案
ascii_mode: 0
author: "筋斗云"
height: *jpgd2
horizontal_gap: *jpgd10
vertical_gap: *jpgd9
round_corner: *jpgd4
- {click: q, label: Q, swipe_up: commit1, swipe_down: "一"}
- {click: w, label: W, swipe_up: commit2, swipe_down: "二"}
- {click: e, label: E, swipe_up: commit3, swipe_down: "三"}
- {click: r, label: R, swipe_up: commit4, swipe_down: "四"}
- {click: t, label: T, swipe_up: commit5, swipe_down: "五"}
- {click: y, label: Y, swipe_up: commit6, swipe_down: "六"}
- {click: u, label: U, swipe_up: commit7, swipe_down: "七"}
- {click: i, label: I, swipe_up: commit8, swipe_down: "八"}
- {click: o, label: O, swipe_up: commit9, swipe_down: "九"}
- {click: p, label: P, swipe_up: commit0, swipe_down: ""}
- {width: 5}
- {click: a, label: A, swipe_up: commit, swipe_down: commithalf}
- {click: s, label: S, swipe_up: commitgan, swipe_down: commitgan}
- {click: d, label: D, swipe_up: commit, swipe_down: commithalf}
- {click: f, label: F, swipe_up: commit, swipe_down: commithalf}
- {click: g, label: G, swipe_up: bracket3, swipe_down: commit}
- {click: h, label: H, swipe_up: commit, swipe_down: commit}
- {click: j, label: J, swipe_up: commit@, swipe_down: commit@}
- {click: k, label: K, swipe_up: quotationMarkFull2, swipe_down: '"'}
- {click: l, label: L, swipe_up: quotationMar「」, swipe_down: "'"}
- {width: 5}
- {click: Shift, width: 14}
- {width: 1}
- {click: z, label: Z, swipe_up: commit-, swipe_down: commit-}
- {click: x, label: X, swipe_up: commit_, swipe_down: commit_}
- {click: c, label: C, swipe_up: commitJin, swipe_down: commitJin}
- {click: v, label: V, swipe_up: commit, swipe_down: commithalf}
- {click: b, label: B, swipe_up: commit, swipe_down: commithalf}
- {click: n, label: N, swipe_up: commit, swipe_down: commaHalf}
- {click: m, label: M, swipe_up: commit。, swipe_down: periodHalf}
- {width: 1}
- {click: BackSpace, width: 14}
- {click: symbols, width: 14}
- {click: .number, width: 12}
- {click: space, width: 42}
- {click: english, width: 12}
- {click: Return, width: 20}
name: "默认键盘"
width: 10
ascii_mode: 1
author: "筋斗云"
height: *jpgd2
horizontal_gap: *jpgd10
vertical_gap: *jpgd9
round_corner: *jpgd4
- {click: q, swipe_up: "1", swipe_down: "一"}
- {click: w, swipe_up: "2", swipe_down: "二"}
- {click: e, swipe_up: "3", swipe_down: "三"}
- {click: r, swipe_up: "4", swipe_down: "四"}
- {click: t, swipe_up: "5", swipe_down: "五"}
- {click: y, swipe_up: "6", swipe_down: "六"}
- {click: u, swipe_up: "7", swipe_down: "七"}
- {click: i, swipe_up: "8", swipe_down: "八"}
- {click: o, swipe_up: "9", swipe_down: "九"}
- {click: p, swipe_up: "0", swipe_down: ""}
- {width: 5}
- {click: a, swipe_up: "~", swipe_down: "~"}
- {click: s, swipe_up: "/", swipe_down: "/"}
- {click: d, swipe_up: ":", swipe_down: ":"}
- {click: f, swipe_up: ";", swipe_down: ";"}
- {click: g, swipe_up: bracket2, swipe_down: "("}
- {click: h, swipe_up: ")", swipe_down: ")"}
- {click: j, swipe_up: "@", swipe_down: "@"}
- {click: k, swipe_up: quotationMarkHalf2, swipe_down: '"'}
- {click: l, swipe_up: quotationMarkHalf1, swipe_down: "'"}
- {width: 5}
- {click: Shift, width: 14}
- {width: 1}
- {click: z, swipe_up: "-", swipe_down: "-"}
- {click: x, swipe_up: "_", swipe_down: "_"}
- {click: c, swipe_up: "#", swipe_down: "#"}
- {click: v, swipe_up: "?", swipe_down: "?"}
- {click: b, swipe_up: "!", swipe_down: "!"}
- {click: n, swipe_up: ",", swipe_down: ","}
- {click: m, swipe_up: ".", swipe_down: "."}
- {width: 1}
- {click: BackSpace, width: 14}
- {click: symbols, width: 14}
- {click: .number, width: 12}
- {click: ., swipe_up: ",", width: 10}
- {click: space, width: 34}
- {click: DefaultKeyboard2, width: 10}
- {click: Return, width: 20}
name: "英文键盘"
width: 10
ascii_mode: 0
author: "筋斗云"
height: *jpgd2
horizontal_gap: *jpgd10
vertical_gap: *jpgd9
round_corner: *jpgd4
- {click: 1}
- {click: 2}
- {click: 3}
- {click: 4}
- {click: 5}
- {click: 6}
- {click: 7}
- {click: 8}
- {click: 9}
- {click: 0}
- {click: "-"}
- {click: "/"}
- {click: ":"}
- {click: semicolon}
- {click: bracket}
- {click: bracket1}
- {click: "¥"}
- {click: "@"}
- {click: quotationMarkFull}
- {click: quotationMarkFull1}
- {click: .symbols1, width: 14}
- {width: 3}
- {click: periodFull, width: 11}
- {click: commaFull, width: 11}
- {click: dunHalf, width: 11}
- {click: questionMark, width: 11}
- {click: point, width: 11}
- {click: ., width: 11}
- {width: 3}
- {click: BackSpace, width: 14}
- {click: DefaultKeyboard, width: 25}
- {click: space, width: 50}
- {click: Return, width: 25}
name: "苹果数字键盘"
width: 10
back_color: 0xffffff
# 键盘类型需要在这里跳转,目前只支持下面的配置。
# 只支持 Shift Return BackSpace space 特殊键盘配置
# 现在text的命令只支持:
# 1,Left(光标向左移动一格);
# 2,Right(光标向右移动一格)
# 3,跳转到指定键盘;
# 其它暂时不支持,具体看事例;
# 现在支持commit命令,直接上屏指定字符
Shift: {label: Shift, send: Shift_L}
Return: {label: Enter, send: Return}
BackSpace: {send: BackSpace}
space: {label: "␣", send: space}
number: {label: 123, send: Eisu_toggle, select: number}
# english: {label: "abc", send: Eisu_toggle, select: english}
# 修改:中文状态下显示「中」
english: {label: "中", send: Eisu_toggle, select: english}
# symbols: {label: "符", send: Eisu_toggle, select: number}
# 修改:直接跳到「更多」
symbols: {label: "符", send: Eisu_toggle, select: .symbols}
.symbols: {label: "更多", send: Eisu_toggle, select: .symbols} #默认的符号键盘
.symbols1: {label: "更多", text: "{.symbols}{DefaultKeyboard}"} #默认的符号键盘
.number: {label: 123, send: Eisu_toggle, select: .number} #默认的9宫格数据键盘
DefaultKeyboard: {label: 中, send: Eisu_toggle, select: default}
# DefaultKeyboard2: {label: 中, send: Eisu_toggle, select: default}
# 修改英文状态下显示「abc」
DefaultKeyboard2: {label: "abc", send: Eisu_toggle, select: default}
periodHalf: {label: ".", commit: "."} #直接上屏半角句号
periodFull: {label: "。", text: "。{DefaultKeyboard}"} #上屏全角句号再跳转到default键盘
commaHalf: {label: ",", commit: ","}
commaFull: {label: "", text: "{DefaultKeyboard}"}
dunHalf: {label: "、", text: "、{DefaultKeyboard}"}
questionMark: {label: "", text: "{DefaultKeyboard}"}
point: {label: "", text: "{DefaultKeyboard}"}
semicolon: {label: "", text: ";{DefaultKeyboard}"} #先上屏再跳转到default键盘
bracket: {label: "(", text: "(){Left}{DefaultKeyboard}"} #先上屏()光标往左移动一格再跳转到default键盘
bracket3: {label: "", text: "{Left}"} #先上屏()光标往左移动一格
bracket2: {label: "(", text: "(){Left}"} #先上屏()光标往左移动一格
bracket1: {label: ")", text: "){DefaultKeyboard}"} #先上屏)再跳转到default键盘
quotationMarkFull: {label: "〝", text: "〝〞{Left}{DefaultKeyboard}"}
quotationMarkFull1: {label: "〞", text: "〞"{Left}{DefaultKeyboard}"}
quotationMarkFull2: {label: "〝", text: "〝〞{Left}"}
quotationMar「」: {label: "「", text: "「」{Left}"}
quotationMarkHalf1: {label: "\"", text: "\""}
quotationMarkHalf2: {label: "\"", text: "\"\"{Left}"}
quotationMarkFull: {label: "\"", text: "{DefaultKeyboard}"}
commit1: {label: "1", commit: "1"}
commit2: {label: "2", commit: "2"}
commit3: {label: "3", commit: "3"}
commit4: {label: "4", commit: "4"}
commit5: {label: "5", commit: "5"}
commit6: {label: "6", commit: "6"}
commit7: {label: "7", commit: "7"}
commit8: {label: "8", commit: "8"}
commit9: {label: "9", commit: "9"}
commit0: {label: "0", commit: "0"}
commit: {label: "", commit: ""}
commithalf: {label: "~", commit: "~"}
commitgan: {label: "/", commit: "/"}
commit: {label: "", commit: ""}
commithalf: {label: ":", commit: ":"}
commit: {label: "", commit: ""}
commithalf: {label: ";", commit: ";"}
commit: {label: "", commit: ""}
commit: {label: "", commit: ""}
commit@: {label: "@", commit: "@"}
commit-: {label: "-", commit: "-"}
commit_: {label: "_", commit: "_"}
commitJin: {label: "#", commit: "#"}
commit: {label: "", commit: ""}
commithalf: {label: "?", commit: "?"}
commit: {label: "", commit: ""}
commithalf: {label: "!", commit: "!"}
commit: {label: "", commit: ""}
commithalf: {label: ",", commit: ","}
commit。: {label: "。", commit: "。"}
commit。half: {label: ".", commit: "."}
commit”: {label: "”", commit: "”"}
commit_single_quote: {label: "'", commit: "'"}